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all these violent means -- first aid training - Printable Version

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all these violent means -- first aid training - Warringkingdoms - 01-06-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Truthfully, first aid training had been a long time coming. The other Elysites ought to know what to do if the trained medics were unavailable, at least in the short-term. The populace knowing how to disinfect and bandage wounds, how to deal with venom and poison, how to resuscitate someone who wasn't breathing, and the like could save multiple lives in the long run.

  Walking out into the center of town, Rin set down a small stuffed toy intended to vaguely resemble a cat, with a tear in the fabric running across its belly, spilling out cotton. While offering up herself as a living practice dummy would probably be more lifelike, causing herself actual injuries would mean wasting actual herbs to patch her up- and that was impractical in this weather. "Everyone come here for first aid training," she called out, removing a few clumps of cobweb, sprigs of marigold, and sticks of comfrey from her bag; they wouldn't actually be applied to the toy, but having a visual aid would be helpful.

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - nemhain. - 01-06-2020

Put simply, Nemhain already had all of the information that Rin was about to offer up in this little exercise. After all, the fenghuang knew everything that Rin knew, and since Rin knew first aid, that meant that Nemhain knew first aid. However, Nem felt like it was a good decision to humor Rin and let her feel like she was helping her, as well as other Elysites, since she knew quite intimately just how little Rin thought of herself. Besides, her knowledge could become rusty if she never bothered practicing anything in the slightest, especially since she was more designed for combat than healing. Flapping over lazily, Nem came to a landing nearby, her razor sharp talons sinking far into the soft dirt below as she settled. A soft trilling hum left the bird's throat as she spoke, eying the supplies that Rin had with her curiously, "...I suppose that I will participate, Lady Rin. Such information could be useful for the future." She then glanced around, waiting and listening intently to see who else would show.

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - candorosa - 01-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]"Wow, now everyone can heal you once a god kicks the shit out of you, Rinny! Our usefulness will go up 200%!" Lemy pumped his tail in mock excitement despite the protesting pain in his back. Despite the bluntness of his words, he sat himself down a distance away from Nemhain in preparation for the lesson to begin. He would easily admit to having no medical knowledge as his go-to emergency plan was to cauterize what was bleeding and let his regeneration deal with the rest. And if that didn't work then he'd just die or whatever.

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - fulzanin - 01-23-2020

Sanzu didn't think she knew anything about first aid. Or medicine. Sanzu understood that sometimes eating leaves could help make someone feel better from a bellyache, or something of the like. The soft scraping of talons signaled her arrival. The last few feet were made in a tumble, but the little dragon was grinning nonetheless. "Isz fi'st aid where y' get to taste test th' bellyache leaves?" Sanzu asked, her head tipping. Such a motion caused her large ears to flop awkwardly due to their weight. Her red gaze briefly flicked over to Lemy. She didn't quite know what 'two hundred percent' was, and it left her befuddled. "I don' wan' no poo kickin'," the young dragon then mumbled, talons kneading beneath her as she sat in a more comfortable position.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - Cosmic - 01-23-2020

The small feline quietly approached, head lowered with his ears pinned against his skull. He felt alienated around Lemy, and he felt that Mercer despised him, which also had an effect on how he viewed the male. There was something just... wrong with Lemy, and he couldn’t put a finger on what exactly it was.

But here Valerian was, taking a careful seat near the giant bird and Rin, trying to stay as close to her as possible while as far away from Lemy as he could without looking suspicious.

He looked over to Sanzu, giving a light, ginger smile. He then looked down at the ground again, anxiously making patterns in the snow as he listened.

The things children said... the male just shook his head and chuckled.

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - Mistrim - 01-24-2020

Mistrim knew something like this was coming...and if it didn’t then is sure should’ve been. While Mistrim didn’t doubt her abilities as a medic, the information was as unreliable as her memories were. Which is to say they were really really unreliable. While technically it was information she had learned, Mistrim didn’t want to just trust in the off chance that her medicinal memories would come back when needed.

And so she was here. Everyone had seemed to take their stance near who they wanted and so did Mistrim. Settling herself near Lemy might have been an odd choice for anyone else but for Mistrim, she trusted him...maybe a bit much. She would put her life on the line for any Elysite and to those she knew, would trust them to not kill her in return. A win win situation really!

So now Mistrim was here. Sitting right next to Lemy in an attempt to solidify her medical skills and maybe possibly attempt to remember a few more memories through it. What fun.

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - Warringkingdoms - 01-24-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Nemhain's arrival was a welcome sight, even if Rin was pretty sure Nemhain already had access to all of her knowledge. The more Elysites who attended the session, the better. Rin dipped her head in greeting to the persona, then glanced over towards Lemy as he approached- just in time to hear his quip about how often she got herself injured. Shaking her head, she turned back towards the stuffed cat she'd brought over. There was no point in offering a snarky reply if he couldn't hear it.

  Talons scraping against rock drew her attention over to Sanzu. "No, there's no taste testing," Rin answered, stepping in front of the leaves. "These are here for identification purposes." If this were summer, perhaps they could actually try making poultices, but right now the herbs were too scarce.

  As Valerian and Mistrim took their seats, she nodded to each of them. This was enough to start with, she figured. Setting down the stuffed toy in front of the group, with the tear in its stomach facing them, she stood back and began, "Okay, here's what I'm going to do- I'm going to give you a scenario, and I'll walk you through what to do in each case, but I'll ask questions every so often to see what you know." She had been hoping to set this up so that each participant would give their own ideas of what to do for every step before she gave the final answer, but considering that one of the audience members couldn't hear, she'd just have to lean more towards physical demonstration/lecture.

  Glancing down at the toy, she went on, "First scenario: you find someone with a wound, such as a stomach wound, that is deep enough to pose an immediate danger of them bleeding to death." Removing a bandage from her bag, she lifted it up with her telekinesis so the others could see. "The first thing you do, before anything else, is stop the bleeding," she said, placing the bandage on the "wound" and pressing down on it. "A bandage is best for this, but most fabrics will do in a pinch as long as they're clean. Applying pressure to the wound will staunch the bleeding, but there are a few cases in which you shouldn't apply pressure directly- can any of you think of some?"

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - nemhain. - 01-25-2020

Nemhain felt comfortable, settled in her spot beside Rin and observing the event that was now going on. Sure, it was true that she would probably not learn much that she didn't know from somebody she shared a mind with, but that didn't mean that she couldn't assist in some way. If she offered up her answers for Rin's questions, then she could at least be used as an example, even if she fudged a couple of questions on purpose so that others could answer them. After all, it wouldn't be fair if she just stole the show because she knew what was going on in Rin's head. As she waited and watched Rin prepare and fidget, the large bird felt a small smile come to her beak, more and more people approaching for the medical training. She was glad that it was popular, considering that it was better for everyone to be educated in at least a little bit of first aid, rather than only a few select people. After all, what if those medics ended up sick, or suddenly disappeared or died? They'd be up shit's creek without a paddle, and Nemhain wasn't in a rush to see such a thing happen. Perhaps it was a bit of a morbid reason to be happy, but Nem didn't really mind, the persona offering a nod to each of the other's that approached, reciting their names in her head to remind herself of them, without relying on Rin's memories. Sanzu, Mercer, Mistrim, Lemy.

Once everyone had settled and Rin had ignored Lemy's little passive aggressive – or really just aggressive – snarky comment, the lesson had begun, and Nemhain made sure to listen closely, even if she was just reviewing already obtained info. The knowledge of using bandages to stop bleeding was hardly anything too advanced, but Nem was still glad it was being taught, since she had seen at least a couple of poor souls fumbling around with bandages, without a clue in the world about what the hell to do with them. She watched as Rin pressed the bandages down on the dummy, trying to imagine her own long and sturdy talons pressing on someone in a similar way. It would probably be far from pleasant, but this was just in case of an emergency, after all. When Rin questioned the group, Nem waited a moment before shifting a wing up to show she wanted to answer, "I'd assume when there's something in the wound, lady Rin? Like a broken bone, or something along those lines? Since you don't want to shove it in deeper, or pierce something." It seemed like a simple enough answer to her, but she also knew there were other circumstances as well.

Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - larkspurkit ! - 01-26-2020

larkspurkit !
elysium !
tags !
[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]keep your head up !
"hi miss rin!" larkspurpaw eagerly padded toward the magna, sitting right next to her and looking at the others gathered around. oh wow. he sure missed a lot of other people on the border. he'd have to make sure and assess them later. just to make sure none of them were bad guys.

he listened intently on rin's first scenario, playing with a piece of cotton between his paws as he thought. "why would we waste all this stuff on someone who's dying? we could just... eat them." most strangers he met weren't cats like him, assuming this hypothetical stranger wasn't one either. he liked to imagine it was a hog maybe? no... to loud. that'd be annoying to walk in on. maybe something quieter... like a snake. the meat was weird and tangy last time he had it, but an acquired taste he enjoyed.

"i vote we eat the dying thing! then save all this important stuff for someone who isn't dying."


Re: all these violent means -- first aid training - Cosmic - 01-26-2020

The comment Larkspur made shocked Valerian, but he could hear Mercer laughing in the back of his mind. As shocking as it was, the feline gave a very quiet chuckle, having to stop himself from full-on laughter at what the apprentice said.

Okay, back on track. Nemhain had a great answer for the question Rin posed, and now it was his turn. “Nemhain almost answered everything for me, but maybe... if there’s suspected internal bleeding aside from that wound as well, or even exposed organs? I’m sorry if I’m deviating from the topic... just thinking...

He lifted his head again to ask a question, “If the organs are exposed in this case, shouldn’t we move the patient into a position that allows us to keep the organs moist and covered from outside forces?” God, he sounded dumb, didn’t he?