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HERO OF OUR TIME / injured + attack - Printable Version

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HERO OF OUR TIME / injured + attack - hushsound. - 12-04-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
It wasn't often that Hushsound could be found without his trusty sword strapped to his hip and in his belt. Sure, his newly made sword was hardly as good as the Master Sword had been, but Hush still found that he valued it a lot, and it was incredibly rare to find him without it as a result. However, this was one of the few times when the wolf was actually wandering around without his sword, mainly due to the fact that he had just reforged it, and it was still fairly brittle and breakable, so he had elected not to take it with him after waking up. The canine was wandering along the edge of the territory, near one of the land bridges that stretched out straight towards the other groups that lived on the mainland. His pawsteps were light as he made his way over the sand, occasionally weaving his body in and out of the tropical trees that dotted the island. There was a soft small on his muzzle as he made his way around, patrolling the border in case of any intruders coming in. He doubted there would be too much trouble around, given the fact that the Pitt was going to be made to pay, but that didn't mean there wouldn't ever be another kind of trouble, and Hush would be here to fight it. He wanted to make his new home proud of him, and protecting it was just a first step for him, obviously. It was as natural as breathing.

However, as the canine padded along, he was caught off guard by the shifting of some of the foliage nearby. Hushsound immediately tensed up at the noise, raising his head and glaring into the leaves. He didn't smell anything recognizable in the air, and somehow that didn't put him at ease at all, because it meant that there wasn't anyone he could go to if shit went south. His ears flattened down against his skull after a moment, his lips pulling back slightly as more rustling emerged from the foliage, as if something was circling him. Clearing his throat, the wolf stood up to his full height, barking fiercely at whoever this stranger was, "Hey! Who's there? What do you want? If you're here to join, you could be a lot less creepy about it." Normally he wouldn't be so hostile to someone who could potentially be a joiner, but... something about this whole scenario didn't seem right at all, and the fur along Hush's spine stood on end, feeling oddly unsettled. It really didn't help that he was without his sword unless he bolted back to get it. It didn't mean that he was completely defenseless, after all, he could fight with his claws and teeth, but he much preferred the feeling of a sword clenched in his jaws, and he felt oddly barren without anything there except a snarling grimace.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / trojan, attack - trojan g. - 12-04-2019

[div style="width: 490px; background: black;"][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font: arial; font-size: 11px; color: lightgrey; margin-left: 33px; margin-right: 33px;padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px;"]When Roman would wake up that morning, he would remember nothing, a foggy cloud covering his senses and memories of the day, but Trojan would remember, as he often did, the happenings that occurred.

As days had gone on, Roman had grown comfortable with where he was at, and that meant that he was unconsciously letting things through, letting things get to him, and it meant that Trojan could have his own day once more. Padding out of the Hall's territory, the soul had waited until he was out in the middle of nowhere before shifting into another body, going on his way as the once domestic feline grew into the size of a large wolf, the body of his choice until he was able to find a way to get his own back somehow.

He hadn't known where he was going, not having been paying attention when Ro had been walking around, so he just let his feet show him where to go, simply walking in one direction in the hopes that eventually he would reach a place, and, eventually, he did. Eventually, the male saw some train tracks, and smelled the familiar scent of a group beyond them, so he traveled, ears pinned to his head for hatred of the water, a side effect of sharing a body with Roman, some of his fears seeping into the other souls that inhabited the body.

Eventually, he found himself at the border of an even smaller island to the side of the main island Trojan knew many lived, and began to make his way around it, keeping the water on his right and the foliage to his left, low to the ground so he could be hidden, until he finally smelled someone, and ears pricked, head lifting up in order to try and find the other, only to push forward into the foliage at the scent and sound, wrapping around the other male wolf, listening to his worried words and hostile voice.

Eventually the rustling stopped, and Trojan would back out of the foliage, carefully, quietly, hoping that the other would investigate as the large wolf went to the other side, careful not to rustle anything before jumping out of the bushes, jaws open as he aimed to attack from behind, attempting to grab onto the other male's shoulder for the time being, to catch him off guard and in order to pin him. If it worked, Trojan would then aim for the throat, attempting to bite down on it, hard, while attempting to wrap vines around Hush's legs.

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / trojan, attack - hushsound. - 12-05-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Hush could sort of understand the feeling of nit being in control of yourself, or feeling like you somehow weren't really you. After all, he had gone through so many different incarnations of himself that sometimes events blended into each other, or personality traits got lost or warped. It was an odd existence, but for the most part it was a good one, and he had luckily never had to deal with anything like Roman had to deal with when it came to Trojan. Hush was in control of his body at all times, with only the occasional input from his "ancestors" when they wanted to offer him assistance, such as when he had been given the gift of his current large wolf body. However, it seemed as though even the gift of the Hero of Twilight couldn't save Hush from what was about to happen. The male's eyes continued to dart back and forth, searching for an attempting to pinpoint the source of the sound so that he could get the first strike, but then it fell eerily silent. Hush's heart sank at the sudden and unnatural silence of the world around him, and he heard Trojan's quick footsteps heading straight for him, but he was just a moment too late. His head snapped to one side, about to fight back against his attacker, but Trojan had already landed his hit, and Hushsound found himself stumbling forward, the sheer weight of the other male, along with the sneak attack, drawing him quickly towards the hard ground.

Hush collides with the hard ground beneath him with a pained grunt, the jolt of it all rushing up one shoulder while the pain of being bitten shot through the other, a pain howl leaving Hushsound as the attack was successful. The air was knocked out of him for a moment, which was enough time for Trojan to pin him down, the younger cabinet's eyes widening when he saw teeth aimed for his throat. A half frightened and half enraged noise left Hush's mouth before Trojan's teeth met his neck, and he was just barely able to yank his back legs up before Trojan could entangle them, aiming to kick harshly against Trojan's side with his back claws and get him off. If he was successful, he would attempt to stumble to his paws, wrinkling his nose as the scent of blood filled it, both from his shoulder and now from his neck. He was still effectively pinned in place by the roots around his front legs, but he was snarling at Trojan, his ears flattened and his blue eyes narrowed at the intruder as he struggled against the hold of the vines. Despite his seemingly resilient nature, Hush's head was spinning, and blood loss was already beginning to cause him to feel dizzy, a soft whine leaving him as he tried to keep his gaze focused on Trojan. He had no means of defending himself for the moment, and felt like he was right on the verge of passing out, so he had no idea how he was going to get out of his current mess.

( gonna open this after next Trojan post!! Since Hush is supposed to get saved and Trojan can maim a little bit more of his side/legs )
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / trojan, attack - trojan g. - 12-05-2019

[div style="width: 490px; background: black;"][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font: arial; font-size: 11px; color: lightgrey; margin-left: 33px; margin-right: 33px;padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px;"]Blood engulfed his senses, and the triumph of victory flashed through Trojan's head, causing him to be careless, and not watch his stomach, not watch to make sure that Hush hadn't all been captured in his trap. So when the other male had decided to aim for the side in an attempt to push him off, Trojan's body complied, breath knocked out of him and body shaken slightly from the impact, anger bubbling over him, frustration that he had let that happen churning in his ears.

Everything around him turned a shade of red.

All sound went away, the only noise the wolf was able to hear was that of his own blood, rushing through his head, causing it go grow warm.

Rage set in, and a loud growl came from the male, fur rising on end as he lunged once more for Hush, not thinking, simply aiming for the leg that had kicked him to the side. Spit flew from Trojan's maw as he opened it and rushed his head down in an attempt to grab onto the leg and bite down as hard as he could and shake. He was going to try and break this leg if it was the last thing he did.

The other needed to be immobilized so he could feel the shame rushing through him of not being good enough when Trojan killed him.

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / trojan, attack - hushsound. - 12-06-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
The faintest of grins spread across the wolf's muzzle as he saw his defensive attack hit, watching the other go flying to side. Even in his current prone state, there was still an immense sense of pride in seeing Trojan reeling, even if it lasted for only a moment. While he was standing there, snarling and basking in the glow of his own success, Trojan came charging forward once again, and Hush really had no way to deflect this attack. His leg raised up, intent on kicking the other in the face hard, but his jerky movement was just a moment too late, and teeth dug mercilessly into the muscle of his leg. Another pained howl split the air around him as he felt fangs sink in deep, and he was forced to stumble to the side, collapsing as Trojan roughly shook his limb. He could feel the pain of muscle being stretched and ripped against his will, and blood began to run down his thigh, joining the club of blood-loss that was rapidly tugging him towards unconsciousness. He knew that if he didn't stop Trojan soon, he was going to lose a leg, and the thought alone made fear run cold through his veins. But... he didn't really have any way to get out of this one. He didnt have his sword, his front legs were pinned, his teeth couldn't reach... he only had one option, and he took it, no matter how humiliating it was. He screamed. He screamed and howled as loud as he could, ignoring the way that his shredded voice protested, "HELP! Somebody help me! Killius! Goldie! Someone..." His head was spinning as he let his head fall back down into the ground, his breath coming out in hard pants of pain as he tried unsuccessfully to yank his leg away.

( this thread is now open! )
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / injured + attack - MERGED - 12-08-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]track for now screams

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / injured + attack - bubblegum - 12-08-2019

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / injured + attack - trojan g. - 12-09-2019

[div style="width: 490px; background: black;"][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font: arial; font-size: 11px; color: lightgrey; margin-left: 33px; margin-right: 33px;padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px;"]When teeth connected with skin and tore into flesh, triumph washed over the canine, a jarring laugh erupting from his throat in glee as he tore into Hush's leg, making it so when there was a sudden bolt of electricity coming his way, he didn't notice until it was too late. Bolts ran through his body and his blood, his maw stuck open for a moment as he was shocked, before head began to turn upwards to face his assailant, sure of himself that his initial target would be unable to attack him any longer due to injuries, watching as she became closer suddenly, and he managed to jump back in time to just be hit, and not pinned.

A growl escaped the male as he narrowed his eyes, watching the leader of the Typhoon as she growled in response to her attack, a slight snicker coming from him before another step back was taken, jaws soon outstretching in his own attempt to attack [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] black smoke dripping down from his maw before fire began, starting in his maw and spreading down to his leg as he began to run towards the female in an attempt to set the foliage around them on fire before lunging, aiming for the throat of his new attacker, head on, in an attempt to either grab on and tear through, or to try and knock her off her feet so he could run past.

Re: HERO OF OUR TIME / injured + attack - hushsound. - 12-10-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Hush was incredibly sure that he was about to either lose a leg, or something even worse. His body was screaming in panic as he thrashed about, entirely expecting his limb to soon rip from his lengthy body. However, suddenly the grip on his leg was gone, and he went sprawling onto the ground, his front legs still awkwardly tangled as he fell forward. The wolf flattened his ears as he whipped around, watching Trojan tremble from the sheer power of the shock that had hit him. Watching as Goldie and Trojan clashed in battle, the canine leaned his head down to rip at the vines around his front limbs, ripping them away and limping a bit farther from the battleground. He was half dragging his back leg and half stepping, a while leaving his throat as he watched the two of them. He snarled at Trojan, letting out a few harsh barks at the intruder as he collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by the pain from his new wounds. He desperately wanted to help Goldie in the fight, but he knew he would be useless, from his newly injured leg to the blood dripping from his shoulder and neck. His head was spinning, and it wasn't as if he had any powers, besides the possession power that allowed him to have his current wolf form – his poor beautiful dark fur now marred by the warm blood from his wounds.

Closing his eyes briefly to try and stop the wild spinning of his head, the wolf laid his chin down against the ground for a long moment. When he opened his eyes again, he howled to Goldie, shifting his bloody leg, "Miss Goldie! Pl...  Please be careful!" The thought of the leader of the group getting hurt or worse in order to protect him, a relatively insignificant member of the Typhoon, made his heart die a little, and a soft whine leave him. It was ridiculous that Goldie even needed to protect him in the first place... he felt truly pathetic, hiding away from the fight, desperately begging for her not to get hurt while she was dealing with such serious things. Part of him just wanted to curl up into a ball, as of he was a tiny and scared pup, and hide his face away, just so that he wouldn't have to deal with the scene before him. Inside, he was just hoping that this was all some unfortunate nightmare, and soon enough, he would wake up beside Kilius, burying himself into his boyfriend's fur. However, instead of waking up to happy warmth, Hush was forced to just watch, with his stomach churning and his body beginning to falter, the blood loss lulling him towards the darkness of unconsciousness. 
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion