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badly describe your characters - Printable Version

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badly describe your characters - Cakie ! - 01-02-2020

hi welcome to hell i’ll be your host today
we’re gonna play a game
badly describe your characters
you can do it for multiple characters

1. badly describe your character in 3 words or less
2. badly describe your character as a newspaper header
3. badly summarize your character in a narrative-style paragraph
4. badly describe your character as a movie title
5. badly summarize/describe your character with a bad drawing

good luck, have fun, don’t burn down the site

Re: badly describe your characters - fulzanin - 01-02-2020

aslisk: local female burns down entire city from the inside out (and lives)

feza: girl covers herself in glitter glue and paint and leads cryptid hunters on a wild goose chase after kazoo noises after midnight

sanzu: child disappears from sight leading officials to think she was kidnapped only to find her stuck in a rose bush

astiar: giant surge of cicada leaves city in a state of panic, officials debate on evacuation.

Re: badly describe your characters - musey - 01-02-2020

kaz: area man has a prolonged and emotional bruh moment at local mcdonalds

Re: badly describe your characters - Cakie ! - 01-02-2020

perhaps i will too, even if i don’t rp much anymore

ska’arq: emotionless purple scaly

starrynight: happy but dead

gameover: blocky blue boi

- sexy lizard lady
- florida man suffocated when strange pink woman sits on him - “nice,” investigators say

- embodiment of anxiety
- local man shits pants when asked what he’d like to order at wendy’s

shortcake: fuck

Re: badly describe your characters - Verdigris - 01-02-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin: area woman attacked by 11 gods, claims she started it

  Straw: woman wears skull of extinct mammal- "not as intimidating as expected," officials say

  Darksouls: area man becomes legal guardian of 5 ducklings

  Papercutter: local gang member not nearly as hardcore as he claims, more news at 7

  Reedwhistle: Florida man inhales toxic fumes, says "yee haw"

Re: badly describe your characters - Misty - 01-02-2020

[align=center][div style="width:60%;min-height:50px;overflow:hidden;Margin:auto;"][div style="width:100%;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;text-transform:lowercase;padding:5px;font-family:palatino;font-size:8pt;"]
Keona: Blind girl masters the art of throwing knives, injuries two
Tena: Escaped slave sets world on fire in "freak accident"
Kiira: Strange glitches lead to discovery of an annoyed pacifist
Penelope: Child drill sergeant to win all wars
Aine: Local butterfly enthusiast causes mass chaos -- the butterflies are taking over, officials say
Breena: Local honey badger is offering hugs at the bookstore

Re: badly describe your characters - Kydobi - 01-02-2020

I have so many but I’m only gonna use the ones I actually rp ????‍♀️

Kydobi: daddy issue e-boy


Mercede: The Young. The Conceited. The Spoiled.

Kamara: hate it here

Honey: Studies show that herbs cannot make up for lack of friends!

Re: badly describe your characters - Lamby - 01-03-2020

[align=center][div style="width:60%;min-height:50px;overflow:hidden;Margin:auto;"][div style="width:100%;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;padding:5px;font-family:georgia;font-size:9pt;"]Salem Local pumpkin king befriends all crows
Gael Widowed chess player to put world in check

Re: badly describe your characters - Orion - 01-07-2020

edgy eDGY EDGY

now guess which character

trick question it's all of them

Re: badly describe your characters - tikki - 01-15-2020
