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devil's manner // sledding - Printable Version

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devil's manner // sledding - candorosa - 12-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]Welp, Lemy was bored. Nothing new, but one could only wander the territory so many times before it became obvious that there was nothing to do. Oh well, Lemy would have to make his own fun. Any party games he may have thought of instantly died the moment he realized the Elysium was comprised of shut-ins. (At least, they were shut-ins in his not-so-humble opinion.)

Then, he had the idea of a lifetime! It was snowy, it was cold, he didn't want to make an ugly snowman, so he should go sledding! So, he grabbed some wood that had been laying around and fashioned himself a bootleg sled. It was terrible; it looked like it had been through a woodchipper but it was his and if it killed him then so be it.

After he finished, he began lugging it up the nearest hill that was less likely to lead him into a rock or a tree. It was a painstaking process and he was almost done when he tripped. Oh no, he careened forward, landing half-way on, half-way off the sled as it began barrelling down the hill. On a particularly rocky bump, Lemy slid off the sled and began rolling down the hill like a sad little slinky toy. (He was 100% sure his bones were not supposed to do that, by the way.) Finally, he hit the bottom in a dazed heap. He floundered around to stand up when his sled brained him. Lemy fell again.

He laid there for a few moments, staring at the white snow that was melting into his eyes. "...'m 'kay..." he slurred to no one in particular, stumbling to his paws. Wowie, he couldn't really see straight. It felt like he was a hammer away from having a few broken bones too. He squinted as he tried to reorient himself, shuffling over to his sled. "Anyone here? Wanna sled? 's fun!" Lemy called out, pretending like he wasn't limping and nursing a spotty vision.

Re: devil's manner // sledding - Warringkingdoms - 12-02-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]An argument could definitely be made for Rin being a shut-in, she would admit as much. Yes, she spent most of her time patrolling the border or practicing with her arrows, but that was only out of necessity- and she didn't do much else, outside of meetings and special occasions. (And those were matters of necessity, too.) Sledding was not a valuable use of her time, unless another Elysite was doing so, and even then that was only to try and foster a group activity. Without group activities, Elysium would die out.

  Lemy's call did catch her attention, but not entirely due to his words. Something about his tone was concerning, although she couldn't immediately discern what. As she approached, though, and saw him limping, Rin shook her head. "You crashed?" she asked, although her tone of voice made it sound more like a statement than a question. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know he was hurt. Tugging at her scarf, she continued, "I need to check you to make sure you don't have a concussion before you take the sled again." Or broken bones, but she was fairly sure if he had any, she'd find them while checking for a concussion. It wouldn't take long, but she wasn't going to send an Elysite into a potentially risky situation if he was already injured.

Re: devil's manner // sledding - arcy - 12-03-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]FALLING FURTHER DOWN — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]To be entirely honest, Videogames had been avoiding going outside. He wasn't built for the cold. The vale had always been a touch chilly, but .. not like this. .. Alright, so, yeah, he'd had to invest in some warm gear or he'd .. get hypothermia or frostbite or something. To be entirely fair, he already had a cloak. Didn't do much for the rest of him, though, which was .. unfortunate.
"Oh," Videogames arrives shortly after Rin, nervous. He hovers in the background, looking down at Lemy. He hesitates to come any closer -- Lemy doesn't like him. Lemy doesn't like him. He doesn't want to make Lemy .. nervous, or anything. He does like Lemy, even if Lemy doesn't like him. "Uh. If you're okay, later?" The serval agrees awkwardly, genuinely worried. He wouldn't mind sledding, but ... well ... yeah, later.

Re: devil's manner // sledding - candorosa - 12-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #2D0B08;"]Oh shit, the authority arrived. Lemy wobbled in place, squinting at Rin as her words rattled inside his brain like a ping-pong machine. "No, I tripped," he tried to coherently say, completely failing to hide the slur in his voice, "I think." He started rapidly blinking in order to make the fuzziness in his vision go away, letting out a huff of frustration when it didn't improve.

Her words, however, made a jolt of alarm run through his spine. Shit. He was going to get censored. (The word was censored, right? Or was it blocked? Deleted? His mind went blank.) "Nonononono! Listen, listen, issa like a, uh. A bike, y'know? Ya gotta crash a bit in order to ride it correctly," Lemy had never ridden a bike in his entire life, since he was a cat. He had no reason to think Rin had ever ridden a bike either because she was also a cat. However, his good ol' noggin was getting all jumbled up so he had to take what he could.

"Hm, uh. Listen, ya can check me if you ride the sled. Or else I'll be really sad, and if I do gotta concussion and I die? I'll die being sad 'cuz of ya, which would be even sadder," man he really ought to stop talking. His own voice sounded like a nasty case of tinnitus. Lemy shoved his bargain-bin sled towards Rin. Fuck safety, he came out here to sled and he was going to see some sledding even if he ended up dropping dead in the middle of the territory. Those were, like. Boundaries, right? He read that in a self-help book once. His boundary was sledding before check-ups.

Then Videogames showed up and Lemy honest-to-god jumped. His vision blurred and he went sailing into the snow. He hissed in pain and quickly scrambled to his paws, ignoring the way he swayed on his feet. How did he not see him? The fucker was the tallest one here. "'course I'm okay, Viddy. Viddy-Viddy Vid Vid. One-hundred-percent. It'll heal on 'is own. I'm real good at healing myself, 'part of my charm. Rinny, please get on the sled, else I'm gonna cry," he probably did have a concussion but if he admitted that then Rin was going to ground him. Then what the fuck was he going to do? Admit that he failed? Gave himself a concussion by being an idiot? Fuck off. "you're next after Rinny, okay Viddy? Don't get near me," the last words were spoken as an afterthought, slurred and mumbled. Lemy wasn't even aware he had said them, too busy trying to keep himself upright.

Re: devil's manner // sledding - Warringkingdoms - 12-05-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Videogames approached, Rin offered him a small nod. He seemed rather nervous, but considering the state Lemy was in, she wasn't surprised.

  He "tripped," or at least, he thought he "tripped." Rin raised a brow, but didn't press further on that front- the cause of Lemy's injuries wasn't as important as how severe they were. As he hurriedly insisted that it was like riding a bike, Rin tilted her head, both of her brows now raised. That would have been a good metaphor if they were humans, but they were both cats. Unless he formerly was a human, or something.

  He'd let her check him if she rode the sled, he said, shoving the sled towards her. Well, if she could make him cooperate, she supposed it couldn't hurt, though she knew next-to-nothing about sledding. With her telekinesis, though, she could probably prevent any potential accidents. His insistence that he would cry if she didn't and his slurred speech essentially confirmed to her that he had a concussion, so she'd check him for sprains and broken bones afterwards.

  She reluctantly took the sled and walked towards the hill, though she overheard Lemy mumble something to Videogames- something like "don't get near me." There was a lot to unpack there, considering that she was fairly certain they knew each other before Elysium, but she'd unpack it later. Pulling the sled with her jaws and using telekinesis to make it lighter, Rin carefully ascended to the top of the hill, feeling a familiar ache in her sinuses.

  Setting the sled down at the top, she looked down at the other two. "Both of you get out of the way, I don't want to risk running into you," she called, twitching her ears.