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redescribe your fires - o, form change - Printable Version

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redescribe your fires - o, form change - fulzanin - 12-15-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Aslisk hadn't realized how much she needed arms until she didn't have them. Back home, if her arms were ever sliced off they would regenerate in a few seconds time. It was a brief annoyance. She never had to get used to walking around without having her arms and paws to hold things in. She could grab and wield a blade in a way that she deemed to be incredibly skilled. In truth it was far from that, the truth. She was a weak fighter. She was out ranged and out classed by everyone she lived with. She was weak, a joke. It was fine, her days of killing were mostly behind her. Briefly having to beat someone had still been an occurrence back home, and often her own tail would be handed to her. Her mind flickered to one instance in particular, time and time again. Of striking back against a man who had forcibly kissed her. It was a memory of being frozen solid and feeling tainted for being forced to kiss someone that was not her one and only. Then he had the audacity to call her breath rancid and shoved a breath mint down her throat. When she'd retaliated, she'd been punted into a trash can and laughed at. Then she'd been dragged outside by the tail, breaking on the inside, mind sputtering. She hadn't fought back, embarrassed and enraged and weakened from the churning feeling in her gut and the sleeping powder that he'd flung at her face. It had left her disoriented and embarrassed and reminded her again of how much she needed to learn about fighting.

Waking up in the morning and trying to stretch her wings only to be met with failure was not on her itinerary. Her shoulders rolled, but there was no familiar noise of wings curling and turning. Aslisk's head raised, immediately aware of how she felt far more heavy than she had upon falling asleep. Her mouth opened and closed a few times. A longer snout. Swiftly she stumbled up into a stand, stumbling from the weight and change in central gravity that she was enduring. "What the hask?!" She shrieked. Her hands raised, and her red eyes were locked. Talons. She had weird hand-looking talons now. Not wings. She had arms again, which where coating in a thick coat of purple fur. Sharp green talons stuck from each finger, curled in a way that certainly meant having a deadly grip. Slowly she turned, trying to look at the rest of her body. No wings, Aslisk had already figured that out. It felt horrifically foreign to not have wings. It was a body part that, like her arms, she hardly ever had to do without. It felt like a big piece of her was missing. At the same time, having arms again was a relieving feeling. She twisted her head, taking in the sight of her tail. It was not as fluffy as the limb originally was, back in her original form, but it was far better than just being a purely scaly tail. Her green spikes were still there. The end of her tail felt horrifically heavy, and she had a hard time raising the limb off the ground. Aslisk couldn't see the rest of her body, though. She had no idea what she was currently. Certainly not normal; she didn't have wings nor was she ever this fluffy.

It led for her to come stomping out of her room. Not from fury, no, it was just getting used to the sudden weight change that made her steps far more jerky than the norm. Her tail dragged behind her, no longer coated in flames - such was likely a good thing. Due to it's weight, she likely would not have been able to lift it from the ground and keep herself from leaving a path of scorched floor behind her. Aslisk could only assume that it wouldn't go well with anyone here. Everyone was such a wimp when it came to fire! It wasn't like it was terribly destructive if used correctly. The wyvern managed to get down a few floors, leaning against one of the walls. "Does anyone have a mirror I could look into real quick? I can't tell what the hask happened to me, again, and I need to see." Her tones was as sharp a snarl as ever despite her request being.. bare. It didn't need such a threatening tone behind it, but the newly appointed regent decided that she might as well make up for her requiring aid by being as ferocious about asking as possible. Her eyes were squinted and pupils narrowed to a near slit. It was nearing morning, after all, and her eyes were already aching from the bare minimum of light that was present. Her head sharply swung, as if prepared to immediately pounce upon the first person that came her way to answer her question. Aslisk really did not like mirrors much. She didn't like looking at the scar across her face. It reminded her of the biggest and longest bout of unpleasantness in her life. A reminder of how she'd failed to protect someone that meant everything to her. To figure out what the hell she'd been turned into this time, though, she'd make the exception. All the fur was heavy, and Aslisk rested her weight against the wall a little more than she had previously.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: redescribe your fires - o, form change - redvox. - 12-19-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Over time, Vinny had grown more and more used to his strange hybrid form. Sure, he wasn't sure he could ever get used to the staring, or the whispering, or the curious glances and thoughts about experimenting on him or wondering where he came from when even he himself didn't know. However, everything else? He was pretty used to it. He was used to using both his sturdy hooves and relatively fragile wings to travel around on all fours, and he had even, over time, learned to sit back on his hooves to remain upright, even if it meant using some extra concentration. He knew what his body excelled at, as well as what it quite desperately failed at. After all, his eyesight was horrible, but his sense of sight and smell were good, and he was an omnivore, so food was never exceedingly hard to come by. It definitely had its disadvantages, but over time he had grown to appreciate his new form, even if he still missed the feeling of the form he had been born into. However, he knew he could never get that form back. His feline form had burned up in the fire, having died to protect and save others that were more important than him. Even if he missed that body dearly, he didn't regret the way that it had gone out, and if anything he was immensely proud about it. Some days he still wondered if he could one day shapeshift back into some type of feline form, but as of lately that dream had been falling more and more to the wayside. After all, he didn't have any powers, how was he supposed to change bodies? Die again? That didn't sound particularly appealing to him.

Most of the time when Vox heard Aslisk yelling about something, he had learned to somewhat tune her out. After all, there were plenty of times where she was just yelling about nonsense, or causing a fuss over nothing. The harbinger had learned exceptionally quickly that it wasn't hard to get a big reaction out of Aslisk, so when he heard her saying her usual nonsense curse word in a loud voice, he didn't even roll over in bed. He figures somebody had taken back one of their bowls, or maybe her flames had gone out for some reason. It was hardly anything to freak out over, and he was starting to feel pretty exhausted from bringing invitations to all the different groups. However, just as he was beginning to curl up and slip away into a relaxed dozing state again, he heard the sound of several concerned voices and knocks at his door. A heavy sigh left him as he slowly sat up, dragging himself from the bed and moving to open it. As soon as he did, he was left with a face full of frantic npcs, half of them not even sure what to say and just gesturing wildly down the steps. Vinny instantly got a bad feeling, but it wasn't as if he could just ignore them and go back to sleep. After all, that would hardly be the best way to run things. Taking a deep breath, Vox waved a wing to gently soothe the crowd before he moved past them, heading down the steps towards where they had been pointing. As he moved downward, he heard Aslisk's words echoing upward, and instantly his heart sank further. Of course this had something to do with her.

Rounding the corner to where Aslisk was, Vox wasn't sure what he was expecting. Perhaps Aslisk just having a hissy fit, or a fire of some sort, or perhaps Aslisk discovering another power of hers. And well... it was sort of the last one, although not really. Vinny found himself staring immediately when Aslisk's new form came into view, and he nearly turned tail and ran straight back to bed so he wouldn't have to deal with whatever the hell had happened to his regent. Still, he slowly reminded himself of his own responsibilities, closing his eyes briefly before closing the distance to be in front of Aslisk. Staring up at her new and brightly colored form, the harbinger seemed at a loss for words before he finally said, sputtering a little, "Bertille, Aslisk, I don't... shit, how th'hell does this even happen? You're goddamn massive! I think I've got a mirror somewhere 'round up in m'room, but I'm not even sure you'd be able ta look into it... d'ya feel okay?" The mirror within his room was far from a hand mirror, and it wasn't as if he was going to drag it all the way down the stairs just so that Aslisk could glance into it, so hopefully she'd be able to head up with him... even if he was scared she was going to break his floor or something worse.

Re: redescribe your fires - o, form change - breena - 12-20-2019

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #7b66a8; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3.3px;"][b]I will try to be the brightest
Honestly? Not how she expected the day to start.

The petite honey badger knew how to shift.  She hardly made practice of the ability due to the comfort she felt as herself.  Shifting into a red panda hadn't been horrible -- though she'd been wanting to turn into a cardinal -- and she knew she didn't mind being the red little cat-bear.

She had never shifted into something... Reptilian.  Or straight-up massive.

Breena winced when her dark hues found the reagent.  She did not envy Aslisk the task of adapting to this new form.  "… Are... Are you okay?" The druid hardly enjoyed feeling like she was being repetitive, but it was the question on the forefront of her mind.

Re: redescribe your fires - o, form change - fulzanin - 12-21-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The body she was in currently was far from the same as the one that she had taken up ever since she had arrived to this odd world. That body had been the body of a wyvern. It had been light in order to achieve flight. She'd been covered in scales, and the random spike from the front of her head had been one of the oddest changes. Aslisk had not had such back in her original body. She could tell that she didn't have such currently from when she'd felt around for her horns to ensure they were still present. Aslisk could not say that she minded people running away from her. Fear was good. She liked invoking that response. If people were afraid then they would not mess with her. Not that she minded a decent challenge. It was just plainly annoying to have to beat sense into people. It was a slightly different mentality than the one her wyvern body possessed. Some memories had been snipped out and replaced, flicked off like a light switch as it were. Her memories of an utterly horrific experience of being degraded, beaten, and drugged were all turned off. They were replaced with a far more delightful outcome.

Her attention shifted to Redvox's approach and only then did she realize how much bigger she truly was. Aslisk could turn the tables now, couldn't she? Wouldn't it be funny to just drag the Harbringer around like he had carried her when she'd been burned? Aslisk hadn't even realized that her burn wounds were nonexistent in this new form. Where burn wounds had covered her wyvern body, a dense and thick purple pelt now resided. Not a single flame was present either, another stark difference between her old body and the one she was in currently. Yet Aslisk still felt somewhat warm. This body wasn't endothermic either, but it certainly provided more warmth than her wyvern body did due to the sheer amount of feathers that covered her. "I don't know how it happened. And I'm not massive. If you want a massive creature I will tell you about the Sinaphx," the regent muttered, although her tone was.. not as sharp as usual. It could perhaps be chalked up to the confusion of being in an entirely different body, or perhaps the internal conflict of memories suddenly being gone. Aslisk shifted her weight, attention turning to the stairs.

Her move to begin going back up the stairs was interrupted by Breena addressing her. She had to crane her head down a little bit more than she previously in order to actually establish some vague form of eye contact. "I'm fine. It's.. disorienting is all. I don't even know what I am right now." Aslisk ended in a soft grumble. Couldn't she just have a little, just a little bit of stability? Now she had this new body that she would have to grow accustomed to, and this was just when she had started to get a hang of her wyvern body instead. The scale and feather covered reptile took a small step towards the staircase. "At least I hope I'm fine. I'm not sure about how my insides are or hask like that, but it's probably fine because I don't feel like I've been speared again," Aslisk continued. Her tail slowly swung behind her, dragging on the ground due to the weight of the hidden club that was covered by fluff. Aslisk turned and began to clamber on up the stairs. She was being careful, but indeed acknowledged that perhaps her increase in weight was more than the stairs could handle. "Maybe I should just teleport up," the fluffy creature noted just a moment before actually following through with the action, disappearing with a swift teleport to save the stairs from dealing with her absurd increase in weight.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: redescribe your fires - o, form change - redvox. - 12-21-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
To think that important things could change or fade when you shifted forms... it was frightening. Vox supposed it wasn't entirely surprising, since it was possible that the shifting of your body or musculature, including the most important muscle of your brain, could shift things around a hell of a lot. Different parts of your brain could he enlarged or shrunk down, and it could lead to behavioral changes or, as Aslisk was currently experiencing, the alteration of memories. Of course, currently, Vox was more concerned about the physical form change of the creature that had once been his regent. No longer was she a light wyvern that he could pick up and haul around, but thankfully she also wasn't covered in burns, which meant that hopefully he wouldn't have to anytime soon. Vin let his eyes wander curiously over her form, wondering what exactly she was. She looked like some sort of dinosaur, or at least similar to the sketches that he had seen of what dinosaurs looked like in the past, but he wasn't sure what kind. His memory was spotty when it came to old creatures like that, so he elected to just go with big fucking dinosaur and leave it at that. Of course – somewhat unsurprisingly – Aslisk didn't seem to agree with him on the size part. The hybrid found himself blinking when she said she wasn't massive, and he frowned before questioning softly, confronted by yet another of Aslisk's nonsense words that meant nothing to his large ears, "The Sinaphx...? What th'fuck is a Sindaphx?" The question was more a statement of bewilderment more than it was an actual question, and soon enough he was just shaking his head, a sigh leaving him as he let his gaze travel to Breenaa, who was questioning if Aslisk was alright.

The harbinger found himself wincing the tiniest bit as Aslisk made an attempt to head up the steps, mainly because of the way that the wood creaked and groaned beneath her weight. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself down, trying to point out to himself that the building had withstood the weight of tons of vines and other plants for many years now, but still unable to stop flinching when the dinosaur stepped down and the steps whined in protest. Trying to distract himself from his worry over the stability of the fortress, Vox mumbled softly after a long moment, "I can't imagine how disorienting it must be. I mean, it was disorientin' as all hell when I became what I am now, but somehow this seems even weirder. I can't even tell what ya are..." He watched as her clubbed tail moved from side to side behind her, and the male felt his ears pin down to his head in worry, a soft anxious noise leaving his throat. She wasn't on fire anymore, but that didn't mean she couldn't still make him worried about territory damage. Thankfully, Aslisk distracted him yet again with his words, and he provided helpfully after another deep breath, "Well... it's good ya don't feel like you're injured... plus you're not all burnt up anymore either." She began to start up the stairs again, and Vox desperately wanted to protest, but thankfully she rethought her actions, instead choosing to teleport upwards. Letting out a relieved breath, Vox made his way up quickly after her, sneaking his way around her to lead the regent towards his room. He knew he had a large mirror inside of it that would hopefully shed some light on what the hell she was.

Re: redescribe your fires - o, form change - fulzanin - 01-01-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
With altered memories came oddities of conflicting and current memories. She squeezed a fist together a few times, relishing the feeling of having something akin to a hand. Trying to figure out what had caused her anger when she no longer remembered it was frustrating. What had been her motivation now drew a blank. Where she had been sure of herself was now gone, and her face scrunched up a little to try and recall such a thing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She'd worry about it later, because Aslisk's priority of the time was to figure out what she currently was. Not a wyvern, for sure, a glance down at her claws assured her of such a thing. Aslisk was equally as pried from her musings when she was questioned. "Right, right. The Sinaphx. I want you to take this entire lusluing continent. Multiply it by ten. That's how big the thing's claws are." She was pretty sure it was around the same size, or close enough for the mental image. The massive fish that could crush entire cities just by swimming past, or just because it decided to. Aslisk, personally, had never seen the fish. She couldn't float, and she didn't fancy a trip down to the bottom of the ocean to find a treasure obsessed fish. "Sirethea had to call up the hasking life ancient to make another whole planet for the thing since it wouldn't fit in the ocean anymore." Aslisk added, a soft snort accompanying her words. Did she acknowledge the question had been rhetorical? No. She was distracted, and for good reason.

Her tail swung behind her before she teleported off. The end of her tail was heavy, and she had yet to figure out why. Or how. This entire situation made absolutely no sense to her. She wasn't aware of how, even without flames flickering from her jagged edges, that the leader was still worried about her destructive nature. It was dismissed by her distraction, trying to figure out what she was. From what Aslisk had been able to see of herself, she was certainly some sort of.. thing. It wasn't any form of clarification. She had absolutely no idea what she was, her mind not even acknowledging the species of dinosaurs in the slightest. Her mind was thinking of variations of species that she was used to seeing. Such was silly, because none of those creatures were even here. Not even her normal body here, either. How badly Aslisk wished to obtain her regular self again. She missed wearing jackets and hoodies. The comfortable clothes that she normally wore certainly would not fit on this fluffy body. Especially the holes for wings, limbs that no longer were present. Her wyvern body had wings, but not this one.

Upon teleporting up to see herself in the mirror that was in Redvox's room, Aslisk was certainly disgruntled. It didn't shed any light on what she was. She still had absolutely no idea. Her teeth gritted together. "I look like some mutated Hosajisk, but with less horns and teeth.." Her words were little more than a soft mutter. Her tail swung behind her again, still resting on the ground due to the sudden impulse of weight. Aslisk turned a little, curling her claws, raising her head. Absolutely no clarification. "Not going to lie. I liked the wyvern body better than this one because at least in that one I could fly. Even if it was super lusluing cold and burned up," she added snappily. She trudged out of the Harbringer's room, not wanting to stay in the room for any longer than she had to. Yes, ducking a little was required due to her massive body - she'd almost wound up smacking her head into the doorframe that certainly was not made to account for the massive height of a sinotyrannus. "This would be the one reason I'd want Ichigo here. She could just make me right back to normal. Hm. This world is pretty strange. Can people change forms on a whim here? Sounds like the stupid hask that could happen here." Her genuine question of course had to turn sour near the end - such was simply the regent's nature.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: redescribe your fires - o, form change - redvox. - 01-02-2020

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Despite Vinny's question being very much rhetorical, it was still rather interesting to have Aslisk actually pause for a minute to answer it, and he found himself listening as well. Aslisk was often so focused on something or so emotional about something that she never allowed for herself to be distracted by it, and while that was definitely useful in some scenarios, there were also some where it was just annoying as all hell. So now, to have her actually explaining a little bit about the world she was supposedly from... well, it was definitely new, and Vin actually found himself smiling a bit because of it. Well... that was until he heard what she was talking about. The mental image alone was enough to make the Harbinger's blood go cold, and his ears pinned back a little as he mumbled, still quickly following after Aslisk to the extent that, when she paused, he nearly slammed into her back, "That sounds... Bertille, that just sounds like a fuckin' nightmare t'handle or have anywhere near ya. I guess it'd make sense f'it ta need its own damn planet if it was that big... what's a life ancient...?" Yet another curious rhetorical question poured forth from Vin's mouth before he quickly shook it off, sighing a little. That was a question that could wait for another day, after Aslisk had already gotten answers to her own questions. As interesting as Aslisk's apparent old home was, it wasn't more interesting than the situation they were all currently in, even if Vox was fairly sure this one was just the result of mundane shapeshifting. Well, mundane being a relative term, of course. For now he just filed away the new information Aslisk had provided him with for later, figuring that perhaps a life ancient was like the gods that they had here.

Once they made it all the way up to his room, Vox carefully moved inside and to the side, being especially careful not to end up crushed between Aslisk or a wall, or any other unpleasant position such as that. With her new huge form, Vin really preferred to have all of his bones together and in one place, and getting in Aslisk's way at the moment would be directly counterintuitive to that. Thankfully for him, Aslisk didn't seem too focused on causing damage or harm, instead just inspecting her strange new visage in the mirror, before her eyes narrowed a little. At her first comment, Vin only picked up on her softly mumbled words thanks to his extremely sensitive bat ears. He hesitated to respond to it at first, before he provided helpfully, his shoulders shrugging a bit, "You look t'me a bit like th'dinosaurs I've seen wanderin' 'round in the old human movies 'n' books. Not quite sure what kind, but I never was real amazin' at rememberin' all the different weird names..." He then mumbled with a little laugh, attempting to put Aslisk at ease with a casual joke that hopefully wouldn't just end up pissing her off in the end, since he really did not want to deal with an angry fucking dinosaur in his building, "To... t'be honest, I kinda preferred the wyvern form too. It fit in the buildin' a lot better... although I'm guessin' you know that better than anyone." While he was attempting to calm things down, Aslisk was still on the move, already leaving his room and heading back out into the cramped hallway. Vox hesitated for a moment before following, listening curiously to what his regent had to say. Once she was done practically spitting her words, the harbinger gave a shrug of his large wings, mumbling, "Some people can change their forms whenever they want, 'n' some people can't. I dunno what causes it, but it happens. I mean, I can't change m'form at all, but I know Breena can. Plus, from what I've 'eard, it's kinda somethin' you... get better at over time? Like, goin' between the forms you have without it bein' random." That was really the most that he could offer in response to her question, since it wasn't exactly as if he could shift at all. He had tried many times to go back to something similar to his old feline form, but it had never really worked out, and just ended up with him disappointed, or his teleporting on the fritz.