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IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Printable Version

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IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - bubblegum - 01-03-2020

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Kydobi - 01-03-2020


[OOC: ]

He wasn’t going to miss this for the world.

This man had led him, fooled him, used him, and in the end betrayed him. All Kydobi ever did was try to help, try to make it better. Jervis knew this, and while the jaguar denied he ever wanted any power he had went after it. But he was not thirsty for it and so when he was kindly rejected he took it well and continued with his duties.

He though his promotion to Marauder was Jervis finally recognizing his worth. It was only to solidify the his blind loyalty. To keep Kydobi fighting for nothing. In the end, costing him his life.

There was a cold and primal look as he laid his eyes on the fox. He didn’t want Goldie to have the pleasure of killing the man all himself. The marauder had given the fox so much from himself. He had even offered a well thought out and extensive plan. But the fox wouldn’t listen. He had offered his protection, his loyalty, his time, and at one point his life. But his life was snatched from him. In the end he died fighting for none other than himself.

Perhaps Jervis symbolized all the men who had done Kydobi wrong. Maybe in some subconscious way, Kydobi had gone to Jervis as a father. But like all figured before him he had been hurt and undervalued.

The fox would be the victim of his wrath if Goldie let him.

“I’d wish to join.”, he said as he kept his eyes on the fox. Looking at the burnt face with hate he nearly spat. His eyes began to glow as he thought of all the pain he felt. The hurt. The emptiness caused by the vulpine.

A very ugly side of Kydobi would come out, a side only brought out by immense pain.

“All those screams you caused innocent others Jervis. I want to see if you can scream just as loud.”, he doubted Goldie would let him draw out the death as he wanted. But the fox would die. Would his blood be as offensive and pungent? Would his cries leave the same heavy feeling of guilt in his stomach as all the kidnapped prisoners? Or would it give Kydobi satisfaction? Would it spark and start a dark pleasure in the man? Kydobi feared he’d like it too well, but he would hide such pleasure.

He was a master at masking.

He had no expression on his face. It was colder than ever. Steel. But there was a storm brewing behind his eyes.

“We all pay for our actions.”


Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - toboggan - 01-03-2020

Personally, Leroy hadn't the foggiest clue as to what Crow agreed upon when discussing Jervis' fate. The general understood that the ex-ardent's imprisonment and imminent execution were solely the result of extensive planning, though he took no part in it. Thus, owing to his lack of comprehensive knowledge surrounding today's occasion, the methods in which Goldenluxury would distribute justice was an utter mystery. Him being unaware of these exact affairs didn't kill the excitement, though; if anything, it added to it. The tyrant, murderer, torturer, and slaver was living his final day. And he had first-class seats to the performance that'd end his life once and for all.

He hoped.

Aurum. Kydobi. Goldenluxury. Delilah. Arrow. Himself. Those named were individuals he knew to have died at one point, only to return to the mortal realm soon after their "demises". Death existed as nothing but a mild inconvenience in this day and age, and he reckoned that before long, Jervis would experience life again. It's always the important folk that come back, he found, and Jervis definitely fit the category. The possibility of the fox's restoration following his own execution beset the cohesion of Leroy's mind. Of course the wolfhound wanted the bastard dead for good, though he just couldn't shake the likelihood of a revival of any sorts. It has happened before, and will definitely happen again. He just wishes that it didn't happen to him.

Tucking the doubts and misgivings away into the deepest recesses of his imagination, Tanglewood's leader makes the scene with an exuberant smile, tongue hanging out the side. Regardless of what followed, it was a day he'd awaited for quite a long time. Red, Sam, Kiira, and more were gravely maltreated at his arm or call, and Pastel butchered. An abundance of horrendous crimes attributed to his vile name, and today, he'd finally receive his comeuppance. Why it took so long was completely beyond him, but that was the past. The wait was over. The good guys had won, and he wore the undeniable satisfaction in his expression. It sours a bit upon seeing Kydobi, who'd caused somewhat of a stir back home. The mongrel's scowl reverts to its original state, though, as he learns to ignore the jaguar's presence.

Contemptuously, Leroy waltzes up towards the criminal's post, far enough out of his abominable reach, yet close enough to build a distance between the two that could be considered dear. The canine's smile fades not whilst approaching the malefactor. If anything, it widens.

"Ya likely don't know me," he begins, stating the obvious, "but I know you. And I know what ya've done. Ya hit my home hard - ya hit my family hard." Following the last part, he released a tender sigh. Pastel never even lived to learn of her adopted father's romantic life. She never got to know the potential fatherly figure that was Leroy. The male restrains himself from showing any further sentiment; for all he knew, Jervis might get off to that sort of thing. "I guess this is it, then," he continues, "end of the line. Tell ya what though; I'm gonna make sure that everyone who stood by ya meets a similar fate. And I got an entire tribe to help with that. Have a nice day."

Next, he encroaches on Goldenluxury - leaving about the same distance between them he did with Jervis. "Lookin' forward to it, Ms. Goldenluxury," Leroy declares before playfully adding "such a shame I didn't bring no snack."

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - wormwood. - 01-03-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
God, this was going to feel like heaven on earth. Sure, perhaps the effect of it all would be a little bit diminished by the fact that there would be right bastards like Kydobi and Bai Shi present, but Aurum refused to let even them get under his skin. Even if he hadn't hated Jervis for as long as some had, that didn't make the rage that burned in his heart for the fox any less impressive. After all, Jervis had stolen away so many things from him. Jervis had brainwashed Roy, hurt Red, hurt a ton of his other beloved clanmates, and had mistreated Draekon, someone the lion had dearly loved. Sure, things hadn't ended well between the two of them, but that didn't mean that Aurum wanted Draekon to suffer, and Jervis had caused him to suffer silently for ages. The angel wanted to rip the head from the former ardent's shoulders and slam it onto a pike to be proudly displayed along the border of the Pitt, but he somehow felt that would be frowned upon, at least by a few people. Still, that didn't mean he wasn't going to come and enjoy watching the bastard get executed, even if he didn't particularly want in on the action himself. After all, he was still pretty injured, and had only worsened his wounds in fighting with Kydobi and saving both Leroy and Miller from Astiar nearly carrying them off, so he wasn't exactly in the mood for killing, even a captured opponent.

As Aurum moved through the crowd that had gathered around Jervis's coming execution site, he felt the hairs along his back stand up a bit at the sight of Kydobi, before slowly settling back down again. Sure, Aurum fucking hated Kydobi, and wanted nothing more than to slit the jaguar's throat as well, but... there was a time and a place for that, and it wasn't here. Besides, he had no reason to worry about anything here. After all, Tanglewood had been invited to this event, so there was no reason he couldn't be there. Plus, Leroy was already here as well, and if Kydobi tried to stir shit with the hound here watching... well, holy hell would probably be rained down upon him by both Leroy and Goldie, and Aurum would've been delightfully amused to watch that. Pushing all of this aside, Aurum moved further through the crowd, up to where Jervis was. With a bit of a gap in between them for safety's sake – even if Aurum couldn't truly be hurt by fire without a lot of effort – Aurum gritted out with a crooked grin, "I will delight in finally seeing you dead, you cowardly scum. You have hurt... so many people that I love. So many people that my clanmates have loved. I will never forget all of the horrible things that you inflicted upon Tanglewood, and I will take great pleasure in watching this... and just so you know, even if you someday return..." He leaned in the faintest bit, his grin somehow widening even more, a grim tone to his words, "...I will find you. And I will completely, and utterly destroy you from this plane of existence for what you have done. Anyways... may you hope that God has more mercy for your soul than I ever will." The lion then just let out a soft and warm chuff of utter delight, turning around and walking away from Jervis and back into the crowd before he settled on his haunches, waving a wing up at Goldie. He would just relax, for now. Seeing retribution finally come down upon the heads of the guilty... well, it just filled his little angelic spirit with light.
template by orion

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - teef - 01-04-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black panther w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
coming to stand at kydobi's side, the beast rumbled deeply in their throat, blind gaze focused on where all the voices were coming from. they had their own share in this execution, memories dancing in their mind of the long missing sepiroth, their first love in this cruel world and his madness. they were reminded of stryker and ninazu, of the torture that they had once suffered at the small woman's paws. jaws splitting in an angry exhale, they licked their maw, brows furrowed, "your day was coming for years, long before you were a concept in your sire's mind, jervis." they growled, hackles rising as they remembered their dame's screams of agony as his leg was ripped from his body before the spectating crowd. they could still feel the small bundle that was their little sister pressed into their side, sobbing in grief.

lips curled they blinked blind eyes, standing beside kydobi, knowing that their clanmate was there, and enjoying his presence, his anger. they would fall silent,
aware of all those that had gathered, listening in satisfaction to the threats thrown at the man. the fox had ruined a lot of good things, and good people. his justice was coming, slow as it had built, and fast as it had come crashing down upon him. kydobi's death had been the fox's fault, leading him to the empty wings of the reaper before he could see that the vile man had tricked him.

"let his head fall from his shoulders.
nobody will mourn his passing. dare he come back, he will find no welcome anywhere!
" they snorted, claws digging into the ground, lifting their head to face goldie, eyes glinting, swearing in silently that they too wished to have a claw in his death, but they knew they were not the most furious with him. they could scent aurum and leroy, listening to their voices and their words.

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Keona. - 01-06-2020

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
Jervis himself never laid a paw on the tiny Privateer.  But the Pitt had.  She'd been treated kinder than most.  Lucky.  Watched over by a father desperate enough to sneak away from his crew to spy.  Taken by someone who became attached to a child they stole.  But it meant nothing.  Nothing compared to the blood they'd spilt.  And for Jervis, who broke deals, kidnapped her cousin, and made his own clanmates suffer in his place... No punishment would be severe enough.

The fae joined the outskirts of the crowd, scowling towards the crackling fire.  Should the vixen ever return to the living, he would find no welcome in any corner of the continent.  Now if only Stryker and Ninazu could share his fate today.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Crackers - 01-07-2020



They were wrong about one thing, when they assumed nobody would care. Fourth cared, in perhaps the most selfish of ways. He wasn't sure if what he felt was love, because emotions like that took time and effort, but he definitely felt a sense of possession. In a way, Jervis had been his even if the fox would never admit to it. They hadbeen Fourths outlet, had been a presence he could take advantage of in almost every sense of the word, and in those moments of senseless touches and pointless conversation the massive canine had found a comfort that lay nowhere else in his clan. Fourth was a beast, a cold, cruel, selfish monster who cared little for anyone outside of his clan- but he was a social beast, one who craved the sense of camaraderie that should lay in a clan and who - maybe surprisingly- enjoyed the affections and closeness that was born from those bonds. He liked playful spars, pointless conversations, and just being with others, and it was never enough to just exist[//i] along side others without any of that. And that's what the Pitt had unfortunately been for him, a place where lines were always drawn and where people paired off into little groups that disliked the others. And Fourth had never found a place in those groups, had never felt [i]truly like they were his people despite the fact that he knew he belonged there. Vox had been the closest thing to a real friend he'd had, but he'd jumped ship the second things had gotten rough. Kydobi had been a close second, but between them was a distance brought on by different viewpoints that had never quite lessened to allow a proper friendship even though the jaguars presence was a welcomed familiarity by now.

So while they may not have been in love and while their 'closeness' had only been brought on by the outlines of a shady deal, it had meant more to Fourth than anything else the Pitt had offered him. And he knew it was selfish to ignore everything else in lieu of that, but Fourth was a selfish guy. He didn't like to give up the few things that brought him some semblence of contentment, and he would forever hate Goldenluxury for stepping in the way she had. In Fourths eyes that couldn't change even if the leader wasn't Jervis, because in his eyes she had no right to dictate them a sa group. Coming in here like she was their reigning god, to dictate who could live and who could die, to decide who could rot in a cell or who was worthy of leading them, it was all wrong. It should have been The Pitt to overthrow Jervis if they'd wanted him gone, should have been them to take the initiative. And if they didn't? Too bad for her. It wasn't her place. He didn't care what her past was or what vendetta she had, the pit was none of her business. He had half a mind, now that his children were born, to call open season on her group of mongrels, to tear her down and play dictator in her own lands the way she had here. And why not? According to her all it to was for him to disagree and that should justify it, right? All he had to do was not like her or the way she ran things, and that should give him the right to insert himself into her business like it was his own.

One thing was certain. No matter what happened here today, she would suffer. She would learn her place and would regret ever sticking her nose into the Pitts business. The children he bore and any generation to come afterward he would be sure to pollute against her clan, and she would lose lives over this. Would see the blood of her clanmates splatter the ground of her territory weather their new leader wished it or not. Fourth would not let his clan go soft, would not let them change the foundations. The Pitt was the only warmongering group, and he would kill before he let that change.

He was a wolf once more, finally able to don the body he was most comfortable in. He'd left the children at home with someone to look after them so that he could attend, but his participation would not be what they intended. Instead the massive, muscular canine lingered in the back where he sat, wine red eyes cold and ignoring those who gathered. It was true that a part of him would hate his own clan for doing this, for taking away what he considered his possession, but he knew there was no changing this. Jervis had made his moves poorly and now there was no force to come to his rescue. Fourth couldn't do it alone, and there was nobody who would have tried anyways.

The only reason he was here was because he was the clans Marauder, that, and because he felt he should be. He may not support this, but if they were going to destroy his things then he would be there to remember those who did it.  Wouldn't forget that they'd stolen the only toy he had to ease his silent suffering.



Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - trojan g. - 01-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;"]This wasn't the first time Sweeney had decided that she was going to sneak out. There had been a time before when she had decided that it would be a good thing to do, and she had clearly not learned her lesson since then. She had whispered her plans to her other siblings, soon leaving to follow their parent from behind, trying her best to keep up with the size difference, out of breath by the time she had made her way there, ears soon pinning down to her head as she began to sneak around, making sure to stay out of site of Fourthwall, whether or not she was actually doing a good job didn't matter to her, but she trusted in herself to move around properly in order to do what she was meant to do, and hope that her siblings would be close behind her.

If the other three mentioned playing or sent their babysitter off to find Sweeney then maybe they, too, could get away to come follow. If not, she didn't care, she'd be the only one here and even if she got in trouble for it, she'd have bragging rights of being able to watch... whatever this was. She didn't know what an execution was, and didn't really know Jervis, but she knew of screaming, it was something that she and her siblings did when they played, and they got told to quiet down. So when Kydobi mentioned it, she couldn't help but get excited. Was her dad gonna have fun?

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Warringkingdoms - 01-09-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin hadn't exactly been in a hurry to return to the Pitt's territory, but word of Jervis' punishment had drawn her to the fringes of the gathering.

  She had told Elysium she would be going, and offered an invitation to any other Elysites who wanted to attend. So long as a majority of each group- the Pitt included- attended the execution, the odds of Elysium's territory being raided while they were gone were minimal. She suspected the Captain wouldn't attack the territory either, not while his primary target was elsewhere.

  Listening to others' testimonies about Jervis' crimes- the speakers including members of his own group, likely due to the stunt he'd pulled with Kydobi- elicited a soft sigh from her. If everyone was going to speak their piece, then she ought to as well. Digging up those old memories wouldn't be pleasant, but all she had to do was state the facts. She wouldn't condemn herself here; really, she wouldn't be condemning anyone who wasn't already.

  As the last speaker finished their declaration, Rin calmly stepped forward and leveled her gaze at Jervis. "You destroyed the old observatory," she said, a strange sense of strength filling her. "You destroyed a home that I and many others held dear- a record of the Ascendants' history, that you burnt down without remorse." Narrowing her eyes, she continued, "I doubt I'll ever understand why you did it, but I understand this much- the Ascendants' memory will live on forever, whether the observatory stands or not." Allowing a small smirk to cross her face, she remarked, "History will remember you, too- as a coward, who resorted to trampling those who could not fight back and sacrificing his own men to make himself feel strong."

  Taking an arrow out of her quiver and pointing it in Jervis' direction, she glanced towards the others who had gathered- her unlikely allies, if only until the day's end. "Ready when you are, Goldenluxury," she said, with a small nod.

Re: IN THE WHITE ROOM / jervis' execution - Mercede - 01-09-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

another ball of fluff would follow closely behind her own sister. She too had snuck out upon seeing Sweeney leave. It occurred to her that she couldn’t let the brat take all the spotlight and have all the fun.

So seeing her window Mercede quickly left. While Sweeney looked excited.. Mercede got a little scared. She understand that Jervis was her father. While this was the first time seeing him- she could hear others speak of him poorly.

Ears pinned against her head, sounded like they were scolding him. In fact.. the young girl got a very bad feeling. Mercede hobbled over time her sister, tail tucked as she pressed against her for comfort.

“Look our papas are here..”, she whispered. She kept her eyes glued on Jervis. Deciding that he was gorgeous. Like her. Her honey eyes were wide as she stared at her dad.

If only she had more control over her powers.. she would reach out and speak to him if she could.
