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liar dance // vacation? - Printable Version

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liar dance // vacation? - candorosa - 12-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]Well, this place looked just like he'd expected it to. It was muddy, smelly, and musty but at least he wasn't fucking freezing. Was this how people felt when they went on a tropical vacation? You know, if you swapped out the palm trees for mangroves and the warm beaches for irradiated swamp water. (Unfortunately for him, he did not know the Typhoon fit closer to the description of a tropical beach.) It was a perfect home away from home, he just needed to pack some soap and some scented flowers because smelling like mud was great for a Sunday but not for a Monday.

Why was he here, you ask? Lemy was bored. That was it. That was his only reason. And Tanglewood was the only place besides the Elysium that he actually knew of, so unfortunately for the residents, they were going to have to deal with him if they let him in.

So that's why the demon was currently lounging at the border, blue eyes lazily taking in the scenery. He waited for exactly two minutes before he heaved a large breath and called out: "Heeey, heeey, anyone there? I wanna ask somethin! Name's Lemy, from the Elysium?" No one would know who he was, but that fine, they were gonna have to in a few minutes. "Don't worry, nothin' serious or official, just somethin' personal," hopefully they said to his request, otherwise, well. Lemy didn't like having his plans blow up in his face. (Who could say no to his face anyways? He was cute, if you disregarded his eyes.)

Re: liar dance // vacation? - arcy - 12-03-2019

Crowley probably wouldn't have considering Tanglewood a vacation spot by any means. It was a shit place even when one had grown to like it as much as he had. Can't get radiation poisoning if you're a demon! ... Probably. Crowley wouldn't like having to deal with that. He didn't exactly get a second do-over -- he'd go straight back to hell if he died. Would probably be the end for him! ... Maybe. Maybe maybe maybe.
Anyways. There was another asshole yelling on the border. .. Actually, not a ton of people did that. Crowley wouldn't know though. Things tended to blend together for him, and he certainly didn't remember a lot of the joiners or .. other such people. Actually, not a ton of people visited for non-joiner purposes.
"Yeah, yeah, here," Crowley had long since mastered the art of being decently friendly to people early on. Not being an asshole, anyways. Didn't do to hate people or get hated if you were gonna be stuck with them. "Lisstenin'" And he was. The serval looks over him lazily, waiting. He didn't even have a sliver of an idea what the hell the guy wanted but .. y'know. He was here, at least.

Re: liar dance // vacation? - wormwood. - 12-04-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Despite the fact that a lot of people lately seemed to be badmouthing the Tanglewood territory – or at least, were thinking rather harshly of it – Aurum found that he had come to rather love the muddy, damp, and humid territory that the group inhabited. Sure, the mud still stuck unpleasantly to the angel's fur, to the point where sometimes he felt like he was more mud than lion, but for the most part he could usually avoid that by just flying over the more swampy areas, or moving from log to log to carefully traverse the territory. That didn't exactly work for everyone but it worked for him, and he didn't really think that the territory was as terrible as everyone had been saying lately. The town was a little ramshackle and the lands around it weren't perfect, but that was what gave it character, and Aurum had lived in a gleaming character-less city for most of his life, and it had been an absolute shithole, so he vastly preferred here. Whether or not it was necessarily a fun vacation spot? Well... that remained to be seen, since it wasn't as if Aurum had ever gotten the idea to just pack it up and go to vacation in another group. Sure, he had a close relationship with the Typhoon, and had even had a dual membership with them at one point, but one could hardly consider that a vacation. Ears perking up with interest when Lemy's voice shouted through the trees, the large angel gave a couple of flaps of his wings, soaring over to where Crowley was and landing firmly beside the feline, brushing their pelts together a little as he settled against the ground again. Be rumbled softly as he let his one eye roam over Lemy's face, as well as the rest of him, his voice a little non-hostile growl from the back of his throat, "Hello... I'm listening too." Who was he? Well, Lemy didn't know that yet, but the Captain would be happy to introduce himself once the Elysite explained his personal business with the swamp dwelling group.
template by orion

Re: liar dance // vacation? - candorosa - 12-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]Wow! Lemy's grin widened at the arrival of the initial individual, taking note of his actions as he studied them. What great customer service, to have others respond to him so quickly. Was this how joiners felt whenever he showed his pretty mug around to invite them in? He sure felt special, he could blush. He began opening his mouth when Aurum dropped down next to Crowley. He blinked in surprise at his sudden appearance, tilting his head and then giving the two of them a friendly wave of his tail. Huh. It seemed Tanglewood had more diversity in animals than the Elysium. Interesting.

Lemy shook his thoughts away and leaned in to begin speaking. "Heya-hey-hey! Okiedokie, thank you sooo much for listening to me! Makes me feel all tingly and fuzzy, you're all real nice!" Lemy giggled, rocking back and forth on the heels of his paws. He cleared his throat in preparation for his patented rambling. "Well! I was just wondering if I could visit for a while? Like a vacation? I like traveling," not really, "and I like sightseeing," that was true, "sooo, I'd thought it'd be fun to stay here for a while! Like a field trip! Except I don't have supervision, y'know? But I don't need any so don't worry! I'm real easy to live with, ya don't need to feed me, clothe me, put me to bed, or bathe me because the Elysium does that," the Elysium certainly did not do three of the things he listed. "I'll be like a cute little pet rock!" Lemy finished with a wave of his paws, grin widening to mouth-splitting proportions.

He could probably join as a full member but he couldn't be bothered to check with Rin if the oath he took prevented him from doing so. He would have done it despite that since he didn't give a shit about what he could or could not do, but he'd already invested time into the group. It'd piss him off if he got kicked out. He assumed the other groups had some sort of policy in place in the case of visitors anyways, like in the Elysium. Might as well take the easy way.

Re: liar dance // vacation? - arcy - 12-04-2019

Crowley's opinion on Tanglewood's territory likely is influenced by the fact he can't fly, even with wings. He's stuck on the ground with the mud. Crowley is an awfully vain creature, see, and he can't exactly miracle away the filth these days.
Surprisingly, when Aurum arrives, Crowley doesn't even flinch as the other brushes against him. Then again, he doesn't actually react much, either. It's an improvement, at least.
"Pet rocks don't talk," Crowley says dryly. He's not particularly impressed, just from a personal perspective. From a plain ol' Tangler perspective .. whatever, he guesses. Another person to keep things lively, even if they're the most annoying person in the world. Already. He tries not to judge people immediately, but ... well. He'll make an exception. He's been too nice to everyone as is. "Don't really care, but," He chances a look up at Aurum, shrugging. Been here for months, and he still doesn't know what is or isn't allowed, huh. Then again, outsiders didn't usually arrive with intentions besides joining, so he didn't have anything to compare it to.
... It probably didn't help Crowley generally didn't bother reading the rules.
//rushed ... (pensive emoji)

Re: liar dance // vacation? - wormwood. - 12-05-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum could swear that he was having flashbacks to Feza's joining the moment that Lemy opened his mouth, a veritable river of words leaving the excitable Elysite's words as he spoke to both Crowley and the Captain of the Guard, who tried his best not to recoil. Sure, the angel was pretty extroverted, and he had become far better at dealing with people like Feza, but this was definitely something that had caught him off guard, and he found himself babbling softly when Lemy thanked them all for being so nice, "Er, no problem. You're welcome." Truthfully, Aurum didn't think that Tanglewood exactly had any rules about visiting or vacation. It wasn't something that had happened particularly often in the past, and thus there weren't any established rules about it yet to reference. He just sort of assumed that all rules that applied to full Tanglers would apply to the visitor for the time that they stayed, and they'd get their ass kicked out if they tried to do any stupid bullshit. And, considering that Leroy wasn't around and Aurum wasn't gonna go wandering off to find the hound right now in order to ask him when he was probably off doing something far more important, Aurum decided to just trust his gut on this one.

A faint snort left the Captain as Crowley pointed out the discrepancy in the whole "pet rock" comparison, before he looked down at Crowkey, returning the shrug with a sheepish smile. The lion then turned to Lemy, rumbling as his tail flicked back and forth behind him, offering the Elysite a soft smile, "Well... I suppose it would be fine for you to stay here for a little while, provided you're able to follow all the same rules that the rest of us are. All pretty standard stuff, no killing, hurting, or stealing, help out around the group, try not to be too much of a dick... provided you can do all of that, you can stay for as long as you want. Provided we're not gonna have any issues with Rin and Elysium with you here." He tilted his head to one side as he thought of the still somewhat new Elysium leader, wondering how she felt about this... somehow Aurum had a feeling that she wasn't even aware of it, "Anyways, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Aurum, and I'm the Captain of the Guard here in Tanglewood. If you need anything important, you can come looking for either me or Leroy, the leader around here." He was sure that Lemy would meet Leroy before too long, but he just wanted to make sure the feline had someone to go to in case of trouble before then, or when Leroy was busy.
template by orion

Re: liar dance // vacation? - THEM - 12-05-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He really, really doesn't like this guy.

Kazuhira lives in a default state of mild paranoia. He's used to constant assessment, watching for threats, taking every last word as a promise of a future double-cross - a perky, high-pitched voice derailing a diplomatic inquisition with talk of pet rocks and vacations screams red flags. It may be a facet of his wartorn mind trying to tell him that every smile, no matter how bright, is hiding a knife behind their back, but he didn't like taking chances. He didn't like putting blind trust in a stranger, either.

(He'd done that once before. Never, ever again.)

It's not that Kaz is against the idea of letting someone new into the ranks (or of taking a nice vacation when the time calls), he hardly has the authority to even voice his concerns; but he's watchful under the charismatic smile he chooses to display, smoothing back the stray fur on his head and giving an easy flick of his tail to signal a friendly sort of oblivion. Elysium may be an ally, but anyone can be a threat. Tanglewood had yet to learn that even the closest of allies could turn if a better opportunity for advancement met their doorstep.

(He had friends who were better at gathering intelligence than him, better at playing innocent. But he knows how to fake a smile well enough to keep up the game.)

The cheetah regards Lemy without responding much to the chatter. He's taking in the reactions, the boredom (annoyance?) of his peers in the face of pure mania. When Aurum gives the okay - he's the highest rank of their little gathering, and surely Leroy won't have qualms when the time comes - Kaz shrugs in calm agreement, drops onto his haunches and prepares for the long haul. Lemy may have been accepted in, but it didn't look like he was going to shut up any time soon. "Miller. Pleased to have you."

Yeah, sure they were.

Re: liar dance // vacation? - candorosa - 12-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #2D0B08;"]Lemy huffed childishly at serval's words, cheeks puffing out like a squirrel's. "'s not the point though, point is that I'm cute and I don't need takin' care of," he said, sniffling in indignation. The serval didn't seem all too keen on talking to him, with his curt responses and his lackluster reactions. (Were all servals this troublesome?) Too bad, because Lemy was going to keep rambling until he got something worthwhile out of the encounter.

Speaking of worthwhile reactions, Lemy refrained from releasing a giggle that crawled up his throat after hearing the lion reply to his thank you. "Yeah, yeah, of course!" Lemy said enthusiastically. Approaching pawsteps caught his attention, causing him to glance over to the newcomer once the cheetah made an appearance. He sent him a cheery beam as a greeting, blissfully unaware of the other male's thoughts on him.

At the sound of Aurum's voice, Lemy turned his attention back to the lion. He nodded along to each of the conditions he would have to follow to have his vacation approved. (Though, he did internally grumble about the whole 'helping out' bit; why should he? He gained even less out here than he would in the Elysium if he did that.) At the mention of Rin, he simply waved his paw as if to wave away Aurum's concern. "Don't worry 'bout Rinny, she's fine with me staying here," he lied smoothly. Though, maybe there was some truth to his words. Rin had displayed an amazing amount of patience to his antics, to the point where Lemy wondered what would be the act that would finally make her snap. "...Oh! So it's okay if I'm just a normal dick? Phew, thank you! I'll try not to cross the 'too much' line," he said playfully, sending Aurum a jesting wink.

Welp! Thankfully, his vacation got approved. He ought to stick around for a bit more before he fucked off though. Lemy listened as Aurum introduced himself, head tilting in thought. So, he was a big-shot, huh? Weird. He was used to Rin being the only voice of authority. "Well, nice to meet ya, Aurie! I'll make sure to come talk to ya when I'm feelin' lonely; we can play twenty questions! Loser gets to listen to the winner monologue for twenty minutes," he declared, only slightly kidding. Even if he was denied, it would work out in his favor. "I've already met Leroy, he went over to the Elysium awhile ago, that's how I found out 'bout you all!" The canine was probably the first non-joining visitor he had seen in his entire stay with the Elysium. Technically. The other joiners weren't legitimate members yet; Lemy alone had been the one to take the oath of loyalty so far. Yuck.

Twitching his ears, he turned his attention to the cheetah, noting that aside from his name and the pleasantry, he hadn't uttered a single peep otherwise. "Super pleased to be here, Millie-Mill-Mill! What do ya guys do here for fun? Death cage matches? Scuba diving in the mud? Pin the tail on the 'gator?" he asked, taking Miller's actions as an invitation to bug him. If the guy was gonna sit down then fuck it, right? Might as well have a neat little chat to gauge how long the poor sap could withstand his word vomit. "Oh, shit, wait, hold that thought Millie," Lemy turned toward the serval, "sorry, forgot to ask! What 'bout you? What's your name, mister tall-dark-and-brooding?" He gestured over to the second smallest of the felines gathered, lifeless blue eyes focused on the serval's form.

Re: liar dance // vacation? - THEM - 12-06-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Millie-Mill-Mill. That was a new one. The cheetah is taken aback for a second, blinking rapidly as his brow flicks upward. There was a lot to take in, here, between the rapid-fire comments and the feline's lack of an attention span as he batted from person to person. Feigning indifference, Kaz flexes a middle claw (an approximation of a rather crude gesture) and slowly, slowly adjusts his sunglasses along the length of his nose - just enough for Lemy to see it. Then, he sits back and smiles.

"Yeah, I wish. You wanna see some cage matches, though, say the word and I'll make it happen. Things get pretty boring, around here... Could use a little energy." There was a sliver of truth there - Kaz could barely round up enough trainees for a successful spar - but he ought to have made it clear that it isn't Lemy's level of energy that he's looking for. Did the guy have an off switch, or was this the default? As soon as Kaz was ready to speak again, Lemy had already spun around to face someone else, leaving the cheetah mildly vexed about the whole situation once more. "...Right. Take your time, I guess."

Re: liar dance // vacation? - wormwood. - 12-06-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Lemy was certainly an.... interesting character, to say the least. It seemed as though he had energy to rival even the likes of Feza, and that was something that wasn't easily achieved by anyone. Aurum found himself vaguely wondering if Lemy was also into throwing parties, before he shook the thought away, feeling almost nauseous. Two Fezas trying to go around and throw some big poorly planned event? Just the thought made the Captain's head spin, and he nearly missed the arrival of Kaz, the cheetah evidently not a big fan of big personalities, even if he hid it well. Aurum offered a firm not to the cheetah once he snapped out of his thoughts, only to hear Lemy's frantic words once again targeted towards him. Trying his best to keep up, the lion slowly nodded his head and let out a soft snort, amused by the whole line about the level of dickitry that Lemy could pull, "Ah... I'm glad that Rin is alright with this. I unfortunately haven't had much of a chance to talk to her very much..." Despite being an ambassador to Elysium, he felt very put of touch with them, a fact that he hoped to remedy at some point. Perhaps Lemy could help with that? Filing that away as a thought for later, the Captain then continued, rolling his shoulders to attempt to relax a bit, "And don't worry, we tend to be pretty lenient around here about attitudes, provided you don't kill anybody." They had plenty of members that were a bit rough around the edges, but... they were family, and family didn't hurt each other, no matter what.

The use of the nickname "Aurie" caught Aurum off guard, mainly due to the fact that he had never heard it before, but it had a strange level of familiarity for someone he had just met, a fact that made him vaguely uncomfortable. Although, it seemed as though Lemy had a very good track record of making people uncomfortable, if the current look on Kaz's face was anything to go by. Opting to ignore the nickname so that n feelings were hurt, Aurum just let out a vaguely strained chuckle before rumbling, his head tilting to one side, "That sounds very... interesting. I'm sure it'll be fun." It really, really didn't sound that fun, but Aurum had already seen in the past what happened when you took a fun-loving person and crushed their dreams, and it was far from pretty. He had no intent of repeating any of his old Feza incidents, no matter how much his skin crawled at not making a fuss. The mention of Leroy made Aurum blink in surprise slightly, but he supposed it did make sense. After all, their allies would have to be notified of the change of leadership, and who would be better at that than the leader himself? Nodding his head a little, Aurun found himself glancing towards camp, wondering if perhaps Leroy was there, or if he was off somewhere else making plans. At the very least, he was taking initiative, and that made Aurum happy, "Ah, I'm glad to hear that you've met him before. I'm sure he'll be... very pleased to have you around." The lion then took his chance to sit back a bit, just watching the interatlction between Miller and Lemy with a faint air of amusement about him. Kaz seemed to be pretty good at faking neutrality... Aurum bet that it was the whole military attitude thing he had going on. Lemmy then swiveled his attention over to Crowley, who hadn't spoken in several moments. Aurum was fairly sure that was purposeful, since he was pretty sure Lemy could exhaust the demon in just a few sentences, but he still found himself looking at Crowley with a crooked smile.
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