Beasts of Beyond
I'LL GIVE THEM ALL TO YOU / human au, snow - Printable Version

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I'LL GIVE THEM ALL TO YOU / human au, snow - spacexual - 12-19-2019

Re: I'LL GIVE THEM ALL TO YOU / human au, snow - wormwood. - 12-21-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Snow had not been the uncommon, back when Aurum had lived within a city. That had been several years ago now, back when he had been known as Aethelred, or Worm, and he hadn't had a friend to his name and nothing but a scowl on his face. In those days, snow had been nothing more than a mere inconvenience. The male –  boy at the time, really – would just glare up at the sky, blue eyes narrowed as he watched the flakes fall down, blanketing the city of his birth in white. Everyone had always insisted that it was beautiful and wonderful, a joyous occasion for all, bit he had seen no reason to celebrate. After all, nobody had wanted to celebrate with him, and all it meant was a brutal chill to the air and a new color to the environment of oppression that existed around him. So while Aurum had been able to experience snow earlier where Roy had not, that didn't mean that he had viewed it as anything more than another weather condition, just something to deal with rather than appreciate. Of course, a lot of things had changed when Aurum had finally found his way to the town of Tanglewood, fuming and yelling for his brother Alfred upon the muck covered border. That seemed so far away now, and so much had changed. He no longer knew where Alfred was, the male having disappeared I to the wilderness after the murder of their mother, and his personal laity was nothing like it had been when he had first arrived. He was no longer bitter and jaded, envious of his brother and so, so very angry. Now he was just calm, happy with where he was and the family he had made, along with the friends that supported him. He enjoyed his place in the world, not to mention everything he got to do to help others. And in addition to all of that, he no longer saw snow as just some sort of inconvenience. He thought of it as something that was very beautiful, and could be appreciated for what it represented. It was sappy, but truly that was what he had become ever since Tanglewood had become his home – sappy, pleased, warm.

Although his opinion of snow had definitely changed, that didn't mean he got to see it particularly often. Tanglewood's environment meant that snow only came every so often, and the winters were usually quite mild if it snowed at all. Some might've considered that a rather good thing, since it meant they never had to worry about chilling cold, but he didnt really care either way. The heat could be nice, as well as the cold breeze, and sometimes he found himself longing for a bit more of a change between the seasons. Needless to say, when Aurum had been sitting within his room, drawing out some new plans for the tavern, he hadn't been expecting Roy's enthusiastic yelling from the other room. The blonde blinked his one eye in surprise at the sound of his son's voice, and the large man had made his way to his feet, heading out of his room and out onto the porch. It took him a moment to truly process what he was seeing, since it had been such a long time since he had seen a snowy day, but when he did, a grin slowly spread over his face. Just hearing the joy in Roy's voice was enough to delight him, and he found himself smiling calmly az he watched Roy's reaction to the snow, chuckling softly. After a moment, he turned to head back inside, emerging several minutes later with a thick woolen scarf and a pair of gloves. Moving over to where Roy was crouched, Aurum leaned down and wrapped the scarf loosely around the boy's neck, handing over the gloves as he mumbled, "I know you're excited, but you'll give yourself frostbite out here sticking your hands in the snow without these." Even when Aurum was overjoyed to see the young boy happy, he couldn't help his fatherly instincts taking over. He made a mental note to head inside at some point and start making hot cocoa, just so that Roy could get the full experience of hanging out in the snow and then coming back inside to the feeling of warmth and home.

Stretching his arms up above his head, the long haired blonde stuck his tongue out into the cold air, letting snow fall down and land upon the muscle, grinning slightly at the childish moment. As he pulled his tongue back inside his mouth, he pulled his jacket in closer, remembering the one part of snow that he didn't like as much. Taking a few more steps out into the snow, Aurum smiled slightly at the crunch beneath his boots, turning to face Roy and say softly, "Perhaps if enough falls, then we can try building a snowman. I never got to do that when I was a kid, but I hear it's pretty fun." Or perhaps they could also attempt some sort of snowball fight. He didn't doubt that Feza would be enthusiastic about participating in such a thing, and there was always a chance he could rope the other children in the group into it as well. He wouldn't force anyone into anything, but he did want Roy to get the full experience of snow, since he seemed so delighted by just looking at it and touching it. The one thing he probably wouldn't suggest would be snow angels, however. Sure, they could be quite fun in the moment, but Aurum had once done it in the city while he was feeling particularly lonely, and the cold from laying in the snow had gone straight to his bones, leaving him shivering for what felt like days but was probably just hours.
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