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A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - Printable Version

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A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - charactercemetary. - 01-05-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]It was time. The moon was clambering up to the sky, making its ever so exhausting climb towards the sky, reaching towards the inevitable. He has to steel himself. First, his cape. It lightly attaches, tying around his shoulders, white like the moonlit night.  Then, his monocle. With a white clover and a small stem on it, on the black part that hung down. Kuroba, black clover. It snaps in place over his eye, a satisfying click emanating from the thing that hid him best. Then, his silk tophat. He runs a paw over it, feeling the soft fibers underneath his paws. He looks at the dark blue ribbon, before putting it on.

There was no point in hiding, or in disguising himself - he already had his costume on. Right, it was time. He escapes through his secret passage, coming out quite clean, with no stains on his phantom thief costume.

His blue eyes - huh, they almost appeared red underneath the light of the moon - scanned for any sort of crowd. Damn. He sure wasn’t as popular as he was at home, was he? Still, he had a show to put on.

In case anyone was watching, the teen flicks his cape and he was gone, all the while reminding himself why he was a phantom thief. Why he put his life in danger during every single heist. I have to avenge him. I have to break Pandora. Yet, with every heist, despite the rush of adrenaline, that arrogant smirk glued onto his maw,  he felt tired, wanting to just find the gem already.

No, no need to cry. Never. Forget. Your. Poker. Face. He reminds himself, and he reappears. On the roof of Arrow’s house. His smile was cocky, like he knew he was going to win. Because Kid never lost a heist so far. He was just the villain, maybe one that some people would root for.

The roof makes slight noise, almost creaking perhaps, as he moved forward. He flicks his cape forward, covering his mouth and then behind him. His voice is like smooth thunder, rolling off of his tongue yet still loud. "Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a show time!"

//feel free to reply before [member=6881]aurum.[/member] and @—arrow do!

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - wormwood. - 01-07-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
What kind of absolute nonsense was this. Despite exhaustion tugging at his every limb and the very much still present soreness in his wounded chest, Aurum had made it a special responsibility of his to keep watch over Arrow's house that night, along with several others. With all of this stealing nonsense, Aurum wasn't particularly in a mood to just leave her unguarded and all alone, even if Arrow was the type to insist that she could keep her own shit safe. So, when Kaito finally came along and landed on Arrow's roof, the proxy was nearby, nearly asleep with how much his body was begging him to rest. His head whipped upwards when he heard the feline's call, and his eyes immediately narrowed in anger, a snarl leaving him. Spreading out his wings, Aurum ignored the prevalent exhaustion and ache as he took off,  flying up into the sky. He landed delicately onto the roof nearby, his one good eye ablaze as he faced Kaito down. The male seemed vaguely familiar in the back of Aurum's mind, even with all of the accessories, but he couldn't exactly put it entirely together, too focused on the task at hand. Tail lashing and twitching behind him, the lion rumbled lowly, his voice an intimidating and deep timbre as he spoke, "You... you're the one who left that note for Arrow, didn't you? I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you can very much fuck off now." Without giving any sort of warning, Aurum launched himself forward across the roof, attempting to barrel into Kaito and dig his claws into the other's sides. He would attempt to pin the other down, hoping to capture him so that he could be unmasked and judged accordingly. He wasn't going to risk using his fire elementals on the guy, both to spare Arrow's poor roof, as well as so that he wouldn't just end up killing him while attempting a capture. If this mysterious weirdo ended up being from some other group, that meant that Tanglewood could go to them and tell them that one of their members had been fucking with other groups and stealing things. And if it was someone from within Tanglewood? Well, ultimately it would be up to Leroy to decide, but one of the ultimate things Leroy was coming down on was not harming clanmates, and stealing shit from others was pretty damn harmful, even if it wasn't a real attack.

( sjfjdjg Kaito can dodge, obviously )
template by orion

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - THEM - 01-07-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]It’s been a slow night, and Kazuhira is starting to think that the message was a scam, or some kind of surprise training exercise. Get everybody on alert, maybe stage a Pitt ambush, keep everyone on their toes. Leroy didn’t seem like the type, but Kaz wouldn’t put it past him. They were waiting on - some kind of thief? He didn’t get the chance to read the note, only volunteered to keep guard because his new position didn’t offer much else of a choice. The moon is high, the winter night frigid. He keeps close to the wall of the house if only to conserve the remnants of his body heat.

He hears the creak of shingles before he can whip around to see the figure above them; the kid (or, rather, the KID) had stealth on his side, Kaz would give him that. The few other guards stationed at each corner of the house only looked up sleepily when Kaito’s announcement rang out.

The senseless bravado, the cape and ribbons - it was all a part of the show, wasn’t it? An act. An attention ploy, if he’d ever seen one. The thief looks young, a little on the short side, which leads Kaz to conclude that perhaps getting volunteer guards was more than unnecessary. He’d expected a raid, some kind of brutal breaking-and-entering, but this seems more of a game than the posted message had let on. Kazuhira blinks. He’s taken aback by the whole thing, though probably more incredulous than Kaito would want from his audience.

”Get down from there, before you break a leg.” He steps back a little to bark up at the roof, expression creasing into a frown. Aurum, posted a few feet away, looks like he’s next to fuming - okay, maybe the thief was getting what he wanted. “Show’s over. Go home. You’re - sir, what the fuck.

Aurum’s attacking like he did to Kydobi, all tooth and claw and rage. Kaz doesn’t really stop him - he isn’t going to go against the Proxy’s decisions, not without reason - but he can’t help standing there in ever-so-mild shock. Really, the kid only looked like a teen at the oldest and ten pounds max, and he was about to get bodyslammed with all the muscle and velocity of a lion on the hunt. Then again, Kaito probably expected this kind of retaliation. What tricks he had up his sleeve, nobody knew for sure, but Kaz was starting to wonder if Aurum would simply rip the intruder to shreds before they had a chance to find out.

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - charactercemetary. - 01-07-2020

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - spacexual - 01-07-2020

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - wormwood. - 01-07-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Truth be told, Aurum had not been attempting to inflict physical damage upon Kaito at all. He knew how to keep his claws back enough that they were fit more for grabbing than for mauling, and he really had been just trying to grab the kid so that they could figure out what the fuck was going on. However, Kaito was quick, and Aurum was very tired from not only forcing himself to stay awake through his injuries, but also forcing himself to stay awake for this whole little ordeal. So, when Kaito slipped back his claws and jaws, Aurum couldn't say that he was overwhelmingly surprised. Thankfully, the proxy managed to get his paws back underneath him before he slammed into the roof, knowing that if he had fallen down onto his chest, he would've been in a great deal of pain. The lion found himself whirling around just in time to watch Kaito leaping into the house, a soft snarl of aggravation leaving him. He called down to Miller, something akin to but just less than a scowl on his face at the other's earlier comment, "I was just trying to grab him! We need to make sure he doesn't get away!" He figured that much was obvious, but he also knew that Miller was a man who thrived on commands, and since Aurum was the highest ranking guard around Arrow's house, he took it upon himself to dole those orders and explanations out, even if it didn't come very naturally to him.

Tail twitching behind him, Aurum slowly descended down to the roof tile that Kaito had knocked out of place, taking special care as Roy had instructed him. He didn't even really want his kid around here right now, since God knows what Kaito was planning on doing – even if he didn't seem to be that violent – but he knew trying to send him away would be essentially a lost cause. Taking a deep breath, the lion crouched at the edge of the roof tile, calling down inside, "Kaitou Kid! This is not going to work out well for you! If you just come out of the building and surrender yourself, then maybe we can give you some leniency!" Since outright violence hadn't worked, Aurum stayed perched at the very edge of the new hole in the ceiling, trying to watch Kaito and see where he was going. Picking his head up for a moment, Aurum rumbled at Miller down below, "I want you and somebody else at the front and back of the building. If we can trap him in there, we can catch him." It was a simple enough plan, but would hopefully be an effective one. After all, if Kaito didn't have any way of getting out of Arrow's house, he would be forced to remain trapped inside of it, or surrender himself and whatever loot he had acquired. Besides, if Miller had a better idea, then Aurum was sure that the other would speak up and offer his advice as well.
template by orion

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - toboggan - 01-08-2020

Tanglewood's laws were few in number, and as far as he could recall, there weren't any which explicitly barred petty thievery. However, the lack of severity did not bequeath any Butch Cassidy wannabes the right to break into another Tangler's with the intention of bagging some goods. Such is an insolent violation of one's privacy, and that wasn't something the general would stand for. In his tribe, he wanted everyone to share a solid sense of security, and Kaitou Kid's actions went against that.

The wolfhound's arrival came rather late, and as a result, he misses the initial attack on the burglar. Hell, he didn't even catch a glimpse of the meek little fuck; all he understood was that a housebreaker occupied Arrow's home, Aurum stood atop the roof like a nincompoop, and Roy and Miller hollered from the ground level. Where Arrow was currently located, he didn't know. Half of him hopes that she's far away from what could be a possible threat, though at the same time, half of him wishes she were inside to beat the intruder's skull in. He'd make sure to follow up on that last part on the occasion of her being unavailable to, if need be.

"Get the hell outta there, ya sonova bitch!" he bellows, coming to a halt next to Miller. "Do what the scary lion says, or you're gonna get in shit." If the runt had any brainpower upstairs, he'd take heed and get the hell out. Because honestly, thieves really pissed him the fuck off.

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - THEM - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Alright, well. Maybe Aurum was going to kill the kid by tossing him off the roof. Or he was going to cleave his head clean off. He was starting to wonder, in the back of his head, if this would just be a replay of the Pitt disaster, with half of Tanglewood jeering from the sidelines and the rest throwing themselves in every which way. There's a lot going on at once, Kaz can't really help the brief prickle of panic that this'll all go to shit because nobody has a solid plan.

"やめ なさい!" Of course he'll slip into his mother tongue, it's automatic - it's much easier than doing the mental gymnastics to translate back and forth between the kid's bilingual phrasing. It'll be a surprise to everyone else, maybe, but perhaps he'd get through to the kid a little more directly.

Aurum's talking, and then the General's there, and Kaz snaps back to it with a hint of a growl. He braces himself to run and take after the intruder - his top speed would run laps around anything the kid had up his sleeve - but there's a flash of a cape and he's already gone. The thief is already inside the house, a roof tile clattering to the ground. (Great, and they're still figuring out how to secure the premises.) "Leroy!" His bark lacks the formality he would've preferred, but it wasn't like he had time to list his superior's titles. "Take to the back of the house, I've got the front door. Aurum, you need to chase him out of there!"

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - arrow - 01-09-2020

"You're starting to get on my nerves."

She really needed to stop showing up late. She was, for once, not in her home and could make a wonderfully blunt arrival to the chaotic scene that was just falling apart. Did she particularly care that some flamboyant jackass was in her house? Not as much as someone should have, she wasn't afraid or nothin'. Cracking her neck, Arrow promptly followed behind Kaito, slipping down the makeshift hole that he had so graciously left behind.

She hadn't really paid much attention to what the thief had wanted, it was the principle of breaking in that pissed her off. Anything beyond that didn't matter. "And you busted my roof in. I outta shove that stupid hat up your fuckin' ass."

Re: A THOUSAND YEARS // thief time - charactercemetary. - 01-10-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Now this is what he was actually talking about! A crowd, people to watch him, and people trying to stop it. It made him feel better - like he was keeping the legacy going. He hears voices outside. "Oh, now, chill, there is no need for such language! How vulgar, especially around a child," the thief replies, making a tsk-tsk sound, waving a paw as if they could see it.

Remember: don't harm anyone. They won't be able to get you. He reminds himself, frowning. The black smoke moves around the house, taking note of their plan. Really? They were gonna yell out security measures right in front of him? How stupid for lack of a better term. He smirks once more, flicking the clover triangle thing attached to his monocle. "Doors?" He begins, before laughing haughtily, "Exits? How predictable!" He keeps laughing for a bit, before it dies down. "If you haven't noticed, I don't play by your rules. I have my own, and that includes your exits. And you, Japanese-speaking dude, urusai!"

He looks back, behind him, noting the female. Ah, so this was Arrow. A lady with wings like the Devil, and the color of cigars. Blue eyes narrow slightly at her suggestion. He bows, as if being polite.  "Your friends did not exactly let me have the easiest way in. My sincerest apologies, I will send someone to fix your roof." He winks at her.  "Unfortunately, I am not interested in what you are suggesting." He walks around, and then notices the gem. Was it just laying there? He picks it up, holding it up through the patch of the roof, to see it in the moonlight.

Please be it. Please, please ple-

The radiant glow of Pandora was not in this gem. He nearly gives a defeated sigh, tossing the sapphire at her feet. "Here. It's not the one I'm looking for." Then he smirks, ghosting through the wall. "Ja ne, nice lady!"