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THEY CALL ME THE SICK BOY ☆ meeting 12/13 - Printable Version

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THEY CALL ME THE SICK BOY ☆ meeting 12/13 - redvox. - 12-13-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
It had been just over a full month since the last meeting, and Vox honestly felt like they were doing pretty alright for themselves. Sure, a few people had fallen out here or there, but for the most part they were still holding on, and were still fairly active. Faces were beginning to become familiar to him, and really Vox was just pretty proud of how things were going at the moment. There were certain things that still worried him, such as their lack of any clerics and nobody with any medical knowledge save for Roman, but hopefully that would eventually be resolved, even if it would need to end with Vox absorbing as much medical knowledge as he could himself. Still, besides just the usual news that accompanied a meeting such as promotions and demotions and all that jazz, Vinny also had plenty of exciting things to talk about, including something he had been thinking of doing since the very beginning of December. There seemed to be a jittery excitement to the air as Vox hopped up onto the steps of the town hall, turning around and plopping his butt down before calling out loudly, "'Ey, members of th'Halls, gather 'round! Time's come f'another meetin'!" The hybrid waited patiently as npcs and other members alike began to come towards him, settling down around the steps and getting ready for what their Harbinger would have to say to them. Vox couldn't help the faint toothy smile that appeared on his face as he dipped his head to them all in greeting, his short tail jerking back and forth a little in happiness and excitement.

Once a sufficient amount of people had shown up, Vox cleared his throat, shifting a little and calling out over the soft tik of his claws against the wooden stairs, "Welcome, everybody! Not only do I 'ave a little bit of promotion 'n' demotion news for you all today, but I've also got some more general stuff ta tell ya! First of all, as I'm sure a lot of ya know, we've got a bit of a rat infestation in the town hall 'ere behind me. The others and I are workin' on wipin' 'em all out, but f'the time bein', I'd just prefer if y'could not go into th'town hall! Or at least, if ya need ta go inside it for some reason, take a buddy or somethin'." He watched as a few murmurs and nods spread through the crowd before continuing, jerking his head in the direction of the fortress as he spoke, "Also! In honor of it bein' the holiday season, we've been doin' a bunch of holiday 'n' Christmas themed activities that people can join in on! We've got'a hot cocoa makin' contest, a snowman makin' event, tree decoratin', and Christmas card makin'! Or Hanukkah card, or whatever fuckin' holiday ya celebrate, we don't judge. In addition to all'a that, I'll also be puttin' up lights on th'town hall pretty soon, so people can 'elp out with that if they want, but it's not required." He nodded his head a bit as he went over each event in his mind, making sure that he was remembering everything he had put together before he moved on. Once he was confident that he had covered everything, he gave the crowd a moment to process everything, thinking through what he was about to say next.

Stretching out a wing, Vox mumbled once the moment had passed, satisfied everyone had heard the events they could come and enjoy, "Now, on to th'usual stuff. Promotions! 'Fraid there's only one this month, but it's a pretty big one. Now, this one 'as me just a bit nervous, since I'm still not entirely confident she isn't gonna burn our entire goddamn territory down ta th'ground, but she's been impressin' me lately with her activity 'n' participation. So, I'd like ta promote Aslisk ta be my regent. I've seen y'face fuckin' everywhere since this place was founded, and you've been actually listenin' ta my warning about your attitude, so congrats. In addition ta this, I'd like ta give a shout out to Roman. I'd really like ta see ya around a lil bit more, but you've been doin' pretty good. Same goes f'you, Breena. Need t'see you around more, but no demotion or anythin'." He let another pause spread out through the air before he continued, trying to keep his tiny tail from lashing behind him as he spoke, "As for demotions... Cottontail and D are both demoted. I 'aven't seen the two of ya around almost at all this month, and I may be lenient, but I ain't that lenient... I'd also like to announce that I'll be doing away with the priest rank. Perhaps if someone comes along who really appreciates our pantheon enough, it'll be reinstated, but f'now? It's only been collectin' dust." It hurt a little, doing away with a rank that had been so vitally important when he had been just a kit, but it was necessary. They didn't need ranks that weren't achieving anything cluttering up their hierarchy at the moment.

Hoping to get rid of the heavy feeling that was lingering inside of his chest, Vox decided to move on to his final announcement, the surprise that he had been saving, "And with that, I've only got one more thing ta announce, but it's a big one. F'the holiday season, I've decided that we're gonna be hostin' a big winter dance in the town hall on Christmas Eve. By then, the town hall will be cleared out of rats, 'n' it'll be the perfect place ta hold such a thing. Not only that, but we'll be invitin' all the other groups ta this event! Includin' the Pitt, although that may be an unpopular decision. 'Owever, with 'em under Goldie's control right now, I trust they won't cause too much trouble. The dance is gonna be a strictly no conflict zone, and is gonna be our chance ta get our name out there with the other groups, so I want people to be on their best behavior! And, of course, 'ave fun." He glanced over the group for a moment to gauge their reactions before continuing, smiling a bit, "I'll be goin' around to th'other groups with an invitation some time this weekend, so be prepared f'that to happen in a couple of weeks! Other than that, I got nothing else ta say, so meeting dismissed!" With that, he trotted down the front steps of the town hall, lingering at the bottom to see what the reactions to the various announcements would be.

– There are still rats inside the town hall, and while work is being done to get them all out, it might be a little bit before they're all gone. Because of this, Vox encourages everyone to avoid the town hall, or only go in with some kind of buddy.
– A bunch of holiday events are going on right now!! This includes the hot cocoa contest, snowman making, tree decorating, Christmas card making, and putting up lights!
– Aslisk is promoted to Regent for just generally being everywhere and calming down a little bit. Roman and Breena both get shout outs, although Vox would like to see them around just a little bit more. Cottontail and DCLXVI are both demoted back to regular members. The priest rank has been done away with for now, at least until anybody suitable comes along.
– Finally, the Halls are throwing a huge holiday/winter dance at the town hall on Christmas Eve! All the other groups will be invited, including The Pitt, and it will be considered a no combat or conflict zone by the Halls. Vox will be bringing out invitations to each of the other groups at some point this weekend. )

Re: THEY CALL ME THE SICK BOY ☆ meeting 12/13 - fulzanin - 12-14-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot
Meetings still were a foreign concept to the wyvern. They weren't the same as the meetings that she used to attend - if they could even be considered meetings. A bunch of featherbrains cooped up in a room, herself included, talking about rules and laws. They would talk and talk for hours and hours and often Aslisk simply got up and left the moment that the cloudphobic started talking because she could not stand his voice. The meetings here were different. One person talking to a group rather than it being an actual discussion of few higher up peoples. Aslisk found them weird. She was used to hearing stupid upon stupid topic come and go for hours upon hours. These were summaries. They added on to the oddities of this place. The wyvern was trying to get used to them, she truly was, but it seemed as if she was going to continue to struggle for a time longer than the current.

Her tail laid behind her in the snow, melting the white powder into sad puddles around her. If anything, Aslisk figured that it was a good thing. It allowed for warm water which helped ease the numbing feeling in her talons. When the water cooled it would become more annoying than beneficial, but she supposed she could cross that bridge when she got to it. She had arrived moments prior in a brief teleport, meaning that the snow turned water than pooled around her tail and feet was still reasonably warm. Her head lifted up a little, briefly debating on complaining about how the snow was making everything so much brighter than it needed to be. Snow blindness certainly was a thing, and the wyvern was not looking forward to dealing with it's repercussions upon returning inside. Her ears waggled as the Harbringer began speaking. Rats. Of course. She still didn't see why she couldn't go in and just torch every single rat she came across. Sure, she didn't have much control over her fire powers, but poisoning them all was taking so long and it was so stupid! She was a beast made to kill! She could have them all dead by now! A sharp huff parted the wyvern's maw, briefly voicing her irritation. It was common for the wyvern to be annoyed, after all. She'd lessened such a demeanor since she had achieved her fireproof state, but it certainly did not mean that she would not pass up the opportunity when presented to continue to assert herself as a ferocious force. Her ears flicked a little when the holiday festivities were mention. Could she say they were a failure? She'd certainly failed at them - not that the wyvern would admit to such a fault.

Aslisk's head, previously lowered, did slowly raise up at the comment of promotions. She was intrigued, burning tail swinging across the snow behind her. The flames of the limb were briefly snuffed out by the movement. It took her a few seconds to realize that it was her being addressed. It took, really, up to her name being said for her to grasp the promotion that was being given to her. The wyvern's burnt body tensed, pupils narrowing briefly as her gaze lifted up a little bit more. She was.. being promoted. To regent. She was.. being praised. About behavior. It was near overwhelming for the wyvern. No, she hadn't expected such a thing. It surprised her, and her stiff form certainly did the initial speaking for her. Composure was swiftly re-instated as she coughed, a small wheeze following. "There goes my plans for the evening," she muttered upon revisiting the comment of not being trusted to not burn the territory down to the ground. Aslisk shifted her gaze to the side, feeling... she wasn't really sure what she was feeling. Her weight shifted back and forth, mouth opening as if to say more before she fell silent. She wasn't the kind of person to say thanks, but at the same time, it was a big promotion. Her ears flicked slowly, adding to the brief uncertainty of her posture. "I will... try to keep the death threats directed towards the rats," Aslisk slowly said instead, red gaze moving to look at the other persons that had been mentioned by the Harbringer. She had absolutely no idea who this 'Goldie' person was, but supposed that with her new position she'd find out soon enough. Her burnt head dipped a little, as close to a 'thank you' as she was ever going to get.

TAGS 11/19/19: