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DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - toboggan - 12-11-2019

Aided by a gigantic sigh of relief, a gray paw placed the final gift under the tree. Afterwards, the wolfhound paced towards the tavern's hefty doorway and turned around so that he could see the product of his day's work. He did not believe himself to be a practitioner of feng shui, or whatever art there was to home decor, but he trusted that he did a damn good job on sprucing up the place for the holidays.

Red lined adorned the inn's bar and numerous circular tables, acting as festive tablecloth. Wineglasses filled with eggnog were arranged neatly atop the tables - a few with spillage surrounding their crystalline bases, for Leroy lacked expertise when it came to pouring liquids. For those who found eggnog to be utterly revolting, such as the General, a handful of other holiday beverages were available for one's sipping pleasure, such as: mulled wine, ciders, punch, and of course, hot chocolate. The drinks that weren't eggnog were could be found situated upon the bar. Food-wise, snickerdoodles and shortbread cookies had been placed atop the wooden tables as well. These biscuits were but wee morsels in contrast to the turkeys, both of which would be consumed after the gifts were opened, and currently rested on two spit roasts in one of the back rooms. The birds' nourishing aroma permeated through the building, practically sticking to the walls, so the fact that the Gala doubled as a holiday feast wasn't a well-kept secret.

The fireplace became the home to four knit stockings, each being occupied by unknown knickknacks and baubles. To the right of the fireplace was a tree, leaf-bare and horribly bedecked with tinsel. Perhaps asking for assistance with the decorating process would have been beneficial, though Leroy wanted this to be a total surprise. If another soul dared to aid him while he prepared the tavern, then what lay inside the gift boxes might potentially become common knowledge. So, for the whole day, he operated in secrecy, closing off the building to all outsiders so that the element of surprise wouldn't be lost. The ugly tree was a sacrifice for this, but the presents wholeheartedly made up for it. Neath the tree's desolate branches were coloured packages, each sloppily wrapped in red ribbon. These boxes acted as the key component to the Gift Gala. Sure, the drinks looked appealing, and the food was to die for, but you can't have a Gift Gala without any gifts. Once enough familiar faces piled in through the grand doorway, some gift unwrapping could be done.

Everything looked tiptop. Awesome. Today was laborious for the male. Some of the materials, such as the tablecloth and ribbon, proved exceptionally hard to come by. And tugging the tree across the landscape while half asleep had been hard, to say the very least. At least its height only reached a couple of metres. His muscles ached, and begged for rest. Though, his task wasn't quite over just yet. No, for in fact, it hadn't even begun. The true challenge was getting everyone inside, and subsequently having a good time.

He pushed open the doors, allowing daylight to break inside for the first time in hours. "Everyone!" he shouts energetically, "The Great Gift Gala has commenced! Come in, or ya won't get no present!"

Following his announcement, he returns to his position in front of the tree. He wanted those attending to enter, maybe grab a bite to eat, and ready for the real fun.



Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - wormwood. - 12-11-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Initially, Aurum had been happy to try and attempt to offer his services to Leroy, and had offered to help the new general set up the recently announced Christmas event. After all, he had already worked hard on the tavern itself, and he desperately needed something to distract himself after the whole Crowley thing, so why not? Unfortunately, Leroy had vetoed that idea immediately, telling the Captain that it wasn't personal, but he needed everything to be a surprise from everyone. The lion supposed he could understand it, since it added another layer of enchantment and uncertainty, particularly to the presents that the gala was centered around, but that didn't mean he hadn't been a little bit pouty to be kicked out for a few hours. Still, he had passed the hours as he usually did, napping, hanging out with Roy, and going about his Captain's duties. He had attempted to try and seek out Crowley a couple of times, but ever since his drunken confession, the demon had been making himself scarce, a fact that didn't particularly make Aurum happy. Still, he didn't want to force things, so his best bet had been to just go about his day, waiting for the chance when a whole bunch of Christmas cheer could distract him from his romantic problems. Plus, it would mean seeing all of his clanmates gathered around for one big exciting event, and that was enough to make a smile curl warmly onto the lion's muzzle. Perhaps even Crow would be there, despite his reclusive nature as of late, even with Leroy back. Aurum could only assume that would be the case, since he couldn't imagine Leroy would want his boyfriend to stay cooped up in his house, and it wouldn't have surprised him to see the canine dragging Crow kicking and screaming to the new tavern.

Aurum had been resting his head peacefully on his porch when he heard Leroy's loud call from the tavern, and his ears immediately perked up, his large body unfurling as he got to his paws. He eagerly trotted over to where the tavern was, pausing in his pace only a couple of times to get in a few quick stretches to loosen his long limbs. Once he reached the front of the tavern, he couldn't help the proud warm glow that he basked in, taking in the sign and everything else about the building. That was thanks to his hard work, as well as the hard work of his clanmates. Not to mention everything that Leroy had done to decorate it for the holiday, even if it was a bit sloppy thanks to Leroy's relative inexperience setting events like this up. Moving inside, Aurum grinned and moved over to where the drinks were, pulling one of the glasses of eggnog over and taking a long drink. He had no intention of getting drunk, after the disastrous consequences that had happened last time, but he didn't mind knocking a little bit back. Once he finished the drink, Aurum moved over to where Leroy was sat near the tree, grinning up at the large icon of the Christmas traditions. Sitting back, Aurum wound his fluffy tail tightly around his paws before he rumbled, a pleasant chuff accompanying his words, "You did good, Leroy. This place looks great all nice and festive-d up. Not to mention all the gifts... I'm almost glad I didn't get to help, since everything is such a pleasant surprise." He chuckled teasingly at the canine before glancing around once more, allowing his gaze to eventually linger on the doorway, waiting for others to come in and join them. He found himself wondering if Crowley would come and join in on the festivities. A very large part of him desperately hoped the snake slash serval would, but another part of him was filled with sheer fear at the prospect of facing Crowley again.
template by orion

Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - fulzanin - 12-12-2019

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Gifts. Feza hadn't ever actually made specialized gifts before. Perhaps her tinsel hats could have been considered gifts, but she hadn't ever actually finished the task. Perhaps the modified kazoos counted as gifts, not that anyone had partaken in that lesson. Perhaps the cupcakes she baked could have been gifts, but no one had actually eaten them. The snow leopard presented broad gifts, gifts that were one and the same between every person with little variation. Like party favor bags, where every person got the same assortment of trinkets. It was not as if Feza actually knew her fellow Tanglers in depth enough to present specialized gifts to them. Deep down she was worried that she would get the wrong gift and make someone mad. Oh, she had already endured enough anger being directed at her to last a lifetime. If she could help it, Feza wanted pleasant times from then out! This was the festive season, the 'most wonderful time of the year' and whatnot. There was no room for ill pleasant behavior when the air was chilled and joy was to be had. Fun, festive, pleasant, joyful, that was what the snow leopard hoped to be present. No more anger and hissing or claws or whatever else was terrible that Feza didn't want to remember at the time. There was more important things like trying to create Christmas decorations to be done than to think about what Feza considered awful and terrible in the world.

The snow leopard had been glueing some pine tree branches next to the lights on her porch when she heard the call. She had to finish her task at hand before she came trotting over. Standing back from her work, admiring it, only to huff when one of the branches came tumbling back down. She'd fix it later, after the Gift Gala. Not that Feza had heard of this event prior. Gifts were festive, though, and the snow leopard was practically attracted like a magnet to such things. "Oh, wow," Feza said, blue eyes wide as she took in the festive scenery. It looked great, and she bounced a little on her paws. It was the familiar sporadic movements of party throwing, yes, but Feza seemed to quickly wrangle herself back under control. Uncertain about nearly all the liquids present for consumption, the snow leopard decided to just grab some random beverage and bring it with her over to where the event seemed to actually be happening. Feza carried the cup with a look of utter concentration on her face, determined to not spill a single drop of it. Then she sat down, wings pulled close to her body while she lowered her head to set down the cup. "It's very festive, very very festive," Feza said with her tone still filled with awe. Her gaze rapidly flicked around as if still trying to take in every single aspect in one singular second, and not being able to.

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Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - deimos - 12-12-2019

Gift. Something heartfelt and given. Except it's not always heartfelt, but it was always given. However, the acceptance of the gift is different. It can be denied, forced, or accepted. Gala. A social occasion, often with special entertainments or performances. The connotation is often met with joy or happiness, a time of revelry and celebration or relaxation. To Piers, however, social occasions were dreadful. It wasn't a secret the young cub wasn't quite "correct" in the eyes of normality. His speech was articulate and careful, and the social meaning carried over the denotative meaning made him out of the loop often.

Stepping into the inn made him pause for a second. The tables, painted red with table clothes. Eggnog set out on tables. Food, drinks on the bar. Slowly he straightened, his tail swinging behind him as he padded about, eyeing the decorations with what seemed like a critical eye, but it was truly more of a "what the heck do I do now". He slowly made it to the bar table, looking up to it with a crane of the neck. He glanced backwards towards both Aurum and Feza, then to Leroy. He frowned at his appearance, poking at a couple of cookies.

template by orion


Gifts were a foreign concept to Abathur, similar to how an animal like giraffes were foreign to him - he knew vaguely of the concept, but if you asked him any details he would likely make an excuse and scuttle off to read up on it. It made sense, of course; he hadn't spent a lot of time around people yet, so he hadn't really ever gotten a gift, much less given one (as far as he understood it, typically one was given gifts at a young age, probably to nurture a sense of charity and sort of influence them into wanting to take care of their parents when they withered - again, as far as he understood it).

As such, the spider was relatively bemused when Leroy shouted to the heavens and to the streets about some sort of Gift Gala. Nothing he had heard about; maybe he was just not considered important enough to have the information, or maybe it was some sort of yearly tradition that nobody talked about because of how obvious it was that it was going to happen. He would have to ask someone important - maybe that fellow who was in charge of this event, and resembled heavily the Leroy he had heard so much about.

The spider crawled into the tavern, eyes bombarded with all the holiday cheer and gay colors that could possibly be stuffed into a glorified bar, making a concerted effort to ignore all the cookies and the people and focus on finding Leroy - which was easy, it turned out, since he was near the big tree, and the big Aurum - his quarry found, he would slip forward with purpose, standing near Leroy with a question already grumbling out. "Greetings; what is 'Gift Gala'?" Straight and to the point, forgetting the possibility that people, that Leroy, might get freaked out by the giant spider suddenly in his face.

tags - "speech"

Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - suvi. - 12-12-2019

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
The prospect of giving always cheered Kiira.  She enjoyed seeing others smile and gifts often had that affect.  Often.  The petite vixen supposed a gift may be unwanted or... Disappointing? In some cases.  In general however, the idea of gifts brought excitement and anticipation.  And smiles.

The youth bit the inside of her cheek as she popped her head inside the newly renovated tavern.  Aurum had certainly outdone himself and the work Leroy put it for the Gala reinforced the amazing effort and love put into the building.

A number of voices filled her ears and faces her vision.  Hesitantly, the medic padded through the door.  Her ears flickered away as her chest seemed to tighten.  Quietly, she trotted through the tavern, taking in the details.  Leroy may not think much of his décor skills but she certainly felt impressed.

Besides the crackling fireplace she took a seat, offering a shy smile and wave of her paw to Leroy.  Hopefully that was enough to communicate her approval without forcing herself to stand in a gathering crowd.

Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - arcy - 12-12-2019

Crowley had honestly been considering not going to this event. He didn't really see the point. He didn't like Holidays, he was tired, and Aurum was going to be there. And - nothing against Aurum, but Crowley wasn't sure how much he could cope with right now. He'd been doing some thinking. A lot of thinking.
He does think he likes Aurum, but he's hesitant to poke that with a stick. It's not anything like it is with Aziraphale, so it's not like he knows what to do with it.
Not the point. The point is, Crowley didn't want to be here. Crowley is here. Crowley had gotten bored, and lonely, and wasn't that terrible? Crowley hadn't hadn't felt lonely before recently*.
*a minor lie.
So. He's here. Crowley hesitates to participate anyways, moving a hesitant few inches towards Aurum, and then -- second place.
That'd been terrible of him to think. Crowley didn't get these sorts of things, not by a long shot, and to be fair he'd been stressed beyond belief, but now -- a sense of guilt. He hadn't said so out loud, but it'd been cruel nonetheless. He didn't get it, but that didn't mean Crowley was incapable of figuring things out for himsef.
The shame of it all has Crowley retracing his steps. His metaphorical steps. He doesn't have legs, right now. Unfortunately, this leaves him without. anything to do. Crowley probably can't even reach the table with any sense of dignity intact, and he refuses to face the indignity of shapeshifting just to reach it. He doesn't even like  food.
... The fireplace was awfully close to the tree, and the crowd, and by extension Aurum, but .. that would do. Sulky, the snake makes his way near the tree, but says nothing as passing Kiira to merely coil in front of it, soaking in the heat. This is not a terribly social use of his time, considering his initial reasons for being here, but Crowley rather thinks he'd fucked up on that front.
So, Crowley, apparently in a Mood, merely waits.

Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - arrow - 12-13-2019

"Merry fuuuuuckin' Christmas." Arrow felt a twinge of déjà vu at Leroy's call, like the good old days before they both just fucking died. She supposed it was pretty cool to be back in time for the holidays, but the reality was she was just going to start drinking again, but festively.

She wiped the seemingly constant blood from her jaw for like, the third time that day, plopping her skinny ass down and squinting at the gift display. Now how in the hell did he manage all this?

Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - torren - 12-13-2019

I l l e c e b r o u s.  (adj.)

Come winter, Torren felt familiar with the tradition of gift-giving.  His kingdom hardly celebrated Christmas specifically, but similar sentiments of charity and celebrating in the first place still existed.  In fact, the scottish wildcat had a few ideas in mind for a gift to a certain fox.  As her friend, the prince would feel incredibly amiss to pass an opportunity to offer her something in the holiday spirit.  Perhaps he would attempt a few gifts for the group as a whole as well, though Torren believed he may need to do some research into everyone's likes and interests first.

His eyes flashed through the tavern almost on autopilot, finding the splash of snow white in front of the fire.  Afterward, a warm smile danced across his face.  As he took in the rest of the grand preparations, he carefully maneuvered his way through the crowd and to the fireplace.  Silently, he joined Kiira and Crowley, offering both a semi-formal but brief incline of his head.

"This looks amazing," the youth called out softly to the gala's orchestrator.  Torren knew how much effort these type of events took and felt rather impressed one Tangler set to the task.  Most likely to keep all the gifts careful surprises.  He could respect the dedication.

Re: DON'T BELIEVE IN CHRISTMAS + GIFT GALA - trojan g. - 12-13-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"] [[ quick track post basically, since I'm exhausted lmao ]]

Coming up beside Aurum, the female would let a smile come to her face as she smelled the food cooking in the back of the tavern, tail swaying behind her for a moment. "It smells really good in here," The female would speak, slightly surprised. If Leroy had cooked this she hadn't expected it to smell as good as it did, though she was glad that it was.