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RAN SO FAR AWAY ☆ o, snow storm - Printable Version

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RAN SO FAR AWAY ☆ o, snow storm - redvox. - 01-03-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Snow. Vinny didn't hate it, but he didn't exactly really love it either. His fur provided the most bare minimum of protection against the bitter cold that snow constantly brought with it, and unlike people like Aslisk, he didn't have fire elementals to warm himself up with. Thankfully, the Halls hadn't exactly had any massive snow storms or anything like that happen this winter... well, at least not yet, that was. For the entire day, Vin had been feeling a very odd feeling of dread throughout his entire being, seeping into his bones and squirming between the gaps in his ribcage. He didn't exactly know why, but it just felt like something bad was going to happen, and that was never exactly something he was happy to feel. He wasn't sure if this overall sense of dread was a warning from Bertille and her gods, or some sort of general animalistic thing, but he desperately wanted it to go away, and before long he found himself at the town hall, hidden away in one of the back rooms where the large shrine of Bertille was. He crouched down in front of it, lowering his head as he silently prayed to his goddess, desperately searching for any sort of answer or advice for why he felt so unsettled. When, after several long minutes, he received nothing, he began to feel frustrated. The feeling was only getting worse, and when he opened his eyes again, they were set in a sharp glare up at the shrine. Sitting up again, the hybrid grumbled softly to the dusty air around him, "Of course you only talk to us when it's the worst possible time... couldn't you just tell me what's going on...?" He spared one glance up at the shrine, only for it to answer him with cold silence. His ears pinned down against his head as he turned to leave, emerging from the room and heading straight for the front doors of the town hall.

Of course, when he stepped outside, he saw what his bad feeling had been about. As soon as the blistering cold wind hit his face, he knew something very wrong was happening, and he even let out a bit of a startled gasp. Looking up into the sky, he could see on the horizon a huge cluster of darkly colored clouds, rumbling and moving steadily towards the territory of the Halls. Already snow was beginning to layer on the ground around him, although he knew it would be getting much worse later. A frown curving on his muzzle, Vinny hastily made his way back towards the Fortress, half running and half teleporting so that his wings didn't freeze from the sheer cold of the earth beneath him. As he ran, more and more snow fell down, rapidly covering the hoof and claw tracks that he left in his wake. Eventually he reached the front of the Fortress, frown only growing when he saw the way that snow was beginning to cover the windows they used as entrances. Taking a deep breath, the gat dug down through the snow, throwing it aside with his claws before he was able to squirm in through the window. Once he was inside the lobby of the fortress, he allowed himself to take a breath, and relax. Sure, this looked bad, but it was only a snow storm. They would get through it. They had to. Once he felt calm enough to speak without a quake of fear in his voice, Vox looked around, taking in the darkness of the lobby for a moment before he called out, "'Ey! Everybody 'round here! It looks like a pretty big fuckin' snow storm is comin' our way. Like, one so big that not even elementals can burn back all th'snow it's gonna bring with it. Luckily we've got food stocked up inside th'Fortress 'ere, but that doesn't mean other problems couldn't arise. It's entirely possible we could get snowed th'fuck in, so... I just want people to be prepared for that." He really hoped that they didn't get snowed in. He loved the members of the Halls, but being able to have time away from each other was good, and being cooped up in this one building all together...? Sure, the Fortress was big, but getting a little stir crazy was definitely a possibility, especially with people like Aslisk around.

Re: RAN SO FAR AWAY ☆ o, snow storm - alaire - 01-06-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 250%; background-position: 45% 25%; border-radius: 100%; opacity: 1.00; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
"Monsieur! Monsieur!" The little cry erupted from the quickly bounding figure of Alaire.  The boy, tripping over his paws, nearly skidded directly into the harbinger, the intended object of his attention.

Enthusiastically, he fell onto his rump, even as a change began to overcome his small body.  From a little red fox to a slightly larger, albeit still little, polar bear.  The massive, snow white creature had appeared in a book he read once.  A powerful bear, adapted for frigid temperatures.  "Monsieur, I can handle snow!" He grinned, holding up two 'large', white, forepaws.

"See? I'ma... Snow-bear!" Overenthused, the youth ended up rolling onto his back, simply giggling from the motion and continuing to speak.  "Can I go outside and play in the snow? S'il vous plaît?"
[align=right]Burble. (v.)

Re: RAN SO FAR AWAY ☆ o, snow storm - redvox. - 01-06-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Monsieur! Monsieur! The loud and excited call of Alaire made Vinny blink in surprise, the hybrid's head whipping around so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash. With his head still vaguely spinning, Vin blinked at Alaire for a moment before watching the child's transformation. His lips quirked up in a faint smile at the other's enthusiasm, as well as the adorable new form that he had taken on. Part of him wanted to say no to the child for his safety, but the new form he had taken was designed for such things. The harbinger seemed to shift with uncertainty, his eyes darting from side to side. Eventually, he seemed to come to a decision, mumbling softly, "Polar bear. You're a polar bear, Alaire. And... Bertille, I s'pose ya can go out 'n' play in th'snow. But only for a lil while, alright? It's comin' down hard out there, 'n' I don't want ya gettin' stuck. When th'snow starts gettin' real high, you'll come inside, right?" Part of him wanted to trust Alaire, but part of him also wanted to find Aslisk and send her along with the child, considering she could stave off the cold far better than he could with her elementals.

Re: RAN SO FAR AWAY ☆ o, snow storm - fulzanin - 01-07-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Snow storms. What an odd concept. Back home there was no snow. It was eternally sunny and practically spring all year round. There was no darkness, no varying weather. How odd it was to hear about a snow storm - and how much she swiftly learned that being snowed in was irritating. Eventually, she planned, to go outside and burn every single last snowflake into nothingness. It mattered not if the melt caused a flood, she wanted the snow gone! But she refrained from her comment, because there was excitement charging forth. The burnt wyvern moved over; think of her and she appeared in a near ironic manner. “By the spite of Nitis, she’s more fluffy than a Lasinka in a windstorm.” She muttered. Her long tail swung behind her. How desperately Aslisk wanted to be in her other body and out of this body that was covered in burns. However, that body did not fit well in the lobby, and so she had to remain in the burnt one instead. Getting stuck in the snow didn’t sound nice. She had flames, though. “If the snow gets too high, I’ll deal with it. Too powerful for the elements, my quartok,” Aslisk huffed upon approaching.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: RAN SO FAR AWAY ☆ o, snow storm - redvox. - 01-07-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The next to arrive on the scene was Aslisk, a fact that didn't surprise Vinny too terribly much. Her being around so much was one of the reasons why she had been promoted in the first place, and she was usually hanging around the apartment building if she wasn't out causing trouble. Vox lifted his head when he heard her approach, nodding a but before smiling faintly. Oh, she was actually offering to help... it was probably less out of the goodness of her heart and more out of her own hatred for the snow, but she still appreciated it. Still, there was the chance that he was wrong about the first part as well. After all, Aslisk apparently had kids of her own somewhere, so maybe she had a soft spot for little Alaire and his near infectious excitement that was radiating from his fluffy body in waves. Nodding at Aslisk, Redvox said with a heavy sigh, "Alright... thank you, Aslisk. Although, you be careful. Despite what y'may wanna think, your powers do 'ave a limit. If ya burn yourself out, who knows what'll happen out there in the snow." Vin himself obviously didn't have much experience with elemental powers, but he had known others who did, and he knew there was a finite amount of time you could use them before you finally burnt out and needed to recharge.