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EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - Printable Version

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EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - wormwood. - 12-18-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
As of recently, Aurum had been feeling a bit down in the dumps. Not so bad or depressed that he wouldn't leave his home, or Roy would notice, but there was an underlying sense of unease within him. He wasn't sure if it was because of the chill in the air, the new target on his back as a result of Kydobi's death, the fact that Goldie was stuck watching over the Pitt, or just all of the general nonsense going on with Crowley as of late, but he definitely found himself wishing that it would all just stop. In an effort to combat this feeling, Aurum had decided to put on a little feel good event in the tavern, one that would be easy to set up and enjoy. It was definitely on a smaller scale than say, the gift gala, but he still figured it would be fun, and he desperately needed some fun at the moment. He had to, of course, clean up the bits of scraps that were still left over from the gift gala within the building, such as the remains of wrapping paper and knocked over food, but it wasn't a massive task for the lion, and soon enough it was done, and he was setting up for the little game he had planned. Truth or dare was relatively simple, so all Aurum really needed to do was set up a table with some alcohol for the holiday themed twist he had on the game. He had taken a bunch of bottles down from behind the bar and put them in the middle of one of the large tables, nodding firmly when he believed there was enough. He had put a firm limit on how much he would be drinking tonight, not wanting a repeat from the last time he had gotten drunk and gone running to Crowley, but that didn't mean he was going to limit anybody else – unless they were a danger in some way, of course.

Once he felt satisfied that the relatively simple gathering was set up, the lion turned and headed out of the two large double doors of the tavern, stretching a bit before settling on his haunches. He watched the bustling of his clanmates all around him in the town for a long moment, before he eventually called out, spreading his wings to draw attention, "Hey, if you wanna play a holiday themed truth or dare game, come here! We've got drinks!" He couldn't help the faint grin that came to his face as some of his clanmates looked up in interest, either at the prospect of a game or at the prospect of booze. Once a fairly sizable group had gathered around, Aurum rumbled happily, his tail flicking lazily back and forth, "Alright, so, this should be fairly simple. It'll be like a normal truth or dare game, except holiday themed. All of your questions and dares need to be either holiday or winter themed, like "I dare you to go outside and bury yourself in the snow" or, "who do you really want a gift from this year?" If your question or dare isn't holiday or winter themed, then you have to take a drink. You also have to take a drink if you won't do a dare, or won't answer a question. Sound good?" He watched as several of those gathered around him nodded, and he nodded back to them as they began to move behind him to inside the tavern. He was about to move inside as well, before his one blue eye widened considerably, and he hastily added on, "Ah, and kids can participate as well! Obviously they can't drink the booze, but I have apple juice for them to drink instead." Sure, perhaps apple juice didn't have the same properties as alcohol did, but it wasn't as if Aurum wanted to promote underage drinking. Not to mention the fact that he wanted to be inclusive, considering the age range of Tanglewood had been steadily shifting more and more towards younger members.
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Re: EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - suvi. - 12-18-2019

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Truth or dare.  The game felt familiar to the petite vixen.  How long it had been, or if she had ever truly played the game, belonged to the mystery of her broken memories.  Meaning she supposed she might give the game a try.

Her mitch-matched hues lingered on Aurum thoughtfully, taking in his little set up.  A much simpler sort of gathering than recent festivities.  Okay.  Why not?  It sounded kind of fun, even if Kiira preferred not to talk so much, especially in groups.

"I... I'll play."

Re: EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - toboggan - 12-19-2019

The vapourous puffs that came into being with every sultry exhale would cease to exist upon entering the cozy tavern. The promise of gratuitous liquor piqued Leroy's enthusiasm, hence his attendance. Liquor was his primary and only interest in Aurum's little activity, however - the General tended to not concern himself with inane matters such as truth or dare. For all he cared, truth or dare was simply an ingenious game designed for antisocial adolescents who had yet to score their first kiss. Leroy, having an affluent supply of kisses to his name, saw the game as irrelevant and useless. Though, throwing alcohol into the fray certainly added an alluring element to the competition, conditioning it so that the wolfhound could see himself possibly enjoying it.

He advances forward, coming up to the right of Kiira before pausing his movement. "Count me in," he says, ardently eyeing up the bottles of hooch that meekly awaited their consumption.

Re: EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - fulzanin - 12-19-2019

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Feza hadn't exactly played truth or dare before. It was an odd festivity for sure. It was a festivity nonetheless, and it warranted her approach. The vibrant feline came bounding on over, wings aiding her awkward hops. It would be holiday themed, too! Who didn't love a festivity that incorporated the holidays? She certainly loved the idea, her fluffy tail swinging rapidly behind her in a way that suggested for a brief moment that she had absolutely no control over the limb. Excited, Feza was, evident by the grin on her face.

"I'll play!" Feza chattered, a nod of her head accompanying her words. Of course she would. This was a nice little festive party thing and Feza was all about little events. She sat down, her blue gaze shifting over to the drinks. Feza had absolutely no idea about the very existence of alcohol. A curious sniff was all the Guardsman gave, before her attention and smile again returned to the event at had.

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Re: EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - ABATHUR . - 12-20-2019

Certain staples of social culture that seemed like - well, like staples of social culture - were known to Abathur, of course. Being polite, not murdering people, the existence of the holiday season when the sun turned its back on the world, things like that? Easy. He could figure them out purely on context, on listening to people and piecing together whatever they were talking about.

He had never heard anything about truth or dare in his life, however.

Obviously, he could piece together the premise and why it was a game, especially with alcohol involved. It was likely supposed to be a game of getting people to reveal embarrassing secrets, or do embarrassing things, to create memories, or some other malarkey - he hadn't yet grasped the appeal of good memories yet, having lived here for a very small amount of time, and as such, he was hesitant to participate. However, despite this lack of understanding, he still convinced himself to give it a try, for many reasons; there could be interesting information revealed, it would help him get a greater understanding of certain complexities of sapient interaction, and it would generally help him practice with said interactions.

All good things, yes? "Participating," the spider grumbled, appropriately cold as ice, before settling down a healthy distance away from the others.

tags - "speech"

Re: EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - torren - 12-20-2019

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 160%; background-position: 55% 25%; border-radius: 100%; opacity: 1.00; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
[color=#6679bf]A mi[color=#5265a9]llion d[color=#445890]reams are keepi[color=#3b497c]ng me awake
An older brother, Torren knew truth or dare well.  His sister, a true spitfire spirit, enjoyed dares most of all.  The more dangerous or wild, the better.  Despite her general lack of caution, the youth enjoyed the game.  When he heard a call for a holiday edition truth or dare session, the prince felt inclined to partake.

A steady influx of Tanglers had arrived with the same intent.  Torren grinned happily and let his soft paws carry him over to Kiira's side.  Playfully, he aimed to nudge his fluffy white friend with a gentle push from his shoulder.  "Sounds fun."
[align=right]f i k a.  (n.)

Re: EY MARIO ☆ truth or dare - wormwood. - 12-21-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Holy shit. Aurum found himself blinking in surprise at the sheer volume of others who had decided to show up to his little social event, and he couldn't help the slight grin that appeared on his face because of it. It seemed as though everyone was looking to unwind and have some fun for the holidays, and the lion couldn't particularly say he blamed them. Giving each of them a little nod, Aurum made a little mental note of each of the faces, along with which ones wouldn't be getting alcohol. Kiira, Leroy, Feza, Abathur, and Torren. Torren and Kiira would need apple juice... as well as possibly Feza. Aurum honestly wasn't sure he had ever seen the female drink once in his life, and he wasn't entirely sure that she even knew what alcohol was. He didn't know if he wanted to be responsible for unleashing the chaos of drunk Feza upon the world, to be honest. Leading the large group inside the tavern, the male moved to take one of the seats around the table, pushing the drinks forward a bit for people to take as they wished. He made sure to push the apple juice in the general direction of Torren and Kiira – as well as Feza, somewhat – before he glanced around at the group of faces. Clearing his throat, Aurum spoke softly, "Alright... since I'm the one who put together this little game, I suppose I'll go first..." He glanced over everyone present, wondering who he should ask something of first. Eventually he decided to go with Abathur, figuring the other had never really experienced something like this before, "Abathur, truth or dare?" He wasn't sure which he wanted the massive arachnid to pick, really, but either would probably be fascinating to witness.
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