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dondurma // joining - candorosa - 12-15-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]It was cold. An obvious statement, seeing as it was winter. Marlon was thankful that his fur shielded him from the full extent of the chill. Marlon released a breath of air, watching as the white cloud faded away. Just a little bit more, he assured himself, continuing on with his trip.

What was he doing? Well, Marlon had been on his own for around a year now, ever since he'd woken up with no recollection of his past. He had tried to stay in Tanglewood but his interest in the group waned over time. And so, he set off on his own. Hopefully now, with his wanderlust sated and a greater understanding of the world he found himself in, he could settle down. He figured that he ought to try out something new instead of just returning to Tanglewood.

Which was why he was currently journeying to the border of Halls of Hiraeth with the intention of joining. Marlon could appreciate what they stood for and if he was going to pledge his loyalty to a group, he should pick one whose ideals he could stand behind. Ideals that...reminded him of something. Marlon allowed the thoughts to fade away; he found that even if he attempted to grasp onto any ribbons of memories, they would float out of his grasp. He likened the phenomenon to attempting to cup water within one's paws. No matter how hard he may try, the water would slip through the cracks.

Finally, he arrived at the border of Halls, azure eyes taking in the view. A forested group. Once again, an aching feeling of familiarity settled in his mind. Not right now. Marlon had things to do, he didn't have time to get lost in his mind.

"Hello?" Marlon called out, soft-spoken words floating into the air. The feline twitched his nose as he paused, hoping someone had heard his call. "My name is Marlon Clockworker, I'm, uh. Here to join," he finished, clearing his throat at the end. He sat down to prevent nervous jitters from taking over his leg. Even with that precaution, his tail twitched side to side, its nervous energy at odds with the sourpuss expression that constantly marred his face.

Re: dondurma // joining - redvox. - 12-16-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Despite it having been two months since he had refounded the Halls, Vinny still found it sort of surreal whenever he heard someone's voice coming from over the border. Whether it be an ally, an enemy, or, like Marlon at the moment, someone looking to join. All equally surprised Vox, since everything still felt so fresh and new even now, as they were beginning to establish themselves. Still, that wasn't to say that people showing up at the border was an unwelcome occasion. In fact, Vox found a toothy smile coming to his muzzle as he heard Marlon's voice, having been nearby to check if any of the rats they had been dealing with lately had gotten this far. The sound of someone looking eagerly to join them warmed Vin's rapidly freezing heart, only half of his body actually safe from the icy temperatures given his unique hybridization. Still, moving would help as well, so the Harbinger found himself pushing himself up to his wings and hooves, trotting slowly over to where Marlon was. He desperately hoped he wouldn't frighten the feline unintentionally with his appearance, something that had happened several times in the past already.

Once he was in front of the newcomer, Vox offered a smile and sat back on his hooves, his wings keeping him upright as he greeted, "Well, hello there Marlon. If you're 'ere to join, then we're happy ta have ya! This is th'Halls of Hiraeth, but I'm pretty sure ya already knew that. As f'me, I'm Redvox, 'n' I'm th'boss man 'round here, the Harbinger. I also go by Vinny or Vin, if ya'd rather." He flicked his ear as he dipped his head in greeting to Marlon, glad that they were still getting joiners after a couple of months, and it hadn't just been a whole bunch of joinings before absolute radio silence. He was also very glad that, given Marlon's awareness, their name was definitely out there, and people knew that they existed. He had been worried that they had been a bit too reclusive for his tastes as of late, so to have a joiner who had evidently heard of them? He was very, very glad for it. His short tail flicking from side to side behind him, the goat-bat hybrid mumbled kindly, "And... ah, if ya 'ave any trouble of any kind, y'can come to me, or to Aslisk, our second in command around 'ere. There's also Roman 'n' Breena, if neither of us're around for some reason."

Re: dondurma // joining - fulzanin - 12-17-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The process of joiners simply wandering up to the border was still a somewhat foreign concept to Aslisk. People just walking up on the border, without conflict, and with a few words were allowed to hop and skip and jump right on in. It baffled her. Yet again, where she came from, there was no such policy. There was already her home's weird 'if you're not of the species you're not allowed in' dilemma, then the 'okay if you've got a pass you can come in' dilemma, and before she'd left there'd been alliances and all sorts of crazy things. Aslisk supposed she would actually be wrapped up in the proceedings of alliances, now that she was second in command as Redvox had said. She was joyed - not - about the knowledge that she'd have to get into whatever form of politics there was here. It made her want to gag on her tongue and spit and pitch some form of a fit. Maybe it would be different here than it had been back home. Sitting in a closed room of featherbrains who got distracted every few minutes to talk about laws about clouds or festive drinks that the actual alliance was never discussed. Aslisk huffed, shaking out her body a little as water pooled beneath her talons from the flames that melted the snow around her due to her lack of control for her fire abilities.

The wyvern came swooping on over, feeling well enough from her burn wounds to actually be flying. She was still covered in them, but they certainly grew fainter and fainter. "Clockworker, huh," she muttered with her slitted eyes squinting. "That's a last name I can't say I've heard before." Why was the need felt to say both first and last name? It wasn't as if she ever slung around her last name whenever introducing herself. Did she even have one? Aslisk would have to look into that. Did he actually work on clocks? When was the last time that Aslisk had even practiced reading time off a clock? Her ear flicked, bringing her back from her brief daze. Not that her dazes were noticeable - instead of a distant look an irritated one would always present itself upon her countenance. "I'm Aslisk. I am.. more than delighted to deal with any trouble that gets brought to my attention." The wyvern supposed she did have to point out that she was willing to do as Redvox had said she would, due to her position as second in command. Yet, she equally supposed that her method of dealing with problems would probably be entirely different from how the leader of the group would go about it. Oh, well. She had offered and confirmed that she was able to, and a person, to come for if help was needed. Redvox had said it first, she cheekily noted to herself and was unable to keep her harsh red gaze from briefly glancing at the Harbringer.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: dondurma // joining - trojan g. - 12-17-2019

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
He guessed he hadn't been around in a bit, though that would be changing now, seeing as he was currently walking around at the borders, thinking and trying to figure some things out, when he had wound up with two of his group mates and a new joiner at the border - so he supposed it was three of his group mates there? Eyes would look over the other, and Roman would offer a small smile, "Welcome to the Halls, I'm Romanempire, though I usually just go by Roman now-a-days, and I'm an Arch-Templar." He didn't think he'd get used to the roles here, and he knew he wouldn't get used to Aslisk being a higher rank than him. He knew that, some way, she deserved it, she'd been around a lot, but her views were so different from Vinny's and she was so violent Roman wouldn't have thought of her as second-in-command, but here they were.

Giving it a moment, Roman would think, looking over the nervous individual before speaking once more, "Do you like medicines Marlon?" He knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to just fling a new member into the medical position, but Roman sure as hell didn't want it, and he seemed to be the only one with an expense of medical knowledge around here, he needed to pass it down to someone so he wasn't bothered when their second-in-command set herself on fire.
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: dondurma // joining - candorosa - 12-22-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Marlon wouldn't say that Redvox's appearance had frightened him but it did make him pause momentarily. He had never seen anyone quite like him and so he stared until he realized he was being rude. Marlon blinked and shuffled his paws in embarrassment, briefly looking away. His ears perked when the fellow, Redvox, began speaking.

Marlon attempted to return his smile, an awkward albeit genuine little thing before his face fell back to its frigid state. The man seemed nice. He wasn't expecting otherwise but it was relieving to find that his first greeter hadn't been rude. "Pleased to meet you, Redvox. Th--" his words faded into a muffled yelp when he heard flapping, body stiffening and head snapping up. He tried to relax his stance when he saw that it wasn't a hawk or an eagle as he had assumed and rather a wyvern.

Fiery embarrassment tinged his ears as he tried to compose himself. "Yeah, that's my...last name," Marlon hesitantly replied, stating the obvious. Wow, nice one, genius! He supposed it was a rather odd last name but he couldn't remember if it was something he had come up with or if it was his family's. "Right. Sorry about that, Aslisk," so he had just acted like a moron in front of the second-in-command? Awesome. He awarded himself a gold star with a heavy heart. "I...will keep that in mind. Thanks." He tried to send her a smile like he had with Redvox and only succeeded in looking like someone had stabbed him in the foot.

Thankfully, the other member who approached didn't put him at risk for an early heart attack. Marlon inclined his head and once again tried to muster up a smile in response. Smiling was not his forte, ugh. He listened as the other introduced himself, occasionally nodding along. So this was Roman? It seemed as if--with the exception of 'Breena'--all the members Redvox had listed showed.

Marlon opened his mouth to exchange pleasantries then closed it at the other's question. He paused for a moment to mull it over. "I don't dislike them." Marlon answered honestly with a flick of his white-tipped tail. He tried to scour his brain for any memories of medicinal knowledge, quickly coming up blank. "Probably could do better in knowing about them," he added with a huff at himself.

Re: dondurma // joining - redvox. - 12-22-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Marlon seemed... well, awkward, if Vox was being honest with himself. From the crooked and awkward little smiles, to the way that the male seemed overwhelmed by the other Halls members around him, Marlon definitely seemed like he hadn't interacted too much with others, at least not for a little while, anyways. Still, that didn't make Vinny dislike him. In fact, the hybrid found himself chuckling a little as Marlon awkwardly looked away from him, evidently embarrassed to have been staring at the harbinger. Vin spoke softly as he shifted a bit, his claws clicking against the ground, "Don't worry, I'm used ta people bein' a bit surprised by me when they first meet me. No need ta be embarrassed." He knew how unnerving or odd he could seem to those who had never seen the hybrid of a bat and goat before, which was honestly probably most people. Vox then watched with interest as the others began to arrive, giving their own greetings. He held back laughter when Aslisk startled the newcomer, not entirely sure if it was intentional or not. Knowing Aslisk, it was entirely possible that it was, but it wasn't as if he was going to call her on it. The harbinger stayed silent until he heard Roman, a faint smile quirking on his muzzle. When he heard Marlon's response, he shifted before saying softly, nodding a bit, "Well, if ya really wanna learn more about 'em, Roman 'ere can 'elp ya. We've actually been in need of a medic for a lil while now, so if ya really get into it, feel free ta let me know. I'd be happy ta finally have an official cleric 'round here." He didn't want to force Marlon into the role if he didn't want it, but if the other turned out to be rather into medicine, then that wouldn't exactly be bad for them. While they hadn't sustained any major injuries recently, Aslisk burning herself had certainly been a harrowing time, and Vox was starting to grow tired of forcing Roman to take up the medical role, since he knew the other probably had other desires.