Beasts of Beyond
i do what i want // open now! - Printable Version

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i do what i want // open now! - ♕leopold♕ - 05-03-2018

Leopold's eyes began watering and he let out a frustrated groan as he rolled over onto his back, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. After a few moments he opened them again and glared up at the pomeranian sitting by his head. "One day I'll beat you in a staring contest, just you wait!"

He lay there for a few moments before he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Leo stared around the room; there wasn't really very much in it. It was nearly empty, other than the bed and a little dresser. He squinted at the window and scoffed; rain. Why was it always raining? Peanut wanted to go outside, damnit, and Leopold couldn't possibly let her dirty her fur with mud.

The blueblood heaved out a great sigh that was full of all of his vastly insignificant troubles, and stood up. He scooped Peanut into his arms and left the room, going to the one next to him. He knocked harshly on the door and waited for all of half a second before barging in. "Jeong! I require your assistance."

As Leo spoke, he let his icy gaze flicker over the room. Not much better than his own. He looked at Jeong's pack and scrunched up his nose. At least his bodyguard still had his clothes, not that they were very good clothes. He still thought that the other's fashion sense could use some work. Well, Leo rather thought Jeong's entire being could use some work; his attitude, the way he carried himself, his clothing, his vocabulary.. That wasn't the point of this visit, though, Leo could lecture him some other time.

The pale man shut the door with his foot and placed Peanut on the ground, letting her wander around and get her fur all over the place. He moved over to Jeong's bed and flopped down on it, not caring if he happened to fall ontop of Jeong. "As your prince, I order you to cure me of boredom. And help me out with something."


Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - purgatory - 05-04-2018

Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - ♕leopold♕ - 05-07-2018


Leopold rolled his eyes and wiggled around a bit to get more comfortable; it wasn't like he was going to move. He scrunched up his nose at Jeong's response; could he try to be more enthusiastic? Leo figured after all these years Jeong would handle him better but apparently not. Maybe he needed to try to give him more lessons on being polite, for it seemed he wasn't doing too well on that part (not that Leo had any right lecturing him.)

"It should be four B's and it should include boredom, but I'll go with your three B's. I am bleeding, so.. Yeah. It's one of the 3 B's." Leo folded his hands over his abdomen and winced slightly before sitting up on the edge of the bed. "You're not comfortable at all, Jeong. Far too stiff."

He leaned down to scoop up his fat little pooch and place her on his lap, mumbling as if he was ashamed, "I lost my.. Sanitary products? When I lost my bag, and I am now in dire need of them. So you need to help me get some." Leo gazed off at the wall, fingers tugging gently through Peanut's fur as he awaited his response.

Asking for help for this kind of stuff always bothered him; while his parents didn't care because having a son was better than having a daughter anyways, and Leo's.. Well, Leo didn't actually know what this was called, but whatever it was? His being in the wrong body? Whatever, it kept his parents from having to have another child to get a son, so they didn't try to stuff him in dresses or anything like that. He still felt ashamed because of it; this was a weakness he shouldn't have.


Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - purgatory - 05-07-2018

Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - ♕leopold♕ - 05-08-2018

Leopold barely held himself back from rolling his eyes once more. He wasn't even that heavy, there was no need for Jeong to groan so dramatically like that. "Oh, yes, of course. I cannot believe I forgot you had real muscles and bones. I was under the impression you were a robot, you know, with the squishy skin?" He probably wasn't making much sense, but he technically wasn't supposed to know about that because his parents thought it stupid so all he knew about those 'robots' was that their skin was fake and very soft.

He scrunched up his entire face as Jeong ruffled his hair, moving to swat his hand away. "You'll mess it up!" Of course, he wasn't actually mad; his shoulders seemed to lose some of the tension that had crept into them as he relaxed. Even after all this time, there was a bit of him that expected Jeong to judge him for it, tell him that the lie had gone on too long, or that he was grown up now so he'd have to stop pretending.

As Jeong moved to grab the bag, Leo's gaze followed him, watching as he pulled out the bag. He could feel whatever anxiety he might've had about his period disappearing; at least Jeong had some things he could use. When Jeong held the bag out, he grabbed what would be the most comfortable for him, because he wasn't going to use anything uncomfortable unless he absolutely had to. "Yes, we'll have to find some more.. Although, if we can't find painkillers, just being able to hold something warm over my stomach will suffice. That usually helps."

He kept his gaze on Jeong as the older man left the room, waiting for the door to be closed completely before he made his way over to the bags. Leo glanced into each before pulling the one with clothing closer to him and digging through it, trying not to unfold it all. It took him a few minutes to find something that wouldn't make him look too bad. His head shook from side to side as he stood with the clothes in his arms and went to change. He really had to talk to Jeong about his taste in clothing. He took his time to get dressed, carefully tucking the shirt in and straightening everything to make sure it looked decent. Leo's nose scrunched up a bit as he looked down at himself; the pastel sure did make him look yellow, but at least he didn't look even paler from wearing all dark clothing.

Once he was changed, he bundled up his dirty clothes in his arms and slid out the door. "I'm finished." He spoke as he threw his dirty clothes back into his own room.


Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - purgatory - 05-09-2018

Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - ♕leopold♕ - 05-13-2018

Leopold's eyebrows furrowed as he frowned, his arms crossing over his chest. He glared at Jeong, "Thank you so very much, Jeong, you've given me a lovely confidence boost. I love appearing okay while others can see me. It truly gives off a good impression to people who've never met me before." He was most certainly pouting at this point, although it was unintentional.

He almost didn't respond, too set on being salty over Jeong's comments, but then a twinge of pain hit and he gave up. As much as he wanted to be bitter and mean, he didn't really want to deal with these cramps longer than necessary. "Uh.. I know there's a girl rooming down the hall? I don't know about anyone else though, because I didn't bother to pay attention to where everyone I know is rooming." Leo shrugged and straightened his back, setting off to the end of the hall. "I suppose we could just ask her, and then if she has none ask if she knows anyone who does?"

sksksj so sorry for the late + short response,, ive been procrastinating everything hella hard


Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - purgatory - 05-28-2018

Re: i do what i want // p, jeong - ♕leopold♕ - 06-05-2018

He sneered at Jeong, "I'll have you know I'm very easy to get along with. You've just not got the right of me trying to be nice to you is all. That's the cost of having known me so long." Of course he knew he was hard to get along with, knew his attitude was annoying at best. He didn't really care though. It wasn't his problem if some people thought he was rude or.. Whatever people thought. Leo had enough people who at least tolerated him, so if strangers he'd just met found him annoying, then so be it. Sucks for them.

"No! I don't need to be carried, Jeong, I'm not a toddler." His cheeks flushed slightly as he spoke, icy eyes flicking off to the side. "As if wearing clothes like these isn't bad enough for my image." Leopold walked right up to the door of the room he thought a lady he knew was in and knocked three times before stepping back and frantically waving his hand for Jeong to move forward. He didn't want to explain this!