Beasts of Beyond
AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting - Printable Version

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AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting - bubblegum - 12-04-2019

Re: AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting 12/4 - aine. - 12-04-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —
The scary tigress really wasn't leaving then.  Aine chewed the inside of her cheek.  Okay.  Her ears flicked down sharply.  Hazel hues -- golden for the moment -- flickered warily towards the marketplace's center.  Stubborn.  Her paws stayed put on the ground, not moving an inch closer.

She could hear just fine from here anyhow.  No need to get any closer to the scary tigress.  She should go back to the castle soon.  Check on Ikaia and the others.  No pirates there; aside from Ikaia and Salem of course.

Flicking her ears, Aine turned her eyes on the ground, attempting to grow a small dandelion beneath her paws.
— I'll come back when you call me —

Re: AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting 12/4 - Orion - 12-04-2019

From under the veil of his invisibility, Blaise watched eerily. The arrival of the other leader, another subject of his watch, had surprised him. He had yet to figure out whether Goldenluxury was friend or foe though. There was honor within dethroning a sadistic tyrant, but were her intentions genuine? With nothing but a soft haze of his cold breath appearing before the Pittians, the unseen spirit continued to observe in silence.
blaise - winter spirit of the pitt - white buck with pastel blue horns and icicles dangling off of them, along with baubles

Re: AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting 12/4 - FleetFoot - 12-06-2019

Fleetfoot perked her ears listening to the pitts leader she licked her lips nervously she looked at the others she hope they did not notice her scent from where she was hiding

Re: AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting 12/4 - gael - 12-07-2019

A cold, indifferent pair of eyes watched the pirate captain.  The time of observation at hand.  Rather than approaching closer, the black and red vulpine padded up to his daughter.  The fact she desired to keep her distance from Goldenluxury made sense and he gently brushed his fur against her side as he took his own seat.

For a split second, the faerie blinked, frowning.  Seemingly only a harmless shift in the air, his focus returned in full on the pirate.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting 12/4 - teef - 12-10-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


a cold pair of blue eyes watched from the back of those gathered, the scars marring their gaze affecting their vision. they knew that she was there, and they had no true reason to hate her but because of her fighters ... they had lost their best friend. they were alone in this world because of those under her command. snorting and curling their tail, the 'traitor' watched with a hard unseeing gaze, bitter and resentful of all those present except for those that they knew had no part in the death of kydobi. whiskers twitching, they settled to wait to hear the verdict and leave.

Re: AND I AIN'T GONNA LOSE / meeting 12/4 - Crackers - 12-11-2019



Was he happy to have an enemy at the head of their clan? Not in the least. She could call herself a liberator and a freedom fighter all she wanted, and maybe from her perspective she was, but to Fourth it was a disgrace to see her calling a meeting. Here was someone who had not only punished a group for their believes simply because she did not understand or agree, but she had gone about it in the most cowardly manner affordable to her. The Pitt may have been filled with monsters who did some pretty horrible things, but cowards they were not. They had the balls to stand on their own and wage their wars, to settle their business with their own claws and teeth. And here, instead of fighting honorably and doing the same, Goldenluxury had created a lynch mob out of all three groups in order to do what she wanted. She was like a child who couldn't have her way in the game she was playing, and so she made up whatever rules she wanted in order to play the way she saw fit. Elysium and Tanglewood should be humiliated, not proud, to have let her manipulate them into giving her so much power.

Still in the body of a female fo, Fourthwalls stomach was niticably heavier, and it was no secret now that he was carrying the dead ardents children. He was covered in claw wounds and bite marks from the battle, but he had taken care not to put himself in too much danger. A better person might have stayed out of it all together knowing they had children in the womb, but Fourth was a warrior, and it wasn't in his blood to do nothing.

Behind him in her typical wolf form, Glitch would make her way over to join her brother, and the two would take a seat off in the back to listen. She wasn't happy that they had lost, but she has no real personal stake in the Pitt aside from her brother. She had fought hard and was cut up pretty bad from it all, but in the end they'd been overrun with the enemy. She knew her brother wasn't happy over Jervis' being dethroned. The two had been close in their own weird way, and while she'd never seen the two of them together much in public she knew from her brothers current state that they had at least been comfortable enough with each other to do that, so...

OOC- all IC opinions, super excited about the plot Big Grin
