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WAY WAY DOWN + CHRISTIAN - Printable Version

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WAY WAY DOWN + CHRISTIAN - toboggan - 01-01-2020

[glow=black,2,300]CHRISTIAN S.[/glow]
tags — updated 04/04

name. christian brockenbrough
enthralled by leroy starkweather
nicknames. "chris"
"roy", "jerkass"
biological gender. male
age. 45 months physically [3 years] | 79 months mentally [6 years]
born august 7th, 2016
clan. tanglewood
titles. gatorbait, observer

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
voiceclaim. vito scaletta from the mafia series
☆ driven by an insatiable taste for equity
☆ “tough guy” motif
☆ swears excessively
”the unfettered”

☆ a curved blade meant for amputation; used as a weapon as well as a medical tool
the collection - leroy's personal store of (mostly) useless junk, ranging from tire irons to boxes of rusted nails. oh yeah, and it includes the severed legs of delilah evergarden and romanempire.

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
irish wolfhound 100% health
christian's appearance vaguely resembles that of leroy, though the traits that distinguish him from his deceased brother are easily identifiable. height-wise, christian stands a few inches shy of leroy's elevation (at approx. 3'5). be that as it may, this does not stop the younger brother from outweighing the other - christian's muscle mass is much more pronounced than leroy's ever was. his pelt is of finer quality, as well; thicker furs coat his body, with less individual strands of gray and white, making for an unadulterated ashen colour. additionally, he bears eyes painted chocolate, and carries a smooth, velvety voice. 
injuries. none.

[glow=black,2,300]PERSONALITY [LEROY][/glow]
entj + slytherin + chaotic neutral
blunt and hot-headed at times, while cool and cunning at others, leroy's mood completely depends on how his morning went. he cares deeply for those he loves, to a rather overprotective point every now and then, and usually becomes upset as soon as he learns of someone's troubles. he bases his views on others on their actions as a group, as well as official status. until an enemy proves themselves as neutral, they will be treated as such - and vice versa for those that are allies. careless about his passive actions, leroy is an avid pottymouth, for every other sentence he mouths will contain either a swear, a cuss, or another variant of foul language. there is no particular reason for this - profanities are deeply rooted in his dialect, and frankly, he is quite proud of it.
positive traits witty, stoic, strong, protective
neutral traits blunt, dominating, aggressive, proud
negative traits callous, manipulative, arbitrary, criminal
disorders. not confirmed, but may have adhd

[glow=black,2,300]PERSONALITY [CHRISTIAN][/glow]
estp + ravenclaw + lawful neutral
when compared to the individual that uses his body as a personal vessel, there is a colossal contrast between their morals and personalities. before being unwillingly relocated to the island, christian enjoyed a lavish life as a show dog belonging to a wealthy human couple. by god did he have it good. his food served on an exquisite platter, his bed made every single night by a new servant every day - hell, in the case of him truly wishing for it, he could get his toys pre-chewed. considering himself something of a connoisseur, his tastes are far too elegant for tanglewood standards, and as such, likely wouldn't last a day without leroy controlling his every move. it should be added that leroy does not possess total control of christian. constantly making an effort to free himself of his mind's shackles, the chances of him striking at the perfect moment and regaining control of his own body are high. as everyone would, christian does not take too kindly to his figure being used as a meatsuit.
positive traits dispassionate, methodical, pragmatic, righteous
neutral traits competitive, moralistic, sly, unhurried
negative traits pretentious, meddlesome, unimaginable, submissive
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. leroy
sexuality. female-leaning biromantic bisexual
relationship status. taken by crow
friends. crow, goldenluxury, selby, aurum, arrow
enemies. pittians
platonic relationships? the difficulty of forming a platonic relationship depends on the type of day he’s having
romantic relationships? all leroy wants to have is a sweetheart, though he always ends up trying too hard or too little in keeping these relationships alive

— strength [8/10]
— speed [8/10]
— agility [7/10]
— intelligence [5/10]
— endurance [8/10]
— perception [4/10]
physically + mentally. very hard + mediocre
will fight + will most definitely kill
self defense. intimidation first, followed by barbarism.
may use amputation knife
mention [member=1538]leroy[/member] or [member=1536]toboggan[/member] when attacking
attacks in #af1313
powers. possession