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WARM RAIN AND THUNDER && return - Printable Version

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WARM RAIN AND THUNDER && return - idyllfields - 01-02-2020

stars did fall
[tdlr at the bottom!]

it had happened suddenly.

idyll hadn't remembered much from that morning. they had groggily risen from their hut and gathered their daily items to carry out. typical. they had reached the beaches before dawn, just a few feet away from the submarine for another day of training.

unknowing. unbothered. oblivious.

after that... nothing. nothing until they came to after an unknown amount of time. the unsteady balance that rocked their body back and forth gave away they were on a boat. numbness covered their body, and they were unsure if their vision was covered or if they just hadn't the strength to open their eyes. it was hard to tell if or when they had gone in and out of consciousness, but eventually the rocking stopped.

another break through their memory. eventually they got onto solid land. this time they could hear horses, or maybe just one, in front of them. carriage? maybe? they felt too... tired to care.

when they could see, sunlight blinded them. they tried blinking it away, shielding their face from it but their limbs felt like jelly. once the brightness subsided they could recognize concrete buildings. satin banners and... voices!

"help..." their voice was nothing against the white noise of activity around them. they began to panic, attempting to gain feeling in their body quicker by thrashing around.

"hold on! hold on..."
something familiar that they couldn't grasp. their eyes darted back and forth around them but all they could see was up. they were on their back, it seemed. "you can't move too much, you'll get sick." idyll's eyes went wide as it clicked, his jaws parting to squirm away from the voice.

no... i wasn't ready...

"idyll please. it's me. i know its... been some time..."

"no!" they lashed out again, this time having caught something. it tumbled down with a clumsy thud- a pile of books? it didn't seem to anger the voice, though. only hurriedly untie the coyote and push them onto their side. a paw steadily held down their shoulder, but not forcefully. an awkward attempt at comfort. not wanting to get too close.

"idyll you have to calm down. it'll wear off soon. i did it for your...."


when they awoke again they felt more... clearly now. it was dark out, but they had been moved again. something soft and plush underneath them. the scents and voices around them became much clearer. the same scents their father carried whenever he visited. the voices were mainly his own with a couple unknown but... the talking was all him.

idyll got up slowly this time, their body stiff and achy. they were laying on some sort of couch made of pillows and satin. in front of them were bodies of animals, all with their back turned on them. the faint glow of candles revealed some of their figures. a fox- no, two. a macaw sat upon a perch. a savannah. and... a coyote.

"the child's awake!" the macaw croaked out. all of their heads turned to idyll, making them recoil sheepishly. suddenly the candles were blown out and darkness blanketed them again.

"study is over, return to your homes. we will continue tomorrow as scheduled." the coyote spoke above their complaints, waiting for them all to leave before approaching idyll again. his face was... aged. gray covered much more of his muzzle and brows than it had before. his eyes looked tired and his whiskers were bent. he looked... happy to see them, though.

"i'm sorry. i got your letters a few weeks ago, all of them. they were sending them to the wrong island-" idyll's heart thudded in their chest. they had forgotten about the letters... they never expected an answer. "many contacts just to find out where you'd run off to. searched the house in netherland, all of greece in case you took a wrong turn. spent two whole days in athens alone-"

i'm not ready. idyll had rehearsed what they would have told him for months. now that he was standing right in front of them... nothing.

"to find out you were off with some lowlife bandits! i was convinced they must have captured you. you're too noble to become that low- living with thieves and murderers." the coyote let out a hearty laugh. "they said they found you with covered in herbs and wearing um... oh where is it..." he turned his back and began digging around. idyll placed their paw upon their neck, jaw clenching when they couldn't feel their pendant.

"you captured me." idyll's voice was... surprisingly cold. they didn't know if they had meant to come off that way. their father slowly lifted his head, the pendant in his jaws. idyll swallowed, continuing quickly. "the typhoon is my home. i'm their healer."

their father scoffed, dropping the pendant just a few inches too short of idyll's grasp. "you don't want to help them... do you? idyll look- look at yourself." he reached out with this paw, hesitating when idyll flinched, before touching his child's cheek and nose. "they gave you these. your pelt- it's dirty and dull. you look exhausted son-" idyll flinched again, this time moving away from him.

"i'm sorry, i forgot."

"i want to rest." they demanded, keeping their gaze on their pendant. "you drugged me and dragged me who knows how far from my home. i'm going to rest." they remained silent until their father gave in, leaving them. idyll picked up their pendant once he was gone and placed it around their neck, their breath catching as it connected itself with them. they felt more comfortable and at ease now.

their dreams had made them restless. they felt teeth at their neck over and over again. visions of bubbling colored water. their sleep was broken when they felt something at their neck- the same place they had been bitten in their dream. though it was a gentle tug of the string around their neck. idyll jolted up, eyes wide to see the macaw in front of them. it stared for several moments before taking off in flight. rude...

the voices had returned. another session it seemed... well, they weren't keen on staying to listen. maybe if he had fetched them a year or two earlier...

the coyote left the satin couch and gathered their satchel, the herbs inside crumpled and ruined from water damage. they made brief eye contact with their father, dumping the ruined contents onto the floor before padding away. the streets weren't as active as he had described when they were younger. it appeared more... domestic here than a bustling city. they padded down dirt paths and watched young ones tumble over each other in play. some doing chores outside watching forlornly. idyll had been deep in thought when they were suddenly caught off guard.

something grasped at their chest and they gasped, pushing themselves away from their assaulter. "what are you doing?" they demanded, looking down to see a grizzled mutt. she didn't speak a word, but beckoned for them. idyll allowed the old dog to guide them, looking behind them to see the children had dispersed. their heart began to thud in their chest again. the sounds of bubbling water filling their ears before the dogs voice cut through.

"she is waiting for you." her voice was hushed and raspy as she led them to an old creaky shed. the first thing they noticed was how hot it was inside. steam filled the room as multiple black pots rumbled loudly, shaking. "come." she pulled idyll to one of the corners of the room, their nose twitching from the sharp scent of herbs. these they couldn't recognize. brightly colored leaves lined up in piles. some grinded up in a bowl beside them. she picked up one of each, holding them out. when idyll didn't take them right away she huffed, opening their satchel and placing them inside.

for an old dog she sure moved fast. or perhaps it was from their still-dazed state from what had happened before. suddenly they were in front of a pot. the heat making them dizzy. she dropped a red powder into it, turning the water into a mesmerizing red shade. "oh..." they gasped, finding themselves unable to look away. they felt something pushing themselves closer to the water, any sense of danger melting away as the bubbles formed into several other colors and shapes. eventually morphing into...

"mother!" pot shook, the steam began to consume idyll's body almost entirely. the shed and its heat dissipated gradually, leaving them in front of the presence of their late mother. the two stood still, not sure where their boundaries stood. she seemed rush though and not too keen on waiting for the other to decide.

"idyll, i will be quick. you cannot let that," she looked to crystal around their neck. "out of your sight. your father cannot take it, do you understand?" she didn't wait for a response. "when you go back, you have to run. you can't trust him anymore. he's... changed. it's my fault, but please don't go back to him. go back home. whatever you can do to go back." idyll nodded quickly, watching her begin to fade away. "don't go back! just run!"

their breath caught in their throat as she was gone, and they were pulled back. they stumbled as the dog pulled them back, shoving their now over-stuffed satchel into their side. "what...?" it smelled like the herbs from the corner, but they could hear clinking of glass as well. they... decided not to question it. they needed to leave. they hadn't felt right from the start.

the old mutt seemed to understand, nodding her head as she guided them out of the shed. "docks. on the south. he has no influence there." what did that mean?

"were you a friend of my mothers? is that how she... got here?" he was met with an amused, raspy chuckle.

"i am just a messenger." how strange... they parted ways and they took a look up at the sky. they must had been in that dream for hours... dusk was already settling. they hurried between buildings, avoiding the main paths should their father come looking for them. they felt their chest begin to warm up, the crystal pendant growing hot as a soft glowing trail dotting the path in front of them. a guide, perhaps? they followed it with a new sense of vigor, determined to get off this damned island. the glowing trailed twinkled and danced within their sights, leading them closer toward water.

movement caught the coyote's eye just moments too late. a force shoved into their body and teeth grabbed the scruff of their neck. digging further into their skin and jerking them backwards. idyll was at a loss for air, thrashing wildly at their attacker- him.

the older coyote released them, tossing them into the street. "no- you're not leaving." his tone changed from the soft, fatherly voice from before. it was dark now. hateful. "you don't get to take her away and get away with it!" he came closer to idyll as they slowly got back to their paws. their satchel had also been tossed away in the scuffle a few feet away. they darted for it, but were pushed down again. "no! i killed that bitch that let her die. now? i'm taking away the thing that took her from me!" he bit down into idyll's neck again, puncturing the skin over and over, only stopping when their fur started to become blood-soaked.

idyll had felt frozen from the pain and fear. they reached for the satchel in vain as their father kicked it away, laughing cruelly at them. "i never even wanted you. i tried so hard to stay away. i sent that vixen just to take you off her paws and get her back, but she still stayed! just because she got attached to your pathetic tantrums and neediness." he began monologuing, his voice fading in and out. idyll felt a strange sensation within their paw as they looked at their satchel. they could... feel its contents despite it being quite a distance away.

"you ruined her. i tried to make it work but you... you were just so selfish. you had to ask her to stay, didn't you?" his paw came down on his neck, causing them to whine from the pain. "you won't get away alive now." as he bent down to give a killing bite, idyll was able to conjure one of the glass vials in the satchel. they crushed it against his face, hissing as it began to sizzle against his skin. the older coyote snarled in pain, backing away as the contents of the vial spread across his face.

"i can't see! i can't see- help!" a brief moment of guilt tugged at their heart, until they caught sight of his disciples rushing down the path. idyll shakily rose to their paws, their ability to move only fueled by adrenaline now. they rushed toward the water and picked up their bag, bolting for the water. the shimmering glowing trail began to appear again as the disciples voices came closer.

they didn't care to look back. their focus trained on the coming sight of a boat on the docks. a large wooden sign above reading 'south ships'. they tripped over their paws climbing up to it, the strength in their body ebbing away slowly. "i need... to leave..." idyll gasped to the ships captain, a boar, watching their fathers disciples below try to catch it. the boar urged idyll onto the deck and untied the ropes from the dock, signaling to his deckhands to take off.

the disciples had reached the top of the loading dock mere seconds too late. the captain eyed them, giving a grunt before turning his back to fetch a first aid kit. idyll leaned himself up against one of the rails, already applying pressure to where the worst of their injuries were. the sudden screech of the macaw made them jump. talons clutched at the pendant around their neck and tugged. the clasp boke and the parrot took off, cawing its victory out. idyll reached their paw out toward it, using the same method they had with their satchel and gasped as they felt the pendant back in their paw.

they tucked it close to their body and slumped over, the energy from using these sudden powers causing them to lose consciousness.

it had taken weeks.

weeks... but they arrived back home in one piece.

as the ship docked idyll was hesitant to get off. what would they all think? they had been gone for a considerable amount of time... they wondered how disappointed goldenluxury would be. they were supposed to be pirates after all. what kind of pirate let themselves get kidnapped...

the boar eventually shoved idyll off with a grunt. they recoiled as the ships horns bellowed in its leave.

they were in front of the gates once more. this time it wasn't some barrier... a welcome home. as the coyote came closer to the border their anxieties trickled away. each step another bounce in confidence. they passed through the beaches with ease, not flinching at the slightest tap of water against their fur.

"i'm… back home." idyll sighed, standing outside of the tavern.

2567 words!

[tdlr: idylls father discovers where they are after years of mutual searching assumed to be for the reason in idyll's letters sent to him. he sends a crew there to kidnap them. they were drugged throughout the trip back to crete.

after waking up idyll realizes its their dad that 'kidnapped' them. they don't feel comfortable with it at all and act coldly to him and sense something is not right. the animals around them have a strange obsession with the pendant idyll wears. they then have a vivid dream that theyre repeatedly bitten and colored bubbling water.

they leave their fathers home after waking up to him doing a sermon and comes across an old hound. she brings them to a shed full of herbs and boiling pots of water. she makes them stand over one of the pots and they have a vision of their mother warning them of their father. they take off after that and start heading for one of the docks the old hound tells them about.

they discover their pendant can channel their clairvoyance to lead them. their father stops them from leaving and brutally attacks them and reveals that his intentions were to kill idyll for ruining his life and keeping their mother from him by being born. idyll discovers their conjuration power by conjuring a glass vial to crush against their father \s head. they escape to the boat quickly and the ship takes off before the disciples can reach him.

one of them, a macaw, manages to take the pendant, but idyll conjures it back as it flies away. the use of the powers cause them to pass out.

it takes weeks but they make it back to the typhoon where they stop in front of the tavern and kinda vibe there for now]

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Re: WARM RAIN AND THUNDER && return - bubblegum - 01-04-2020