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the stains of time -- raid boss 1 complete! - Printable Version

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the stains of time -- raid boss 1 complete! - Verdigris - 12-23-2019

[font=trebuchet ms]This situation had gotten out of paw rather quickly.

Had Mars left well enough alone, rather than picking fights with every single mortal he ran across, then perhaps Warringkingdoms would have remained stuck atop Elysium's social pyramid. Perhaps he should have been accounted for from the start- bloodthirst made wild cards out of the most reliable, and Mars had not been especially reliable to begin with- but until the attack, Mars' location in this plane had been a mystery. Pluto had assumed, after the Pitt raid had gone by without incident, that Mars was not on this landmass.

Evidently he had been wrong.

Even before the fall, Pluto would not have had the power to locate gods that had met their end on the mortal plane. Certainly, their souls must be on some plane or another unless destroyed, but he had never possessed the knowledge necessary to find them. Mars could, perhaps, reform himself elsewhere and return to the mortal plane, but after they had spent so long trapped within this plane... why return?

Pluto was lucky, in that regard. He, at least, could still travel to the planes inhabited by dead mortals, even if his power there had become limited. He still had the reapers on his side.

Now, he would have to use the reapers to repair the damage that Mars had done. There was one soul marked for death, that had been marked for several years now; if Elysium cooperated, they would not have to take anyone else. There would be no further quarrel between Elysium and his brethren.

If his plan failed, then perhaps he would die- the thought was almost enough to make him chuckle- but it was a chance he was willing to take.

Pluto appeared on the dock, his eyes sweeping over the town. A light mist hung in the air, not enough to impede visibility, but enough to put the average mortal on edge. He was on his lonesome for the moment, barring the occasional passersby- most of which were temporary residents, not full members. He would not call on the reapers yet; this was to be a diplomatic meeting, so long as Elysium did not make it a fight.

Barring his thin frame and pupil-less eyes, he could be confused for a typical mountain wolf. Best to keep up appearances, lest the Elysites deem him a threat. Warringkingdoms would recognize him the moment she saw him, but in her state, that would take some time; he could use the time before she arrived to make his case.

"Elysium," Pluto spoke, a slight rasp to his voice. "Lend me your ears. I am Pluto, and I come with a request."

Some of the passersby turned to look, their heads tilted. "Warringkingdoms Kepler-Langley resides in this town, yes?" he asked. When one of them nodded in confirmation, he continued, "She has killed three of my brethren, and assisted in killing a fourth. I ask that you surrender her to me, so that punishment can be dealt." Detecting a faint scent of herbs, he turned his head towards the source. "I do not ask for the fenghuang's surrender. You may keep it and do with it as you wish." While he could attempt to take the fenghuang's soul, the odds of it taking out one or more of his reapers in the process were high.

Demands ought to be followed with rewards. "I am the one who placed the 'curse' she spoke of," Pluto declared, returning his gaze to the passersby. "However, I can lift the curse at will. In return for her surrender, the curse will be lifted, and Elysium will never hear from us again." The curse had never really existed, of course, but the longer Elysium remained under the impression that the leadership was cursed, the better.

He narrowed his eyes. "I threatened your previous Magna for the purposes of forcing Warringkingdoms to abandon her crusade against us," he said. "Once she has been neutralized, we will have no need for further conflict." Without this explanation, his offer would sound more like blackmail. His best chance of making this plan work was to sound reasonable.

Pluto nodded. "Elysium will lose a member in making this deal, that is true," he explained, lifting his head. "However, the member in question has endangered the group as a whole, betrayed your trust, and insisted on dragging you into her personal problems. Furthermore, in exchange, no further blood will be spilled on either side." He could not guarantee that they would see this as a beneficial agreement, even if it made logical sense; he had intervened early to increase the likelihood that their anger at being betrayed would outweigh any moral compunctions they had, but there was always the possibility they would object anyway. Still, he had to take this chance, or Warringkingdoms could become unstoppable.

Taking a seat on the dock, Pluto glanced about, his tail swishing in an attempt at appearing lively. If Elysium decided to be uncooperative, or if Warringkingdoms appeared long before any other full members, he would be prepared to call upon the reapers- but best not to imply that he was considering such an option.

Health: 100%
Current form: a thin, almost-skeletal mountain wolf with black fur and yellow-green pupil-less eyes
Powers: amorphous, clairvoyance, intangibility, invisibility, mental manipulation and communication
Not currently hostile

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - candorosa - 12-24-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]The whole situation between Rin and the gods left Lemy with a bitter taste in his mouth. What agitated him the most was that he was at risk of being 'cursed' and he hadn't even known about it. Rin could have fun playing Elysium's martyr all she liked; he wanted no part in it. A part of him was telling him to run away as far as he could from the place, away from these gods and personas and mortals who thought they had a chance of going up against things bigger than they were.

These were the thoughts churning in his mind when he heard Pluto's call. He paused in his step, blank blue gaze snapping onto the stranger. The demon stayed where he was, behind the gathering crowd as he listened to 'Pluto's' words. Occasionally, his eyes would wander over in the direction where Rin live or off to the side where the crowd was thinnest.

'Brethren,' the wolf had said. So this was one of Rin's so-called gods, huh? How convenient, he thought bitterly. The curse, the thing that posed the biggest threat to him, removed if he turned Rin in. The god made it sound so simple; one life for the safety of the group as a whole. It sounded like the perfect deal. But—

But—? But what? What stopped him from cheerily leading this Pluto guy to where Rin lived? Lemy knew the condition the Magna was in; she wouldn't fare well against a surprise attack in her state. But?

Lemy didn't care about her trauma or her well-meaning attempts to protect them. He wouldn't lose sleep over betraying her. Both Rin and Pluto were willing to gamble with lives to thwart each other, either knowingly or unknowingly. 'Well-meaning' or not, it didn't matter if someone ended up getting hurt. Rin, however, as far as he could tell, was mortal. He trusted that, above all else. What was stopping Pluto from going back on his word as soon as they turned her in? From killing every one of them once he'd gotten what he wanted?

Lemy had fallen for the promises and assurances of an occult creature before, only for them to spit his trust back in his face. He wouldn't fall for honeyed words and vague notions of safety anymore.

Mind set, he pushed his way through the crowd to face Pluto, confidence faltering in the face of the man. (What am I doing?) What was he supposed to do? Tell him to fuck off? What a good way to get smote. (Why am I delaying the inevitable?) Attacking him was out of the question, Lemy was a coward housecat for fuck's sake, fighting a wolf was a terrible idea.

He could distract him for now; that was all he was good for. Annoying others and getting them to go along with him was his specialty. "Those are some real convincin' words, mister," he finally said, taking a seat. Lemy watched with a tilted head and a friendly smile on his maw. "Hey, one of ya should go grab Rinny and tell her someone's here for her," he said absentmindedly to some random Elysite in the crowd.

He didn't bother checking if they listened to him or not, continuing in one breath, "I wanna know more 'bout this whole curse, like...How can ya tell if someone's leader or not? Do ya have some all-seeing eye or," he pretended to peer closer. (Fuck. Shit. What was he doing? This thing could kill him.) "did your pupils melt together to form an all-seeing pupil? Anywaysies, yeah, what if Elysium decided to abolish the leader position and start up a council or somethin'? Would ya go 'innie-minnie-mynie-mo' and the unlucky bastard you picked bites the dust? Or would everyone in the council die? What if the Elysium merged with another group? Or we got taken over?" Lemy sighed in faux disappointment. "Did ya even think 'bout that?" Blabbering on really helped mask the fact that he was currently scared shitless, he realized.

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Tena M. - 12-24-2019

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 290%; background-position: 75% 25%; border-radius: 100%; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
Tena Moonspinner
No one pushed on her buttons like someone trying to command her life.  It belonged to her now.  No one else.  And she was angry.

Angry with Rin.  Angry with the 'gods'.  No, they were just arrogant beings who decided their power was enough to warrant them a fancy title.  They weren't worth believing in like a true god or goddess.  The Demdji wouldn't give them the satisfaction of fear or obedience.  No.  The Demdji would spit in their face.  Let her anger be known.

Lucky.  One of them showed up.

A fire of ice ignited in the petite sand cat's unusual blue eyes, a low growl building within her chest as she padded up to the dock.  Before speaking a word, she aimed to slam the wolf backwards with a harsh gust of wind.  A taste.  "I don't believe in curses, you kriffing nerf."

"Perhaps you'd like to stand trial.  That's how justice works around here -- no demands, no deals.  A trial for the many deaths you've caused and the threats you've made.  Otherwise, get the hell out."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Verdigris - 12-24-2019

[font=trebuchet ms]The first to approach was a familiar creature- ah, yes, Pluto had noticed this one while observing Warringkingdoms during her breakdown. Lemy was his name, and he had been particularly infuriated at the betrayal. Truthfully, Pluto had hoped he would arrive before the others; he would be more likely than the others to agree to the deal.

Indeed, Lemy seemed to find his explanation convincing- enough so to suggest that one of the bystanders go retrieve the target. Pluto let his gaze flicker upwards briefly to eye the passersby, all of whom were perfectly content to stand there and pretend the order had been meant for one of the others. He twitched an ear, but looked back down at Lemy as he continued.

The boy rambled on about the curse, his words so rapid-fire that Pluto found himself not paying much attention. Instead, he examined the feline more closely, his eyes narrowing slightly. This creature... Pluto had seen him before. In fact, Pluto knew what he was, where he had come from. Part of him wondered, once Warringkingdoms had been safely locked away in the afterlife, how she would react when she found out Lemy's true nature.

Still, he would allow that dirty little secret to remain between the two of them for now. Lemy was beginning to grate on his nerves, but he understood his place better than most of the other whelps in this sorry excuse for a town- Pluto could appreciate that much.

A small smile slipping onto his features, Pluto replied, "I see no reason to worry about how the curse 'works.' After today, it will be-"

A gale, certainly artificial in nature, nearly knocked Pluto off of his feet. Digging his claws into the planks to hold steady until the wind died down, he narrowed his eyes and turned his head to face its source. Of course it would be the girl he'd threatened, the one who took pride in her disrespect for authority.

Straightening up and holding his head high, Pluto watched Tena with cold eyes. Trial? As if these mortals thought they could try a god, fallen though he may have been. He supposed, though, that if she had made her stance clear... he may as well do the same.

His fur began to drip with tar-like liquid, his eyes sunk into his head, and he bared his yellowing, rotting fangs. Tena, at least, was past the point of diplomacy. He suspected the others would follow in her footsteps. He would have to take drastic measures. He spoke a command, in a language long forgotten by mortals- and around him, four figures formed from the mist.

Phoenix, Serpent, he issued telepathically, as the avian perched on the pier, and the snake slithered past his feet. Search the town. Do not rest until she is found. Phoenix took off and flew towards the west end of the city, while Serpent made a beeline for the east end, in the direction of the herbs he had scented. Warringkingdoms would almost certainly attempt an escape, so they would need to corner her from all sides.

As Barghest stepped past him, the Ferryman commanded, Teach this young spitfire a lesson. With the order given, the misty canine charged directly at Tena, snapping its jaws in an effort to grab her and toss her into the water. Some creature would eventually arrive to Tena's aid, but the Ferryman couldn't say he was especially concerned for Barghest's safety. Reapers existed for the sole purpose of carrying out orders, no matter how dangerous.

The Ferryman stepped back and descended into a docked rowboat, then slipped the rope off. Take this boat out into the water, Megalodon, he ordered, glancing down at the water. Within a few moments, the misty shark approached the boat and slowly nudged it out towards more open waters.

Once he got out to sea, he figured, he could command the reapers in peace. Truthfully, his life was in little danger so long as the fenghuang did not appear at the docks. Tena's control over wind could pose an issue, but so far as he knew, the other Elysites did not possess similar powers.

The Ferryman
Health: 99.7%
Current form: a thin, almost-skeletal mountain wolf with black fur, rotten yellow fangs, and yellow-green pupil-less eyes; fur is now dripping with black, almost tar-like water
Powers: amorphous, clairvoyance, intangibility, invisibility, mental manipulation and communication
Attacking: none

Reapers Phoenix, Barghest, Serpent, and Megalodon
Health: 100%/100%/100%/100%
Current forms: misty figures in the shapes of a phoenix, black dog, serpent, and megalodon shark, respectively
Powers: water elementals, intangibility, invisibility; mentally bonded to the Ferryman
Attacking: [member=298]Tena M.[/member] (Barghest), none (Phoenix, Serpent, Megalodon)

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Mistrim - 12-24-2019

Mistrim went to go warn Rin as soon as a crowd began to form, especially after Lemy told someone to go grab her. That person had been Mistrim as even though she didnt say much, she was still apart of the other Elysites and saw what Rin had said...what Rin had confessed. She wasn’t going to let these gods tear Rin apart because of some stupid curse! Rin was one of Mistrim‘s best and only friends...she isn’t sure if she could stay with a group that would just give her away so easily...

It’s times like such that Mistrim really wished she could harness some sort of power. Any powers that could let her help more then she could now. She felt like she had something but she didn’t know what or how to use it and it frustrated her greatly. These were her thoughts on the race to Rin‘s place.

It would be especially great to have powers now that there were two reapers on the way that Mistrim didn’t even know about, isn’t prepared for, or have the combat skills to protect herself or Rin. However, whatever happens, Mistrim knows that she will do whatever it takes to protect Rin...Even protecting Rin with her life if need be.

”Rin! Rin! One of them is here!”  Mistrim was out of breath from the run. Her speed was great but her stamina definitely needed work. She hated to bring the news to someone still so injured but they needed to get Rin away from the god and to safety. She could only hope that Lemy and everyone else in the crowd were going to be okay.

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - lavi s. - 12-24-2019

Lavi cared little for 'gods'.  He knew many gods personally.  His sister had been friends with Anubis for stars sake.  Who was not an invicible being.  Who could be hurt.  Lavi did not fear gods.  He trusted the Force.

He feared death.  He feared wandering the world as a ghost again, unable to fully let go and become a part of the Force.  He feared to lose someone he cared about.  He still remembered his death and remembered that he had watched his teacher die in front of him -- someone who had been the closest thing to family he had at the time.

The fear would not stop him from fighting.  The fear would not dissuade him from taking a stand for what was right.  Turning Rin over?  Not right, regardless of the hurt and lies.  Protecting Elysium? That was right, and he had made a vow, hadn't he?  Moreso, he had promised someone else he would have their back, always.

You don't wait very long to start fights, huh. He mused, watching Tena with uneasy, chocolate eyes.  Resigned to see real combat today, Lavi squared his shoulders.  Calmly, the mountain cat approached.  They picked the wrong place to attack.  He would not let Elysium fall.

Abruptly, the young Jedi attempted to attack the mind of Barghest as he ran for Tena with the intent to overwhelm the reaper before he could touch her.

attacking: barghest
stamina: 97%
health: 100%

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Warringkingdoms - 12-25-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin's body had picked a horrible time to doze off.

  Initially, upon hearing Mistrim's voice calling for her, Rin jolted awake and lifted her head. That must have meant customers were coming- how had she blacked out so early in the morning? As Mistrim's yelling went on, however, Rin narrowed her eyes. "One of them?" One of who? The panic in her voice suggested it wasn't a friendly visitor...

  Spotting an out-of-breath Mistrim at the door, Rin got up and hurried over. "Come in," she whispered, motioning with her tail for Mistrim to enter. If she was being pursued, Rin needed to make sure she was safe before anything else. Leaning forward, she peered out at the streets.

  In the distance, turning onto that street, she spied a figure. She couldn't make out the exact details from here, but it looked like it was made out of... mist. The same mist she'd seen in her dream.

  Retreating into the house, Rin gritted her teeth. They were attacking now? Seriously? Of course, it made logical sense for them to attack her when her guard was down, but... this was the worst possible time. Her immediate inclination was to demand to know where the others were, and to rush over to them and help. If the Ferryman was bold enough to attack in broad daylight, and wasn't bothering to hide from Elysium... this was bad. Colossally bad.

  If the creature was already headed for her, it was going to find her sooner or later. "There's a back door," Rin whispered to Mistrim, readying an arrow. "If they come for us, leave through there." She wasn't sure she could go out and find the others without running into the enemy, so she ought to at least dispose of this one while she had the element of surprise on her side.

  Backing up against the wall by the door, Rin twitched her tail towards the ajar closet door. Mistrim could hide there until the figure was taken care of, or leave now, whichever she desired. She could also fight, but Rin had to admit she still wasn't fond of the idea of the other Elysites putting their lives on the line for her.

  health: 50%
  power reserves: 100%
  attacking: none

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - candorosa - 12-26-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Everything went to shit.

Lemy almost screamed in frustration when Tena launched herself at the wolf and sent the god fleeing. A scowl overtook his features as he snapped to his feet once Pluto began to transform. A distraction was no good then. "You're all useless," Lemy spat at the bystanders who ignored his words. At least Mistrim listened to him. He couldn't say the same for the rest of the ingrates who were content with watching.

With everything spiraling out of control, it took him a few moments to collect his thoughts. Lavi was helping Tena; they could deal with the lackey that was immediately hostile. As for the god; well... Lemy couldn't bring himself to directly attack the male. He'd lose. He'd definitely lose. He'd let him get away.

Lemy turned on his heel and sprinted in the direction of the phoenix. Mistrim and Rin could fight the snake; he wasn't about to let that bird run amok unattended. Dammit, dammit, dammit--he scooped a ball full of snow and tried to chuck it at the mythical bird. It's just a bird, just a bird... he tried to reassure himself. "Hey, chickenshit!" He called out, hoping to catch the phoenix's attention. He'd try to fight it by normal means first; if something went pear-shaped then he'd have to think outside the box. He tensed his muscles and steadied himself, ready to brandish his dagger once given the chance to. It was going to be fine; he was going to be okay.

attacking: phoenix
health: 90% (lingering concussion and sensitive paw)

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Mistrim - 12-26-2019

Mistrim's entire self screamed to leave, to run and flee away from this entire situation. The exit was right there, she could turn tail right now. Her body shivered out of pure fear and as Mistrim stood there deciding, she realized something.

Mistrim was terrified, but not so much that she would let Rin fight on her lonesome. Especially not as injured as she was. Not to mention if there was one being helping the god then there would be more. Running might do her more harm then good. Not to mention she was still slightly out of breath and the fact that she was so scared didn't help her catch air any faster.

"I'm staying with you." It was a quiet conviction but a promise nonetheless. Mistrim understood that Rin wouldn't back down and run even if Mistrim had asked her to, so she did the next best thing. She stood slightly behind Rin as not to completely give away their location or block Rin's shot if need be. Her stance was wide and low to the ground, ready to attack but making herself too small to be hit herself. Two are always better then one and in all honesty, Mistrim wasn't too fond of snakes anyway...

Her entire person shook and her ears and tail occasionally flicked in anticipation and nervousness. She wasn't going to let others fight for her again...Again? The thought was brief as she pushed it away and kept her eyes forward and focused. She would fight side by side with the people she cared about this time. Her blue eyes narrowed slightly and Mistrim was ready.

Attacking: None
Health: 100%
Stamina: 75%

Re: the stains of time -- raid boss? - Ebra M. - 12-26-2019

They remember an old conversation.  A vague warning from the Egyptian they anchored that trouble brewed on Elysium's horizon.  A suggestion they share the same body again for a time.  The Demdji hardly expected the potential trouble to resurface just as they padded into town.  By the Mother.  What is going on?

The small, but muscular feline frowned and leapt into action.  Your sister has her Jedi friend watching her back.  We're not protecting her.  We're creating a distraction.  With narrowed eyes, the Demdji attempted to break the ground beneath Barghest, ideally trapping a limb or two in the fractured earth.

Attacking: Barghest
Health: 100%
Stamina: 95%