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SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - toboggan - 12-03-2019

Crow Roux's reign over Tanglewood had come to pass. The alabaster feline ruled with relative timidity, though he damn well established himself as an admirable leader time and time again throughout his nine month-long regime. Nine months proved to be just the right amount for the male, though, and last night, Crow bestowed the rank of General upon his recently resurfaced second-in-command, Leroy. The canine, who had been six feet under for just over a month, abruptly appeared on the swampbound group's premises within the past week. His body - which was very much alive - sang a hymn of youthfulness and well-being. He felt healthier than ever before, and looked a hell of a lot less mangy and worn. And within twenty-four hours of his return, the wolfhound found himself at Tanglewood's helm.

Prior to his passing, Leroy hosted only one meeting. He made visits to other groups on a mere three different occasions, and had yet to shepherd his people into the heart of battle. Evidently, leading was but a brand-new addition to his diverse skillset. Coupling this with the fact that Crow did not share a great deal of knowledge regarding the job, only the bare basics, the mongrel was practically on his own in this. Already the General made some decisions that could be seen as beneficial (appointing Aurum to a higher position, and arranging a Yuletide celebration of sorts), but in all honesty, he was scared as all hell. Dirty looks and awkward, distrusting glances ran rampant through the crowd that attended his introductory meeting - apart from a select few, of course. But what could he expect? A good chunk of his group's populace knew scarcely anything about him, only that he was lying dead in a ditch up until now, so those with their doubts were 100% correct to feel that way.

He only wishes to get a fair chance.

As far as Leroy knew, Goldenluxury still had The Typhoon neath her control. He valued the female as a trusted confidant, one he could depend on in times of strife. One he could depend on in times like these. Also, it was of the utmost importance that Tanglewood's closest ally hears the word of the group's change in leadership. Thus, the island group would serve as his first stop while on his little "revival tour", which would take him through all of the allied and neutral groups.

So he sat on the brink of The Typhoon's claimed land, rump perched firmly on the moist earth, hoping his swampy scent met the nose of a pirate.

Re: SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - hushsound. - 12-03-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Despite having been in The Typhoon for quite a little while now, Hushsound hadn't interacted that much with the other groups that resided on the large main island. He had interacted somewhat with Tanglewood and Elysium during the raid on the Pitt, but he hadn't exactly had a long time to chat with anyone before they were in the throes of battle, viciously pushing back the Pittian threat. As a result of this, Hush had been mostly unaware of who the hell Crow or Leroy were, his only concern about leaders having been on Goldie and making sure that she was safe. So, needless to say, the change in Tanglewood's leadership wouldn't effect the young male that much, even if he would be glad for the fact that Leroy had come to inform them of the change. It was a sign of Tanglewood and The Typhoon's close relationship, and the wolf found himself very grateful for the fact that hadn't changed even after the raid on the Pitt was already over and done with. The wolf even found his tail wagging slightly as he traveled towards the source of the swampy Tanglewood scent that has suddenly invaded his newly extremely sensitive nose. He obviously didn't know of Leroy's death or subsequent taking over, so as he approached the hound, a smile curling slightly on his muzzle, he figured that Leroy was just some sort of ambassador, come to say hello or provide them with gifts. Well, the second option was unlikely, considering Hush didn't see any gifts in sight around the grey canine who was sat still near the edge of The Typhoon's territory.

Padding over, the wolf sat down in front of the smaller and shorter canine, tilting his head to one side before the mute male began to write out neatly in the wet dirt between them, "Welcome to The Typhoon. My name is Hushsound, what's your business here? You're from Tanglewood, right? Despite having only ever been around the other group once, Hush could definitely remember that distinctly swampy smell that seemed to cling to the inside of your nose, making you question how anyone could ever live within their unpleasantly wet and humid territory. Hushsound waited patiently for a response from the new leader of the other group, hoping desperately that Leroy could read his words, and he wasn't just scribbling nonsense in front of the other canine that wouldn't get his point across. He really hoped he wouldn't have to start talking again, since he had been doing that so much lately, and he didn't really want to do more of it.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - Keona. - 12-09-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
While the tiny Privateer hardly believed herself incapable, traveling between the other groups was no habit of hers.  A vague memory of visiting Snowbound once, many, many moons ago, still existed in her mind and she had made the trip to the Pitt and back, albeit unwillingly during the trip to.  Keona knew the distance was easier traveled by those of larger stature, regardless of their capabilities of vision.  Not to mention, the land between offered her few landmarks to trust in following.

Still.  Keona suspected an attempt sometime in the future, to traverse in between, may be in order.  To find some landmarks at least.

Rather than fight in the battle, which had been an easy victory from the start, the petite fae remained on the island.  Someone had to watch the home-front during war.  She had a direct line to someone on the inside of the Pitt anyhow and kept aware through him.  Despite the battle and their allies participation though, Keona honestly knew little about the other leaders.  Aside from very simple knowledge.

Including the fact Tanglewood lost their proxy before the raid.  But since the tiny feline recalls nothing on Leroy's presence, scent or sound of voice, the Tangler on the Typhoon's border brought up no memories of any sort.  He was simply a strange canine from the home of her cousin.  No doubt he carried news of some kind; an invitation, announcement, something.

Keona stood beside Hushsound, her pale hues blinking thoughtfully.  The sound of shifting dirt told her plainly Hushsound offered his greetings.  "Aloha." If the Tangler could read, good, but if not, the Privateer would speak up more.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - toboggan - 12-10-2019

The General's chocolate brown gaze picks up traces of movement off in the distance. And in no time flat, he found himself toe to toe with a canine about one and a half times his size. Leroy attentively observes the wolf whilst he advanced, somewhat taken aback by the crewmate's lack of spoken introduction. Once the stranger came to a seated position, the cur's gaze shifted into a glare. Usually, by now, some level of spoken of introduction would have already transpired. He only hoped that his underlings displayed their utmost respect to any allied visitors whenever they dropped by. The pirate then stretches a paw outwards and composes a message in the soil. This causes Leroy's harsh stare to cease, for he did not take this male for the tongue-tied type. He dips his forehead in apology for his glower, before fixating on the written memo, which, unfortunately for its writer, was totally indecipherable. The Tangler's line of sight returns to the fellow fleabag, offering a slightly embarrassed squint. "Sorry, pal," he atones, "couldn't read a thing to save my damn life."

A minuscule figure comes into view, simply extending a one-word greeting, before parking herself beside her tribemate. She bore thorough grey eyes, which told the wolfhound that they were without function. At this, he inaudibly chuckles. He swore that there was a comedy flick out there that followed this basis - a blind person and mute. "Hello..." he says, "My name is Leroy Starkweather, General of Tanglewood - but I'm sure you know that." At least, he hoped they knew that. "Anyways, is Ms. Goldenluxury around? I have some shit- stuff to discuss with your leader."

Re: SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - hushsound. - 12-10-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
Hush offered Leroy a sheepish little look when he noticed the Tanglewood General looking at him curiously, obviously confused by the fact that the larger canine wasn't speaking. When he was done writing, he offered Leroy an awkward smile, his tail wagging a bit behind him. However, his satisfaction and happiness was short lived, as Leroy explained that he didn't know how to read a single word. Hushsound held back a sigh at this, not wanting to be rude to the other canine despite the fact that he very much did not want to speak at the moment. He supposed he would have to get over that, at least for the sake of interacting with allies like this. Clearing his throat, Hush winced a bit at the grating nature of his own voice as he barked softly, "Nice to meet you, Leroy... my name is Hushsound. Goldie... er, Goldenluxury isn't around at the moment, since she's off at the Pitt dealing with running them until she can find them a new Ardent." His ears pinned down to his head for a moment as he thought about where Goldie was at the moment, worried about the Captain that was practically like a mother or an aunt to him, despite the fact that he hadn't known her since he had been small. He was worried for her health, and how she must've been doing, so far away from home and stuck in the middle of a desert. However, he shrugged this off, his ears popping back up as he continued, stretching his long legs out a bit, "However, Keona and I here can give her a message for you, if that's what you want. She comes back every once in a while to check in, and eventually she'll be back for good once the Pitt is dealt with." He tilted his head to one side as he watched Leroy, wondering if the male would be alright with giving a message to himself and Keona. It wasn't as if they weren't trustworthy, considering Goldie had been able to leave them here without worry, but perhaps Leroy was worried about something so important that it could only be said directly to Goldie.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - Keona. - 12-10-2019

[align=center]— if I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground —
No reading then.  The fae straightened with a blink of her eyes.  So this was Leroy.  Wasn't he...?  Well.  Keona certainly knew of others who came back from the dead; Goldenluxury among them.  The oddity certainly faded after some point for everyone.  The Privateer simply found herself behind on that account.  The title of General, however, catches her attention more.  Ah.  A change of leadership.

Her ear flicked as Hushsound began to speak.  Indeed.  The idea of Goldie in the desert certainly felt strange, but she'd be back once they had a more suited Ardent than Jervis.  "That's true.  She set myself an' Idyllfields to oversee things 'ere while she's gone." Though she hardly saw herself as much of a leader.  "If it's somethin' you don' mind tellin' to me, I can send a message through my father.  He's still among the Pitt an' could relay it."

"Otherwise, I could send ya a message when she is back.  My cousin is one of your medics an' her bird might be able to help with that."
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - toboggan - 12-11-2019

"N-new Ardent?"

So, Jerkass Jervis was finally out of the picture? Fuck, all the interesting shit happens immediately after someone dies, doesn't it. He feels relieved knowing this, for it was as if an illimitable weight had just been forklifted off of his jaded heart. The menace who'd murdered Crow's daughter, and caused chaos on all corners of the island. The menace that ruled over the Pitt with an iron fist, who withheld from the agreement he made and preserved the group's slave population long after he was instructed to unbind them. The menace that tortured his comrades, murdered his allies, and played coy during it all. That menace was defeated. And in his place was Goldenluxury, which was why she was unavailable.

The hound was given two options at this. A) Take a trip to the sweltering desert and cause a scene, just so Goldie could hear his memo. Or B) play telephone and leave a message for one of the duo before him to relay. Someone back home had informed him that the desert was incredibly hot this time of year, so option B resembled the most appealing route. Yes, the desert was incredibly hot all year round, but the hound wasn't going to take any chances. If he were to catch heatstroke and die - especially after retrieving this fabulous body - the hound would be astonishingly pissed.

Alright. Option B it was. "Hushsound, Keona (hope I'm sayin' that right)," Leroy lurches, attempting to garner their collected attention, "if one of you would send Ms. Goldenluxury my message by any of the means ya said - whatever's easiest for ya - I would be eternally grateful." His hues dart to the little one, who made mention of an apparent cousin in his tribe. Her surname had yet to be mentioned, though by making mention of a pet bird, he could lay a finger on who she spoke of. Kiira. "My message is this; 'I'm leader now. Uhhhh, that's about all I- oh, from Leroy'."

With that, he shuts his eyes and nods. He hopes that his instructions were not too difficult to follow.


Upon approaching, the jaguar found herself in a predicament. For her period of disappearance, she had laid back and coddled herself. Marina had barely acknowledged The Pitt's chaotic reign. Hell, she didn't even realize there was a change in leadership. Thankfully, she didn't seem alone on that. Leroy stuttered in confusion, signaling his own misinformation. Even so, she questioned that. Wasn't Tanglewood supposed to be at the raid? Shouldn't of Crow been on the front-lines with his captain by his side? Little did she know, the canine had died. His reappearance happened recently. Like before though, she kept her mouth shut. She knew nothing and saying that she contributed would be a lie.

An opportunity for her assistance. She hopped on it with urgency, eyes wearily shifting towards Keona for confirmation. "I can send the message," came her interjection, "Unless you find your father to be easier?" Her uncertainty lied with that fact that she didn't know her fellow pirate's family herself. Maybe they were a better communicator.

Re: SO HARD DONE BY + TANGLEWOOD LEADER - hushsound. - 12-12-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
The obvious surprise and bewilderment in Leroy's voice as he became aware of the fact that Jervis had been dethroned somewhat caught Hushsound off guard, mainly due to the fact that the male had figured it would be big news. Of course, unbeknownst to him, Leroy hadn't exactly been alive in order to hear about the big news, and it was pretty obvious from his reaction that this was his first time hearing of it. Hushsound ended up instinctively nodding his head in reaction to Leroy's shocked words, barking softly as he glanced to his two other crewmates present, "Yes, new Ardent. The raid wss successful, so Jervis was knocked out of power, and now Goldie is looking for a suitable replacement." With that out of the way, it seemed as thought it took only a couple of moments for Leroy to recollect himself, and move on to what his message was. Hushsound could practically see the gears in the other canine's head turning as he decided between delivering the message himself and choosing to have it go through a third party, before eventually Leroy seemed to come to a decision. The wolf found himself easily nodding as he heard the Tanglewood General's words, feeling no sense of confusion in the slightest over the message. If anything, it was a little too oversimplified, and would probably leave Goldie with plenty of questions of her own once she got it. Hush mumbled once Leroy was done, dipping his head a bit, "I think that one of us should be able to do that... congratulations on becoming the leader of your group, by the way." It just seemed polite to congratulate the other, despite the fact that he didn't really know Leroy or his history. After all, the changing of a leader was always a pretty exciting and new time, right? Well, he supposed it might not have been a very happy occasion if it involved the past leader dying, but still, it was something new, and very interesting. It was after this that Marina offered to take the message herself, looking to Keona to see if that decision would he satisfactory. Hush kept his mouth shut at this, mainly because he had no particular opinion either way for this decision, as long as the message ended up getting to Goldie as promised.
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion