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THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - Printable Version

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THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - redvox. - 12-16-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The Pitt was the fourth and final group that Vinny needed to visit and give an invitation to before he could return to his home. In all honesty, it felt... strange, returning to the Pitt after two months plus some of being gone. He had felt awful, abandoning the others just after they had been defeated in battle and the war had been declared over, but... he couldn't stay with them, not after the way that their morals clashed so drastically. He still cared about and appreciated quite a few of the members of the Pitt, and he found himself silently hoping that he would see some familiar faces as he walked up to the border of where sand met jungle. Going from Elysium to here had been rather startling, considering that the desert, even in the winter time, was significantly warmer than the mountains, but that wasn't to say he didn't appreciate it. Settling down on the border line, Vinny practically bathed his wings in the midday sun as he waited for someone to arrive.

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - aine. - 12-16-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —
The petite vixen nearly fell on her face, spotting an excitingly familiar face on the border.  Lately, Aine wandered about more morosely; avoiding the scary tigress and missing a certain jaguar.  Trying to make sense of the air.  Everything felt static charged now.  It's Jervis and the mean tigress' fault.

When she spotted a particular hybrid on the sand, her hazel hues lit like stars.  Only dimming when she scrambled up to meet him, realizing how long it had been and smelling a new place on him.  He left them.  Kydobi wasn't enough, Redvox had to go too.  In a less brutal manner perhaps but...

Aine scuffed the sand.  "Salut Mr. Vinny," she offered softly, ears flicking back shyly.
— I'll come back when you call me —

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - gael - 12-17-2019

Cold, hazel eyes rested curiously on the familiar figure sitting on the border.  Gael stood close to his daughter as he arrived, regarding the hybrid thoughtfully.  While he had not spoken a farewell to Redvox, he knew of the other's departure.  The black and red vulpine found little cause to feel betrayed however, as unlike Kydobi, the other had yet to invoke feelings of loyalty from him.

Of course, he hardly appreciated the hurt he suspected Aine to suffer from.  She had lost enough in recent days.  They both had lost more than enough in the past year -- losses that would tail them for the rest of their lives.  "Redvox.  What can we help you with?"
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - fulzanin - 12-18-2019

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
The cicada hadn't seen the Gat since he'd left to forge his own group. He hadn't followed solely because at the time there had been food here, and he wasn't about to leave a food source to go off and wander aimlessly. It was a barebones construct, the cicada's mind established. Now there wasn't any food in the Pitt, not after the fire. Perhaps if he'd had better deductive reasoning he would have went out to try and find a better place to fully stay. Alas, his mind was bound to where he had emerged from the ground. Leaving was not in his itinerary. That did not mean that the cicada would not be as close to joyful as his basic mind could manage upon seeing Redvox again. After all, the Gat had been a familiar sight to the cicada. It made sense that familiarity would invoke joy in it's most basic sense. His wings broke out into a burst of buzzing noises, and he scratched at the ground beneath his burnt leg. A greeting, as best of a greeting as the barren minded cicada was likely ever going to manage. He didn't know why the Gat was here, and settled into an awkward sit. Not that he would understand what the Harbringer was actually going to say, but Astiar was as close to happy at the time as his simplistic mind would allow.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - redvox. - 12-18-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
The first three to show up to his invitation were familiar faces, and Vinny couldn't help the faint smile that came to his face as soon as he saw them. He had been worried that the group would've changed significantly in the time that he had been away, particularly with Goldie now in charge, even if it was temporary. Thankfully it didn't seem as though there were a bunch of new faces surrounding him, and that definitely put him slightly at ease. Shifting his wings a bit, the hybrid dipped his head to Aine and mumbled softly, "Hello, little Aine. I'm glad to see you again..." Then, almost inevitably wherever Aine was, Gael came padding up as well. He didn't sense any hostility in the other male's words, but he couldn't imagine Gael was pleased with him for leaving when Aine had been so fond of him. He opened his mouth to answer Gael's question, but he was cut off by frequent and frantic buzzing approaching quickly, Astiar dragging his large body over and chittering enthusiastically. Vox stared at Astiar for a moment before he gave a sharp crooked little smile, mumbling in greeting, "Hey there, bug friend..." He remembered calling the large bug dragon Astiar once or twice thanks to hearing others call him that, but he had been gone so long that he didn't really remember that well. Now that he had dealt with Aine and Astiar, he turned back to Gael, still smiling as he spoke, "Ah... well, I'm here to invite The Pitt to a fun holiday event that is being held in the Halls of Hiraeth, my group. It's a holiday themed dance that we're holding in our town hall. We'll obviously have dancing, food, drinks, and fun. We're also inviting all of the four main groups, but there will be no violence, or bickering. It is just meant to bring everyone together, with all of the tension that has been present lately." He hoped his explanation was good enough for Gael, even though he wasn't really sure Gael could accept the invitation... who even could right now? Just Goldie?

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - gael - 12-21-2019

A holiday event.  The vulpine flicked his ear, a thoughtful crease in his brow.  "I don't believe I have the power to accept any invitations on behalf of the Pitt, but I see no reason Aine and myself can't attend." While Gael lingered heavily on the introverted side, he found the concept of encouraging Aine to enjoy a holiday gathering appealing.  She deserved the opportunity for fun.

The faerie wondered, naturally, how the other groups felt about this.  Assuming the Gat had invited them with the same information.  Just because no conflict or 'bickering' would be permitted, he doubted feelings of friendship and merriment would come easy, if at all.  "Of course, I find it hard to believe your other guests approve of your invitation to us." Both a statement and question in nature, his tone cool.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - redvox. - 12-21-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny found himself smiling at Gael as the other spoke, glad to hear the reaction to the invitation was positive, even if it had only been from he and Aine so far. Dipping his head, the hybrid mumbled as he shifted on his wings, glancing back at Aine and offering her a smile, "Both you 'n' Aine are very welcome ta attend, as well as everybody else within the Pitt, even if nobody except Goldie can give me an official answer at the moment. We'll be very glad ta have ya. It'll be happenin' on the 24th, just so ya both know." He knew that Goldie was probably a very busy woman at the moment, and he wouldn't blame her if she couldn't be around to give a solid answer, but that didn't mean he wouldn't extend the olive branch for everyone else to come if they wanted to. He then let out a soft and almost bitter chuckle as Gael mentioned the other groups, nodding a bit before mumbling, "Elysium didn't 'ave a problem, and I don't believe The Typhoon did either, but Tanglewood was quite rude ta me when I went and extended the invitation. I can understand not wantin' ta come, but they didn't need ta treat me like they did. Needless ta say, I'm more willin' ta give the Pitt a chance than some other people." The interaction with Tanglewood had left an unpleasant taste in the gat's mouth, especially considering that he firmly believed in second chances, and knew there were good people in the Pitt.

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - aine. - 12-22-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —
Fretfully, the druid rocked on her paws.  Her ears perked up, eyes brightening, as her father stepped into the conversation.  He sounded so... Formal.  Of course, Aine glanced at Redvox, she wasn't so sure how she felt about the gat.  But until he gave her reason to revoke his friendship status, he was worthy of a smile for inviting them to a party.

A party.  That sounded fun.  And her father was agreeing to come!  The petite vixen felt her chest soar.  A Christmas party.  Dancing, food, drinks and fun...  "Games?" She piped up hopefully, before blinking up as her father expressed a concern.

And Redvox answered.  Her face fell.  A spark diminishing in the fraction of a second as the name registered.  Tanglewood.  They were the mean ones that helped the scary tigress light their jungle on fire.  She remembered, her ears flicking back down.  Well, if they were rude to Redvox, she definitely still didn't like them.

"No fighting?" He'd said that, but she wanted a repeat.  The smell of smoke burning in her mind's eye, her nose twitching.  "We'll play games, right?  Will there be presents?" Anything to push back the fire.  She continued to rock on her paws, the gears spinning rapidly in her mind.
— I'll come back when you call me —

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - redvox. - 12-23-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Redvox honestly felt... relieved. He had been petrified from the moment he had left Tanglewood that his former Pittian clanmates would hate him as a result of him leaving. Sure, he was fairly certain that a few of them weren't too pleased with him still, but at least he wasn't totally hated, and he was pleased to see that Gael and Aine didn't hate him, at the very least, especially considering they had been two of his favorite other Pittians to interact with. Vox felt himself smiling slightly when Aine grinned excitedly, before her face fell when he mentioned Tanglewood. He quickly brushed off his previous statement, shifting his wings and saying with a smile, "Games... I honestly hadn't thought'a games, but sure, we can play games. 'N' presents, too... and no fightin', I promise. If anybody tries ta cause trouble, they'll get kicked out." He didn't necessarily want to kick anybody out, but he also had very little tolerance for people trying to start shit, so he knew that he and Aslisk could deal with them if it came to that. He then said, chuckling as he lowered himself down a bit to be on the same level as the druid, his hybrid form low to the ground so that Aine could feel comforted, "I'll have ta be sure ta get ya somethin' nice as a present. Anythin' ya really want for Christmas?" He only had a little while until the dance, so he wasn't entirely sure he could easily get whatever Aine wanted, but he could certainly try.

Re: THE SHOVEL BLADE ☆ invitation - gael - 12-23-2019

Expected, the turn of events Gael listened to.  With an unsurprised quirk of his brows, he inclined his head in a nod.  The faerie knew better than most the less than ideal aftermath of 'peace'.  Tensions never fell quickly and resentment was a fire capable of burning for years to come.

Suspecting the politics uneasy to hear, the vulpine turned his attention onto Aine.  Amusement lifted his maw into a fond smile.  He thought of gently reprehending her for causing Redvox to add to his likely busy plans.  The hybrid took the inquiries in stride and with a smile.  Otherwise, Gael may have exhaled the deep breath he felt building in his chest.  Hopefully, she wanted something relatively simple, gift-wise.

Settling into a more businesslike attitude, the vulpine turned to Redvox.  "I will do my best to spread word to those not present." Their numbers hardly felt impressive either, causing him to doubt he'd require an excessive amount of time for the task.  "And seek out Goldenluxury, so that she is aware as well."

Regardless of the captain's decision of 'official' attendance, Gael would lead Aine to the Halls of Hiraeth.  His daughter wanted to go and he was going to take her.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby