Beasts of Beyond
THAT'S CALLED NIGHT ROBBERY / adv. notice - Printable Version

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THAT'S CALLED NIGHT ROBBERY / adv. notice - charactercemetary. - 12-30-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
When he had first heard that there was a young lady with a plethora of gems, he was ecstatic. But that happiness, joy, and giddiness soon turned into dread.  He could steal every gem she had and none of them would be Pandora, given his luck.

This is for Father. For Oyaji. He repeated to himself as he got his cape, his monocle; his tophat on. How long had it been since he heard Toichi's voice? It didn't matter. Kaito would never hear it again. I'll make sure the ones who did this are silenced for eternity. He had to find Pandora. To bring his father and himself peace. Even if it was to create an answer full of lies.

The thief looks at himself, grabbing his advamced notice and using a secret passageway to get out. He's focused, blue eyes narrowing as he walks forward. There. Arrow's house. At least he knew where to return the gems. With one swift movement, the card is lodged into some wood near the house.

As with all cards of his nature, it had his signature: a cat with a smile, tophat and monocle included. The notice read:
Dearest Arrow,
You have many gems. Sometning a moonlit magician like myself is very interested in. As of right now, I am only interested in the Starlit Sapphire, a Star Sapphire - one that should be cold to the touch. One week from now, when the moon is highest, that gem shall become mine.
I shall see you then.
Sincerely, Kaitou Kid, Phantom Thief.

With that, the white-suited feline walks away into the shadows, as if he were a mere cat burglar.

//one can respond before @— arrow  does

Re: THAT'S CALLED NIGHT ROBBERY / adv. notice - wormwood. - 01-03-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum had honestly been... pretty damn delighted when Arrow had returned. Despite the two of them never really having a chance to grow close before her untimely death, the proxy had found himself missing the female dearly, and wishing he had gotten a chance to know her better. So, when she had returned from the dead, in rough shape but still alive and moving, he had been overjoyed. Recently time had brought about a wave of returns from many different faces of the past, and Kaito was included on the list of ones that Aurum was quite happy about, even though he obviously didn't entirely know this was Kaito's doing. If he had, he probably actually would've been pretty angry at the other, or at least would have been angry until he learned some motivations. Aurum had just been strolling by, lazily patrolling the area around Arrow's house, when all of a sudden a flash of white caught the lion's eye. Lifting his head up a bit, he blinked in curiosity at the card now lodged between a couple of bits of wood, pulling it free, Aurum glanced it over curiously, a frown curling on his muzzle. Turning it over in his paws, the lion looked over at Arrow's front door before tapping his paw against it, rumbling, "Arrow? You in there? I think you might wanna come see this." He didn't really know what to think of this, besides just annoyed that someone thought they could stroll in and start stealing people's things. Arrow was the one who was being targeted here, so she would probably have a more... explosive reaction.
template by orion

Re: THAT'S CALLED NIGHT ROBBERY / adv. notice - arrow - 01-03-2020

Arrow had been asleep. That had been the usual lately, sleep for days on end, get up, rinse and repeat. Maybe it was her still adjusting to being alive again, after all, sleep was the closest thing to death other than a fucking coma. Or maybe it was her body trying to somehow sustain while still technically going through shut down. Maybe even technically shut down completely, she had died after all. The persistent blood in her spit pretty much nailed that fact in everyone's minds that came across it, especially if they'd been there to see her untimely retching of the stuff until she was practically empty.

Regardless, she woke up when Aurum knocked on her door. Disgruntled, half awake, but very much conscious, Arrow answered the call with green eyes squinted and one ear flattened over her skull, inside out. Not the most graceful of looks, but when had she ever cared about that? "What? What am I seeing?" Her voice was initially a bit gruff, but softened when it clicked a bit late that Aurum was the one trying to show her something. Yeah, she liked this one. Big Sweet Jesus, she was old.

Arrow looked over the note, taking a couple moments of silence to process the words written. Decent handwriting, condescending tone. "The fuck? So this bastard thinks he can just, take my shit? Man, I didn't dig through mechanic graveyards to get robbed blind." Oi, who's man was this?

Re: THAT'S CALLED NIGHT ROBBERY / adv. notice - wormwood. - 01-04-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
When Arrow emerged from her home, Aurum had to bite his lip from chuckling a bit at her appearance. Hell, the only reason he was really able to hold himself back was because he knew the look well. Even though Aurum hadn't exactly died and come back – well, yet, anyways – he knew how much it sucked to be injured, and he knew the process of recovering could be hard and ugly, usually filled with many days of just sleeping and sleeping until you finally felt like yourself again. It certainly wasn't the most graceful thing in the world, but that didn't mean it wasn't an important thing, and Aurum found himself nodding to her in greeting even as her voice came out a bit harshly. Thankfully she seemed to soften soon afterward, her eyes landing on Aurum and pausing for a moment before her attention was turned to the message that had been left. Aurum frowned a little as he waited for her to finish the note, and when she did, she produced about the reaction he had been expecting. It certainly wasn't an unwarranted reaction, considering what exactly the notice was telling her to expect. Nodding along with her aggravated words, Aurum rumbled as he glanced around, his tail flicking thoughtfully behind him as he took in the perimeter of the house Arrow had claimed as her own, "That does seem to be what this guy wants to do... Obviously we're not just gonna let him take your shit. I mean, that would be ridiculous. If you want, I could watch your house when this is supposed to go down... or we could have a group watching the place." That seemed to make the most sense to him, anyways. After all, this "Phantom Thief" couldn't just get by a whole squad of Tanglewood guards around Arrow's house without notice, right?
template by orion

Re: THAT'S CALLED NIGHT ROBBERY / adv. notice - spacexual - 01-04-2020