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FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM ☆ o, depths - Printable Version

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FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM ☆ o, depths - redvox. - 12-31-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny liked to think that he had explored a pretty good portion of the territory that the Halls currently inhabited. However, there was one place that he had been avoiding since he had first seen it: the leaning tower. The leaning tower was a large building that looked to be – or at least at one time was – the beginnings of a skyscraper. Evidently the humans that had lived in the Halls' territory before them had been beginning to expand and make strides in the advancement in their town when... everything had gone to shit. The leaning tower was the remains of those dreams and advancement, and now sat mostly tipped over, half buried beneath the earth and an utter mess to attempt to navigate. Vox had avoided it for the most part, mainly because he didn't see much use in going and exploring it. After all, it wasn't very useful as a secure building anymore, and there weren't even many rats or other kind of prey to be found there, so why bother? Still, despite his thought process, someone had decided to take up residence there, that someone being Kilius. When he had first come upon Kili making his home within the half shattered abandoned remains of the skyscraper, he had urged the other to move into the fortress, or at least make his home somewhere else, but he had been ignored, Kilius being far too stubborn to give the place up. Vin had been annoyed at first, but eventually he had just grown used to it, occasionally going to the place to get Kilius if they absolutely needed the male for something, which was usually just in the case of meetings and not much else. That was why, when Kilius stopped coming around that often, Vinny hadn't thought much of it at first. Hell, he had been so exhausted and distracted by everything else that he had barely even noticed until now, and he was beginning to feel a little bit worried about having not seen the canine in weeks. So, he had decided to go seek the other out, making his way slowly towards the leaning tower, since he knew that to be where Kilius could most commonly be found, and what better place to start than the other's home?

When he had finally come to where the tower was, half laying against the earth, he had frowned when he found the scent of the Halls, as well as Kilius, to be very much stale. A sigh left him as he moved a bit farther inside the broken building, crawling in through one of the broken windows before he began to look around for where some trace of Kilius could be hiding. His hooves and wings struct softly against the ground beneath him as he maneuvered throughout the building... that was, of course, until the earth gave out beneath him. The glass and dirt beneath him seemed to crumble in on itself, and suddenly he was plummeting downward, a startled scream leaving his throat as his wings flailed out, desperately trying to catch air. Once some sort of ground came into view beneath him again, the Harbinger closed his eyes, desperately focusing in teleporting. When he blinked out of the air and onto the ground below, he let out a relieved gasp of breath, practically collapsing against the ground as his heart went a million miles a minute. He just stayed there, sprawled out on the ground for a while, looking to recover his breath and just calm down for a minute. When he eventually got back up again, he began to explore where he was, surprised to find an enormous hollowed out chamber made mostly of dirt and beams hidden beneath the leaning tower's remains. As he glanced around, he saw several smaller tunnels made off in various directions, and he eventually came to realize that the entire place was a massive underground maze of little rooms, made with the purpose of putting in supports for the buildings above. It was actually quite impressive, and Vox found himself wandering for quite a while before he eventually found a slope leading upward. Moving up, he found himself emerging from a large hole in the ground near the edge of the territory, glancing behind him and saying with a little impressed grin, "Shit, I never even realized those were there... that's amazin'!" He wasn't exactly sure what they could do with the tunnels that lingered beneath the territory just yet, but he was sure that they could be made useful, with just a little bit of planning.

Re: FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM ☆ o, depths - breena - 01-02-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #7b66a8; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3.3px;"][b]I will try to be the brightest
The leaning tower presented an interesting place to explore.  Only the petite badger found herself lingering elsewhere, such as in the hydroponics lab, too often to truly check the place out.  She felt uncertain of the stability of a tower sinking back into the earth after all.

Only once again, Breena spotted Redvox disappearing into a place of curiosity.  She would've kept on her way, had she not heard a scream moments later.  Alarmed, the druid quickly scrambled into the tower herself, dark hues intently scanning her surroundings.

It was almost creepy, to know the building was sinking and to walk through it.  Warily, she barely scrambled back from the place the Harbinger obviously fell through.  Stars. "Redvox?" She called down, antsy.  Her long claws shifted against the ground.  Uncertain.  A trip down didn't look safe.  But she had to find him.  What if he was hurt?

Okay.  Breathe.  Maybe her fear of heights was getting into her... It was a long way down...  Okay.  She needed to shift into something small that could fly.  Falling won't be an issue with wings... Right?  Okay.

Two creatures came to mind.  A bat.  An owl.  Either would do the trick.  Only as she tried to set her mind to change, they both seemed to happen.  Honestly, Breena thought she was an owl for a moment, taking a deep breath and spreading her wings.

Only as she begun the terrifying descent down, she realized she felt the air through both feathers and fur.  She just didn't feel... Like a bird.  Not entirely.  But she had to focus on her surroundings.  Focus and look for Redvox.  Only... She felt like she were in a maze and she didn't entirely have the flying concept down.

Alaire makes it look easy.  She huffed quietly for air as she found solid ground to skid to a landing on, still watching with large, dark eyes for a sign of the Harbinger.  "Redvox?"

Re: FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM ☆ o, depths - redvox. - 01-02-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Redvox had nearly been so stunned by his new previously unknown surroundings that he nearly hadn't heard the soft voice of his arch-rogue echoing through the caves, bouncing off of the walls. Thankfully, his large sensitive bat ears were twitching before too long at the echoing call, and he found himself turning around, walking a bit back inside before he eventually found the voice in question, Breena. Or, well, at least it sounded like Breena. The thing in front of him... well, it didn't really look like anything he had ever seen before. Sure, he had known that Breena was able to shapeshift for a while now, but he hadn't realized she could shift into such an odd combination of creatures. And yes, of course, Vin didn't really have much space to call a combination of creatures "odd" while he lived as the offspring of a goat and a bat, but he still found himself just sort of standing and staring for a moment. Eventually he snapped out of it, realizing that Breena was probably worried about his fall, as well as where exactly they were. Shaking his head a bit, Vox mumbled up to the smaller hybrid, sitting back on his haunches, "I'm 'ere, I'm alright... teleportin' managed t'catch m'fall before anythin' could break... although I did end up discoverin' this place. Didn't even know there was anythin' underneath th'buildings..." He gave his surroundings another quick once over before returning his attention to Breena, his head cocking to one side in a metaphorical eyebrow raise, "What... what exactly have you turned y'self into now?" He tried his best not to sound rude or insulting, since making Breena feel bad about her new form certainly wasn't his intention, but he couldn't help it if the curiosity in his voice morphed into such a thing. After all, he had never seen or met another bat hybrid before, and even if she wasn't as quite a strange combination as he was, it was still kind of... comforting.

Re: FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM ☆ o, depths - breena - 01-02-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #7b66a8; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3.3px;"][b]I will try to be the brightest
Oh thank the stars. Breena let out a deep sigh.  Knowing he was okay quickly eased all the tension running through her small body.  Quietly, her round eyes began to take everything in with greater detail.  She doesn't remember ever seeing this well before.

Redvox appears to have discovered an impressive secret.  Even though she swore she could still hear her heart.  No more flying...  Sheepishly, she holds her wings out in front of her, growing more and more perplexed.  All skin and muscle but... There were feathers along them as well.

"I..." Stars. "I thought I was an owl." But if her large, sensitive ears and the skin and fur told her anything, she must not be.  "I... Um.  I might've been thinking of... Of both bats and owls.  Really, I just wanted to get down here fast."

She shifted slightly.  Honestly, Redvox could have expressed the same enthusiasm he did over her shift into a red panda and she still would've felt self-conscious.  She truly did not have her shapeshifting down at all.  At least as a red panda she had four solid legs and understood herself.

"But I can see nice... At least," Breena mumbled with a shrug.  "We should map this out somehow or... Something.  It'd be a good shelter in emergency or a sneaky way to move around."

Re: FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM ☆ o, depths - redvox. - 01-03-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny had heard enough about shapeshifting in the past to know that it was hardly a very exact science, and because of this he didn't really rag on Breena like he might have someone else for her hybrid shifting. Instead, he just chuckled as she took in her new appearance, his eyes scanning over the musculature of her wings and the new fluffy feathers that clung to her body and limbs. Shifting a bit on his own proportional wings, Vin just offered her a smile before mumbling, only really half jokingly, "Well, I s'pose that makes us both members of th'half bat half somethin' else hybrid club. Welcome. Up until now, I was th'only member!" He smiled faintly at his own joke before he turned his attention back to their surroundings, glancing around the tunnels and high dirt walls that surrounded them. Upon hearing the arch-rogue's suggestion, he nodded his head, the larger of the two hybrids speaking softly as he pressed a claw up against one of the walls, "Y'right, we should map this place out. Would make a great place for maybe some extra rooms or somethin'. Or somewhere where we can corner enemies in case of a raid. Might take a few people, though... seems like it goes throughout th'entire city." It would certainly take some time and some man power to map the full extent of the depths out, but it could certainly be useful in the future, and Vox really wanted to know the territory as well as the back of his wing before long.