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knock 'em back - o, practice - Printable Version

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knock 'em back - o, practice - fulzanin - 12-09-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Feisty was likely the first thing to come to mind whenever Aslisk's name was mentioned. She was a fierce person. She did not tolerate many things, and being demeaned was one of them. Other notable causes for her fury was annoyance and irritation, which was caused by so many things that the list would probably near the infinity that many claimed to be unreachable. Her fire like temper matched the flames that curled from her tail and horns and wings. They crackled constantly and without restraint. Aslisk possessed no control over the fire that burned from her scales. She was unable to control it. It was debatable if she wanted to control it. She made no attempts to control her temper or the words that came from her mouth. She had threatened the leader, after all, and had not batted an eye when she had finished speaking. She did not even care for the threats that the leader issued back to her about being killed herself should she attempt the feat. If anything, her sharp and four word response hid the 'try me', words that Aslisk barely managed to restrain solely because of the other persons present at the time. Barely. She seemed to only barely restrain her words. She certainly did not restrain how much she respected absolutely no one. After all, to the wyvern, no one had really proved themselves worthy of her respect, had they? Idiots. Everyone was stupid and weak until they proved otherwise to her, and so far? No one had passed that. Spare maybe the leader solely because he would stand up to her. Not even the featherbrains at home would do that. She got her way. Having someone to bicker with was nice in this stupid infested place.

It was cold. It was winter. That was a simple observation. The fire that crackled from her tail kept the end of her tail warm. The flames that licked her horns kept her head mostly warm. The ends of her wings were kept from being frostbitten by more fire that curled from the edges of her wings. The rest of her was absolutely frigid cold. She'd been curled up within her home for a few days, trying to work up the energy to leave her room and do something. She could barely even muster the strength to be angry or homesick! That was absolutely degrading and awful and how badly did it make Aslisk want to sink her teeth into someone. If it weren't for the cold. An idea had begun to curl into the wyvern's mind. If she moved, would she not create more warmth? Aslisk was unfamiliar with the body she was currently in, and how it would not generate warmth less she warm her environment. Moving around would not aid her frigid body. Aslisk decided that she would get up, and do something, in order to get warm. She couldn't light a fire, which was Xiogipa-dung in her mind! Screw what the leader thought, for she hardly respected him. If she wanted a fire she would very well make herself one! There was a struggle to stand up. Aslisk hissed and grunted. Her burn wounds making contact with the cold air was hard to fight against. The wyvern pushed past it. She stood up and teleported on outside, not wanting to have to trudge through the building and, likely, get yelled at for moving around in her injured state. Aslisk didn't care. She knew that she'd be fine, and she was not about to be coddled over again. When she'd originally been burnt had been annoying and coddling enough!

The idea of just creating a fire quickly grew muddled with the sharp cold air brushed her burnt scales. The notion to shiver was foreign in this body, and Aslisk could not purposefully recreate the method of generating warmth. Aslisk wished she could command the flames to overtake her entire body and keep her entire self warm all at the same time. The thought was wonderful. Perhaps she could attempt such a thing in a unique way. One that would involve moving around, and using her flaming abilities? Or, at least, trying to. She did want to get a grasp on the flames - although mostly it was to spread their usage rather than limit it. Slow was the wyvern's pace as she trudged off to find what she wanted. Sturdy branches that were definitely dry and definitely flammable due to the cold air. Setting it up was harder. She didn't have hands, or thumbs. She had three talons on each foot, which were used to keep herself standing. She had a single talon at the joint of her wing, but it didn't really work for holding things. The end of her tail split into two somewhat fingers, but currently the end of her tail was fully cloaked in flames. All of them were not possible. She'd make do. Carefully the wyvern began using some spare rope that she had found, tying up the different branches and logs that she had teleported to this one spot. Hopefully since this spot was not the center of camp she wouldn't wind up with the high and mighty leader of the place coming to scream at her for a little use of fire.

A crude training dummy was the result of her work. It looked horrible. It was a crude mess of logs and sticks all slammed into the ground with some terrible pikes. Such could be considered the result of Aslisk not being proficient in the construction of training dummies as well has her horrible knot work. Still, the wyvern felt proud of her work - and absolutely cold otherwise. Aslisk gave her burnt body a rough shake as if it would stir her body to start creating warmth like her old body used to. Slowly the wyvern shuffled along, circling her craft. Eyeing it like a predator would their prey. Aslisk's flaming tail dragged along in the snow behind her, melting the soft substance from the heat that sprouted from each jagged spike from the limb. Her red eyes were narrowed with purpose. Aslisk, where she had originally come from, was an absolute laughing stock. Her methods of fighting were horrific and she was bested without any real effort. While she had constructed this awful training dummy, the wyvern had assured herself that such would not be the case here. She would be vicious. She would be feared. Her presence would make those around her terrified for their lives, as they should be. Her wife was not here. Her kids were not here. There was no one here she could care about but herself. She would not allow herself to care. Aslisk was a ruthless, grudge filled, cold hearted, fury fueled, murderous wyvern. Being pushed around was not something she would permit.

Fueled by the desire to warm her frigid body and her angered thoughts, the wyvern lunged forward at her target. She sunk her teeth into the wood and clawed with her talons. The training dummy teetered, but remained upright. She felt pain from the stiff bark of the tree brushing against her heavily burned body. Aslisk released her hold, dropping on a talon only to spin and smack the dummy with her flaming tail. Then she breathed in, hard, and spat pure flames at the poor construction of wood. The fire screamed forth from her open jaws, incinerating her poorly constructed opponent. Her lungs felt searing hot, and her mouth did as well. The wyvern coughed, sputtering, but her gaze remained glued on the flames that she'd created. It had teetered and fallen into the snow, where the cold swiftly reclaimed the wood and extinguished the flames. Breathlessly Aslisk stood there, panting hard, tail resting in an awkward curl by her sides. Laughter then poured forth, accompanying the smoke that curled from her agape maw. Her tail slammed into the snow repeatedly from her movements, flames sputtering but otherwise remaining fueled. "Take that you hasking Xiogipa-dung!" Her cry of delight was loud, noisy, eager. How terribly eerie were her words, sounding as if she had just defeated a living and breathing opponent. Deep down, perhaps, Aslisk wished that she actually had. The wyvern bounced on her talons, red eyes focused on the smoke that came from the smoldering out flames. Perhaps she hadn't figured out how to cloak the rest of her body in flames as her original intent had been. Watching that poor training dummy slowly burn into ash was a warming satisfaction in it's own right, and any pain from her burn wounds became insignificant.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: knock 'em back - o, practice - redvox. - 12-11-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
In all honesty, Vox truly didn't "get" powers. He understood their usefulness, as well as why people might've wanted them, but he felt he did pretty well without them. Perhaps it was just used to the useful combination of animals that he represented, or just because he had been honing his fighting skills for quite a while now, but he never really felt the need to fall back on methods using strange magic that didn't seem as though it presented to everyone. It just unnerved him, knowing that someone could randomly wake up one day and have some odd power they had never expected or wanted, or some new strange body part like wings or horns. He supposed he couldn't be that disturbed, considering he had just sort of woken up in his current hybrid form after the fire that had first overtaken the Halls's original territory. Still, he didn't truly consider that a power, since he hadn't willfully attempted to become a gat. He never even would've been able to, considering that, before he had taken this particular form, the thought of a hybrid of a bat and a goat had never even crossed his mind once, and certainly wouldn't have been the little feline's choice of an alternate form. Still, he couldn't say that he was that unhappy with it now. He had originally considered it to be a curse from the gods as a result of failing the Halls, but now he wasn't so sure, considering he was still stuck within it even now that the Halls were rebuilt. So now he chose to think of it as a gift rather than a curse – a useful and resourceful form that had been able go help him in rebuilding what had been lost. He was certainly larger now, and it had certain tools of survival that his old form hadn't had, such as being omnivorous and having razor sharp bat fangs he could sink into foes. There were certainly advantages to it, as well as disadvantages.

Still, besides his current gat form, Vinny didn't truly have anything unusual about him, and certainly nothing comparable to the flame powers that Aslisk currently possessed. He couldn't even imagine trying to control such a thing, and he often found himself now growing anxious around the wyvern, worried that she was about to set their entire territory ablaze thanks to the fact that she couldn't control it yet. Hell, even if she could control it, Vin still found himself commonly worried that one day she would just get pissed off enough to burn their lush territory to the ground. This both terrified and annoyed him, and he was fairly sure if she ever did do such a thing, powers or not, he would absolutely wreck her shit in his fury afterwards. Still, it seemed as though Aslisk hadn't completely burned everything down up to this point, and as such Vinny hadn't been keeping such a watchful eye over her, finally beginning to trust her a little. Not a lot, granted, but at least a little bit. Enough where he didn't feel the need to follow her every little move or action just to make sure he wouldn't be forced to take her out in some way. In addition to this, the Harbinger had somewhat given up in his attempts to keep her in bed in order to avoid exacerbating her injuries. It wasn't that he didn't care anymore, but it was more that she just never listened to a word he said. He could tell that she enjoyed their little verbal spats on occasion, but she never really listened to any of his orders, and insisted commonly that she would be fine, even with all the moving around and dragging over her burn wounds. He wanted to snack her upside the head to get her to realize that wasn't the case, but she'd probably just get some kind of satisfaction by jokingly saying that he had made her wounds worse, and he really didn't have the patience to deal with that for the moment.

Vox had somewhat intentionally been avoiding going out as of late, mainly due to the worsening conditions of the outside world around them. It seemed as though this winter was being particularly cruel to everyone in terms of the snow on the ground, the chill in the air, and the strange mist that was settling over everything, so Vinny much preferred the warmth of inside the fortress, interacting lazily with the other members and setting up little Christmas themed activities. However, not everyone was pleased with just hanging about inside, and as Vox found himself descending the stairs to the lobby, he noticed Aslisk teleporting down outside, and his interest was piqued, wondering what she was doing. His claws giving a little tip-tap as he descended the last few steps, he watched her move off, her entire body seeming to have a firm sense of purpose as she strode off into the woods. Immediately Vox felt a large spike of anxiety within his chest, worried about what the hell the female was doing that made her seem so determined. Normally he would've been proud of any of the other Halls members for showing such initiative, but... this was Aslisk. And while he didn't truly hate Aslisk, he definitely knew she had a penchant for causing trouble, so the gat's thoughts could only really go to the most immediate explanation that she was planning on causing trouble somehow. Sighing, Vin decided to head out after her, squeezing his oddly shaped body out of one of the large windows in the front of the fortress, frowning as his wings sunk into wet snow. A sigh left the harbinger as he shook his body from side to side, trying to get rid of any snow that had already decided to cling to him. He knew he would grow more and more cold as more of the slush clung to his thin and unprotected wings, but there wasn't much that he could do as he followed Aslisk, a few minutes behind.

Eventually, the male came upon the scene of Aslisk training, blinking in confusion for a couple of moments at the shoddy training dummy in front of him. It was poorly constructed, and he almost couldn't recognize the purpose of it. That was, of course, until Aslisk decided to go flinging herself forward. Vox jumped a bit as she sunk her talons into the dummy, and he watched in faint amazement for a moment before relaxing again. She hadn't really actually done anything yet, except for just leaping forward. However, after a moment, she was moving again, swinging around and whipping her body to use her flaming tail as a weapon, the Harbinger's wings shoving him backwards a bit in response as he watched. The flames immediately made alarm bells go off in his head, and he had to bite his tongue to keep from yelling as Aslisk set the dummy ablaze, his heart pounding loudly in his ears. After a couple of seconds, the flames had been snuffed out once again, and Vinny thankfully found himself gradually able to relax again, a sigh leaving him as he listened to Aslisk cheer triumphantly. A small part of hin considered just turning and walking off without interacting, considering how absolutely delighted she seemed with herself, but eventually he decided against it, deciding it would be a bit creepy to just watch from afar and then wander away. Moving a bit closer to the scene, Vox eyed the charred dummy for a moment before speaking to Aslisk, his green gaze flicking over to her as his ears perked up attentively, "What'd that dummy do ta you? It steal your sandwich or somethin'? Cause ya certainly didn't go easy on it. Were ya tryin' ta get practice using your weird powers?" Part of the Harbinger wanted to add on "powers granted by the gods", but he ultimately held back, knowing that Aslisk didn't really believe in their gods or what they represented. She had her own beliefs, and whether she thought her fire powers were from her supposed god of death or whatever was her business.

Re: knock 'em back - o, practice - fulzanin - 12-19-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
After being so darn cold for so long, the warmth that had come from the burst of flames had felt nice. It was dwindling, sadly, the cold air reclaiming the burning dummy and the fire that she had expelled now cooling from it's effects on her scales. It had felt nice while it had lasted. She had absolutely terminated her wooden opponent, and had gotten warmth in the process. Now her scales were cooling again, and her triumphant grin began to fade. She could make more and continue her practice. After all, Aslisk wanted to be able to cloak her entire body in flames. The wyvern would be incredibly warm if she could achieve that feat. No more near frostbite for her. It was a wonderful thought. No more cold, there would only be fire. Fire that could not harm her, fire that she could control. Aslisk could not control the flames yet. They continued to burn on her horns and tail and wings without any form of consent. It felt nice to have a little bit of warmth but it was incredibly annoying for the edge of where the heat of the flames reached. The edge of where her body was freezing cold, and where the edges were warm. If she could just get her entire body on fire then she'd finally be warm. That was a great motivation, to ease the frigid cold that made her breath visible in the air. It was an interesting sight, one that briefly ensnared the wyvern's attention. It was not possible back home. It was far too warm there for a chill in the air to create such a abnormality. Briefly Aslisk reached up with a wing to swat at the small cloud, before hearing speech and swiftly stopped such mannerism.

Her attention slowly shifted to Redvox, her pupils briefly slitting. It was an internal debate, her face scrunching up. Whether to blow up at him for watching or to remark about how she had taken such great initiative to learn how to control her fires so he could stop being so stupidly afraid. Aslisk couldn't decide on which route to take. Thankfully, the Harbringer spoke, and that allowed for her to reciprocate with ease. "The dummy was created to die and therefore I have simply helped fulfill it's purpose." Her response was sharp, and of course had the ever present undertones of her own mentalities present. Some things existed onto to be killed. She existed on the other side of the spectrum, she existed to kill. It had been the entire reason for her creation, to kill without remorse or mercy. Aslisk deviated, yes, but it remained heavily ingrained into her mind. The wyvern could do more than kill, the world was based off of more than the lives you had ended. It ran deep. It would not remove itself from her mind, from her morals, from her words. That was how she had been raised. It tied to the worship for her god of death, not that she ever could be seen actively worshipping her odd religion. Only briefly did she mention her god, and never did Aslisk elaborate further on the concept of what, exactly, she worshipped. "I also can't eat sandwiches. The bread gets stuck in my teeth and mouth. Not to mention I thought sandwiches were for more herbivorous species," Aslisk muttered. Her gaze returned to the burning dummy, her flaming tail curling up closer to her talons.

One of her webbed ears flicked, deciding to put a little more thought into her next answer to the Harbringer's actual question. Aslisk could somewhat tell that he had cut off his words, wanting to say something in addition but having not put those words forward. The wyvern could only be curious about what he had cut off, unable to gather what it could be from the words spoken aloud alone. "Somewhat. It's too hasking cold out here. I'm trying to figure out how I can light myself on fire on command. I know it's possible. I'm sick of being hasking cold and the lusluing weather can hask off!" She kicked at a mound of snow with a talon, sending the snow flinging off towards the smoldering dummy. It only further extinguished the near dead flames. Huffing sharply, the wyvern managed to recompose herself. "Of course, if I can light myself on fire on command I can get rid of them when I want, too. I'd like to not hasking burn things on accident. At the same time, it is a pretty nice alibi if some idiot, I don't know, accidentally got burned." Aslisk cheekily smiled at the Harbringer. She was joking, of course, it was evident by the devious glint in her eyes. The wyvern even had chuckled at her joke, turning her red gaze off to the side. "So far I haven't made any progress with putting out these fires. Maybe if I burn enough of these sad, pathetic dummies, they'll extinguish themselves. Who knows. I might wind up stuck entirely on fire. Doesn't that sound fun, Redvox?" Another snicker, her bunching up some snow and then swinging her blazing tail through such to melt the pile into a sad slushy mess.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: knock 'em back - o, practice - redvox. - 12-21-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Killing was not something that Vinny was a particularly huge fan of. He never had been, ever since he had been just a kit, and it was one of the things that caused the male to be so heavily devoted to justice. With justice and fairness and balance, violence would only be needed in the most dire of circumstances, and Vin very much preferred it that way. To say that something was made to be killed or to do the killing just seemed wrong to him, and with the way that the Halls operated, he had never thought that any of them had been made by the gods just for killing things. They were meant to live wonderful lives living to the fullest, and not trying to cause trouble for others unless something unjust was going on. Still, Vin supposed that he could understand the fact that a dummy was made to be killed. After all, it didn't have any emotions or any ability to feel pain, so it wasn't as if Aslisk was trying out her abilities on someone who was actually living, and for that Vox found that he was eternally grateful. Shaking his head a bit at her words, Vox mumbled softly as he moved forward to inspect the dummy, slowly moving around it and inspecting the wild damage that had been done, "I suppose it is better than ya tryin' this on somethin' living... although I doubt ya could get your claws on a piece of prey in your current state. They'd see ya comin' from a mile'a way with your flames." He then said as he straightened up a little, eying the wyvern as he sat back on his hooves, head tilting to one side, "I guess I didn't really think about if ya could 'ave sandwiches... I'm an omnivore, so I can eat pretty much anythin' edible... although not all sandwiches're for herbivores. After all, plenty'a sandwiches 'ave meet on 'em." It was a bit of a pointless conversation, but Vox found that he didn't mind making small talk. It put him at ease, and with someone as angry as Aslisk, it was good to see her relax, even if it was only slightly.

Of course, this pleasant feeling only lasted for a few moments. It wasn't the conversation about Aslisk's powers that made him wince. No, he had actually become used to seeing the flames creeping over certain parts of her form, and since she hadn't set anything on fire since discovering her powers, he was pretty certain that he trusted her. Perhaps that was a little bit stupid of him, considering the behavior she had exhibited in the past... but he chose to believe that she could be trusted, since she had pretty much shown her loyalty to the Halls several times now. However, the snicker of satisfaction at her making fun of his pyrophobia made him frown slightly, and he glared at her for the faintest moment before getting back to the matter at hand. Small tail twitching a bit, Vinny mumbled as he watched her, "I'd appreciate it if ya didn't set anybody on fire, and weren't on fire all the time, but I understand why ya'd want some sorta protection from th'cold. Even I hate it and I've got pretty thick fur... although I think you're forgettin' something. If ya can set yourself on fire on command, then ya can also use it against enemies. Sure, things are relatively peaceful now, but we can't guarantee it'll always be that way, and havin' ya burn folks up would be pretty useful." He couldn't disagree that her having a stronger control over her powers would definitely be for the better. Not only to calm his anxiety and pyrophobia, but also because it could prove useful on the battlefield, as she had just demonstrated on the dummy.