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The Barren Lady - Printable Version

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The Barren Lady - RB Graveyard - 01-03-2020

Name: Melchior
Nickname: ~
Name Pronunciation: Mell- chior
Age: 2 years
Species: Hairless Canine
Sexuality: TBD
Gender: Female

Compassionate Never before have you met a complete stranger who is more understanding, caring, and kind as Melchior. Do you have a problem you need someone to listen to? She'll sit down and just listen for hours on end until you feel better. Do you need advise for the pack you run? She's an old soul in a young body who has outside perspective and confidentiality to spare. If you're feeling down and need someone to cheer you up, someone to lean on, someone to be there. She'll be there.
Gentle Like a gardener tending to their flowers, Melchior has a gentle and coaxing paw. She is not one to be overly cruel or harsh, but rather prefers to spread pleasant vibes across the world. Where ever she walks she will leave wildflowers, whereas some would rather leave fresh embers.
Responsible Like most self-efficient adults, Melchior is able to take care of herself and set her own goals, and work towards achieving them. She is aware her actions have consequences, and has matured enough to think through her decisions properly. While she may sound like a boring old lady, she is still in her youth and will have more growth in her future.
Ethical In a world where morality seems to have been twisted to serve several different purposes, this wolf holds a more traditional standings. The good of all over the good of one. Melchior understands the differences between good and bad, and while there seems to always be an endless stream of both sides to the argument, it has been driven into her DNA to hold herself to higher standards, including the moral principals of nobility.
Patient With an outstanding tolerance for delayed events or passing time, this female exudes similar patience to that of a grandfather clock. It is extremely helpful during solitary hunts where game may not pass for several hours at a time, or waiting for particular moments to come; come burning summer days or chilled winter storms, she is able to wait in pure silence. This could perhaps be one of her most dangerous characteristic; her ability to bide her time will make her formidable opponent.
[u]Anxious[/u] Here is a wolf who knows the cup is half full, and is just waiting for something to walk by and knock it over anyway. This dreading feeling in her stomach when things appear too good, this looming sensation that something terrible is about to happen. This causes her to be incredible uncomfortable in the face of unfamiliar territory; be it physical lands, or large groups of wolves. This can, at times, make it difficult for her socialize with others.
Withdrawn Not exactly the center of attention, this genuine flower likes to stick to the sidelines and play things safe. Solitude has been her longest lasting friend, and while it is not always the most favorable in situations, old habits are hard to kick. This habit can cause her to shy away from relationships, even when there is no real need to.
Impulsive Opportunities come and go, and decisions need to be made with a wise mind, but sometimes actions are better than words and sometimes Melchior jumps in without thinking everything out clearly. Someone would chalk it up to her youth, but perhaps that is simply something woven into her very bones. If someone needed help, right then and there, she would jump while others would overthink. Not always for the best, but lessons are sometimes best learned the hard way.
Isolated Perhaps her own doing, but isolation has treated her far better than some groups. She is traditionally a loner, not to say she wouldn't join a pack if the need arose. She could become hostile if someone would trespass on her isolation, though only in rare cases where not even patience can hold back the waves.
Dishonest No one likes a liar, and despite all of her shouts of morality and honor, Melchior is not always a truthful soul. It is her darkest sin, and while it would be more understandable to say it was a rarity, there have been times where it was simply easier. Maybe it was in the other's best interest, or maybe it was in her own. Maybe it was a tiny white lie, maybe it was shell shocking truth tied down by a cowards tongue. Only the grave will know.

Appearance: It isnt that hard to imagine what she looks like, she's a hairless canine. Melchior has pinkish brown skin with black paw pads. Her nose is a rosey goldish colour and her left eye and a soft hazel colour but her right eye is a stormy grey blueish colour

Language: To be decided within threads

Voice: Keaton Henson and Mother Mother
Scent: Maple Syrup and Sweet salted butter
Mutations: hairless
Crowds: Somewhat
Groups: Yes
Lover: Somewhat
Combat: Mentally and Physically easy