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THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Printable Version

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THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Kydobi - 12-31-2019


[OOC: Kydobi wants his bebe [member=9250]piers[/member] ]

She had read the letter to him, since he lacked the ability to do so for himself. At first it was confusing, who was claiming he sired a litter? The brisk and impromptu session of lovemaking was meaningless and therefore held barely any recollection. Both of them had each other to forget about another for just one night.

It shouldn’t have even been possible, he was sure this couldn’t have happened. A genetic miracle... really that’s what it was. But he was a father and she swore it was him. So the letter said. And it was signed by her too.

Indiana Bells.

Such a sweet name. Of course, she belonged to Tanglewood. The marauder has never told her his group and perhaps it was for the best, one of the more prevalent enemies of the Pitt. Everyone was, but the Tanglewooders seemed to hold the most bitterness and hate, even after the raid.

It was a Tanglewooder that took his life. As the ebony brute walked through the marshes he remembered Aurum. Brief glimpses of the past. Teeth, claw, blood, pain.... all from the damn lion. Death? Hurt? Savage.

But Kydobi was back and he would be damned to be a deadbeat father. He had had no clue and although it sat heavy in his heart to know he was not present at their birth... or even for the first few months of their lives, he would try his best to make up for it. Besides, he had been dead for two months. However he had a father figure for a little while,even if it had fallen through for the worst. The universe was kind enough to give him that. To understand the importance.

He didn’t really know Indie, but he wasn’t entirely convinced they were his. He needed visual confirmation. But would he even know they were his if he saw them? What would such a cross look like?

Kydobi snorted looking at the filthy big. Who would want to live here? Disgust caused his nose to flare. It’s sharp senses taking in everything.

Finally finding a good spot, a clean spot, he would sit and chuff. Calling for someone


Re: the fruit from the tree •• pittian visitor - suvi. - 12-31-2019

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Pitt.  Out of everyone, many may suspect the petite vixen may hold a great deal of resentment towards the desert-faring group.  They'd be wrong.  She may still struggle with enclosed, dark places.  She may still avoid contact, lonely but accustomed to being alone.  She didn't hate them.

Hating them wasn't worth it.  Resentment was a double-edged sword.  She wasn't going to cut herself and hurt herself any more than she'd already been hurt.  And she'd been hurt.  Malnourished.  Frightened.  And a burn still existed on her side, though it was hidden by her new, plush winter coat.

Hating them wasn't worth it.  But she still felt wary finding a Pittian on their border.  Last time a Pittian had crossed it... Well, at least he hadn't crossed it.  And wasn't attacking someone.  Still, the echo of the snap often resounded in her mind.

Hesitantly, the medic approached.  This one was vaguely familiar, but she isn't sure she met him during her time as a prisoner.  She would know Embry, and Gael, and Jervis of course.  It was Jervis who took her, not this jaguar, who sat waiting.  He must want something, or have news... Still.  She doubted he'd be received very kindly.

"… What... What business do you have?" She inquired softly, unmatched hues flickering.  "I-I know the fighting is over but... Everyone 'ere is still upset.  So jus-just keep that in mind please."

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Kydobi - 12-31-2019


[OOC: ]

A heart would sink as he recognized the first comer. She was kind enough and he could feel her caution, she had every right to be. Her cries had once filled the jungle and brought tears to Kydobi.

One of the many victims of Jervis and his spree of kidnaps and torture. The jaguar loathed them and had separated himself from the group. The smell of blood and the air heavy with despair was too much. He looked in her eyes briefly before looking down, he had considered saving the prisoners sometime. Even at risk of his own wellbeing, but he hadn’t. For that he felt guilty, immense guilt.

But Kydobi has been a fool, fought for a man who in the end literally pushed him into a knife. So should the day come that he found Jervis... the fox would be no more. He saw the fear the fox had when he got up from the floor despite Goldie’s scimitar.

Anger and hurt had flowed through him, a mission to save his love had let him going. Only to be stricken down and mercilessly mauled by a vengeful angel. The brute nearly growled, Aurum had robbed him of two months of time. Two crucial months in which his supposed children were born.

He snorted and looked at her smiling softly, “I think they’ve lost the right to be upset ma’am. Their home wasnt destroyed, everything they knew wasn’t uprooted. Over some old value that wasn’t even practiced”

Kydobi had had a slave but that was only because the person didn’t desire to be a average Pittian despite Kydobi offering. Don’t want a target on my back like you guys.. And the dog was right. If you were a Pittian, people saw you in a different light despite the good deeds.

He looked at her paws, “You know... the kids there... they don’t understand why I was killed. Why many of us were killed...” it was a gentle whisper, his mind was beginning to relive the moments again. But he brought himself back.

”If I’m going to be honest, I don’t care how the Tanglewooders feel. You guys are far from good, but I do care about my child. I have a son, his name is Piers. I have a daughter as well... Indie is their mother.”

He wants them, he wants to see them. To reassure them that their father did love them. That he was going to be a solid foundation that would never shake or crack or break away from them. They were his and although he hadn’t been searching for them, he had made them out of passion. They were his and he would love them.


Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - deimos - 12-31-2019

His father was far from.. a soft spot. More like a sore, bitten and clawed up spot, bleeding bright red and hidden beneath bandages. It was no secret that Piers was lonely, his family most of the time kept to their home, the only one actually appearing outside of the home most of the time was Piers. He had known that his father was out in the world- he didn't know his recent death, he didn't know anything that Indiana didn't. He only knew his name and just the barest details of his pelt.

What he did know was the pain that pounded in his chest hearing that oddly familiar chuff. Much like his own, he'd remark. Piers' feet drummed against the ground. Some sixth sense had called the cub from his mother's home, his odd body dragging itself towards the body as fast as he could go at this age. To most, he would say, that off scent at the borders had been something bad. Back when the cicada was here, eating trees, and all Aurum could do was try to wipe the life off of the face of the planet.

But to Piers, it was a sign. What kind of sign, he wasn't sure, but his stomach churned and his chest tightened up at the smell of it.

Slowly, the dark pelted caracal-jaguar dragged himself into the area, his movements slow, precise, his chest heaving and falling from running. He panted softly, before slowly the cub's head picked up and his ears flattened just as Kydobi spoke his name. Piers. How did he even know his name? He was never around- it was as if Piers was a bastard and this was his father, leaving him with the mother and never snooping around, until it interested him.

"What do you want." He spoke, his ears still flattened and hair starting to stand up.

template by orion

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Blazic - 12-31-2019

SNARL[size=24pt]  [align=center]

Snarl had arrived in Tanglewood towards the end of their conflict, mere days before a raid she so conveniently slipped away through. She, herself, had no reason to hate the Pitt - and she didn't. Figured they were assholes, sure, that's what she'd heard of them. No reason to disagree with that. But the hyena had no personal vendetta against them. They hadn't hurt her, and they'd not hurt anyone she knew in her time here. Not well enough to let hatred boil over and seep into her. But she still recognized the scent of their enemies - Like blood and mud. Recognizable, even with her bad nose. Distinct from the salt and rot of their swamp, and the cloud of smoke surrounding herself.
Made her fur prickle on end, flicked her ears. They were talking, a deep rumble trading with two tenor. Kids? Came through the swamp, avoided its many pitfalls. The small pale of Piers, the only marginally larger figure of Kiira, and, facing them, a massive black mass, framed with red.
The hyena didn't let her fur settle, as she took in the situation. Was well enough to speak, by the time she was within yards. Stepped in front of her smaller Tanglers - If they'd come to attack, they best attack someone who could take it. Licked her chops and spoke, a rumble backing her words.

"Y'know yer in enemy territory, bud. Don't care if y'want your kid, oughta take that up with the kid themselves, or Indie." It must have been Indie. She was the only one who'd had kids n recent time, not to mention the fact Piers specifically was mentioned - and he didn't seem to be having it.
"Don't take kindly t' Pittians. Make ya deals in neutral grounds, yeah? Don't get a special pass cause ya fucked someone." Didn't seem to care much about her crass language, sour coating her face.
"'If y'really wanted t'come here, oughta worked it out with Leroy or somethin'. Or came with some sorta handler, I don't fuckin' know. Not this, surely."

Who did he think he was? Even if he was a big brute, didn't mean he could just do whatever he wanted. Blood relations didn't mean much, either. So far as the hyena was concerned, he was just another threat, best case scenario, or worse, some prissy fuck who figured the rules didn't apply to him.

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Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - wormwood. - 12-31-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
"Kydobi." Aurum's voice split through the air coldly, not sounding very much like his usual kind and warm self, but instead vicious, and angry. He knew full well why Kydobi was here, hell, he had been there were Indie had told them all where her kids were coming from, but that didn't mean that he needed to be fucking happy to see the other. Hell, Aurum had truly been hoping that the other would just stay dead, even if himself and Leroy didn't really know how to. The proxy found himself padding up beside Snarl, his entire body tense and his wings pulled down tightly against his spine, the angel resisting the urge to launch himself forward and end the other male's life again. Aurum was not often a cruel man, but he saw no reason not to be cruel when it came to Kydobi. Kydobi was a Pittian through and through, and had nearly spent up to his very last moments defending Jervis and the Pitt's horrendous practices. Hell, he had defended a bastard who had lead to his own demise, and yet here he was, thinking that he could just stroll onto Tanglewood territory and demand to see Piers? It was ridiculous, and Aurum wanted to rip his throat out for it. Settling beside Snarl, the lion let his lips peel back, revealing a razor sharp set of snarling teeth as he growled, his tail lashing from side to side behind him as he spoke, faint heat radiating from him, as if he yearned to burst into flames, "In case you have forgotten, The Pitt is an enemy of Tanglewood. Blood does not change that fact, even if you would like to believe it does. Especially when you come strolling onto our territory and insult us, while looking straight into the eyes of those who have been hurt by your group's heinous actions." His eyes darted over towards Kiira for a moment, before they returned to Kydobi, his claws sinking down into the earth beneath him. He would let Leroy make the final decision on what to do if the canine showed up, since the general's word was final, but if Kydobi made one wrong move, Aurum wouldn't hesitate to deal with him, and he wanted to make that clear, "If you wanted to see your children, perhaps you should've spoken to Indie before this, and gotten things sorted out on neutral land, instead of trespassing on Tanglewood territory... I will allow you to answer Piers's question, but after that I want you to leave. Immediately. If you don't, then I will not hesitate to have you attacked on sight. Hell, I'm giving you more mercy than Leroy probably would." The second in command was frankly becoming quite tired of the whole discussion of whether or not the Pitt were really that bad, and he didn't even really want Kydobi talking to Piers, manipulating him. Still, Piers was a tangler, and Piers had a right to at least know what the hell Kydobi was here for, so the lion didn't give in to his instincts to crush Kydobi beneath his claws again.
template by orion

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - Kydobi - 12-31-2019


[OOC: disclaimer, Kydobi’s memories are not entirely accurate and are a bit biased. IC memory/opinions only Smile]

It was his child, undeniably. When the boy walked over he recognized the face because it was a rendering of his own. Even the body. Kydobi would just stare, dumbfounded and unsure what to say. He could only look and admire what he and Indie has made together.

The subtle markings reminded the dark brute of his own despite the polar colors. Even the dark tawny was akin to the brutes, Kydobi’s gaze softened. To some the mixture was odd but to him it was everything good.

A huge smile, very rare for the brute, spread across his maw as he eagerly stood up. Unsure whether to step forward and nuzzle the child or wait. He looked at SUvi with happy anticipation, like a dog holding a leash before a walk before quickly looking away. Momentarily forgetting what his people had caused her. But the happiness would quickly be shot down when he heard the sharp question. Kydobi’s wars flickered back as he pulled his head back, a look of confusion on the brutes usually stoic face.

“I-I came to see you. To meet you...”, he said as his throat tightened. He did not expect such a hostile greeting.. at least from his son.

Luckily he would get distracted by others arriving. A crowd was the last thing he wanted. A hyena would show up, vulgar as she looked.

“You and I both know you would be hard pressed to go to neutral grounds.”, he made this trip and he would not leave until he got what he wanted, “I came here to simply meet my children.”

He cranes his neck forward, tilting it down as he looked at her, “A handler? What do you think I am dog? Should this Leroy come, then I’ll be happy to speak to him.” pride of course. He refused to allow anyone to disrespect him anymore.

Of course, the lion would show up. Speaking all big and what not. When Kydobi’s eyes first laid on him he just stared. His mind traveling far away to the battle field once more. The feeling of death and pain. He heard nothing and no one, just cries.

“...  I will not hesitate to have you attacked on sight..” he was reeled back in. Kydobi shook his head.

“So you’re telling me that the Pitt, which is ruled by Goldie, who is your ally, is... an enemy? So Goldie is therefore an enemy.”, Kydobi flicked his tail, “I’m afraid your double standards and glorious wings and grand words make for a pitiful show Aurum. You’re certainly feeling mighty.”

He stood up, straightening himself to stare into the brutes eyes, “I came to see my children and only them. I did not come to start any problems nor did I come to quarrel. I would’ve figured things out with Indie sooner, she had written me a letter. But I didn’t get it till yesterday because I was dead.”

He took a step forward, heart pounding.

“And I have a feeling you knew of my children before I did. That all of you knew and yet.... you still killed me.”, Kydobi took another step forward, “in an unfair fight where I was half dead. I recall it all Aurum. You’re a coward through and through. Allow them all to attack me while I’m back to health again? Because you’re scared to fight me on even ground? Let’s not forget you’re the one that fled the battlegrounds briefly. We can duke it out in a fair and just round two if you wish.”

He paused to breathe, feeling himself get angry. This was the man that took a lot from him. This was the man that caused Aine pain. This was the man that created animosity between his children because of his death. This was the man who was too cocky for killing someone who could barely fight.

“you’ll find it’s a lot harder to kill me when my back isn’t turned and I’m bleeding out. But that can be for another time, we can also discuss this if you wish but after. For now I wish to speak or answer and questions Piers may have for me...”, he looked in the direction they all came. Hopefully he would see his daughter? The brute was praying Indiana showed, to vouch he wasn’t as bad as Aurum tried to make him.

His gaze would soften as he turned to Piers. With sincerity in his voice he would say, “Just know that if I had been alive, I would’ve been there for your birth. I would have been in your life a lot sooner and often. I have no intentions of abandoning you, you’re my child. I have a responsibility to you and your mother and sister and I won’t let you guys down.” there was so much he wanted to say, so much but he would settle with, ”I do not wish to be a stranger to you ever. But whether you let me or not, I do and always will love you.”

He wouldn’t let Aurum steal the spotlight. This journey, this risk was not made for the lion.


Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - deimos - 12-31-2019

Two interlopers. Clouding his words, trying to shield him. Rage bloomed in his chest. He pushed out from behind Snarl swiftly, his paws slamming against the ground. They were large, far large then his legs. They proved how large the hybrid would grow, they proved he wouldn't be someone to mess with later on in life. Right at the moment, they proved he wasn't backing down to any of these adults. Enemy this, Pittian that. His eyes closed, ears flattening against his head as they argued. Kydobi's words were the only one's that made his ears rise, that made his body still and eyes open back up in acceptance.

He opened his mouth to growl an argument in return. His story, his path was being decided now- however, the argument continued. His head turned sharply to the side, a frown written on his mouth and his blue eyes lowered. His father, a hated enemy- he paused, breath stilling and chest tightening. His heart pounded, and his head ached. Aurum killed him? Kydobi, half dead and back turned, and Aurum still stepped over him and killed him? Took Kydobi away from his family, Piers' family, made it fall apart and Piers feel like this?

Lost, hopeless, alone, unled and unfathered.

What a list, a banger, a smacker. Something undeniably terrible. He snarled deeply, his shoulders tensed and head lowered, eyes squeezed shut. "All of you just.. stop! Shut up!" He broke, his head rearing back and teeth showing. A fiesty cub, sure, but he wasn't going to let Snarl and Aurum walk all over his decision. His eyes swiveled back towards Kydobi, listening to him speak for a moment before his mouth open, decision made but words slightly unchosen. They were sloppy, like his feelings deep in his chest, his stomach. Nervousness, about to cry. Scared, but headstrong.

"I.. am sorry you were killed." He whispered, stepping closer to the Pittian. His ocean blues narrowed at Aurum sharply as he did. "I wanted someone to be there. I was just unaware you were killed in cold blood like that. Defenseless and dying already." He said. His voice was far from soft, and his mood shifts were unweildy, but he got out what he wanted to say. "They're.. going to kill you. Again, if you stay too much longer." His eyes rose towards Kydobi's, a fear deeply implanted in them, but sparked with hope. He wasn't alone anymore, right?

template by orion

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - THEM - 12-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Was this a real conversation they were having? Were they for real? What a joke. He stares at Aurum, awaits confirmation. Can he laugh, yet?

Anywhere else and the Pittian would be dead before he could so much as breathe a word of his measly excuse. Poor kid, having to sit through that - the Pitt was a bunch of manipulators, all of them, who had silver tongues where their claws couldn't do the job. At least, that was what he'd seen secondhand. The scars on his clanmates ran deep; Kazuhira didn't need to be at the battle to know that an enemy was worth little more than scum on their boots. Father or not, there was no sympathy for the Pitt. If he were still a rogue, still operated under those dirty rules, they wouldn't offer the chance to speak; an enemy was free reign. Any word from the other side was poison. It was an opportunity to distract and attack, infiltrate with honeytongued lies.

So why was Aurum giving him a chance?

The cheetah snarls, because in his position there's nothing for him to say. Snarl's side has an odd familiarity in spite of their mere acquaintanceship. They're in a similar weight class, and he's seen her fight briefly but hard enough to decide that their skills are well matched: they could take the opponent together, easy. He's agile and armed with a knife, she's strong and unwilling to back down - all Aurum had to do was say the word, and Kydobi was a dead man. Kaz doesn't focus on the drama, just feels the weapon strapped to his inner limb, listens to the blood roaring in his ears. "Awaiting orders, Aurum."

He wants this, as bloody and bruising as it will be. Somebody ought to see him put his training to good use - maybe they'll show up to his drills if they knew he wasn't all talk. Let him show Piers that he doesn't have to be afraid, not on this side of the fight.

Re: THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE •• pittian visitor - fulzanin - 12-31-2019

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
The insect's intelligence was low. Horrifically so. He had barebone thoughts and barebone motives. Hunger meant finding food. Shelter meant finding a place to sleep. Space meant having room. Water meant fresh and clean fluids to drink. He was motivated by those four key attributes that, deep down, all living things sought in order to stay alive. They were all necessary. Every single living thing needed those things. Astiar was bound to them more deeply, for they were his sole motivators spare his instincts. Even his instincts were bound to the basic requirements that all living things required. One thing that, truthfully, was never a requirement was companionship. Plants often did not desire companionship. Weeds would strangle the life and resources from other plants - the utter opposite of companionship if a comparison were to be made. But Astiar was a little over the absolute bare minimum, if only by a small percentage. It was such a small percentage that it only ever barely showed itself. Sometimes it manifested in his curiosity, brought on by an inquisitive yet flighty instinctual basis. Then there was companionship, which Astiar did not understand. He didn't understand it. His mind was not complex enough to do such a thing. However, he could be curious, and curiosity was what the dragon did best.

Kydobi was someone that Astiar knew. The jaguar had been gone for a little while - not that Astiar fully grasped the concept of dying and rising from the dead. Those concepts, too, were far too difficult for him to understand. But he could be curious about where the jaguar was going, and curiosity prompted him to follow. For once in his entire life his wings were still, just following along after Kydobi because he was curious and desired company. Perhaps if Astiar was more intellectually developed, he would be able to describe the jaguar as some form of a friend. The insect was not capable. Just as he was not capable of realizing that this was the very same place that he had come to shortly after the jungle of the Pitt had burned down. Hunger, one of his biggest motivators, had drove him here. Pain, another ginormous motivator, had pushed him away. Pain. Pain was fire. Pain was heat. Pain was here. Pain was from the lion. Pain was from glowing and bubbling liquid. He barely understood pain. He barely understood anything. The relationships of groups was over his head equally as much as companionship and intellectual thought were. He could not understand the speech that was being passed back and forth.

So the massive bug dragon finally made noise, sharp buzzing rising from his wings upon hearing shouting. He was a cicada that had grown into the body of a dragon, after all. Cicadas were able to hide well, and Astiar seemed able to replicate such a feat with ease. No power, just the abilities that adaptation and evolution had provided the insect species over the years. Mandibles clicked, head craning down to briefly survey the scene. Was he doing much other than being there and making noise - or perhaps being unnerving with his massive presence? A massive looming dragon without a single thought in his mind. Astiar had no way of knowing such a thing, nor did he care. He was a cicada thrust into the massive body of a dragon, and his reactions were based off of what a small, weak, and near defenseless cicada would do. Red eyes flickered between the congregation and his antennae wriggled. He wasn't sure what Kydobi was doing here. All he wanted to do was follow, because the insect had absolutely no way to think for himself. Absent in the head meant that he had absolutely little reasoning behind his actions spare those that instinct provided. Instinct didn't say anything about companionship. His burned limb pulled close upon noticing the lion that had inflicted the wound, and shuffled behind the Pittian after a long moment of a churn of nonexistent mental processes.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19: