Beasts of Beyond
HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - Printable Version

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HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - MERGED - 01-05-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 390px; text-align: justify;"]/ please wait for a reply from [member=6879]Vathmos[/member] and [member=10516]dallas.[/member] / [member=6838]stilly.[/member] !

johnnycakes could only feel terror as he slowly crept through the swamp, sticking to the roots of trees so he wouldn’t get stuck in the mud. if the pygmy rabbit were to get stuck in this mud, he would be eaten, or he’d sink so far into the mud that he frowned.. or would it be suffocate? either way, it was a horrifying thought. he didn’t want to die like that. he didn’t want to die at all, so he kept far away from anything that might try.

all he wanted was to be with dally again. he had run off, and johnny felt.. useless without him. he was too small to do much of anything, too quiet to speak out, and too.. afraid. afraid to go home to whatever his parents had in store for him, so he had followed dally as best he could.. only to end up horribly lost.

an anxious noise left the bunny as he heard what sounded like paw steps, big ears pinning back. “dally? is that you?

Re: HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - Vathmos - 01-05-2020

Vathmos was about to turn in for the day when she heard the pitter patter of small paw steps. It was more like a plunk plunk though, as if the creature moved their legs in a set, and not in four separate  parts. It was definitely small though. She doubted it would be that much of meal. Vathmos struggled to find sufficient food for herself in the territory, as the biggest thing here were the crocodiles and she didn't want to try to fight one. Her hunger was well known in the clan, ravenous and insatiable. Her grasslands home was stocked with medium to large size prey, and moving had forced her to adopt new tactics.
Once, they would chase down a large animal and eat it alive. Now she had to get the surprise round on them. Chasing was harder in the swamp lands, and tripping was far more likely. She had covered herself in a fresh coat of swamp water and mud before she went out, attempting to cover her deathly, rotten scent.
She watched from the underbrush as the rabbit clung to the tree roots,waiting for her opportunity. Vathmos knew she had to be slow and quiet for this one, rabbits could hear well. She was closing in to take the leap, when it turned its head to speak.
A moral quandry. If any of the other Tanglewooders found it first, they would welcome it with open arms. Her ears laid back and she narrowed her eyes, brow furrowing with it. It wouldn't have any use. It could fight for them. It was weak, and weakness put you on the bottom. At the best? It was a slave.
Vathmos was hungry, so it was food. She readied her paws to take the leap, giving the rabbit the briefest moment to watch rounded ears and glowing eyes poke out of the underbrush. Midsection- the spine. She probably wouldn't have to apply that much pressure for the creature to shatter in her jaws. Break the spine and it would be helpless. Then she leaped, aiming to chomp down on the rabbit and break it in her jaws.

// she's aiming for the mid section but you can have her miss and get a leg instead or something

Re: HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - dallas. - 01-05-2020

Johnny was never supposed to follow him here. Hell, Dallas had left the gang because of Johnny. Not because the little rabbit had done anything wrong, or because he disliked him or anything, but because of how much he did like him. Hell, he had been able to feel his heart soar every single time Johnnycakes had just smiled at him, and his infatuation with the other was the whole reason why he had kept the "Dallaslights" name he had been given. Still, even though Johnny made him feel amazing... it was wrong for Dal to like him so much, and he knew that. Not only was it wrong because they were both boys, but it was also wrong because, well, Johnny was just so much better than him. The little pygmy rabbit deserved someone who would never bring troubles into his life, and was more open about his emotions, and didn't get into fights every five minutes. Dallas couldn't be that person, so he had left before things could escalate, and he would end up blurting out his love right in Johnny's face. He had always figured that the moment he stepped off of the gang's little territory and into the big jumbled swamp of Tanglewood, that would be the end of it. But of course, Johnny just had to follow him.

The still very scrawny canine had been gradually but slowly trying to explore every part of the Tanglewood territory, just so that he could get used to it all and how he was supposed to get around. Through most of this exploration, his wandering had been silent, with little to get in his way except for the occasional piece of prey or encounter with another Tangler. He had liked it this way, even though it meant he couldn't get into any trouble, because it also meant he would actually remember where he had been, and how everything was laid out. However, soon the peaceful walk around would be interrupted, as a soft and scared voice called out from nearby, far too familiar, "Dally? Is that you?" The familiar nickname made Dallas's heart speed up, and soon enough he was rushing towards where Johnnycakes was, pressed cowering up against a large tree root. Dal arrived just in time to see Vathmos nearby, the hyena's eyes narrowed as she readied herself to pounce. The nearly pure white canine was given little time to think, and knew that his only option now was to act. Taking a deep breath, the canine leaped forward to block Johnnycakes with his own slim form, his voice coming out in a strangled howl, "NO! Don't touch him!" The words were slightly cut off, however, when strong jaws buried themselves in his side, a wheeze leaving the male immediately. Even though Vathmos hadn't been applying a lot of force – since breaking the rabbit's spine would've been relatively easy – Dallas also didn't have a whole lot of fat or muscle on him either, so her fangs burrowed deep into his flesh, closing down on the ribs that pressed up against his skin. He let out a howl as a sickening crunch filled his ears, and his legs trembled beneath him as he struggled to stay up, slumping against the tree beside him. The pain was overwhelming and stunning, and he found himself just frozen, still standing protectively in front of Johnny as his side began to bleed, trails of blood staining his white fur an unpleasant pink tone.

Re: HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - MERGED - 01-08-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 390px; text-align: justify;"]johnny hadn’t been expecting what was about to go down. someone much larger then him, and they were coming at him with open jaws and sharp teeth. the pygmy rabbit had screamed and farted back, only for a while blurt if fur to block the hyena’s advances. his nose was strong enough to recognise the scent of his old group, and his too- big ears pinned back. “d-dally!” he squeaked, wanting to get closer but too afraid the hyena may strike again.

late and bad oof

Re: HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - Vathmos - 01-08-2020

Vathmos felt the taste of blood enter her mouth, heard the bones give away with a loud crack. She growled and pulled, in order to begin trashing the prey in her mouth- what? Normally, her prey screaming didn't bother her, but this was not her prey.
Wasn't this one of the new guys? Her jaws opened to release the dog, and she aimed to push him away from her, giving them distance. Vathmos moved, trying to see where the rabbit went, and located it behind the dog. She licked the blood from her teeth, sniffing and letting her chortle leak from her mouth. "Is there a reason you got in my way?" She snarled, the dog's blood still dripping from her lips.

"That's my snack. Get out of the way."


Re: HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - dallas. - 01-08-2020

Christ, did he fucking hurt. He heard Johnny squeaking from behind him, but he mostly ignored it, just trembling and struggling to stay on his feet. When Vathmos released her hold on his side, he let out a gasp of pain, grunting as he fell to ground a few steps back, still in front of Johnny but with a few feet placed between him and Vath. His breath came out in shallow gasps as he tried not to focus on the splitting pain of his possibly broken rib, closing his eyes briefly. The scent of his own blood filled his nose as he glared down the hyena, his ears pinning back as he growled, "Don't touch 'im. He's not yer fucking prey, he's sentient 'n' he's my friend. It's my fault he's 'ere... I'm not movin'." He repeated the last line firmly, despite the fact that his body was screaming with intense pain. Tail lashing behind him with his hackles raised, the nearly pure white canine turned his head to look at Johnny, wheezing out, "Hey Johnnycakes... why th'hell are you 'ere? This place is group territory... you woulda gotten snatched up if I hadn't been here..." He was trying his absolute hardest to keep his voice even and reassuring for Johnny, but he was beginning to feel a little lightheaded from blood loss, and would need a medic pretty soon.

Re: HOLD ON TIGHTER / joining - guts - 01-09-2020

Then she came to the rescue.

She had just been wandering around the territory, cautious in where she stepped so she didn't set off any traps. She didn't want to get herself hurt, nor did she want to mess up the defenses the other Tanglewooders had set up. That would just be inconsiderate of her! In her mouth, she held a woven basket, slowly filling up with sweet smelling herbs. She wasn't too experienced in using plants as medicine, since she had used human methods all her life, but she was always willing to learn. She had gone to the library multiple times to read through books on herbs and what they did, what they looked like, where they grew, etcetera.

Maybe she wasn't an official healer of the group, but she saw no reason to stop helping out. Who knew what would happen? It never hurt to have knowledge, much less use it.

The sound of a scuffle distracts her from her staring down at the ground, face lifting to look around to see where the noise was coming from. When she heard the voice of Dallas, she quickly followed it, concerned by the way he spoke, angry but breathless. She hoped he wasn't hurt.

Her hopes were dashed, though, when the scene came into her view, her quick trot breaking out into a run. "Hey!" she calls, muffled by the basket handle between her teeth. The smell of blood hits her hard, makes her stomach churn. Having the heightened senses of an animal is still unfamiliar to her, but she powers through, until she's standing at the german shepherd's side.

Ade sets the basket down at her paws and focuses on Vathmos, a serious look on her face, a rare sight. "Go find something else to eat, Vathmos. There's plenty else to hunt here." she says, as if she's a mother protecting her cub from a predator. In a way, she supposes that she is.

With that addressed, she turns back to Dallas, worry clear in her eyes. She winces lightly when she looks at the wound on his side. "Dally, settle down. Let me treat it." she's quiet, trying her best to be soothing while she looks through her gathered stash, simply wanting him to sit down at least so he can stop irritating the wound and probably making it worse.