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A RADIANT CRESCENDO ☆ collecting - Printable Version

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A RADIANT CRESCENDO ☆ collecting - wormwood. - 01-07-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum hated being injured. He hated it so very much, and he often found himself, while injured, making things worse because he couldn't stand staying still. As a result of this, Aurum had decided that this time, he was gone try and take it easy. And maybe he had already fucked that up somewhat with the whole Kydobi border thing, along with attacking that thief, but he liked to think he was doing a somewhat good job. However, remaining cooped up inside his house all the time was starting to drive him crazy, so he had decided to go to somewhere else that felt like home – the tavern. The fly over to the Deathless Hound had been relatively uneventful and quick, and the lion felt a smile come to his face as he swung the doors open to see several people inside, just chatting and drinking and doing whatever. Taking a deep breath, the proxy moved to the back to grab his cleaning supplies, moving around the tavern and sweeping, along with cleaning up old bottles and bits of food left uneaten. Even thought the tavern hadn't specifically been left in his care – after all, he had only been assigned to rebuild it – he still felt a sort of responsibility over it, and he felt like cleaning it was the best thing for him to do. It was relatively low effort, considering thankfully most Tanglers weren't complete and utter slobs who just tossed their food or drinks everywhere. Although there were a couple of patrons here or there that he sent a glare at because they just tossed something haphazardly aside, or seemed to completely forget about it. Usually whole cleaning, the lion liked to just completely zone out and relax, but this time he found his thoughts still racing, if only at a bit more of a lazy pace. Before long, the cleaning up of various food items had given him an idea.

Vathmos, one of his dearest and earliest friends within Tanglewood, had recently returned after essentially disappearing. Aurum had been overjoyed, although their reunion had been slightly soured by Snarl showing up at the border as well. If there was one thing that Aurum knew well about Vathmos, it was how much she loved bones. He wasn't sure if it was just cathartic for her to chew on them, or it was some sort of instinct thing, but he knew that she collected them, and he had no idea what state her bone collection was in now. He hadn't really seen her house since she had disappeared, so he wasn't sure if it was even still there, to be honest. Either way, even if she still had her old bone collection, she probably wouldn't mind adding to it. So, Aurum paused in his cleaning, instead choosing to carefully collect bones from the various scraps that he threw out and mopped up. Before long he had a decent pile of bones in all different sizes going, and he could even feel a faint smile curling upon his muzzle at a job well done. Once the tavern had pretty much been completely cleared out, Aurum packed all of the bones up in a little bag he grabbed from behind the bar, carrying it in his jaws as he trotted out. The proxy then began to search throughout camp to see if he could find any more bones to add to his endeavor. Once he felt he had completely exhausted all of his options, he would deliver the bones to Vathmos, and hopefully they would put a smile on the hyena's face. Although it wouldn't be obvious what he was doing at first, it would probably be more than a little odd to see Aurum moving through town looking around everywhere, especially with a bad in his mouth that clearly had bones sticking out of it.
template by orion

Re: A RADIANT CRESCENDO ☆ collecting - torren - 01-08-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 160%; background-position: 55% 25%; border-radius: 100%; opacity: 1.00; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
[color=#6679bf]A mi[color=#5265a9]llion d[color=#445890]reams are keepi[color=#3b497c]ng me awake
A typical portion of Torren's day belonged to the library, during which the young wildcat spent much of engrossed in a book.  An avid explorer, he often spent a portion of the walk to the small building wandering the closest parts of Tanglewood's territory and familiarizing himself with everyone else's routines, just in case.

The youth knew Aurum enjoyed checking on the tavern, yet he had never observed the lion walk through the town carrying bones.  Torren halted in his tracks instantaneously, blinking in complete bewilderment.  "Aurum?"

"What're you up to?" He took care to keep his tone polite as he was simply curious.  Unaware of Vathmos' bone collection, the wildcat possessed no context for Aurum's unusual mission.
[align=right]Uitwaaien. (n.)

Re: A RADIANT CRESCENDO ☆ collecting - wormwood. - 01-08-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum supposed it must've been a pretty odd sight, seeing essentially the second in command of your entire group trotting around with a bag that was containing miscellaneous bones. Hell, if the lion wasn't trustworthy, he probably would've looked like some kind of murderer searching for a place to hide the evidence. The thought made his face heat up beneath his fur, silently cursing himself for doing this so publicly. Of course, the actual reasoning for what he was doing was much more innocent, but he was sure he was going to confuse more than a few people. Lifting his head when Torren approached him, Aurum decided to settle this matter quickly, before things got too out of hand. Carefully placing the bag of bones down on the ground so that none of them would splinter or break, Aurum licked his maw for a moment before turning his focus to Torren. He swore he could still taste the last bits of meat on some of those bones. Gesturing with a large paw to the bag that was put innocently beside him, the proxy rumbled softly, "Ah... I guess this might look a little strange, huh? I promise it's nothing bad. It's just... Vathmos returned after a while of being gone, and I know she has a bone collection. I didn't know what state it was in after her being gone for so long, so I figured I would go around collecting the bones from prey and stuff that people don't need so that I can give them to her." The actual explanation wasn't really that much less unusual than what farfetched stories people could've come up with in their heads, but he hoped that it made enough sense. After all, Vathmos was his friend, and he wanted her to be happy. What seemed to make her happiest? Bones. Well, that and establishing herself to be on top.
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