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I WAS A HUMAN ☆ o, snowmen - Printable Version

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I WAS A HUMAN ☆ o, snowmen - redvox. - 12-04-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Four days into the month, and Redvox already found himself growing tired of December, mainly due to the cold chill that had seemingly embedded itself into the webbing of his wings, his larger limbs not meant for the snowy outside of this time of year. There was a reason why bats tended to hibernate in their caves when winter came to town, and Vinny almost wished that he was following in his ancestors footsteps – pawsteps? He wasn't really sure – but instead he was here, in Halls territory. He absolutely loved their territory, and as the weeks went by, he found himself appreciating it more and more, but... it wasn't a desert, or a jungle. They were going to get snow, and they had definitely gotten it already. It blanketed the ground and the buildings, covering up both the human made structures and the raging wildlife that was usually thriving all over the place. It was sort of nice, having the beautiful snow dunes carving themselves across their small claimed territory, but it was also impossibly cold, and Vin couldn't very well move without snow pressing up against his sensitive unprotected underbelly. His goat fur helped somewhat, but he wasn't made for these conditions, and the hybrid's odd mishmash of species were all yelling out at him to just go inside and coop himself up until spring. Rather than do what his body was telling him to, however, Vox had elected to put on the next event of the twelve days of Christmas celebration, and it was one that – unfortunately for him and any other cold repulsed members of the group – involved a lot of snow.

The hybrid had gone inside the fortress and had gathered up every piece of clothing that he could find that wasn't needed or in use, had packed it all up in a chest, and had tugged it down to the front of the apartments, carving out a small area for himself and everyone else who would be participating. He then made the first of the snowmen in order to serve as an example, doing a classic three snowball snowman, topping it all off with a hat on top and a pipe in his mouth. Once he was satisfied that his example was satisfactory, Vinny turned and nudged open the chest with a few thrusts of his shoulder, smiling as it clcked open with a thud. He then called up at the fortress, along with any other surrounding areas where members were gathering, "'Ey! If anybody wants ta come 'n' build a snowman for Christmas, then get y'asses down 'ere! I've got all sorts of props 'n' accessories and all that happy shit, so you can make whatever y'want!" Glancing at the large chest of clothing he had pulled out, Vin found himself wistfully wondering if perhaps he could go searching through it after the event, to see if maybe there was a coat and a hat in it that he could wear. Sure, he might look a little odd and amusing, a goat-bat hybrid wearing human clothing in an attempt to stay warm, but it would be a relief from the frigid air around him, and that was really all he cared about at the moment.

Re: I WAS A HUMAN ☆ o, snowmen - fulzanin - 12-06-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Naturally, a scaled creature usually would have a severe distaste for the cold. Reptiles were exothermal. They required a warm environment in order to keep their metabolic processes running. Without warmth from their environment, they would die. They could not produce their own heat. Whether it be by retreating underground, or changing location, or hibernating, it would be rare to see a scaled creature out and about when there was a blanket of snow. Not Aslisk. The wyvern had fire coursing through her veins - both from anger, and from the actual fire that flickered from parts of her body. Her tail was burning up snow and churning it to water as she strode about whenever she was awake. Her horns deterred snow from settling on top of her head. Yes, Aslisk was a little chilly. She was used to having a jacket and a fluffy tail and hair covering her head. She was getting used to her scaly body, but it didn't make dealing with the cold any easier. The wyvern truly wanted to see if she could cloak her entire body in dense flames in order to keep herself at a nice temperature where sleep wasn't fitful and her teeth weren't constantly chattering, or where this sudden urge to sleep for months and months on end would go away. Alas, she could not. The fire remained stuck to her wings and tail spikes and her horns. She'd have to remedy that sometime, but now was not that time.

"A snowman," the wyvern said. For a moment her tone was absolutely neutral. It was odd, a tone coming from the wyvern that was not spitting and seething and surging full of fury and animosity towards whatever subject was at hand. Steam curled from her tail where it rested on the ground behind her. A small wiggle of her webbed ears made her expression somewhat thoughtful. Where she lived, there had never been any snow. Not where she had been made, despite the torrential downpours that often covered the planet. Not where she had lived with her wife and kids, either. There it was practically entirely summertime. Or spring. Really it depended on what time of the eternal day she decided to get out and about. Her kids would probably love this activity, Aslisk noted. Or Ichigo would, if the cold didn't stir her hybrid disease and send her sniffling and wheezing and coughing. "Hm." A soft hum sounded from the wyvern, her burning gaze turning to look at the example of a snowman that Redvox had built. "I guess I can make one. I can't guarentee how much snow will be left, though," Aslisk said. Her head turned, gesturing to her burning tail, burning horns, lack of arms, and how her wings were smoking and crackling as well. Little control did Aslisk have over her flaming abilities. Her claws scraped at the snow, exhibiting how she was unsure about how to progress with the actual constructing of the snowman. She was trying, nonetheless, and not screeching and snarling as Aslisk often did whenever she opened her mouth to speak. It was hard, using her talons to form a ball of snow when she also needed those talons to remain standing. The wyvern was determined, though, and it was set firmly in her narrowed eyes.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: I WAS A HUMAN ☆ o, snowmen - redvox. - 12-06-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Unfortunately for Vinny, he did not have the same affinity for and control over fire that Aslisk had. Although honestly, calling it "control" was a bit of a stretch, considering she seemed only able to produce it on certain areas of her body. Vin couldn't say that he was particularly distraught that Aslisk couldn't produce more flames than that, since it already gave him enough anxiety just to see her walking around and melting everything around her in her current state. He knew that she wasn't doing it intentionally – or at the very least, she wasn't entirely trying to be malicious – but he couldn't help the way that his pyrophobia made his muscles tense as she approached, watching the snow around her reduce to nothing more than puddles. It was almost as if her flames gave him more of a chill than the snow around them did, however ridiculous that sounded. Still, Vox was determined not to freak out at just one of the other members walking up to him, so he took a deep breath inward through his pointed nose, forcing himself to relax before he gave Aslisk a pointy smile. It was, at the very least, nice to see her out and about without her yelling at him somehow, or being pissed off at someone else. Perhaps the fire had mellowed her out somewhat, since in technicality she had gotten what she wanted, even if Redvox still very much doubted that she had gotten her elementals as a result of setting herself aflame.

The harbinger nodded firmly when Aslisk repeated the term "snowman" back at him thoughtfully, lifting up his wings to proudly gesture at the example he had made, glancing warily at it as if Aslisk was about to melt it soon. He was unaware of the fact that Aslisk had never truly had a chance to experience winter or its unique experiences before, since he had gotten so used to winter just being a natural part of life. He had spent many of his days as a kit frolicking through the snow, drenching his pelt and tossing the white material up everywhere around him in an attempt to celebrate. His mother and father had always fondly admonished him for doing such a thing, and he had always ended up wrapped firmly in towels or blankets afterwards, but he had still enjoyed himself. Hell, he had even tried to make snowmen a couple of times while he was a kit, but they had never come out as well as the one that he currently possessed as an example, mainly due to the fact that he had been working with clumsy paws, rather than large and careful clawed wings. His wings were far better for rolling the snow together in one large ball, rather than a clumsy pile, and plus his new height made it so that decorating the snowman in different little articles of clothing was much easier, and more efficient. While he was off daydreaming, Aslisk seemed to be contemplating her options, before she let out a little hum of amusement and curiosity. He chuckled when she admitted that she wasn't really the best to deal with snow right now, and shrugged a little, saying softly, "Don't worry 'bout it. Not like there won't be more snow soon enough. Plus, s'not like this is a competition, so if y'snowman is a lil melted, it's not that big'a deal." Which was all pretty much true. The snow storms had been coming in more and more often lately to ravage the usually green territory and cover it with white, so they'd probably have a limitless supply of the stuff to enjoy until the season was over.