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COMING IN COMING OUT ☆ o, lights - Printable Version

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COMING IN COMING OUT ☆ o, lights - redvox. - 12-13-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Okay, so maybe after the whole... rats incident, Vox was just a little bit paranoid and nervous around the town hall building. But who could blame him? After all, he had just been happily enjoying himself, and then he had been bombarded by a bunch of rats! Who would just roll with that and say 'hey, that was pretty fun, let's do it again?' Still, that didn't mean that Vinny was going to let rats bully him out of his on territory. He knew full well that not all of them were dead yet, and he could feel faint anxious bile rising up in his chest as he approached the town hall, pulling a box of Christmas lights along with him. Hopefully, soon enough the issue would be dealt with, and Vin wouldn't have to worry about looming like a coward in front of the other Halls members. At the very least, he could be glad that the vermin infecting the building were rats, and not something like centipedes. Vox couldn't even begin to express how much he hated centipedes. Even for a creature that was omnivorous and would occasionally chow down on bugs, he avoiding the little many legged fuckers like the plague. Just the thought of them sent a firm shiver down his spine, his ears pinning down flat against his skull.

Quickly shaking off those rather upsetting thoughts, Vin decided to focus wholeheartedly on the task at hand, or rather, at wing. He had a large box of Christmas lights to put up on the town hall, and he was going to put them up damn it. This could technically be considered part of the twelve days of Christmas event, but he had opted not to ask for help on this one, mainly thanks to the fact that he didn't want to force others to come out in the cold with him just to put lights up. Having brought the lights themselves – little battery powered things – as well as a hammer and nails, Vox trotted up to the front of the building, placing a nail carefully against the side of the building and holding it between the claws of his wing. He then heaved the hammer up into his mouth, slamming down on the nail until it was firmly in place. He did this several more times, beginning to string the lights up slowly as he went along. He knew eventually he would need a later or something of the sort, but for now he was just worried about the bottom of the building. Despite the fact that Vox had opted not to ask for help with this one, he was still making quite a lot of noise beginning to put the lights up, so it wouldn't be exceedingly hard to notice him.

Re: COMING IN COMING OUT ☆ o, lights - fulzanin - 12-17-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
The wyvern hadn't experienced problems with rats before. Perhaps it came with being oblivious to the problems of her living arrangements prior. Taking up residency where it was comfortable, and her most recent one before being thrust into this odd world had been built just for her and her wife and their kids. There was no way any creature could have been living in their home prior because it had not existed prior. Upon being greeted with the problem with the rats, she had first tried to actively hunt the vermin. She'd failed, of course, too injured to turn quickly enough to ensnare the prey with her sharp teeth and had given up. Instead she'd offered to burn them out, even if she knew the pyrophobic leader would have denied it the moment that the words curled past her sharp teeth. Still, the wyvern wasn't above speaking out her mind. She was a person that refused to be silenced or her words twisted, and even with her minor attitude improvements it still certainly showed.

"When you hit your paw with that hammer, I'm going to laugh," the recently promoted regent muttered, having strode up a few places away. She was confused by the sight of the lights. There wasn't ever many festive lights back home, spare the one full blown Christmas party that she'd attended. Even then, those lights had hurt her light sensitive eyes, and so she hadn't paid their structure much attention. Weird vines, they looked like to her, and Aslisk's face was scrunched up with confusion. "I will also laugh when your banging makes all the rats come charge out here and they'll rip that vine thing to shreds," Aslisk then continued. Her flaming tail swung slowly behind her, watching with the slightest bit of interest on her face. The noise was loud, horrifically so, and it had been what had attracted her to the scene. "What even are you doing? It's more noisy than a Hosajisk being a niartok about their territory being wandered into." A snort sounded upon her sentence's completion, staring at the steady placement of lights unfolding before her.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: COMING IN COMING OUT ☆ o, lights - redvox. - 12-19-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
When Aslisk had first suggested burning the rats out, Vinny had been extremely against it, just as the wyvern had expected. After all, he didn't want their beautiful town hall going up in flames just because of some stupid rats, and he was still against it now, even as he grew more and more frustrated with each rat that scampered by past his vision. Vox had been thinking of this when Aslisk came trotting up, a sigh leaving the hybrid's throat as he hammered another one of the light strings in. However, he jumped when he heard Aslisk's voice, having not been aware of the female's presence. Despite having a great sense of smell, he had been turned away from Aslisk, not to mention not really paying attention to what was going on behind him, so she came as a definite surprise. The male tightened his grip on the hammer within his mouth just so that he wouldn't drop it, slowly letting himself sink down onto all fours again. Once he felt firmly on solid ground and like he wasn't about to drop a hammer on one of his wings, he carefully put the tool down on the ground before speaking, "I don't even 'ave a paw ta hammer, so that'll be pretty fuckin' impressive, won't it?" That was true. Technically, all he had were his wings, the little claws on his wings, and his hooves. Disregarding that, he continued sourly, "And th'damn rats better not come out 'n' ruin my lights, or they'll get shocked ta shit... I don't really know what ya just said since y'were usin' your nonsense language, but I'm puttin' lights up on th'town hall so that it looks all nice 'n' pretty f'Christmas. I figured I'd might as well make th'place look nice before th'dance." He glanced back up at the large building behind him, grimacing a bit as he saw the relatively small amount that he had covered in lights. Bertille, he was going to be at this for days at this rate.

Re: COMING IN COMING OUT ☆ o, lights - fulzanin - 12-23-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
"Force of habit. I'm used to everyone having paws or hands," Aslisk grumbled in response to Redvox. Her tone was a little more soft than usual, one of her ears flicking a little. She would have thought the sudden and sharp noises of a hammer would have caused the small creatures to come scurrying forth and form a tidal wave of doom and misery. And then she would light them on fire. All of them. She would care little for the repercussions of her actions because it would work. How heroic. Being called a hero sounded nice. Her jaws clenched to momentarily dismiss some brutal memories that came surging forth, of being called a demon and hooker and a whole vocabulary of derogatory words she didn't even know the definition of. Her tail curled a little behind her, the flames flickering from the end of her tail. "I'm really starting to get sick of you calling it a nonsense language. Just because you can't understand it doesn't mean it's nonsense. But, since you can't understand it, that opens up an entire world of possibilities for me." The wyvern cheekily grinned, her head bouncing a little in a mischievous manner. It wasn't a cruel tone to her words, just one that said that despite her word choice she found it humorous that he called her native tongue nonsense.

"Lights, huh? I don't really like lights." Aslisk briefly grumbled. Her eyes weren't incredibly light sensitive in this body, but it was merely a force of habit. Just like her word choice was, using the term paws and her normal and native swears. It was deeply engraved into her mind, just like her religion and ferocious attitude were. "Well, I suppose I could help. I can at least ensure the rats don't come and charge out and rip your poor self apart. What would you like me to do? Hold the weird vine thing?" Helping felt sick to her tongue. It was offering aid that made a foul taste remain left behind in her mouth, and her face scrunched up as if to visualize it. Aslisk shuffled closer, her eyes squinting at the lights that had been strung up thus far. "I only offer because if I don't help, it's going to take you days to get done with this." Aslisk then insisted, covering up her almost, almost seemingly friendly venture with a swift and sharp response.

TAGS 11/19/19: