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you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - Printable Version

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you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

The small kit was barely here for more than two days, and he was already having a nightmare. He shifted around, wrapped tightly in a sweater he had "borrowed" from his father. The dream he was having.. It was odd. He was being dunked into a river by something.. Someone. They held his head tight between their paws and just forced him under. He screamed and screamed before the world melted away and there was only white. He found himself back in the snow, with someone calling out to him. "Harrison.. Come home. Harrison..." The kit's legs started moving on their own, but the more he walked, the darker the snow grew in color.. until it turned red and sticky. That's when the kit cried out in fear as the red snow clung to his fur and slowed him down. Horrible screeching filled his ears. Familiar voices.

Harrison woke up with a startled mewl and found himself crying, and then he pressed his face into the sweater and began to wail out loud.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - jacob w.c. - 05-03-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob hadn't been asleep but that wasn't anything new. These days it was more likely for Jacob to stay up all night than it was for him to sleep peacefully for even a few minutes. Jacob had complex feelings about what'd happened in Typhoon. He hadn't forgiven Guru and he still believed she was awful. She'd tortured him and made his nightmares and hallucinations, which had nearly been gone, come back to full force. Yet at the same time the though of that place brought him comfort because of how Pincher had taken care of him for the following week. He'd seen every awful anxiety attack and every night terror and every hallucination. Pincher knew more about him than anyone in Snowbound did, not including Jerseyboy. It was strange and uncomfortable yet somehow comforting at the same time. On one hand, Pincher didn't have any expectationsfor him. He knew the worst that Jacob could offer and he still talked to him. He hadn't even flinched when he saw his scars. Jacob was sure he'd only hidden his reaction but it had stil been nice to see someone look at him without an ounce of sympathy or disgust. Whatever his feelings, they didn't change the fact he was still awake, watching over his son. He'd only turned his back for a moment when he suddenly heard the boy crying out.

He rushed to the boy and wrapped his paws around him, trying to bring him close. He noticed that he'd taken another one of the sweaters but he didn't mind. He found Harry's recent sweater stealing streak to be rather adorable and, besides, this obviously wasn't a good time to scold him even if planned on doing it. "Don' worry, cucciolo, 'm right here. I ain't leavin' ya'. It was jus' a bad dream, tha's all. Dreams can't hurt ya' none," he assured the boy with gentle tones. He knew he should listen to his own words. Half the time he woke up sweating and crying. He was thankful that hadn't happened so far with Harrison around. He wasn't sure what he'd do when his son eventually had to witness him in such a state. Jacob knew better than anyone that dreams could hurt you but only if you let them or if they stuck around long enough to feel more like reality than fantasy. His little Harry didn't need to know that, though. He didn't need to know how frightening they could be and how his Pa was plagued by them. Maybe when he was older but not now. For now dreams couldn't hurt him and Jacob would protect him from everything that came his way. That was all that was important. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - pallid-i - 05-04-2018

As his father brought him close, he pressed his face into his fur, body shaking. Should he tell him of what he dreamed of, or should he not tell him for the sake of not having to worry? The kit didn't know, but he did know that he was safe now with Jacob.
Harrison released a soft mewl and sniffled, his shaking eventually stopping and his tears stopped as well. "Please don't leave me alone, pa..." Harrison murmured, pulling away from him to look him in the eyes. The kit silently pleaded him, obviously shaken with what had happened in mere dreams.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - jacob w.c. - 05-05-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob hugged the kitten closer to him, and pressed his face into the boy's fur, keeping his paws around him. "I ain't ever leavin' ya', Harrison. I promise," he assured the boy. He wasn't sure what else to say or what to do exactly. "Hey, bud, if ya' can't get ta' sleep we could go ta' the herb cavern n' I can get some lavender for ya' ta' smell n' put some around. I should be doin' it anyway. I can tell ya' a story n' stay until ya' fall asleep," he suggested gently. He wasn't sure if the boy would want to walk through the tunnels as he was but he supposed he should offer something. "Or I could sing, if ya' wanted," he added. He wasn't sure what would console the boy most so he tried to offer everything he could think of. Often he needed a combination of all three to get a decent night's rest but he hoped Harrison wouldn't suffer from such chronic problems as him but he knew he couldn't assume that was the case. Thankfully, Harrison wasn't biologically related to him so hopefully that'd make it less likely but that also made things more dangerous. He had no idea what kind of health problems the boy could have inherited from his real parents. Still, all of that was far away and Jacob was hopefully this was just a problem for tonight. All children had nightmares sometimes, after all. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - pallid-i - 05-07-2018

His father was honestly the best, and this was enough to prove that he was. Harrison appreciated the warmth he was receiving, and if there was a way to repay his father for this, he would definitely do it. "C-Can you please s-s-sing for me, pa?" Singing was nice.. He had never heard his father sing, but surely it would be great. The kitten had high hopes, and was looking forward to his father singing to him.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - jacob w.c. - 05-07-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — He wanted him to sing? Jacob didn't mind it, of course, he'd sang plenty of times in public with Jerseyboy, but he hadn't expected that to be his son's first choice. Still, he began to hum softly, continuing to stroke the top of Harrison's head. "Goodnight, goodnight, it's time now to sleep. The moon's watchin' over you and your dreams. Goodnight, goodnight, my sweet little one... Tomorrow your eyes, they will light up the Sun..." As he sang, his accent seemed to partially fade away and he hummed for a bit longer before continuing, "Goodnight, goodnight, sweet dreams for now. Drift off to sleep on your pillow of clouds. Goodnight, goodnight, my sweet little friend. Tomorrow's adventures. they will soon begin..." His own eyes were growing heavy and he let out a soft yawn before completeing the final phrase, "Tomorrow's adventures will soon begin..."



Re: you don't own me ❄ open, nightmare - pallid-i - 05-08-2018

As his father begin to sing, Harrison's worries soon melted away and he placed his thoughts to the back of his mind. He listened to him sing and his eyelids grew heavy as each verse passed. He mewled softly and yawned, eyelids fluttering closed as he drifted off into peaceful sleep.
i couldn't even keep you