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slip and slide - ice cubes - Printable Version

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slip and slide - ice cubes - fulzanin - 12-21-2019

The ice covered dragon had an idea a few days ago. It was a great idea, just like all of her ideas were. It had caused her to toss aside her balloons again, scrambling madly in her search for what items she was searching for. An idea was heavily present in her mind and it denied being put away for the time being. Such was the case nearly every time Feza had a great idea. Whatever she was working on currently was tossed to the side, forgotten in favor of a newer and totally greater idea. Her claws shifted as she flung herself into her current form of her small dragon body. Rapid flaps of her webbed wings allowed her a swifter method to search throughout her odd party store home. She rutted through random piles of items and objects that were somewhat sorted, but still didn't quite make sense. Eventually Feza stumbled away, a victorious grin on her face. In her talons was an ice cube tray.

Food coloring was a little harder to find. The glacier dragon went racing about her home. Would paint work, Feza briefly questioned. It wasn't as if the ice would be eaten. Eventually she gave up her search for food coloring and settled for watery paints. She filled the ice cube tray's holes with the paint, and promptly breathed her freezing breath all over them. Feza popped the freshly made cubes from their small slots. Then the icy dragon began to shave away the sharp edges. Eventually she was satisfied with their cubular yet somewhat rounded shape. Carefully she tucked them back into the ice tray. Each cube was it's own color, and Feza had every color but red involved. It had irritated her, searching and searching for red paint only to come up empty-clawed. How saddening. Someone might not get their favorite color. Hopefully orange and yellow would work instead. She froze a nice part of the floor to keep the cubes frozen - not that it was really needed considering how cold it was inside her home. Feza relished the cold so much more than she did the heat. It felt nice and comfortable for once within her home. The glacier dragon went flying out the front door and set to work on the biggest part of the task. She had to clear some snow out of the way to make the ground even. Icing over the ground, then rushing back inside to snag some more paint. Carefully she finished creating all the neat lines, and hovered above her work. It looked nice, and that pun was entirely intentional.

Feza zipped back inside, putting away the blue paint canister and then grabbed the trays of ice cubes. She hobbled back outside, trotting over to where her latest festivity had been set up. Messy barriers of ice were present once again, although were a little better than the first time she had hosted an entirely ice related activity. "Okay everyone, I've got a brand new sport here for, for everyone!" The icy dragon declared. She was hovering over her work, a delighted grin present on her face. "I decided to go and- I decided to take that weird sport with the disks and mops and have made it more festive! This, uh, we'll call it 'icy cube game of super fun hours'! Great name. I'll write it down later. Uh, so, the game is that you slide the ice cubes across these, across the icy board here. If you can get it to stop in the middle, you get a point. Then another person will slide a cube- they'll slide a cube from the other side. Whoever gets the most cubes in the middle wins. And, and you can knock out the cubes too!" Her explanation was a ramble, as it usually was. Feza was excited, her feet kicking at the air as she continued to hover over the crude 'sport' that she had claimed to invent. It was a great idea, an inclusive idea, and she could not get the smile off her face.

the greatest beauty is joy in my heart

Re: slip and slide - ice cubes - wormwood. - 12-21-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
It was becoming rather hard for Aurum to really be surprised by whatever Feza had come up with this time. It wasn't exactly unknown that Feza had a habit of coming up with ideas and then swiftly abandoning them in search of something new, and often Aurum even found himself wondering just how many of the female's wild ideas had been abandoned on the cutting room floor. Sometimes he wondered if any of them were just nice normal event ideas that didn't involve paint or glitter glue or something else like that... and then he swiftly stopped thinking about it, because of course they would involved those things. Of course, this wasn't to say that Aurum hated all of Feza's ideas. She had been becoming better as of late at relaxing a little bit, and actually thinking things through before she executed them, and that was always nice, even if it gave her more time to just think of something else and throw an idea out. It was much better than the days of Feza just not consulting anyone, instead opting to just throw whatever random thing she wanted together, and then execute it whenever, including the wee hours of the morning. Those had been bad times, and while Aurum admitted he had overreacted back then, he still didn't feel bad about occasionally getting a little irritated. For the most part, as of late Feza had been keeping quiet inside of her home, a place which Aurum had a tendency to avoid because of the iciness that cut down practically to his bones whenever he entered the building. He had no earthly idea how or why it was so cold, but he could only assume Feza liked it that way, and wasn't just frozen solid inside. Still, needless to say, it had been a while since Aurum had heard Feza calling out for their attention, and he had been peacefully sunbathing in town, soaking up what little heat was still available, when he heard her shrill excited voice.

He considered just ignoring it and instead opting to remain in the sunlight until he dozed off, but then he remembered the look of absolute hurt and disappointment that lingered on her face when nobody showed up to her little get togethers. At this own self guilt trip, Aurum let out a heavy sigh, the Captain pushing himself to his large paws and moving slowly towards the area outside of Feza's home. When he made it to the scene, he blinked slowly down at the "game board" that had been made on the ground, stopping just short of genuinely skidding over it by mistake. Aurum frowned at first, glaring down at the glistening ground, before he saw the lines that had been painstakingly added onto it. What he had originally considered to just be a patch of ice brought on by the weather turned out to be something manufactured, and soon enough he was glancing upward when Feza began to explain her plan. He had heard her calling out about a "new sport", but he had hardly expected it to be something like this, especially considering curling was hardly something very popular like other human sports such as football or baseball. Aurum himself only knew of it from reading books about various human activities, and he wondered where Feza had heard about it as well. Settling down just in front of the icy battleground, Aurum rumbled helpfully after a moment, "Curling. Curling is the name of that "weird sport" you were thinking of." It felt a bit disrespectful to just call it a weird sport. Sure, he certainly didn't see the appeal from everything he had read, but evidently it was at least somewhat popular and worthy of respect. He then said as he glanced around, his eyes lingering on the multicolored ice cubes, "...I suppose I'll play." Somehow he very much doubted that this would go the way that Feza hoped, and he was fairly sure it would just end up with a bunch of ice cubes sliding off into the trees, but he figured he might as well make an attempt to be optimistic.
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