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Welcome to my Cage Little Lover - Printable Version

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Welcome to my Cage Little Lover - Olalla - 12-12-2019


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]The crunch crunch crunching of dead foliage under his feet made his eye twitch, not because it annoyed it but because it was so loud to the point where he couldn't hear himself think. Olalla gritted his teeth and stomped on the leaves as he walked; they crunched louder. Swaying trees gave off an eerie impression of false confidence. The beast had entered the forest thinking nothing of it, but now the void had been filled with polished doubt. But he wouldn't surrender himself to the towering trees, wouldn't fall to the empty threats the spat and spoke at him. He gathered himself and padded on, letting the courage that once blanketed his soul slip from his grasp. Olalla thought heard the crunching of a separate pair of paws under dead leaves but he dismissed it; didn't acknowledge the fact the someone was there. Forby, the sooner he was out of this place the sooner he could wrap himself in the comforting idea that he didn't have a heart attack in there. The beast gave a small glimpse upward towards the fastigiate branches that pierced the sky like a wooden spear. Olalla shook himself off, dust from the sullen trees that had dropped from their wooden homes before now flew from the beast's fur, recklessly flying in all directions like a dust bomb. A sneeze pulled at his lips and nosed but he desperately tried to swallow the feeling; tried to swallow the noise that would reveal him to anyone and everyone. Paralyzed by his own emotions, something inside has got him wondering is this real. Olalla's dim yellow eyes grew bright as he lifted his head and gazed out into the wilted forest.

Re: Welcome to my Cage Little Lover - jasamine - 02-04-2020

Walking in the cool of the night, gazing up into the night sky as it is speaking to her, wondering when will she fully understand what it is trying to tell her. Moves her hood off her head to feel the breeze whisper in her ears, thinking to herself, i feel something in the air and it just isn't right. for the air is stronger and not so soft as it usually is. She moves past a lake that is darken from the moon and clouds above, watching the reflection of the clouds roll by she realizes that the water isn't calm. she moves the leaves away from the water and feels it tremble from something bigger and dangerous waiting to attack at any time. thinking, how is a creature this dangerous to be able to make everything tremble under fear? Sapphire doesn't get fazed by the warnings that have been given to her and continues walking to the danger. surly this creature isn't that bad or even scary, i need to find out for myself, it must be pretty big tho to make ones who do not breath or live tremble with an emotion it didn't know it had. she thinks about the creature who threatens the calm precious  land she stands upon. who is this creature and why is it here?

Re: Welcome to my Cage Little Lover - Olalla - 02-11-2020

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 15pt;text-align: center;"][align=center][div style="background-color:#212121;width:90%;overflow: auto;color: #C1F0F6;"]

Mr. Rattlebone
[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%;max-height: 350px;overflow: auto;"][div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]His lips curled in lurid grin. Satisfied with his mental retreat yet a storm cloud hung heavy over his head, the rains drenching his rain. The footsteps echoed around him again, somebody was her no doubt. But who? Who would be daring enough to approach the beast?

Olalla looked around his as his own footsteps slowed down to a shamble; few steps per half minute. The clouds that engulfed the moon, his gaze turned towards the woman. "Hello dear," he rumbled. His dim yellow eyes fixed on her own. "Whom might you be?" His slender teeth clicked together as he spoke. She was brave, to say the least. In this case, her bravery is her worst stupidity. "Your face isn't familiar," his eyes narrowed. "Are you new here? Do you need directions or are you here simply to gawk and stalk creatures?"

Re: Welcome to my Cage Little Lover - jasamine - 02-15-2020

*after a bit more walking i come upon someone i have never quite seen before.we made direct eye contact, his yellow eyes staring into my cold sea blue eyes studying me not showing any signs of fear. "My i was not expecting to see someone else in these parts of the woods" calmly says "i am sapphire and no im am not new, actually i walk great distances sometimes in the woods. I don't need any directions nor do i come to stalk the creatures who live here, i am simply here to see who or what is causing all the disturbance.. an unease in the air." looks at him with great suspicion, but curious as well. moves my hood away off my head so he could see who i really was. showing i don't want to cause any trouble. the cool air blows in between us as i don't look away from his stare for not even a split second. " smiles a bit looking at him." you don't seem happy im here, nor do i care about that tho. hmm i wonder could you be the one i sensed?"* doesn't move and keeps my distance from him still not showing any fear.