Beasts of Beyond
come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - Printable Version

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come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - Sekitan - 01-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] It had been a few days since Rene had decided to join this lot of unsavory crew, even if he himself never considered himself a pirate.  The border collie mix could only drag with as much as he could carry in a small oilskin bag, into one of the many somewhat not run down and stable in terms of shelter shacks, that dotted alongside the beach.

Eyes of soft lavender still trained on the focus of what was going on, there was no doubt that his mind was on other things, and he would be assured to have things occur in that way.  Tail slowly wagging back and forth, there were many things on his mind, but all of those could wait.

After all, this was a quiet affair, moving in somewhere, to be lost in his own thoughts.  After all, he was at best someone who had no regards to life, only living as comfortably as one can.

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - teef - 01-04-2020

[Image: tumblr_p2uls8Q0BW1wc86g7o2_500.jpg]
sea wolf x great dane hybrid, twelve years old. vinicius 'conqueror' marin 'sailor', prefers to go by vic. blonde in color with darker face, neck and paws. brown eyes with olive green flecks, slightly bigger than the average timberwolf. former werewolf, drowned at sea and stuck in current body. crewmate of typhoon -- biromantic pansexual.
he was newly here himself, but the scent of his family drew vinicius marin from his home, still properly being sorted. paws taking the ground in quick strides and puffs of air, the sea wolf cross came to rene's placement, his eyes shining for the first time in ages. "cousin!" he called out joyously,  tail wagging behind him.

not such a quiet affair if family was near, as had been discovered. standing at the entrance of the other hybrid's den, he whined softly in his throat, tail swaying now, "rene ... it's been so very long, my cousin. do i have your permission to enter?"

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - Sekitan - 01-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] "You are always welcomed in my humble dwelling, mon cheri." Rene spoke raised his head upwards towards his cousin and smiled warmly seeing someone that was familiar. Vic was clearly always welcomed to inside, no matter what the circumstances was. 

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - teef - 01-04-2020

[Image: tumblr_p2uls8Q0BW1wc86g7o2_500.jpg]
sea wolf x great dane hybrid, twelve years old. vinicius 'conqueror' marin 'sailor', prefers to go by vic. blonde in color with darker face, neck and paws. brown eyes with olive green flecks, slightly bigger than the average timberwolf. former werewolf, drowned at sea and stuck in current body. crewmate of typhoon -- biromantic pansexual.
a purring rumble left the hybrid as he moved inside the shack, blinking until his eyes had adjusted, "you've traveled far, I assume?" he murmured, looking around the shack curiously, sniffing the air, "did you come alone?" he asked softly, looking around for destarion or rene's child with the wolf. he knew he wouldn't leave the youth willingly ... much like vic himself with sunday and their litter.

easing himself down onto the ground, the mix yawned, "we ought to go hunting, get you some furs and pelts." he murmured softly, licking his chops.

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - Sekitan - 01-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] "You mean my daughters? They are young girls now. Hopefully, they both reach here soon, I wish for the best for the both of them, but as of right now, I have no idea of where they are.  I wish they are both safe, for their father's sake and mine." Rene murmured softly with his tail moving slowly, and he tilted his head at the mention of pelts and furs to aline his den, there was so much sand in this shack. "First we are cleaning out all the sand that is in this place, how does one manage to live like this? Sand gets in everything." he questioned.

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - teef - 01-05-2020

[Image: tumblr_p2uls8Q0BW1wc86g7o2_500.jpg]
sea wolf x great dane hybrid, twelve years old. vinicius 'conqueror' marin 'sailor', prefers to go by vic. blonde in color with darker face, neck and paws. brown eyes with olive green flecks, slightly bigger than the average timberwolf. former werewolf, drowned at sea and stuck in current body. crewmate of typhoon -- biromantic pansexual.
giving a crooked grin and wave of his tail, he barked, "worry not, rene. cossette and quennel will correct each other on their paths here. together i hope they travel for rumor of stray gods burden the air. and of the brute? where is he?" he questioned before looking about the shack with a rolling laugh.

"you'll be eating sand, drinking sand, sleeping with sand and even sharting sand, my cousin. sand is both your worst friend and best enemy." he guffawed, pawing at his own muzzle in humor. "palm fronds are our best bets to clear it out. You want to find some while i unearth the floor? We'll have to make you a door as well."

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - Sekitan - 01-05-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] Talking about having des around, that was something that left a sour taste in his mouth, and a ache in his chest. He had no idea where the hell that giant wolf was, but he cared not about it anymore.  Well, that was a far fetched lie, he cared enough but he was placing his mind somewhere else, and didn't want to ruin his cousin's humor, so he just remained silent with a twitch of a smile on his lips.  "You think I would be able to find a kiln and even somewhere to store all of the glassware that I am going to start making, again like old times? I am going to have to source a lot of quartz sand. No one makes glass as I can." Rene raised his head proudly, proud of his hard deserved craft that took many a season to perfect, of which he started doing has a side hobby alongside doing it while Des went out training whomever to become a new knight.

" Palm fronds, sure of course.  I am taking a whole tree in while I'm doing that, and probably a basket because I am not a pirate. I am a craftsman, er crafts dog." he went on to speak about before nodding and stretched slightly.

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - teef - 01-05-2020

[Image: tumblr_p2uls8Q0BW1wc86g7o2_500.jpg]
sea wolf x great dane hybrid, twelve years old. vinicius 'conqueror' marin 'sailor', prefers to go by vic. blonde in color with darker face, neck and paws. brown eyes with olive green flecks, slightly bigger than the average timberwolf. former werewolf, drowned at sea and stuck in current body. crewmate of typhoon -- biromantic pansexual.
a look of pride crossed his face, similarily puffing out his chest, sniffing haughtily before bursting into laughter at his own behaviour,  "If I'm not too careful, Rene, I'llgo back to being a snobby noble and you'll have to beat it from me. I'm near certain that you'll be able to find or create a storage system."

laughing, he grinned, "why don't you trade in elysium for a basket? I'm sure i can weave a temporary basket from fronds." he murmured as he got up and trotted out to find the items he wanted. returning with burdened jaws, he set to work on weaving a basket with deft paws, despite his claws catching and ear falling into his eyes. "not a pirate? not even the years spent on all the galleys?" he teased warmly.

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - Sekitan - 01-05-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"] "even with my experience in working the galleys, I am not a pirate.  You haven't seen me kill anyone or partake in splitting the treasure, no?" Rene spoke calmly and even if there was a touch of steel in his words, but that hasn't stopped Rene from partaking in the past, he just as ruthless has his cousin, if not a touch worse than he was after all the Spanish were terrifying pirates, but the French were almost on the same league as them if not a step behind.

" I don't even have to snap it out of you, you have your kids, Sunday would have no problem of snapping you out of your arrogant upbringing. Gods have mercy, how the seven hells did we even get raised by spoilt heritage, and we are the only normal ones?." He shook his head, and he pondered on the wares that he had in his bag, and just took a moment to think.  Perhaps, his cousin was onto something.

Re: come in for a cup of tea| introduction/moving in - teef - 01-14-2020

[Image: tumblr_p2uls8Q0BW1wc86g7o2_500.jpg]
sea wolf x great dane hybrid, twelve years old. vinicius 'conqueror' marin 'sailor', prefers to go by vic. blonde in color with darker face, neck and paws. brown eyes with olive green flecks, slightly bigger than the average timberwolf. former werewolf, drowned at sea and stuck in current body. crewmate of typhoon -- biromantic pansexual.
laughing gently, he grinned at rene, tail wagging softly behind him as he worked, "have you heard any songs in your travel? you may have worked upon the galleys, aye, even if you didn't drop to our lowly rank of battle-mongers, but you had the best voice any of us had ever heard.", he hummed, winking at rene.

"aye, ive got Sunday now." he murmured gently, eyes sparkling, joy sparking through him at the mention of his partner before it dulled, remembering that destarion was still missing.