Beasts of Beyond
timber- open - Printable Version

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timber- open - deimos - 12-30-2019

It was cold outside. A slight dusting of snow, already melting between his toes. His eyes drifting about at it, the tiny white speckles that remained on the coolest of leaf litter. Too little to make a snowman, too wet to make a snowball for a supposed throw. Too little, too soon. His ears flattened, his gaze lifting towards the clouded over sky, deep green eyes. His chest felt tight- what was wrong with him? He wasn't even that old. He felt terribly old, all the knowledge that was surrounding his brain, tightening like a vice about him.

He shook his head. Slowly, he dragged himself back to his mother's porch- after his outburst the other day and seeing Aurum sad, he made his way back to the family home- and settled back down. His paws crossed one another, watching the slight drizzle present itself instead of snow. He huffed gently, laying his head down. Where was his dad? Better yet, who was his dad, and why did he leave him there alone? His sisters never came out to play. His mother seemed to always be locked up.

His body tensed up a bit the more he thought. He stood up again, making his way into the rain and towards the center of activity now. His eyes were narrowed against the slight drizzle, and it seemed he was intent on some destination. Any passerby could see the unhappiness on his face, the twist of thought in his body and the strange lost feeling in his eyes. Piers had reached a point in which he could not find the escape of in his mind- too genius to be happy, too young to do anything about it.

template by orion

Re: timber- open - charactercemetary. - 12-31-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Now how could he forget the face of others? They were etched into his mind, ingrained as if crying out for him to disguise himself as them. He reminds himself that this is a home, to not do that, even as KID.

As Kaito, he was rather nonchalant. He exits his house, humming slightly, blue eyes scanning the area. He was not used to this camp, but it would have to do, seeing as this was the best place to try to hunt down Pandora. He has his poker face ready to go, looking somewhat calm and stoic. Paws lightly tread across the soft ground.

Then, he sees the odd feline. His gaze snaps upward, towards Piers. Jesus. That kid sure looked sad. He could try some sort of magic trick, but he doubts that it's what this kid wants. So he just stops in front of him, looking him over.  "Can I help you?"

Re: timber- open - deimos - 12-31-2019

Kaito's words to him made him stop, having something placed in his way. His ears pressed flatter against his head and his nose turned up a tiny bit. "I don't know, can you?" Something about his tone was sharp, the child's body taking a swift step back with a lash of his tail. He moved to step around Kaito, shuffling his paws for a moment and he mumbled a quick- "whatever" as he danced around Kaito.

His paws pushed at the mud as he tried to hurry past. His stomach growled. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he should've gone home and hide from the cold. It bit at his limbs, aching his joints and filling his head with terrible thoughts. His father, something in his throat closing up. His mother, his paws clenching and tiny claws gripping the soft mud. He stared at his paws, coming to a stop again and staring at them.

Why did he want to cry?

template by orion

Re: timber- open - guts - 12-31-2019

She was no stranger to sadness. Who wasn't? It was the most human emotion of them all, the strongest, even. But she also knew what it was like to have family turmoil, to be estranged from a family member. Unlike Piers, though, her mother had always been there for her. She never locked herself away, a ray of sunshine in difficult times.

But it made her sad to think about her mother, so she tried to avoid any thoughts of her. Still, she missed her dearly. What she wouldn't give to see her face one last time, to hear her say soothing things to her, a soft voice to melt away all the stress and confusion. She never should have left home.

There was no time to regret things, though. She didn't want to spend this life wondering what she could have done differently in the last. No, she would be better this time.

The snow didn't bother her. She had grown used to it, but this time she had a built-in coat to keep out the cold! It was pretty nice. She liked the way the white sprinkles dusted her fur, too, all pretty against her ruddy fur.

Cold slush between her toes, Adelaide shivers at a particularly rough cold breeze, the wind enough to dig through her pelt and strike her skin. But it was fine, because she liked looking out at how the snow settled on the ground, shimmering in the sunlight. It was cloudy out today, though.

She pauses, each breath a mist just in front of her face. Her smile drops at the sight of a young little feline, looking so lost and cold. It broke her heart.

"Hello," she says as she approaches, voice quiet for once in her life. "Are you okay? You look like you're freezing!" she didn't want him to get hypothermia, or worse, frostbite. He needed a warm place to curl up and rest.

Re: timber- open - charactercemetary. - 01-02-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Kaito never really had any family turmoil. Sure, his father and mother weren't around anymore, but when they were, they were kind enough and gentle enough. They were a happy family. So he didn't expect the sharpness of the kid's tone, but still kept a calm face.

He flicks his tail, looking over at the poor kid. Damn, he had to have gone through some stuff. He was going to follow, but it wouldn't have been worth much, given how he just stopped. The sinner in white moved forward slightly, but then stopped upon hearing another voice.

Now, who was this? She seemed kind enough, but awfully, uh... go-get-em, for lack of a better word. Kaito approaches once more as well, soft paws having slight mud on them, moving near Adelaide, crystallized water coming out in his breaths. "I doubt freezing is his main worry. So, what can I do to help?"

Re: timber- open - selby roux ! - 01-03-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby had always been stuck in a bit of an odd position. He was not particularly intelligent, nor especially talented. He was not a fast learner, nor did he have a very wide skill set. Yet here he was, doing a job that assumed all of the above. Most people assumed all of the above. The only things he could think of that might point to intelligence were his love of reading and emotional intelligence.

He was not a stranger to sadness, either. Loss had plagued much of the past year, clogging his thoughts with that of the past. Arrow, Pastel, Leroy. And while two of those people had come back, their deaths had still been haunting. But he was also not a stranger to joy. He found it in many things. His friends, his family, his books, his plants... the list was endless.

He approached gingerly, not wanting to crowd the unfamiliar child. For now, he would simply watch. Speak when spoken to.

Re: timber- open - wormwood. - 01-03-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum had spent many years of his life utterly steeped in sadness and regret, fearful that he would never be anything more than the failure that everyone else made him out to be. That sadness, that anger had forced him to grow up far sooner than he should have, practically being an adult by the time he was only a year old, far from actual maturity for his species. But really, it made sense. He had been ridiculed and abused by his Mother and Father for as long as he could remember, been forced to act like a secondary protector figure for his little brother, and never had anyone to turn to for any kind of support through all of this. Hell, the one person who had ever offered him support had ended up dead, at the paws of the very mother who claimed to care about him while spewing out insults. So now, to see Piers going through something similar? Growing so old, so fast? It made Aurum's heart ache uncomfortably, and before he even really knew the full extent of the situation, he found himself padding over. He wasn't exactly sure why Piers was so upset, but it wasn't as if he hadn't had the occasional random breakdown before, and he had never been the type to judge. Settling down beside Selby, Aurum just cocked his head to one side, wondering how Piers would react to the assistance being offered to him. Much like the medic beside him, Aurum didn't want to crowd Piers or make him uncomfortable, so he decided to chime in only if he felt what he said could really help, and wouldn't just be added noise for Piers's already frazzled mental state. He had once, while desperately sobbing over everything that had happened to him, been subjected to many people crowding around him, asking him questions about what was wrong or how they could help. It had been a very unpleasant experience, even if he had known that they were trying to help him rather than cause further harm. He found that just having someone who could listen and hold you was far better than having many people offering advice at once.
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