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IT FELT SO REAL / o, meet & greet - Printable Version

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IT FELT SO REAL / o, meet & greet - COSMIIX - 05-04-2018

you made me a
[div style="width:490px; margin-top:5px; text-align:justify; font-family: times; font-size:11.5px; color: black"]Well, Stark hadn't slept in a few days so the tiger had been lounging around in his home that he shared with Steve for a while. His jaws parted into a yawn as his paws touched the snow below him, his pair of warm eyes surveying the area briefly before he sat down curling his striped tail around his forepaws letting out a soft inaudible mumble as he lazily scratched underneath his chin. He remembered when he had been leader that he had always had to be on his toes and usually busied himself, he had to be very observant as well seeing as he had to make sure that things ran smoothly and he promoted certain people to certain ranks if he saw or felt that they were worthy of the rank. The thought made him release another yawn though this one more obnoxious as he cut it off briefly as his tongue swiped across his lips, he would let out a soft hum flicking his torn up ear for a moment thinking to himself. He really liked this place and a little too much, he supposed as he thought with a soft chuckle erupting from his jaws, [i]'A good retirement home if I do say so myself.' He glanced over towards the place that was shared between himself and Steve, how he insisted that the two of them were just there to keep each other warm but, the way his old worn heart would start to run like an old engine. Just when he had doubts that he would ever feel that way about anyone, Steve would just need to smile his way and he could already hear the wheezing noises of his old engine of a heart.

[b]"Meet and greet,"

Re: IT FELT SO REAL / o, meet & greet - melantha - 05-04-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt;"]The warm feeling of love is all but unfamiliar to the young huntress. Romantic love, no matter how often she's fantasized it after reading a great romance novel, is entirely foreign. But the familial kind? She was once drowning in it, but now its absence feels like someone took a major chunk out of her life. It is colder without her seven siblings to pile on top of her at night, ensuring that she never got a single wink of sleep in peace. The world is scarier without Mother and Father to guide her. She was merely a cub when she was swept away by the rushing waters, and now she is nearing her adulthood. Gone are the spots of her youth, as well as the innocence that goes along with it. She is cold like the void and her heart has calloused--there is no room for trust amidst this vast, unfriendly world. Some part of her knows that such thinking is foolish and cynical, but it helps to cope with the loneliness. She misses home so, so much.

The young lionheart happens to pass by as Stark utters "meet and greet." She halts mid-stride, swinging her head around to regard the older male with a somewhat judgmental (and perhaps even teasing) expression. It's hard to tell since Melantha is not the most, uh, expressive of people. "What about a meet 'n' greet?" she asks with an arch of her brow. "Are you telling or are you asking?" he's lucky that she even bothered to stop. Mel is tempted to keep walking even now. She is not fond of pointless socializing.

Re: IT FELT SO REAL / o, meet & greet - arcy - 05-05-2018

Well, Izuku, for one, didn't know a lot about romance and whatnot. He was only a kid, he wasn't really expected to. Personally, Izuku doesn't think he's ever actually felt that way about someone. He'd be wrong, of course, he was just ... dense, but that was just how it seemed to him. Love seemed like a lot of responsibility, anyways. Izuku struggled enough with his own mental health, friends was pushing it, anything more would just. Kill him. Thanks. He had enough responsibilities.
Presently, Izuku had just been lounging about camp. He didn't have a lot else to do, after all -- being recently injured and blinded, at least for a little while, he's probably not really allowed out of camp. He tripped over stuff enough when he was in camp, he wasn't going to try to test his luck. However, this means that Izuku is close enough to hear Stark's call for a meet and greet. Izuku had seen the tiger about once or twice before he just -- vanished. Izuku did know his name, but he wasn't sure that was returned. So.
With this in mind, the feline slowly hauls himself to his paws. He stumbles a little, but quickly rights himself as he wanders about into the snow. He moves slowly, so he doesn't accidentally bump into someone, and finds the rest of his way when he hears another person, Melantha, say something or another Izuku just. Doesn't get. So he doesn't really worry about it, instead flopping into a sitting position somewhere nearby. He may not be sure how close or how far he may be, but what does it matter, honestly.
"Um, hi!" Izuku greets, momentarily opening his wing in what could probably count as a wave. He's, uh, not exactly sure where Stark is, but the currently blinded feline attempts to appear as though he's actually looking at Stark's face. He fails miserably, and it's very obvious, even with the bandanna over his eyes, for light sensitivity purposes. "I'm, um, Izuku!" From here, Izuku kind of struggles on what to say. Just an introduction is fine, of course, but it feels kind of awkward, at least on his part, especially when he can't actually see Stark. Not a clue as to literally anything that's going on, that's Izuku's problem right now.


Re: IT FELT SO REAL / o, meet & greet - pallid-i - 05-05-2018

The child was too young to understand what love even was. He probably wouldn't find out what it was in a couple of more months, and even then, he most likely wouldn't think about it too much. He was too busy training early in being a good warrior.
Harrison padded over and stared at Stark, eyes wide. "Hello mister! I'm Harrison Wickliff!" He chirped, tail wagging. "You're pretty!"
i couldn't even keep you

Re: IT FELT SO REAL / o, meet & greet - PIERCE - 05-06-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Meet and greets used to stress Pierce the hell out. Pathetic, yeah, but at least he had okay reasoning behind it; he used to be terrified of giving people the wrong impression when they first met, like slipping up and accidentally offending them, or being too tentative and making them think he was a nervous wreck, or just being so quiet, they thought he was rude. He was, of course, none of those things, but first impressions were pretty important to him. Now, he'd calmed down a bit about it, so while he did still care quite a bit about giving off the right vibe when he first met someone, he tried not to stress out too much. Was that the lack of a big, important position, perhaps? Or maybe without his family he really didn't care? It was certainly possible that he'd just grown up, but Pierce didn't usually assume the best in himself. "Hey! My name's Pierce- I don't think we've met?" Well, that was pretty clear- he was pretty sure he'd remember someone like this guy. "I love your eyes, by the way," the serval would add with a kind smile. Eyes were always his go-to compliment, but it was always a genuine one, since, really, there was no way someone's eyes could not be pretty. Pierce tried not to stare at the thing in the other's chest, too, and though it was certainly... distracting, he liked to think he was doing a pretty good job of it.


Re: IT FELT SO REAL / o, meet & greet - →AUGUST← - 05-07-2018

August had seen the little group of people crowding around the tiger, and it had caught his interest. While Pierce at least tried not to stare at the thing in Stark's chest, August didn't. His hazy gaze focused on it for at least a minute as he slowly walked over; he wanted to understand what it was, and usually looking at things for a long time seemed to help him. It didn't really help this time, but August wasn't bothered by it, because now he knew all the details that he could see of it.

The deer carefully stepped over Izuku as he moved closer, gaze dropping to the kid. "You might want to move a little bit closer." He didn't mean it to be unkind, but he realised it could come off as mean after he'd said it. Well, if the cat took offense, August could always just apologise. He turned his attention back to the tiger.

Getting close to a predator like this, especially a large cat who reminded August of the lion, was slowly starting to freak him out. The buck shook his head as if trying to make the thought fall off of it and stared at Stark as he moved a bit closer and then, in one big movement, flopped down. He was careful not to fall ontop of any of the group mates, especially the kitten; while the others probably wouldn't die from his full body weight ontop of them, the kitten probably would, and August was sure it wouldn't rise from the dead as he had.
