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CAN'T MOVE ALLA THIS HERE ☆ christmas cards, o - Printable Version

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CAN'T MOVE ALLA THIS HERE ☆ christmas cards, o - redvox. - 12-11-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Thanks to the fact that winter was rapidly gripping all of the groups within its sharp and cruel talons at the moment, Vox had been focusing more and more on events that members of the Halls were able to do inside, rather than outside. Bertille knew that he didn't want to be out there for more than maybe an hour just to do some hunting, and the fortress was thankfully big enough and full of enough forgotten human things that it enabled him to create many events from the old christmas things that had been left behind. Plus, it seemed as though the little events livened up the spirits of those that were stuck inside the building due to the terrible weather, mainly due to the fact that it gave them something to do and enjoy. Vin could definitely see the appeal, and he didn't mind putting the events together as long a they made his friends and clanmates happy, even if it meant a whole lot of running up and down the various floors, as well as racking his brain in order to come up with ideas for what to do next. Thankfully, this time it had been fairly easy, since he had been trying to think of a way to thank the others around him who had stuck by him for the past month or two as the Halls had slowly been working its way back to its former glory. And of course, given the season, the perfect opportunity had presented itself in the form of Christmas cards. They were not only the perfect chance to show off a ton of holiday cheer, but it also meant that they could thank others for being there for them, or for being their friends and clanmates.

When compared to the other events he had been putting together, getting the supplies for making Christmas cards had been fairly easy. It had taken only a bit of scouring for Vox to find construction paper, various pens, pencils, and crayons, as well as other little touches that could be added, like stickers and glitter and other glue on things that would just make everything better. Once he had set up a decently sized table of supplies, Vox got to work on a couple of his own cards before he called out, his wings in the middle of carefully folding a piece of construction paper in half, "Anybody wanna make some Christmas cards? Tis th'season, plus ya can put sweet lil notes in 'em for your loved ones or people y'wanna thank! They're just pretty fun ta make in general, too. Flex ya creative muscles." He offered a bit of an awkward smile to anyone that approached, finishing up his first card before he began to push the large pile of supplies forward. He couldn't wait to see what different kinds of cards people would come up with, although honestly what Aslisk could possibly come up with if she attended sent a bit of a chill of fear down his spine.

Re: CAN'T MOVE ALLA THIS HERE ☆ christmas cards, o - fulzanin - 12-11-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

If Aslisk were to be quizzed on how much she knew about Christmas time, she would likely fail. The brief holiday that she had experienced had been several years ago. It had involved somewhat tragic events in all honesty. A skating event gone wrong, erupting into combat. The frigid cold. One of her kids getting nailed in the face with a snow ball. Waking up early to mess with wrapping paper. It had been awful. Utterly awful. Of course, that was ignoring the cuddling to keep her warm in the frigid cold. It ignored the presents that she received and still used back home. It ignored the good. Aslisk was such a person, to ignore the good and immediately sink her teeth into the negative. The holiday season was coming up, and Aslisk knew it. She did her best to be indifferent. The wyvern had partaken in building a snowman only to accidentally burn it down right after finishing it's completion. She had tried to make some weird milk and water and chocolate fused beverage and had almost thrown up by the taste of the terrible concoction that she had created. The cold was a negative, failing the activities was a negative, all of it made her want to pitch a massive fit and scream and break something with her talons. A spine, preferably, but Aslisk really didn't want to be harped on for such a thing. She had to settle for briefly hissing about in her room before getting her temper neatly wrapped up once again.

She came in with a swift teleport, having previously been about to go outside. Why? Probably just to walk around and ignore every single demand to stay in bed that she physically could manage. She was horrifically stubborn, and she exercised her abilities to do what she pleased at nearly all times. A card for your loved ones was what had snagged her attention. To tell them thanks. Despite her teleport, Aslisk still had to trudge a little closer. Her jaws were firmly set together, looking at the supplies present. Her tail slowly swung behind her. It was raised off the ground in order to keep herself from burning the floor. The wyvern upheld that slight bit of decency for the building that was the Hall's main residency. Rare did she forget to lift her tail, and rare was an apology from the wyvern otherwise uttered so swiftly. It was the only time any brief 'whoops, forgot', came from her, acknowledging that she had done something that was not satisfactory. Aslisk couldn't actually give any cards to her loved ones. Everyone she knew and cared about was elsewhere. No matter how hard she tried, she could not teleport home. No matter how hard she pressed, she could not open that mental link and speak to the enchanted creature that usually spoke to her without any consent needed. Aslisk couldn't believe that she was missing the common prodding the magical creature did to her mind, but she did. It sickened her to feel so weak. Briefly the wyvern stood there. She was stiff while her red gaze surveyed the materials. Wordlessly Aslisk grabbed the paper and three crayon with her teeth, then moving off so she could actually work.

Of course Aslisk wrote in a weird language. The wyvern spoke in a strange tongue whenever she did not think that other's were listening - or, sometimes, even when there was and she simply didn't want them to comprehend what she was saying. The words were sharp, curled, and filled with a hatred firmer than she could ever spit into the words of the common tongue. Carefully she held the crayons in her jaws, writing weird looking symbols all over the paper with seemingly little rhyme or reason to where she put them. Aslisk wasn't exactly confident in her ability to write. Reading was one thing. Reading she could barely manage to do with a little bit of help - not that she often ever accepted aid, and her burn wounds clearly showed such a thing. Writing was harder. The language she scribbled in had three letters for every letter and, honestly, Aslisk wished that she'd just walked on past without having partook in the event. She was stubborn, though, and decided she'd look like a fool if she gave up in her awkward scribbling now, and her teeth crunched down harder on the crayon. It not breaking was just as much a mystery to her as her writing was to any onlooker. Once she finished she returned the crayons to grab some pinks and greens and blues and purples. She'd left one side blank and simply began doodling on the other side. Aslisk would entirely deny being homesick if she was asked. It hurt, though. It dug deep, deeper than the fury that usually pried into the core of her being and warranted her hissy attitude. Once finished with her crude stick-people looking drawing, she again returned the crayons just to stand and admire the card that she had crafted in silence, burning tail raised to keep herself from scorching the ground behind her. Small trembles worked their way through the burnt wyvern, then huffing and snagging the card so that she could move away and make more space for someone else.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: CAN'T MOVE ALLA THIS HERE ☆ christmas cards, o - redvox. - 12-13-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
If someone asked Vinny whether or not he had noticed Aslisk's various failings at Christmas events... well, he probably would've sheepishly admitted that he had. It was hard not to notice, considering they had usually ended with Aslisk angrily stomping around, causing a ruckus and burning snow or bits of building around her until eventually the ache of her burn wounds caused her to stop. Still, Vox never really found it a good idea to make fun of her about it, because it wasn't as if it was always her fault. After all, the whole burning down her snowman thing had been an accident, and so had the hot chocolate thing. Well, that second one had technically been less of an accident, and more of a case of Aslisk not knowing what the fuck hot chocolate actually consisted of, but still, he wasn't going to hold it against her. Besides, Christmas wasn't about making sure that everything was perfect, despite what some books or old stories might've made people believe. It was a holiday – and really an entire season – about just hanging out with your friends and family, and being generous and caring. In all honesty, that seemed to be the exact opposite of Aslisk's MO, really, but Vin hadn't brought that up at any of these events, not wanting to cruelly flip a switch in the wyvern's head from calm to batshit angry. And sure, perhaps it annoyed Redvox a little that Aslisk came to all of the events, including even the ones that were outside, despite his and others' best efforts to get her to rest off her injuries, but she seemed to still be healing somewhat, at the very least. Even if it was more slowly – although honestly Vin had to wonder what effect her new elementals had on the pain of her burn wounds, if any.

Vinny had been zoning out slightly when Aslisk finally grabbed some supplies for herself, the Harbinger's eyes having been staring straight at the wyvern's tail as he remained stuck inside his head. It had never really struck him before that Aslisk tried so hard not to touch the ground with her tail while she was inside, not only because she hadn't had the flames on her tail for that long, but also because he had just never paid enough attention to pick up on it before. He felt a strange sense of fond warmth at this fact, mainly because it meant that Aslisk did, in fact, give a shit about some part of the Halls of Hiraeth. Well, really, it was obvious that Aslisk gave a shit about the Halls, or else she probably would've left ages ago, but still, this was so uncharacteristically careful for Aslisk that the gat couldn't help the small toothy smile that curled on his face as he noticed it. However, Vinny finally let his attention drift from this fact when he noticed her pick up some of the supplies, stalking off to evidently make a card. He felt a fair bit of surprise at this, mainly due to the fact that he had figured this would be an activity that Aslisk would find no interest in, but it seemed as though he had been wrong. Still, he wasn't unhappy he had been wrong, and he watched curiously from a distance, working on his own little card projects as Aslisk did her scribbling, obviously intensely focused on her task. He tried to catch a glance of what she was writing on the brightly colored paper, but he was too far away for his eyes to quite see it, his vision poor thanks to his bat lineage, the usual exchange of great hearing for terrible sight having been passed down to him. Still, even if he had been close enough to attempt to read it, he wouldn't have understood a lick of it, Aslisk's strange foreign language – especially Aslisk's strange foreign language when written sloppily – making absolutely no sense to him.

The hybrid lifted his head in curiosity again when Aslisk came back to grab some more crayons, returning to her creation to begin drawing on the opposite side. Curiosity gripping him again, the gat finished up one of his several cards before hopping down on his wings and hooves, hobbling over to where Aslisk was intensely focused on her work. The drawings were haphazard and crude, but had obviously been done from the heart, and that was good enough for Vinny. He was prepared to step back and head to his own little corner, but it was at this moment that Aslisk paused, evidently done and admiring her own work. Vin froze for a moment, petrified he was about to get snapped at for coming over and looking, but then an uncharacteristic shudder ran through the Sentinel. Vin felt confusion come over him at this, tilting his head to one side. He wasn't sure if the shudder was from the cold or some feelings that Aslisk was attempting to hide away, but he wasn't given much time to contemplate as Aslisk snatched her card, moving away. Eyes widening a bit, the gat moved after her, saying softly as his short tail twitched behind him, "Aslisk! Er, I mean... Aslisk, what'd ya make a card for? Y'gonna save one f'your family when ya see 'em again?" To Aslisk, she might've seemed hopeless and silly for her homesickness or hope to see her wife and children again, but Vox was far more optimistic than that. He firmly believed that one day Aslisk would see them again, no matter what.

Re: CAN'T MOVE ALLA THIS HERE ☆ christmas cards, o - fulzanin - 12-19-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Aslisk had been far too enthralled in her task to notice the little peeks that were being given towards her work. It was a struggle to write when she had no paws to use and instead only her jaws. She was concerned about crushing up the crayon on accident and having the foul taste stuck in her mouth. In addition, she was concerned about how legible her writing was. She hadn't even written it in her native language. This was the language her wife wrote and spoke in. The wyvern was capable of learning new languages with ease, yes, but only their verbal sides. Writing was a pain. Writing when the language had each letter with three different variants was more pain. Writing when you couldn't even hold the crayon properly was pain. Aslisk had to set the crayon down a few times and rapidly clench and release her jaw, feeling aches spring up from applying only a certain amount of pressure. She had finished, though. The message she had written was nothing special. It wasn't super lengthy either. The drawing was, of course, of her family. Back home. Where they looked odd and certainly was not helped by Aslisk's lackluster artistic abilities or not using the right appendages to write with.

The shudder was mostly constituted from homesickness. Looking at the drawing and being reminded that her family was elsewhere and without her present to protect them. That she'd up and disappeared on her wife without a word. Her kids probably thought that it was a repeat of a previous incident, one that had been entirely accidental. She wasn't with her family for the holidays and it stung. Perhaps the shudder could be attributed to realizing how terrible her writing was as well, or how absolutely soppy the message was. A simple one; Aslisk didn't know the incredibly complex words of the language of the featherbrains. It conveyed the message nonetheless. Upon realizing that she was being looked at, the wyvern tensed up. Her teeth clenched around the car a little tighter, and she continued striding off as if she had not noticed the Gat looking at her work. Aslisk didn't want him to see her being sappy, or anyone for that matter. She was a cold, ruthless, violent and ferocious person. She could not be seen, not even for a brief moment, being anything other than that. It was her reputation. If there was one thing her past had taught her, it was that reputation was one of the most important things in the entire universe. With reputation you could defend what you cared about. With reputation people wouldn't bother you. With reputation you couldn't get away with 'i love you miss you so much you're the best thing to ever happen to me i love you i love you' being written on a card if your reputation was everything but such a concept.

When Redvox spoke to her, Aslisk again tensed up. He couldn't understand her native tongue, she reasoned. He had no idea what she had wrote down on the card. She hoped that was the case. Carefully she lowered her head and protectively hid the card beneath one of her talons. "Yes, yes, it's for my family. When I get back home." The wyvern's words were sharp, choppy. Her red eyes were narrowed, gauging, still not certain that the other hadn't somehow managed to grasp what she wrote. "Why do you need to know?" There. Snappy. That would get him to back off, Aslisk was sure. If she was irritable then he would get irritable and then she could hide the card without any further questions being asked because it would be too much of a bother. Hopefully. She didn't know if this would delve into one of their spats. Aslisk hoped that he would be more interested in continuing to run the card creation stand than deal with her homesickness. If she could make it seem not worth the time, then she'd be able to stalk off and be homesick in peace. Aslisk was unaware of the other's optimism. She had the bigger issue of being seen as weak and pathetic on her mind. Her talons tapped against the floor in a way that disobeyed her tone, nerves getting to her. Homesickness was momentarily forgotten in her brief irritability, but resumed again shortly after. "What I do for my family doesn't lusluing concern you, like the bowls." Her voice briefly wavered, but her scrunched and angered expression was the counter for such a homesick tone. Her tail remained awkwardly raised behind her, twitching rapidly just as her talons were.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: CAN'T MOVE ALLA THIS HERE ☆ christmas cards, o - redvox. - 12-21-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny had never considered those that loved their families to be weak. Despite what Aslisk might have thought to herself, Vin had always thought that people who had families to love were some of the luckiest and strongest people out there, mainly because it meant that they had something they were fighting for. Hadley, his beloved but flawed mentor, had been such an amazing fighter and mentor to him because she had considered him family, along with the fact that she was working hard in order to make sure that her father would be proud of her, even if he was gone. Vox had always admired that, and had dreamed that one day he would have a family. A husband, maybe a few kids – although honestly he wasn't sure if he could really have kids in this body, considering the weird hybrid of animals he was, but still, there was always adoption. Family had always been something that had lingered on the distance for him as a child, just as being harbinger had once done. However, now he was harbinger, and he didn't really feel particularly close to having a family in any capacity, despite the overall family that the Halls represented. Perhaps that was why he was so curious about what Aslisk had written on the card. Either way, his intention hadn't been to belittle her or make fun of her or any other horrible possibility she had stored in her mind. Instead, he just wanted to be able to reassure her that one day she would see her family again, and he was sure that they missed her just as much as she missed them. He really should've known she'd respond with anger, and would probably just call him softhearted for saying such things out loud, but... he was softhearted. He liked being kind, and hopeful, and caring about family, even ones besides his own. It was really no surprise when Aslisk responded in her usual way, with words kept close to her chest and sharp phrases directed in his direction, but he still didn't find that he was particularly annoyed by her mouthing off. After all, he couldn't even begin to imagine how she must've been feeling, considering she had been ripped away from all she had and was now spending probably one of the oddest christmases away from her family. Hell, he didn't even know what she was or was like back when she was with her family, so everything could seem so painfully different now.

This was why, when Aslisk tensed and responded by snapping at him at first, Vin didn't snap back or frown or anything, he just tilted his head to one side, listening curiously to what the wyvern had to say. She was right in her assumption that Vox couldn't understand or read any of the language she had written on the card. Hell, he was fairly sure that even if he could, he wouldn't have been able to read it because of the sloppiness of the with g overall. He made sure to keep his mouth shut about that, however, not wanting Aslisk to become too pissed off with him. So, once she was done going off on her little tirade, the harbinger just explained patiently, offering her a toothy little crooked smile, "Aslisk... I was just askin' cause I was curious. I'm not gonna yell at ya or demand ya tell me what'cha wrote. I'm just glad ta see that you're in th'season, and that you're still thinkin' of your family 'n' everythin'. I don't know 'em, but I'm sure they miss ya a hell of a lot." Honestly, if Aslisk's family just swooped in and swept her off her talons back to wherever she had come from, Vox probably wouldn't have been all too upset. Not because he disliked Aslisk's company – he had actually somewhat grown used to her abrasive nature and mean spirited sense of humor – and not even because he particularly wanted her to go, especially given her recent promotion to regent. Really, the only reason Vox would've been perfectly happy with such a thing was because it was obvious how much Aslisk loved her family, and how much she missed being with them, and he didn't really think it was fair that she had just been pulled away from all of that, even if there wasn't really anyone in particular to blame for such a thing happening. After all, Vox had no idea where Aslisk had come from before the Pitt, and he also had no idea how she had ended up here, so how were they supposed to blame anyone, really?