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WAIT FOR IT | new years painting - Printable Version

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WAIT FOR IT | new years painting - gael - 12-31-2019

An idea sat through lengthy consideration before the vulpine put objects in motion.  When others were involved, factors must be weighed and thought through.  At the heart of every matter however, the faerie simply turned his mind's eye to his daughter.  If the idea meant she'd smile, the idea became worthwhile indeed.

Winter holidays came with a plethora of common place traditions, as did celebrating New Years.  Gael possessed a different thought, than typical parties, to celebrate the passing of a year.  A colorful, interactive idea.  While the vulpine felt unsure of the Pitt's overall artistic enthusiasm, he enjoyed painting and knew Aine had inherited that love.

With methodical care, the faerie began assembling a collection of paint -- mostly from his own home.  Considering the plan to involve than just him painting, he sought out the largest containers, seeking as many colors he could as well.  So long as we have all the primaries...

Canvases, he believed he owned more than enough for everyone but knew a stall owner who may help him otherwise for a few herbs.  The marketplace itself, he figured, may also be a canvas but he'd leave that for others to decide.

Water too, existed as an essential, to clean brushes or paws.  Gathering small buckets of water reigned the most difficult portion of his task in the end.  Once he finished traveling to and fro, carefully organizing materials, Gael took a breath.

It all sat assembled in the marketplace, the center for community.  Satisfied with his preparation, Gael cleared his throat.  "Pittians. Consider this a New Year's festivity -- I've brought all the materials for everyone to paint."

"If anyone has a stall that doesn't mind, feel free to paint them.  Make sure you ask of course, otherwise... Paint freely."

// Mobile post
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby