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LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - Printable Version

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LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - nemhain. - 01-03-2020

Nemhain's awakening into this world had been... unorthodox, to say the least. Not so unorthodox for the persona herself, since she knew that many of them were summoned forth in dire times of stress and self reflection, but rather unorthodox for the Elysites who had bore witness to it. After all, it wasn't every day you just saw a giant fucking bird emerge from the spirit of your Magna who you had just learned had been lying to you for ages. Some of them had just brushed it off, mainly because Nem had been agreeing with them, but quite a few of them had also been caught off guard and startled, and Nem couldn't say she blamed them, even if it was difficult for her to understand their emotions. She had just been so... excited, to finally be free and able to do what she wanted. Sure, she had been watching from the shadows for some time now, following Rin like a ghostly spectre, but that wasn't the same as this. Now she could actually interact with others. She was tangible, and real, and was able to help as she had been made for. Perhaps she had flaws, yes, like the fact that she had developed a... personality, of her own, while watching for so long, but that didn't mean she couldn't be helpful, or shouldn't be allowed to exist. At least, that's how she hoped Rin thought of it, since she didn't want to be destroyed or killed or shoved back into the shadows from which she had emerged. Just the thought made a shiver run up her spine, displacing several feathers and making her have to either pluck them or smooth them back out to calm herself. No... she knew Rin. She had seen her memories, had been watching her for so long... Rin wouldn't just dispose of her just because she had a mind of her own. In fact, she was fairly sure Rin would only see fit to dispose of her if she represented some kind of threat to Elysium. Rin's dedication to Elysium was one trait that Nemhain admired greatly about her lady.

In order to get her mind off of wondering about her own mortality and whether she could be useful, Nemhain had decided that she'd better introduce herself properly to those that lived within Elysium. She hadn't really had much of a chance to introduce herself at her awakening beyond a couple of throwaway sentences before she was confronted fully with the extent of Rin's problems, so now, while things were peaceful for the moment, would be the perfect time to do so. Nemhain had leaped and drifted down from her usually perch upon the roof of Rin's home, landing on the dirt ground beneath her with a firm thud indicative of just how much the fenghuang really weighed. She walked around for a bit, just allowing herself to take in her surroundings and the bustle of other Elysites around her, before she eventually plopped down, still quite tall even when she was resting back on her talons. Already she was beginning to attract the uneasy and curious gaze of many others, so she decided to clear her throat, spreading her colorful wings out a bit as she called out in her deep, echoing timbre, "Hello, Elysites! I have decided to hold a... meet and greet, here, now. I figured that I should introduce myself properly to you. My name is Nemhain, and I am the persona of your Magna, Warringkingdoms. You may think of me as simply another Elysite, if you'd like. If you come and introduce yourselves, you may also ask me any questions that you have on your mind. I trust that is acceptable?" It seemed perfectly straightforward to her, at least. There were very likely many Elysites around her that had questions on their mind about the massive fenghuang in their midst, so it was easier to just get them all out of the way now.

Re: LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - Warringkingdoms - 01-04-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin wasn't sure what to think of Nemhain, sometimes.

  Well, on the surface, assessing Nemhain was easy. She was a valuable asset, having proven considerable prowess in combat against the Ferryman. She was also loyal, and seemed to care about the other Elysites as much as Rin did. If evaluated like she was just another Elysite, she was excellent in all regards, at least as far as Rin could see from the brief time since her awakening.

  However, Rin still wasn't sure what to make of their bond- of the fact that Nemhain had apparently emerged out of her inner self. It didn't make much sense for a formal, confident, and level-headed individual to manifest from a deeply-conflicted mess of a soul. Furthermore, should she regard Nemhain as a separate person, or as another side of herself? The former seemed more reasonable given their differences, and certainly would work out better for Nemhain than the latter, but...

  Well, she could work out the semantics behind it over time. If the persona was on their side, Rin saw no reason to change that.

  Rin had been scrubbing the blood stains out of her floor- it only occurred to her now that despite being made of mist, the snake had bled like an organic being- when she felt a chill crawling up her spine. Blinking, she glanced at the door, confirming that it was closed. Had she heard something and failed to consciously register it? Shaking her head, she returned to her task.

  A dull thud echoed outside, and she lifted her head. Was that what she'd heard? She ought to investigate, then. Setting aside the sponge, she walked over to the doorway and opened the door, then peered out. Nemhain was there, walking around- that must have been it.

  Returning to the bucket of water, she began scrubbing at the floor again, noting with some displeasure that the stains didn't appear to be growing any lighter. Perhaps this was as good as she would get, the floor permanently marked with an extended, faded splotch. That would make a story to tell to passersby, at least.

  When Nemhain's call for a meet-and-greet reached Rin's ears, she shrugged and put the sponge in the bucket of water, then walked outside. She might as well attend, considering she was the Magna, and this was her persona. Sure, Rin wasn't especially popular right now, but the Elysites wouldn't impose any judgment on Nemhain because of her- they knew better than that.

  As she approached, Rin thought for a moment. She never knew what to ask at these things even in normal situations, and this wasn't quite normal. Part of her wanted to ask exactly how long Nemhain had been watching, since Nemhain had said she wouldn't believe it, but that was a rather heavy subject to breach in public. Maybe she'd ask later, in private. Finally, she asked, "...Is there a maximum distance we can be apart from each other before one or both of us suffers ill effects, or no?" Practical questions were probably best for now.

Re: LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - nemhain. - 01-06-2020

It wasn't exactly surprising to Nemhain that Rin was the first to show up to her little get together. Even though Nem had made quite the show of introducing herself to the Magna that she would be connected to for the rest of her existence, the two us them hadn't really had a very extended period of time to speak about it. Nearly immediately after the fenghuang's awakening, the group had been thrown into chaos when the Ferryman attacked. And while the fight had certainly gotten.the adrenaline pumping through the persona's veins, she knew it had been exhausting and troubling for others. Nemhain was designed for combat, but that didn't mean that everyone else was, and while it had been difficult at first to understand that, her connection with Rin helped somewhat. When the Magna saw those that had been injured in the fight with the Ferryman, she felt remorse and worry, wanting them to be alright, as well as the whole of Elysium to be alright. As a result of those emotions, Nem had begun to feel the same way, and so, she had decided that after the exciting and vicious fight against the bastard known as the Ferryman, she would let everything rest for a little while. That was why she had hesitated so long in hosting this whole little thing, since she figured people needed some time to just relax and recuperate. Even if she didn't need those same things – save for needing to recover her full power reserves – she could understand that, and even respect it, with how hard so many others had also fought during the battle.

Still, as a result of this, Rin hadn't exactly had much time yet to ask any questions of the massive bird that had just emerged from the shadows one day, claiming to be the manifestation of her entire inner being. It was almost amusing, since Nemhain could very clearly the conflict and confusion in Rin's mind most days when her thoughts turned to the subject of Nem. She didn't find it all that insulting. After all, many persona users were startled when they found out about the full extent of what having a persona really entailed. She could only hope that Rin didn't eventually grow tired of her and try to dispose of her forcibly. Thankfully, she wasn't too worried about that, at least for the moment. Rin didn't seem like the type to find out about a new strange ally who actually had genuine helpful intentions and then immediately try to eliminate them. Nemhain should know, considering she could literally look inside the feline's head – although she only ever really felt vague emotions, and wasn't able to make out the full extent of the other's thoughts. Shaking off her inner rambling, Nemhain turned towards her lady and gave a little dip of her body in greeting, trying not to laugh a little at the quite obvious height difference between the two of them. It was funny, that such a small creature produced such a massive persona. Upon hearing Rin's question, Nem blinked slowly before smiling faintly, "Ah. That is a good question. I do not believe so, but I will begin to suffer I'll effects if I leave Elysium, since you are so deeply intertwined with this place. My powers will grow weaker the farther away I am, and I may even die and fade if I go too far." Really, the I'll effects only reached Nemhain, but it would ultimately mean that Elysium would lose a valuable asset, so it was a bad idea for Nem to leave the mountains either way.

Re: LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - fulzanin - 01-06-2020

The little dragon was somewhat late to the call for a meet and greet. Which was fine. Her tiny little talons could only carry her so quickly and so far. Still, she was grinning, delighted to spend time with people. Being in hibernation for three months sure was lonely! Her wings were spread from her sides, flapping at random as she charged over. Sanzu blundered into a sitting position a few moments after, a grin still on her face. “I’mssa Sanzu,” she introduce despite the fenghuang already knowing her. A grin was wide and upon her toothy maw, her tail swinging in an equally as chaotic way as her wings had been upon her approach. Her large ears swiveled upon hearing the topic of conversation - or at least, finally registered what it was. “Fade issa no good, die is dice yea?” a firm nod presented itself on her face. She liked Nemhain, she was very big and fluffy! Sanzu couldn’t have people go and poof, not if she could help it. “You should t’tlly stay, big birdie, I’s super fun here!” Her red gaze moved back and forth between the Magna and her persona, as if she had presented the greatest idea that the universe would have ever seen. Small claws kneaded into the ground beneath her, Sanzu remaining grinning. The dire topic of death did not pierce her mind at all. An innocent youth she was, barging into a not so youth friendly topic of death and other ill manners.


today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - nemhain. - 01-07-2020

Sanzu was the next to arrive to her little get together, and despite Nemhain not expecting any sort of introduction from the small child dragon – since the two of them had already met very recently – she was still provided with one. This was a fact that brought a faint smile to the fenghuang's beak, a soft and unusually warm laugh leaving the usually uptight and obedient persona. It wasn't that she never laughed, but Sanzu had thus far proven to be a rather surefire way of getting her to relax a little bit, even if only temporarily. Rolling her shoulders a bit, the female chirped back at Sanzu, shifting to lower herself to the tiny dragon's level with a bit of effort, "Trust me, I know who you are, Lady Sanzu." After this, the dragon then seemed to zero in on the topic of conversation, despite the fact that it was obvious she didn't truly understand the scope of what Nemhain and the magna were speaking about. Nemhain would've laughed again, but she didn't want Rin to think that she was making light of the serious subject the two of them had been speaking about. Noticing the immense satisfaction that Sanzu possessed upon her suggestion of Nem staying, the fenghuang just offered a dip of her head in confirmation, her voice a low trill as she responded, "Do not worry, youngling. I very much intend to stay in Elysium, at least for as long as you will have me." It didn't really seem as though any of the other Elysites were clambering to kick her out, even if they were a little bit weary about her sudden appearance.

Re: LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - Warringkingdoms - 01-10-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin most certainly wasn't the type to willfully dispose of a powerful asset simply because it was alien to her. In fact, now that she had some idea of what Nemhain could do, she didn't want to even risk losing her- so she had to know of any potential risks. To lose the power of a fenghuang who could skewer a snake in one quick strike and spray ice shards from her breath, all because of a stupid oversight like letting them get too far away from each other...

  ...or letting her get too far away from Elysium, apparently, was unthinkable. Rin supposed it made sense that leaving behind something so important would weaken the strength of her will, or however that worked. "Guess I shouldn't send you out to deliver gift baskets, then," she remarked- mostly as a joke, but there were real risks involved. After the Warrior's surprise attack, she couldn't take any trip between groups for granted. "Just in case."

  As Sanzu approached, Rin turned her attention to the young dragon. The gravity with which she presented such riveting ideas as "it's super fun here" drew a half-smile from Rin. "I suppose you could say that," she replied, with a shrug. It was clear Sanzu didn't really understand the significance of death, although given how often the dead dragged themselves out of the afterlife... well, even then, not everyone was that lucky, or that willing.

  Her expression returning to its neutral state, she let out a small sigh, then turned back to Nemhain. For as long as Elysium would have her, she would stay- Rin could say the same for herself. Despite her initial skepticism, she was beginning to see how they were on the same page more and more often.

  "Elysium will have you for as long as they have me, I assume," she replied, with a nod. That would last, at least, until the last god fell- once the curse was broken, Elysium would have to evaluate whether or not they were willing to keep her around. So long as Rin was staying, however, it only made sense to keep her stronger companion as well.

  A thought arose, in the dark recesses of her mind, that neither of them had considered what might happen if Elysium were to cease to exist- but she shoved it down. She wasn't going to let that happen again. "Since you can act on your own... is there anything you do for fun?" Rin asked instead, mostly as an effort to distract herself. It was entirely possible Nemhain spent all of her time flying over the territory and searching for people, but if she did anything else, Rin had to admit she was curious as to what it was.

Re: LINED UP LIKE LEMMINGS ☆ meet & greet - nemhain. - 01-11-2020

Nemhain was... unused, to joking remarks. It wasn't that she hadn't ever heard a joke. No, that would be preposterous, she had been living connected to Rin's head this entire time. Even if she hadn't heard any jokes out loud, she could at least chuckle at the occasional funny thoughts that Rin had in response to a situation. However, this was the first time she had been faced with a real joking remark, even if it was somewhat mixed up in seriousness. Blinking in surprise, the fenghuang let out a trill of amusement, saying as she nodded her head, "Yes, it would certainly be best for me to remain here, at least unless something else becomes as important to you as Elysium... although I doubt that would happen." Nem then found herself nodding along to Rin's comment about how long Elysium would have them both. The huge bird highly doubted that Elysium would ever truly entirely evict Rin from their doors, especially considering all of the past that Nemhain had observed, as well as what she had observed since she had awakened. The group had been hurt by Rin's lying, yes, but ultimately they had been hurt because they cared about and trusted Rin, and didn't want her lying to them in order to face things on her own. Even if Rin didn't remain as Magna after the curse was broken, that didn't mean that she would be forced to leave, and Nemhain would remain as long as Rin did, or at least she believed she would.

The briefest flash of apprehension and unhappiness flitted across Nemhain's mind, quickly enough to completely startle the large fenghuang, but as soon as it had arrived, it was immediately gone afterwards. She assumed it was something that had come from Rin, but she found her mind grasping uselessly at air when she attempted to figure out what Rin had been thinking, and she was soon distracted by the Magna asking her another question. Nem still seemed slightly distracted by whatever upsetting thought she had lost in the shuffle, but her surprise got the best of her, and she blinked curiously at Rin's question. What did she do for fun...? Well, that was certainly an interesting question. She hadn't really ever thought about what to do for fun, since the majority of her life spent before this had just been watching and waiting. She had been so eager to just get out into the world that just flying around it was enough to keep her pretty happy at all times. Still, she responded in a deep chirp, her shoulders shrugging and shuffling her large feathers as she spoke, "I suppose I enjoy just flying around, and taking in the sights... although I do enjoy wandering around Elysium and interacting with others. It can be quite the fun activity, since most children are stunned by my huge size, and always have a wide variety of questions they want to ask me. In terms of simple activities, or hobbies, though? I don't really know. I haven't had a chance to discover such a thing yet." And that was... honestly the truth. Nemhain hadn't taken a long enough moment of peace yet to truly figure out what she wanted to do outside of fighting for Rin, and the thought of that... well, it made her a little bit sad.