Beasts of Beyond
ask me anything — COMEBACK - Printable Version

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ask me anything — COMEBACK - Kian. - 12-11-2019

Kian felt almost pensive about the holiday season.  The number of his nearby family had grown in the past year, which meant a gathering may be in order.  At least, his older brother and himself could feel optimistic about a friendly reunion.  Or rather, he could attempt a feeling of optimisim.  His family certainly took strained and complicated to uneasy levels and the thought nearly had him asking for a round of drinks in the tavern.

Opting to enjoy a social activity with his crewmates instead of lingering in the wary parts of his mind, the Irishman padded outside.  Despite the time of year, the island hardly felt any colder to him.  The faerie enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his back as he trotted across the sand, trekking across Baracuda Bay towards the turtle statue known as Tofu.  A landmark he had often found Keona besides in the early days.

Sitting back on his haunches besides the massive turtle, Kian raised his voie with amused glint in his eyes.  "'ey! 'm holdin' an ask me anythin' session." Should be fun.

Re: ask me anything — COMEBACK - MARINA - 12-11-2019

Upon exploring the bay, Tofu the turtle statue faded into her view. Enlightened by their mere presence, she lightheartedly smiled and let out a snort. She had never found purpose or meaning in the strange sculpture (if it even had underlying lore), but Marina enjoyed the decor. It was a brilliant piece of art. Perhaps if she was an art snob, she'd say the intended motive for it's placement was to shield the bay with it's broad shell. The thought merely made her chuckle.

As her laugh dwindled, an unfamiliar figure's voice rang in her ears. Her gaze readjusted, finding Kian by the side of the sculpture. Seeing that she was already around and didn't want to merely ignore them, Marina changed rerouted towards the stranger. "Well," she retorted with a shrug, "How about your name?" That seemed like a good place to start. "M'name is Marina, you?"

Re: ask me anything — COMEBACK - Keona. - 12-11-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
Ask me anything.  Familiar game.  The tiny privateer had hosted such a session once before.  Many moons ago.  Had it been earlier this year, or the last?  Keona flicked her tail.  Brows creased, she followed the sound of her father's voice.  Tofu the Turtle, of course.  A good spot to host little gatherings, and she had.  Not recently though.  Without just cause to, Keona lingered by herself simply out of her solitary nature.

As she sat up right beside her father, Keona realized she possessed few to no immediate questions.  He was her da afterall.  What didn't she know that she was curious about?  For a moment, she shuffled her paws in the sand, entirely bemused.  "..."

"How long were you a captain, da?" Might as well.  He'd given up that rank when they joined the Typhoon.  The memories of their old crew still lingered.  More so whenever she walked across the Tempest.  But she was extremely young when they left to live on the shores of the Typhoon.  Too young to recall every detail.  Nor had she, she is fairly certain, ever asked about the length of his career.  That'd have to do for her question for now.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: ask me anything — COMEBACK - raziel - 12-12-2019

The concept of an ask me anything session intrigued him.  The massive wolf hardly knew what to ask his own brother, unfortunately.  As he trotted over, he tried to think of something interesting.  Settling nearby in the sand, he listened to Marina and Keona's questions.  The former made sense for a simple greeting question while the later was likely a detail the youth did not know or recall.

"How are you, deartháir?" He opted to ask in the end, offering a sheepish smile.

Re: ask me anything — COMEBACK - hushsound. - 12-12-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Ask me anything. The request seemed strange to the young adult wolf, but that didn't mean he wouldn't indulge Kian. After all, it wasn't as if the game was harmful, and it would offer the young injured canine with some sort of insight into Keona's father, at least more than he had already gleaned from their brief interactions in the past. Limping over to settle into a seated position beside Keona, Hush just listened for a moment, fascinated by what the other's decided to ask. Marina made sense, smconsidering she evidently hadn't met the other before, but Captain? Kian had been captain before? This was certainly news to Hushsound, and he found his interest faintly piqued at what the response to Keona's question would be. Still, he supposed it would be rude not to participate in the little game in some way himself, right? Clearing his throat, Hush barked softly, wincing a little at the sound of his own scratchy voice at he spoke, "Kian... what made you join the Grim Rays?" After all, Kian had been the one who had taught Hushsound about the divisions in the first place, and had helped him learn what the Grim Ray's were all about, so he found himself fascinated by what the other's answer could be. 
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: ask me anything — COMEBACK - Kian. - 12-12-2019

Still amused by this experimental social event, Kian dipped his head to the colorful jaguar.  If he had to guess, the Irishman figured he must've missed her arrival to the Typhoon or they had simply never met before in either of their times.  "Name's Kian Ó Faoláin, Miss Marina.  Lovely to meet you."

Quickly his eyes shifted down, a fond smile on his face as his daughter took a seat.  How long?  God.  "Of the Illyr?  I couldn't tell you, Keo, to be honest.  Many years." Decades even, or longer, he supposed.  The time hardly mattered more than the journies and memories.  He did not regret resigning, however, to join the Typhoon -- Keona had deserved to grow up on consistent land.

As he turned to his older brother, Kian failed to withhold the raised brow.  An interesting start.  "I'm alright, Raz.  You can't think of anything else?" Of course, he was only teasing.  His brother had always been the concerned type.  It never hurt to ask someone how they were doing every once and awhile.

Hushsound's question made sense.  Honestly, Kian had hardly taken too much thought into joining the Grim Rays.  It just made sense to the faerie.  "I joined the Grim Rays because I've always been a soldier.  My brother 'ere is a pacifist, so someone had to watch his back growing up." He winked at said wolf with a grin.  He understood the optimism for peace and Raziel certainly had a talent for diplomacy.

"I have always felt called to protect my family," he explained with a loose roll of his shoulders.  "When my homeland became the middle-ground for war, I protected my comrades.  After, it was my crew on the Illyr.  Now I do what I can for the Typhoon."

"I chose Necro Mambas as my secondary for the same reason."

Re: ask me anything — COMEBACK - hushsound. - 12-14-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Hush watched curiously as Kian answered the various questions of those around him, seeming vaguely amused as well as pleased by the results of his little impromptu event. Hushsound supposed he probably would've been pleased as well, getting a chance to interact with all of his fellow crew members and see what they really wanted to know about you. It was a good idea, and one that the wolf filed away for later, on some lazy day when he wanted to interact with others but wasn't sure how. Although, honestly it could get tiring very quickly for him, considering he'd probably have to answer their questions out loud, rather than in writing... the thought made him frown slightly, but he was broken from his disappointment by Kian getting to his questions. Keona's father smiled at him in a way that made him feel safe, and happy, and he listened intently to the answer, finding his tail wagging as Kian explained. It was a noble cause, and definitely one that the Hero of the Wild could appreciate... if he could even still call himself that, considering he had been defeated. Smiling despite the weight that settles in his chest, the large canine barked, "That's... a great reason to have joined, Kian. That's why I joined too! Well, to protect everyone in the Typhoon, I mean. Plus I had a lot of interest in blacksmithing, so that was a plus..." What with his recent defeat in battle, Hushsound had been becoming more and more interested in the smithing side of the Grim Rays, but that didn't mean he didn't still want to make sure the Typhoon was safe. He was fairly sure he could accomplish both of his goals at the same time, even with the recent blow to his confidence that had come in the form of Trojan's attack. As soon as he was healed up, he was determined to throw himself back into training headfirst, giving it his all until he absolutely collapsed. After all, he felt so.... so useless when he couldn't even defend the ones he loved. Like Kilius.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: ask me anything — COMEBACK - Keona. - 12-18-2019

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #5c90d0; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3px;"]✯ — Tá mé i dtiúin
Keona rocked on her paws as her father spoke, blinking.  A long time.  Did he miss it?  She disliked the thought of her being cause for missing out on the sea-faring life.  Here, he remained close to the water and maintained the title of pirate but... She wondered.

Her whiskers twitched as her uncle's voice reached her.  Raziel, ever the fatherly wolf.  She followed the sound and offered him a small smile.  They hadn't read together in a little while.  Her pale hues flickered thoughtfully before tuning back into her father's musical voice.

"Why do'ya like storms so much?" His nickname among the fae, the tempest prince, came from somewhere after all.

While Keona enjoyed the ocean, she was frightful of thunder, a common occurrence during rough storms.