Beasts of Beyond
I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - Printable Version

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I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - Sekitan - 01-05-2020

In the concept of time, at least in relation to her age, she was according to humans at last seven years old. A young, innocent mind at that.  But this young girl had seen probably more than most of her peers her age has seen, and wouldn’t want to ever experience.

The young wolf hybrid quietly padding onwards, a blades carefully nestled, sheathed still contained on her person, even though it would take time for her to learn how to use it since it was of obsidian blade, one of the sharpest materials there was, but it wasn’t one of the strongest to withstand been shattered, and it was a dual-edged.

Her eyes trained onwards, a soft lavender in hue, but were hardened with some kind of experience.  She was looking for someone.  Anyone of relation to her family ties, and anyone who could point her in the right direction of where her family was, but again that wasn’t entirely an easy task that.  So, at the moment she was quiet and kept on walking onwards, unaware of the territories or borders of what this realm spoke of. 

Cosette was formerly human, and having to be awakened in a hybrid body of all things was the biggest reality shock, and separated from her family also was the biggest stinging blow ever to happen to the young fem.  All she wanted to see was her mama, her sister, and her papa again.

But alas that was probably not going happen until she was older again, but for now, she sat on the border edge, her bushy tail draped over paws, and her eyes peering over the edge, patiently waiting.

talking here.

Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - nemhain. - 01-05-2020

A wolf hybrid. Curious, although Nemhain supposed she didn't have that much room to speak on curious forms, considering she was a massive mythical bird. She didn't find herself to be all that interesting or out of place, but given the looks that were often directed her way as she wandered around camp, quite a few people didn't agree with her. Nevertheless, Nem enjoyed meeting new varieties of creatures when she was out and about, and as she was flying through the sky and caught sight of Cosette at the border, she found herself inexplicably drawn to the girl, even if she was a much more simple and small creature in scope. Taking a deep breath, the large fenghuang soared down nearby, landing with a heavy thud before she stalked across the cool ground, her body not much caring about the cold that seeped into her bones. After all, she was a commander of ice when she chose to use her water elementals, so why would the snow that often covered Elysium bother her? As Nemhain grew closer to where Cosette was, she let her eyes scan the other over, wondering if the youngling was a threat or someone come to join. She hoped that it wasn't the former, considering how cruel it would be to send essentially a child to do your dirty work. Ignoring the slight frown that curled at her beak, Nemhain moved forward and out of the shadows, the massive bird saying softly down to Cosette, "Hello there, youngling... what is your name? You are on the territory of Elysium." Thankfully for Nemhain, it seemed as though Cosette was a very patient young girl. If Nem had been faced instead with some scared young child who was bawling her eyes out, she probably wouldn't have had any clue what to do, and would've had to rush off and get Rin.

Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - Sekitan - 01-06-2020

Take breath and count to ten before answering, at least that was what her mama had told her times before, just in case to realize the situation around her, and the young wolf hybrid could only slightly lean her head back and look at what she can assume was a bird like creature” "My name is Cosette, madam." ” she spoke in a soft voice, almost whimisical and airy but her tone of voice didn't match the way she was looking around, and attempting to peer over the huge bird.

And yet throughout the entire situation, she was not afraid of the bird. Perhaps, this one didn't have big of a threat as one would assume to be, perhaps they were used to birds, and learned to ignore them growing up.  As for the mention of the land that she was now in, she found herself not that curious after all the land was named after where the mortals on the reconstructed world called where the deceased went to.  So she had no reason to believe anything since her family consisted majorly of old-world gods.

"Ah thank you for telling me where I am. I am looking for someone, and I wish to live here if that is alright?" She asked the large bird, not expecting an answer or a refusal for her age and how young she was, it would be very wrong for her to cast out.

Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - Warringkingdoms - 01-06-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Being separated from one's family and cast into a completely different land, with no sign of one's home, was a fate Rin understood all too well. A small part of her, one that she kept deeply repressed lest she fall to pieces again, wished she could just see them one more time. Another part of her, one that brought her shame just by existing, wished she could just forget and move on with her life, rather than rot away waiting for a family that never wanted to see her again.

  Both of these were kept safely in the back of her mind, where they could do no harm, but the knowledge remained.

  The wolf hybrid at the border was searching for someone- a common and understandable goal, shared by many who had ended up at Elysium's borders. Rin definitely wouldn't send her away; there were a couple situations she could think of in which she would deny someone shelter, but those situations involved the safety of the group as a whole, and this girl did not pose any apparent threat. Curiously, she didn't seem intimidated by Nemhain, but perhaps she was used to such beings. Maybe she had some understanding of what a persona was.

  Well, they could figure that out later. "Yes, you can live here," Rin answered as she approached, examining the wolf hybrid- she didn't appear to be injured, though she had an intriguing look in her eyes. With a shrug, she added, "My name is Rin. I can take you to the mountain camp, or to the town- whichever you prefer."


Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - nemhain. - 01-07-2020

Curious. Nemhain was not often used to situations where people weren't intimidated by her, even when she wasn't particularly trying to be intimidating in any way. It was mostly just her massive size and unusual appearance – along with the aura of power that she brought with her – that led to others seeing her as some kind of threat. Still, she couldn't say that she was displeased with Cosette not seeing her as anything more than a friendly greeter at the border. In fact, Nem felt a faint smile curl on her mouth at the girl's greeting, along with the nice and proper use of the formal madam. As she was processing the girl's question, Rin came walking up beside her, making the fenghuang look up in surprise before her smile grew, her head dripping down in greeting. Once Rin had spoken, Nem turned her attention back to Cosette, saying simply as she spread out her wings a bit, taking special care not to knock Rin over beside her, "No matter which place you choose to go to, I can also assist you in getting there, if you wish. If you are tired from walking all the way here to Elysium, I have no problem with carrying you, lady Cosette." It took quite a lot of weight for Nem to be bothered by carrying something on her back or in her talons, and from the look of the wolf hybrid in front of her, Nemhain doubted that Cosette would particularly be a problem. Hell, if it really came down to it, Nemhain was fairly sure that she could carry both Cosette and Rin easily to wherever they wanted to go without much trouble at all.

Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - teef - 01-07-2020

[align=center][Image: 83qo1IU.gif]


" i wanna take the long way home "


out in gathering her herbs, finnloch was greeted by a scent she hadn't smelt since bai shi had temporarily resided in elysium. it was that of her child's mate's child. family. cosette she thought, quickly turning to find the closest way to the scent. paws swallowing the ground, the old woman halted, eyes gleaming with affection at the sight of the wolf hybrid.

stepping from the foliage, the woman purred softly, nodding to nemhain and rin in greeting, "oh little cosette. it's been so long since i've seen you!" she had been there for the girl's birth, had delivered her and her twin sister herself much to everyone's relief. and so, pride flooded the elder's gaze, her tail flicking happily behind her, her paws green from crushed grasses and herbs.

Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - Sekitan - 01-07-2020

The young girl could only blink her eyes towards seeing the woman that she had known since a young girl, warmth, and happiness brighten in her eyes, as she saw that she was looking directly at her grandmother. ” Grand mame!" ” tears brimming the surface, and but never threating to spill over. At least there was someone to look after her and probably further her own training, with some reassurance.

Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - teef - 01-08-2020

[align=center][Image: 83qo1IU.gif]


" i wanna take the long way home "


happy gaze taking in the youth, she touched noses with her granddaughter, purring loudly even as she had to rise up upon her legs, "oh my sweet cosette. where is your sister and mother? oh! you've grown so very big!" she mewed happily, tail waving behind the elder. "have you eaten, girl? you look thinner than ever! let me get you some good food, okay?"

Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - Warringkingdoms - 01-09-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]That was true, Nemhain probably could carry Cosette if the need arose. Actually, having a creature around that could carry other creatures when necessary would prove helpful in general, not just for joiners. Rin made a mental note of the possibility, for potential future use.

  Before Cosette had a chance to answer, Finnloch arrived at the scene. Rin watched their reunion in silence, observing as the grandmother fussed over her granddaughter, insistent on feeding her. Raising a paw to adjust her scarf, she closed her eyes, half-expecting a repressed memory to creep up behind her and force her to flee once more- yet there was nothing. Reopening her eyes, she looked down at the soil. Of course... there was no mourning to be done for the grandparents and grandchildren she had never known.

  Shaking her head, she looked back up at the others. "I'm glad you two have found each other once more," she remarked, internally surprised at how sincere the words came out. Then again, even without the ability to directly empathize with this situation, Elysium benefited from this reunion- so there was a logical reason to be happy about this.


Re: I'd draw it in the colors that I see| joining - Sekitan - 01-09-2020

Good old grandparents, always making sure that you are feed and comfortable regardless of the circumstances. All she could do was keep herself from crying, and nodding. She had no idea of where Rene or her sister was, and hopefully wished that she would be reunined with both of them, in time. But that would take time, for the time begin she was happy has she was with Finn.
talking here.