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i'll make a man out of you // open, training - Printable Version

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i'll make a man out of you // open, training - ▷killian◁ - 05-03-2018

The doberman had no experience training other people; back at his old home, nobody had been trained for any sorts of fights, and the only reason he'd grown to love fighting so much was because of the tough love one of his friends had shown him. After a while, the pain meant nothing when you finally were able to beat someone in a fight when they'd been kicking your ass for years.

Sometime in the mid afternoon, Killian decided to finally go about doing the task Beck had given him. At least it wasn't boring, right? He got to have a fight with someone and watch others fight, as long as nobody died. That was his favourite part of the task; nobody could die, but Beck hadn't specified to not use claws or any of that, so Killian didn't find it necessary to make it a rule to not wound anyone.

Killian heaved himself up onto a short, crumbling wall, clearing his throat as he spun around. His cloudy eyes flicked around; he supposed there were enough of his group mates around to call out now. The demon took in a deep breath and barked out as loudly as he could, "HEEEEY!! Come over here, guys, I've got shit to do and it includes all of you! We're going to do some training type stuff!"

He winced when his voice cracked several times as he yelled and let out a little cough at the end of his call. Damn, yelling that loud really fuckin' sucked. He shrugged his shoulders, there wasn't much he could do about that, and yawned as he sat on the wall to wait for people to gather.


Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - CHERRYWINE - 05-03-2018

”Training type stuff”. Was this a joke? Apparently, the guy they’d chosen for training had no idea what he was doing. How fun. Cherry knew she hadn’t been around a lot, so maybe she couldn’t judge this guy she didn’t know at all, but really, who the fuck cared? He sounded absolutely clueless judging solely by his call. She couldn’t wait to actually see him in action. Suppressing a roll of her eyes, the petite cream tabby followed the sound of Killian’s voice, head lifting slightly when vibrant blue visionaries rested on his form. Oh, damn, he was kind of hot. He kinda looked like some dude she’d hooked up with a couple weeks back, but she was pretty sure it was a different guy. Hopefully. [color=#90000c]"I’m down," Cherrywine purred, gaze flicking over the far taller canine’s figure once before focusing on his face. "You better know what you’re doing, though." It didn’t sound like it, but still, she’d be hella disappointed if this was just some inexperienced loser trying to teach her how to do... whatever he was teaching. Brawling? Probably. After pausing for a moment, she figured it would probably be a good idea to introduce herself- unlike back home, no one really knew her here. "Th’ name’s Cherry, by the way. Nice to meet you, or whatever."



Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - Morgan - 05-04-2018

Morgan heard the yelling and headed toward the pair, walking just past the feline as it approached. Nearing the wall with its head tilted, the samoyed inquired, "What is this?" It was not sure of what "training type stuff" could be, but with little else to do it at least wanted to oblige the other canine.

The samoyed turned toward Cherrywine next, hoping for some explanation. Though it was not particularly familiar with the cat, Morgan asked, "'Training type stuff'?" It looked into the tabby's eyes from behind its mask, curious.

Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - Belladonna - 05-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna wasn't the one to fight, at all - and if she had to, she'd use tactics to render her opponent stunned or incapacitated rather than dead or bleeding out. Padding over quietly, she rested her eyes on each of her clanmates, before mewing, "I'll supervise. Remember to keep it clean."


Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - ▷killian◁ - 05-07-2018

"Yeah, yeah, clean! Of course." His cloudy eyes rolled quickly as he turned his head to face away from Bella; he didn't want her to see that, of course. Killian looked first to Cherrywine, gaze looking her up and down before it moved to Morgan, "Well hello, Cherry. And you of course, Morgan." He paused to hop down off the wall.

"Yeah, training type stuff, and of course I know what I'm doing! Why else would Beck ask me to do this?" The doberman seemed weirdly proud that Beck had told him to do it, even though it was just for a task. His tail wiggled as he trotted a bit away from them, spun in a circle and moved back.

"We're just gonna.. Practice fighting, y'know? Only rule is to not kill each other according to the boss-man so.." His lips curled in an ugly version of a grin as he shuffled his paws in excitement. "I guess you two can go against each other, yeah? Then if anyone else comes we can switch it up more, or it can be just us switching."


Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - Morgan - 05-08-2018

Morgan turned to face Belladonna as she arrived, listening to her brief statements. The canine did not understand much, instead relying on the others to hopefully fill in the blanks.

The doberman's new explanation lacked detail, yet it was just sufficient enough for the samoyed. "Practice fighting," it repeated, looking back toward Cherrywine as Killian continued. "Against each other..."

Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - ▷killian◁ - 05-11-2018

Who was this? Whatever, more people more fun. "Yeah, Morgan, we're gonna practice fighting. You just go for it." He explained it slowly as if talking to a child before he turned to the cat. "Alright, then we can go against each-other, little man. If you think you can keep up." The doberman cleared his throat and moved his paws a bit further apart, taking on a defensive stance.


Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-11-2018

Re: i'll make a man out of you // open, training - ▷killian◁ - 05-15-2018

Killian's lips curled to show off his teeth as he tensed up, intending to let the cat just barrel straight into him. He stumbled back a bit at the impact, used the movement to rear back onto his hind legs and tried to slam his forepaws down onto the feline.
