Beasts of Beyond
THEY GIVE IT ALL THEY'VE GOT / joining - Printable Version

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THEY GIVE IT ALL THEY'VE GOT / joining - spacexual - 12-14-2019

Perhaps it was bad timing, to be stepping in just after a lost war, direct access to the very two individuals that pushed him and his family originally out of their homes in the first place. But, this was not his home. Not yet. He had not much of one, and that was quite alright. He'd had something better, that was for certain. But, maybe it was all the more reason, too, to walk in now, introduce himself, but keep his own family a secret. Prepare his father for something better, maybe. Maybe that was something he could accomplish; keeping his father safe. Maybe he could even grow into power once more, if he so desired. He wouldn't bring up the idea yet, though. For now, it was important, he thinks, to just get to know the area. Get to know the tigress that had brought this upon them.

The young lion had gotten quite used to all sorts of weathers, though he must admit the desert sun was not so kind to feel against his dark body. Not for the first time, anyway. It'd take time, he's sure. He would get used to it. For now, he could feel the relief slowly trickle into his tired body as his pale eyes land upon the jungles in front of him. He wonders if he should simply walk in - this land, by birthright, was just as much his home as any other - no matter what cowards and traitors may claim. However, he could not expect strangers to know such a thing; in fact, he was relying on it, for the time being.

No, for now, the boy would sit just outside the jungle, like any good foreigner, and he waited. "Hello?" would call his high-pitched voice, slowly. "I've come to join."
life's alright in devil town, no one's gonna catch us now

Re: THEY GIVE IT ALL THEY'VE GOT / joining - Crackers - 12-15-2019



Fourth didn't know much about being pregnant, and he didn't really have anyone in the clan to help him out with it. Maybe Jervis would have had some idea of what was acceptable, but he wasn't around anymore- not in any way that was useful to the fox. And so despite the wide belly that was heavy with child, Fourth was out and about in the territory going about his normal chores to the best of his ability. He knew that walking and staying active was a good thing for pregnant people, but he also knew he wasn't supposed to be pushing himself either. He was doing his best to walk the fine line between the two, secretly hating every moment of it. He longed for the freedom to return to his actual body and to do the things he liked to do, and instead he was chained to this fox form. It was a frustrating turn of events, because on one hand Fourth was glad to have kids on the way. He just wasn't crazy over the fact that he had to carry them. He lacked the maternal instinct for it, and while he'd love his kids all the same it remained true that he hated having to be pregnant. He couldn't fight. Couldn't party. Couldn't work out properly. And this body was too small and weird for him. Sure, it had suited him just fine for nights with Jervis, but it wasn't a form he wanted to don regularly like this.

And so the black and brindle fox was out patroling on his own. He moved at a relaxed pace so as not to overwork himself, as the female fox body he wore was clearly pregnant. Despite the issue he may have had with the body and situation he was in, the fox was still very much at home in the Pitts jungle. They moved with the unbothered confidence of the hellhound he truly was, wine red eyes holding an almost bored expression. Things had been dull and quiet since the battle, and it was this that bothered the Marauder most. He was a monster but a social one, and his clan was too broken right now to provide any sort of proper community. It was one of the reasons he'd started walking the borders in patrols, because meeting a new member or facing off against a tresspasser was better then the melancholy that had settled over the camp in the loss of Kydobi and the war that had been brought down upon them all.

Hearing a voice call out drew him in at once, and it was only moments later that the fox slipped from the treeline to stand across from the lion cub. Fourth may have looked vulnerable as a pregnant female, but he was a battle-hardened man inside and this masculinity seemed to bleed through in his mannerisms and speech as his gaze settled on the stranger. "You sure picked a fun time to join up. Welcome all the same, though." the fox would say, not sure what had drawn the kid here or if he'd be able to find it in the current state of their clan. "I'm Fourthwall, the Marauder here." It was hard not to say the word 'marauder' withour growling in annoyance, because with Jervis out of comission and Kydobi dead, it should have been him taking care of the Pitt, not the enemy who had lain seige to them. "What do you go by, kid?" he'd ask, since the other hadn't yet introduced themselves- couldn't just call him 'kid' forever.



Re: THEY GIVE IT ALL THEY'VE GOT / joining - aine. - 12-18-2019

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL COME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Hazel hues, glinting green, brightened in curiosity.  A joiner?  Now?  Aine blinked, popping her head out from behind Fourthwall shyly.  The boy, a lion, looked close to her age.  Another kid.  A friend, maybe... If he was nice.  And liked to play.

Fourthwall had already asked the important questions.  Her head cocked lightly to the side.  Was he all alone?  Her teeth caught the inside of her cheek thoughtfully, nearly biting too hard.

"… Dia dhuit," came her soft murmur, dark paws shifting in the sand.  "'m Aine."

Re: THEY GIVE IT ALL THEY'VE GOT / joining - spacexual - 12-19-2019

The boy offers one small smile at the comment, giving a brief nod, making it fairly clear he knew of the situation the Pittians were placed in at the moment. "I've heard." He'd let out quickly, blinking as the fox stated he was the marauder. The boy would seem to straighten out his posture slightly, taking a closer look at Fourthwall now. The fact that they still had their positions was something he guesses he should be aware of, too. He would have expected the tigress to take those away. But, he doesn't know, either. Maybe she had. Maybe she gave it to the male in front of him. Either way, he figures it seems like it'd be good information to keep in mind. Maybe his dad would make better sense of what to do with it, if he told him. Still, he did, at least, know it meant the guy had power. He wonders if anybody else had higher positions now, too.

But, he takes his mind away from the subject fairly quickly, rounded ear flicking at he is asked his own name. The lion would give another brief nod, clearing his throat before responding. "Name's Aleifr. Also, uh, go by Ali, if that's easier." Though, to be honest, he didn't mind being called "kid" either. Both were correct labels for him, after all. Though he is aware of the spot the group was in currently, he didn't actually know much about how it was running, or it had been run besides from stories his father had told him. He felt almost obliged to ask, but decided better of it for now. He thinks it'd be better if he just took it in himself, see it through with his own eyes.

Once more, his attention is shifted away from his thoughts, though. His pale eyes drift towards to see yet another fox appear, this one much more his own age. He blinks once at her words, taking a moment to process them. "What's that language?" he'd ask Aine curiously, head tilting.
life's alright in devil town, no one's gonna catch us now