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dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - Printable Version

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dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - teef - 01-04-2020

it was a lonely affair, her adopted father's funeral. she had sat with the rest, of course, hidden in her sibling's shadow as they had sat vigil and buried the marauder. but now, somehow he was back, and the young teen was thrown into confusion about her loyalties with the visit of a family member.

sitting at her ma's grave, she nosed the headstone, pretending as if she could still smell his scent. a half sob leaving her, the girl curled up beside the grave, head and paws laying on the dirt, "i miss you mom. auntie visited bai ... and i'm so confused. kydobi came back from the dead, why can't you? i wish that you could ... i'm so alone here. i'm just underfoot all the time, and i can't fight as the knight that uncle taught me to be. i don't got any friends and i miss helios and dad. everyone's too busy and ky ... ky is distant.
he's got kids of his own now. i'm nearly grown up now but .. he was my pa. is it wrong to miss him smiling at me and teaching me things?
" she sighed, eyes closed as she cried silently.

some time later, she woke to the soft rumble of a wild animal, her pelt spiking in alarm as she looked around, looking for the source of danger. oh no! my sword is back in camp and i'm outside the territory! she thought in panic as she snatched up the closest stick into her jaws, legs trembling from fear before cooling her panicking thoughts, remembering what she was taught. spreading her legs and locking them into a stance, she snarled back at the feral animal circling her.  "come at me, then!" she challenged bravely, ears flat to her skull. she didn't know if this beast was friend or foe, or even if it was her imagination.

moments later when teeth snapped shut into her ear andtore away, her scream of pain echoing through the empty oasis that served as her ma's grave. lashing out blindly, she huffed and jabbed, trying to drive the monster away with her feeble stick. catching a lucky break as the beast lashed down across her shoulders and spine, she surged into the bloody contact. a mere jagged chunk of her stick remained in her jaws as she thrust her jaws to the beasts chest, blood dripping from her snout as the beast collapsed and fell into the grips of death.

staggering away she slumped down and began to cry, hard and loud. she was scared, so very scared and alone in thedeep, cold night of the desert. "kydobi! someone! anyone ..." her voice shattered as she crouched down, bloody paws over her stinging muzzle, tail close and protecting her belly, praying that someone would come find her before more of the lithe beasts found her.

feral desert/sand cat was what attacked, sand cat has rabies so injuries are of concern(should be taken to a healer) and she couldnt tell what she fought, just that it seemed bigger than she was //

Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - Kydobi - 01-05-2020


[OOC: ]

More often than not, he slept after sundown. Although it was against his nature, he would do so knowing that he would most likely be busy during the day.

But he was after all, a creature of the night. Ever since his death, he had trouble sleeping. More and more often he would find himself wandering through the darkness. Afraid of his vivid dreams. The flashbacks were so real that he often couldn’t tell. But the worst was the nothing. The conscious nothingness that made him think he died.

Damned to a silent and solitary eternity.

But he would wake up to reality. Even if sleep deprivation somewhat blurred the lines between the then and the now.

Luckily for Ramona, he had been considerably nearby. But not close enough to get there right away. Her cry for his name was reeled in by his exceptional senses and dig deeper into his brain, tearing him away from his thoughts.

It had been an awful long time since they spoke but he didn’t need to have recently gone to her to feel the urgency.

Quickly he would set out, bursting at full speed to through the lands. If a obstacle presented itself he would simply go through it like a dark ghost with his intangiblility.

“Ramona? Ramona!”, he would call out trying to detect where she was. He would inhale and smell blood. His heart was worried, fluttering from fear. Eyes glowing in terror at what could be. He could feel fire growing on his paws. Elementals triggered by extreme emotion.

By the time he found her all of his paws were ignited. Like some demon hellion.

“Ramona-“, he would say before looking at the dead cat. She was attacked? For a brief instant he thought tanglewood. But no, some stranger. He snarled and walked to the corpse.

Filth. Let the crows eat it. All he could think of was killing the cat. So small.

He would slightly calm down, looking at her. The blood was more than alarming and the earth gave a slight shutter as he got angrier.

“y-your ear!”


Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - teef - 01-05-2020

chest heaving with weak shaking breaths, the girl stirred and opened her eyes to take in the sight of kydobi's flaming paws, his scent bathing her just as the comforting head did. yelping as she panted, lowering her trembling paws to the ground, feeling the earth around them shudder. looking up with terror-stricken eyes she sobbed, trying to move closer to the panther, her chest heaving, "i-it hurts" she sobbed, pressing her head to his foreleg, too shaken to get to her paws.

tail curled over her hindleg, she gulped down air, cowering at his side, fighting her inner demons and the fear at the darkness around them. the firelight exaggerated the shadows and the yowl of a far off cat made her flinch and begin to sob anew, hiding her face against kydobi's leg, gasping out, "d-don't leave me!", she was terrified at the thought of him leaving her there, even for a few seconds.

Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - Kydobi - 01-05-2020


[OOC: ]

He had to calm down, she was coming to him and while he didn’t want her to touch she kept coming. Quickly he would imagine the flames not hurting her, eventually when he returned to his state of calm they would die away.

Her whines pulled on his heart and while he wanted to scold her for being out alone so late, he couldn’t find himself to. The brute knew she was terrified.

His ears perked forward towards a howl. Another feline? He moved to get up, instincts telling him to hunt down the minor threat and eradicate it. But she would beg him to stay and he sighed.

Wrapping his paw around her back he would pull her close. Not minding if her blood touch his pelt, “It’s alright Ram. I won’t leave you ever.” he would look at her softly before returning his gaze to their surroundings. Alert and senses heightened by adrenaline, nothing would be able to sneak up in them without him knowing.

“What happened? Why did it attack you?”


Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - teef - 01-06-2020

pressing into his familiar contact,
she wept uneasily and uncertainly, her body trembling as she was embraced by the large male. pressing her smaller body in close, she focused on his familiar musk, his oh-so familiar scent, and closed her eyes. it felt so strange to have him there after they had split ways so long ago.

pulling back after she had stopped trembling, the teenager tried to furrow her brow and appear stronger that they both knew she felt at that moment. her muzzle and shoulder's stung, the pain making her head swim. she didn't want to lose him again. dhaking her head she whined, indicating that she had no clue.

Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - Kydobi - 01-06-2020


[OOC: ]

They would descend into a gentle quiet. Him just listening to her sobs, he couldn’t really console her. So he would just sit there and let her cry into him.

He couldn’t help but feel guilty, realizing just how distant he had been. You can call me Dad if you want, he had once told her. The little girl much preferred “Pa” but he had disappeared in depression and borderline insanity. Her? She had grown. Into a young woman, an angsty teenager.

Instead of being the adult, he allowed this minor distance to grow and eventually separate the two under the belief she wanted nothing to do with him. Childishly, he avoided confrontation. Not wanting to admit to his guilt or face rejection, it had ruined their relationship.

Kydobi frowned, eyes burning with tears. He had promised to be a father to her and he had left her. He looked at her, eyebrows still furrowed, pressed her closer and lowered his head to touch it to hers. Swallowing another lump, he would raise it and sigh.

Perhaps he wasn’t a good man.

His thoughts were interrupted by an off scent. Through the smell of her blood he would catch scent of a far more sinister stench. Perhaps she couldn’t smell it, but with the corpse being so near a powerful nose he couldn’t help it.

Inhaling once more he would narrow his eyes. It wasn’t unbearable but something was certainly off. Like mildew on clothes, there was a nagging and unpleasant tone to the body.

Was the animal sick? And Ramona said she didn’t know why it attacked her? Kydobi’s ears pinned back as he came to a realization.

The creature possibly had rabies.

“One second Ram..”, despite her not wanting to he would get up and look at the impaled body. Oddly he was impressed with her skills. Managing to kill it? In the dark? Dogs were not made for the night like cats. But upon further inspection he would see that the mouth was slightly frothed. Dried spit along the lips.. Kydobi groaned.

“Ram! We need to get home now, he looked at the cat. The other one would need to be handled as well.

Kydobi would do it sometime tonight, but first he needed to make sure Ramona was dressed and cared for.


Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - teef - 01-07-2020

her ear stung like norhing else, and her breath was short, trembling as he left her, her good ear tracking his voice. "home ..." she whispered with a soft keen, her paws numb and tingling. "home?" where was home, in the end? coughing to clear her throat, the girl shook her pelt with a stifled exclamation of pain shooting through her like a sharp dagger.

gasping softly as stars danced across her vision, she shuddered, "home sounds nice ... wonder if auntie ... will be there." she mumbled, tail wagging softly at the mention of her uncle's mate, remembering the sweet blueberry muffins that he had brought with him when he had visited.

yawning softly, she tilted her head and sniffed the air, "it ... doesn't smell too good out here ..." she murmured quietly, claws scraping the ground in quiet anxiety. looking for his shape in the darkness, she sniffed the air, leaning forward slightly to track the smell that was beginning to cut through her muddled senses.

Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - Kydobi - 01-08-2020


[OOC: ]

He was losing her and all he could think of was “fuck”. It was urgent, care was needed and he lacked knowledge to give it.

He would run to her, snatch her by her scruff. He wasn’t sure if the blood could infect him if it touched his tongue, but it was crucial he got her help.


Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - teef - 01-09-2020

her lungs gasping for air as he grabbed her scruff, a muffled yelp of surprise leaving her as she instinctively tried to curl up, aware of the hot blood trickling down her spine and down past her mouth from her muzzle, "Pa?" she asked uncertainly, fear shaking her voice, tail tucked tight between her legs. 

Re: dont need them to believe in you // urgent injuries - Sekitan - 01-11-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] To be honest, Rene shouldn't be here, but he was here for one purpose, to visit the graves that were buried outside of the borderline, of which was something that even he didn't expect this group of murders and madmen would consider doing towards their own dead, let alone let them line the border.

After all, the desert does a good job of preserving what isn't supposed to be preserved if and only if the climate was dry enough for it.  The wolf hybrid carefully walked with a basket dangling from his jaws, paw steps light having to make this trek beforehand visiting Bai Shi.  He was here to make some kind of honoring to Jer, a friend.