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it's already almost dawn;; winter - Printable Version

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it's already almost dawn;; winter - tikki - 12-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"][[ Hello! So this is the start of my own little winter event just for fun. Please only make one post per character until I respond again ( so characters a b and c can post, but can't respond to each other until I post kind of thing ) It's like one of the choose your own adventure stories with our BoB characters, and a nifty little gift for each of the groups if your character chooses "right" ]]

The start of winter brought the bite of the cold and the first snowfall of the new season, those who needed air to breathe would see their own breath leaving their bodies in a small fog of cloudy mist, dissipating up in the air as time ticked on. Everyone could be seen as they walked, one could tell exactly where another was simply by following the mist.

Follow the mist.

It had been written on letters, echoed through the lands in an eerie whisper, puffs of white misty clouds appearing seemingly out of nowhere from each of the borders of the territories. Simply appearing and dissipating, appearing and dissipating until one was to follow it, then it would disappear completely, showing up a few seconds later in a new spot, begging to be followed.

They all lead to the same place. An opening in a forest of trees covered in snow, wooden boxes in the middle wrapped in cloths and twine, each with a the word "O N E" scribbled onto it. One box for each group it seemed, each wrapping looking different, though none said for which group they were for, that was for the groups to decide it seemed.

A sense of something watching comes over all characters who enter here, knowing it might be wrong to take more than one for the group.

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - Orion - 12-04-2019

As December rolled in, so did Winter's white spirits and their dreary weather. Temperatures began to drop, causing a chill amongst the groups. Following the cold front and their arrival, light clouds began to litter the world with flecks of snow, dazzling the trees and accessorizing the forest floor. Jaws clacked together as freezing animals cowered into their homes. Some fell into hibernation, others tremored within the blizzard. For those who succumbed to the weather, they would be mildly surprised with several treats and overlooking consequences from the spirits themselves.

A final mist of cold air floated out from Blaise's nostrils, finding himself suited with the results. Still remaining invisible, the pale buck watched and awaited the world's animals to approach the tree. Truly, he was pessimistic about the situation. Nevertheless, he still watched. Just as the spirits always did. He knew their greed would have to overcome them someday..
blaise - winter spirit of the pitt - white buck with pastel blue horns and icicles dangling off of them, along with baubles

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - redvox. - 12-04-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Winter. Vox had been through a few winters in his life now, both in his feline birth body and his current odd hybrid body, and he had found that he didn't care for them much. Really, he found that only the creatures with the thickest of coats did care for winter, and even they usually only admitted to liking how pretty the snow could be, and not much else about the season. When winter had begun to descend upon the Halls of Hiraeth, Vinny had readied himself, working quickly to try and insulate the large building that they called the Fortress as quickly as possible, so that it would serve as welcome protection from the chilling bitter cold of the outside. However, as he had been outside the main building, making preparations and steeling himself for the coming cold – or really the cold that was already here – the gat blinked in surprise when the faintest of whispers seemed to swirl in his large ears, encouraging him to follow their spectral speakers. Follow the mist. The eerie message was unsettling and far from comforting, but he still found himself drawn to it, following the seemingly disappearing clouds of thick mist through the trees and out of the territory. He rationalized it as him going to make sure that the Halls were safe, and not just because of his own all consuming curiosity. Moving into the clearing, Vox eyed the trees all around, as well as the snow that blanketed the earth, before his eyes zeroed in on the boxes that resided there. Frowning slightly, the gat moved forward to look one of them over, idly shifting it with a claw as he mumbled to himself, his breath billowing up into clouds in the air, "Th'fuck is this...?" He didn't touch any of them for more than a moment, too unnerved and glancing around expectantly for some sort of boogeyman who was waiting in the shadows.

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - wormwood. - 12-05-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
It wasn't often that you saw mist like the kind that had been gathering along the Tanglewood border as of late, and Aurum had immediately felt himself become unnerved the first moment that he had seen it. He was used to the occasional fog clogging up the ways between the trees, but usually not a strange mist that packed into thick little clouds, dissipating and appearing again several feet later. For a time, he had attempted to just ignore the whispers that were brought on letters and on the wind, figuring that it was some sort of prank to mess with him or Tanglewood as a whole, but as time went on... it seemed as though something different what going on. More sinister? Perhaps. But honestly, it simply felt more spiritual, rather than meanspitired in any way, at least for the moment. So, on one of the slower days around the group, Aurum had finally decided to follow the strange little gathered clouds, taking a deep breath and readying himself for a fight if he was charging into some kind of trap. When he found himself at the opening in the trees, however, the lion paused, confused by the seemingly mundane and only slightly odd surroundings. He glanced around for a moment before approaching the boxes, giving them a cursory sniff and glance over before relaxing and settling, glancing around for the signs of others. He could smell many different distinct scents he could recognize, but he found that he didn't want to just charge in and do something stupid in this scenario, especially with no one else from Tanglewood present yet.
template by orion

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - fulzanin - 12-05-2019

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Where Feza had been born, there had commonly been a fog. Up high in the mountains of unknown territory, where the air was fitful and stirred and commonly couldn't decide what it wanted to be. A low bearing cloud, a raging storm, it never usually was pleasant. Fog, though, she'd seen before. Not in the swamp though. This was odd, the snow leopard could safely say. First the weird chatter in the wind that her sporadic mind had initially managed to drown out. The letters, not that Feza could read the writing present all that well. She'd somewhat gotten the message that was present, though. Feza took the time off from her festive planning to do as the letter instructed. Or, perhaps, she'd seen the other member of the group and decided that she would follow after him. "Oh, lookie, there's boxes," was the first words to come pouring from Feza's mouth. Not cardboard boxes, though. They were crafted out of wood, and any spiritual feeling for this strange event died when Feza noted that they were not made of cardboard. How disappointing. Slowly her tail swung behind her, coming up closer to her fellow Tangler. "This is a, a, uh, a very strange fog. And it's not the holidays yet so I, I, I have no idea why there's these boxes out here." Feza of course had to begin rambling, making a gesture with her paw to the boxes that were present. Confusion flickered across her face. This was unlike any fog that she had seen before, nor did she like the little prickles of being unnerved that flickered through her pelt.

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Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - Honey - 12-05-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

[div style="background-color:#ccbb66; min-height:175px; width: 100%;border: 2px white double;padding: 15px; color:white; font-size:9pt; font-family:georgia; text-align: justify;line-height: 125%;"]The breath was intriguing to say the least. Since her last encounter with the small clouds of fog, she has been hooked to learn more. Every chance she got she would follow, for some reason. As a child, she truly didn’t understand the dangers.

But the Pitt was gone, supposedly there was none now. Right?

Happily and rather eagerly, Honey would make an appearance. She looked to see random people, their scents weren’t all the same and that lead her to believe they were of different groups.

“Hello!”, Honey would call out, a little out of character for her usually quiet self. But this mystery had caused her to forget her introverted nature. She looked at the boxes but her attention was quickly moved onto elsewhere.

She couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the world. A slight gasp would come from her as she span in a circle to see the white powder blanketing everything.

“Wow... so pretty”, she would whisper under her breath. Where the adults were more on edge, Honey was oblivious to such things. Convinced this fog was in fact a friend. Something she lacked.

The fog was heavier and thicker than the puffs in Elysium. But she didn’t mind too much, “How come you guys are here?”, her eyes would lower as she spoke and she would push on the snow with her right paw in slight nervousness.

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - tikki - 12-11-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]The clearing began to get more and more covered with mist as more members of groups showed up, the center where the presents were staying clear of anything, as if begging those there to enter into the ring of light and take one. Wind would blow through and it would begin to snow as the ribbons made of twine and the labels began to rustle slightly, and the word "one" rang through the air as a chorus of four unseen voices all spoke in unison, and the wind would stop.

What will you do?

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - MARINA - 12-11-2019

Being so used to the tropical weather hadn't prepped Marina for the overwhelming cold that was blowing through the dreaded neutral lands. Hell, even the strange fog was out of the ordinary. Loathing to find the source, Marina followed it across the land and to the strange clearing. As she approached, the jaguar shook out her pelt furiously. No warmth rewarded her either way. Unsatisfied, yet intrigued, she walked with uncertainty towards the group as her multicolor gaze landed upon the gifts before them.

She paused before the group, giving a light shrug. "I dunno," she enthused in response to Redvox's groan. It seemed like no one else knew why they were here either, but Marina was sympathetic in the fact that it wasn't just her following the fog. If she didn't, it would of actually driven her insane. "At least we ain't crazy for followin' some mist." A light chuckle left her. "Glad I ain't no schiz." Not that she would judge though.

"Marina, by the way." She offered an elegant wave of her paw. "Native of The T-"


The word intervened her introduction, causing her to fall silent. Cold air brushed against her fur once again. With a sigh, she harshly shivered. "Well, I'm guessin' we take one." Her eyes scanned the group, counting those who showed up. With more than four, there had to be only a select few that would receive the gifts. She hadn't figured that out just yet. "But who takes what?"

Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - Crackers - 12-11-2019



"I don't think it matters, so long as we just take one." Fourth would say as he made his way over. The battered Pittian was still in his female fox form, stomach heavy with offspring that would be born soon enough. That didn't mean he was about to laze around the territory though. He'd been restless ever since Goldenluxury had taken over and this had seemed like a good excuse to get away and clear his head. He glanced toward Vox but quickly looked away, frustrated to see them here. He was mad that they had bailed on the Pitt, and just as Fourth was starting to enjoy their company.

Since nobody else seemed interested in making the first move, the black and brindle fox would slowly approach the box on the end to the right. It was wrapped in twine and he wasn't sure what was in it, but he would attempt to grasp the twine in his jaws and pull it loose so he could look inside, asuming they could even be opened.



Re: it's already almost dawn;; winter - wormwood. - 12-12-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum watched slowly as various other figures gathered to take part in the strange scene, his mind silently cataloging all those that he knew away. He had no knowledge of Redvox, and couldn't recognize the hybrid's scent, so he was out. Feza was already a known variable, and he found himself nudging a wing protectively over the snow leopard as he glanced about. There seemed to be some sort of rogue, a Typhooner he didn't recognize that identified herself as Marina, and... Fourthwall. Aurum found himself tensing up slightly at the sight of the other male, thanks to the fact that he had just recently killed Kydobi, and he doubted the other would be happy, but thankfully there seemed to be some sort of unspoken peace pact here, at least for now. Taking a deep breath, the tangler rumbled as he approached one of the packages, nudging it experimentally with his nose before pulling it closer, "None of them smell of a certain group, or anything... they all have different wrapping, but I don't know if it corresponds to any of us... perhaps their wrapping and coloration is supposed to show which package goes to who?" Part of him wanted to snap at Fourthwall for being so rash and just deciding to grab a package and try and open it, but he refrained from doing so, not wanting to cause a fight, or a scene. And truthfully, the other was right. It was clear the wind was urging them to take one, and there was no clear indication as to which went to which group. At least, not at first glance.
template by orion