Beasts of Beyond
YOUNG VOLCANOES / RETURN - Printable Version

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CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info

There was only a few places that would be considered a home for Roxanne and this was one of them, this is where her heart yearned to be. The Typhoon would always be here first love and home no matter where she was, she had been away for the longest time thinking over some things and moving on from things that had occurred in her past. She wouldn't dwell on it all for too long, she knew it wouldn't be healthy emotionally or mentally, her paws touched the warm sand as she walked slowly onto the familiar beaches once more. A soft breath escaping her slightly parted maw, her feelings began to overwhelm her. This was home. She would be safe, loved, and she would love those there. Nothing would stop her from coming back home, no one would ever keep her away. She would fight to come back to the Typhoon with her family or whatever had been left of it. Last she had seen Goldie, she had been small and vibrant, she could only guess how her niece was doing now.

She reached the entrance touching the bell knowing how familiar it was, she closed her eyes briefly before reopening them to see the bell wasn't showing only her reflection but someone else's. She felt her entire body grow tense as fear washed over her, she knew that face. Well, she barely recognized them but that was the son of a bitch that had once ate her or tried to anyways. She turned around to face them, her ears pressed against her cranium  "Don't you even think about eating me, you shithead! I'm home and you're not going to ruin that for me! FUCK OFF!" Her pelt was fluffed up with hostility and it took her some time to realize that the large brute was bleeding from several wounds as it scowled at her with disgust, she heard it babble something in some foreign tongue before pushing her out of the way with a loud, unamused snort.

What an asshole.

// wait until kliment replies thanks!! hanHSJFJFJG "character's speech."


[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
Ever since his unsuccessful takeover, Kliment had been keeping undercover for a while much too embarrassed to show his face anywhere in public. He wasn't all that well known to begin with though he hadn't cared at the time, he finally decided to relocate himself to somewhere he could actually stretch out and take a breather, he heard there was a beach based territory amongst one of the clans. Tanglewood would've been a lot more fitting for a monstrosity like himself but he demanded warm sand, even if he hated the feeling of it between his toes, rather than humidity of a swamp. He could probably find something large enough to eat around these parts, a while shark maybe or a few salt water crocodiles. The thought made his mouth water though his small food fantasies were interrupted by the growl of a small cat. Obviously, Kliment had no recollection of the cat at all seeing as he couldn't get an actual glimpse of anyone with his pair of pseudo eyes. If he had actual eyes, he definitely would have rolled them at the cat who was telling him to fuck off.

"Отойди с дороги, сумасшедшая баба," He growled pushing the feline out of his way, well, he saw no point in ringing the bell. He would sit down curling his tail around his muscles forelimbs, he didn't seem to mind any of the cuts he had received but what he did mind was that he could still feel that puny cat's eyes were still fixated on him. "Разве тебе никто никогда не говорил, что это невежливо-пялиться?" He finally breathed out angrily through gritted teeth, he used his tail to push her away from him as he continued to wait with his claws burying themselves within the sand, now, all they had to do was to wait for someone to show up. Once he joined, he'd likely find himself a suitable place to live and feed off the land. It wasn't like anyone was going to push him onto the battlefield and if they did well, he would eat a few enemies and call it a day.

// translations:
1st; Move out of the way, crazy broad.
2nd; Has no one ever told you, it's rude to stare. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: YOUNG VOLCANOES / RETURN - bubblegum - 01-04-2020