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~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Printable Version

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~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Mistrim - 12-02-2019

To say Mistrim was tired is an understatement. She had been wandering for far too long to be healthy and it was truly starting to effect her. She was good at finding food, she wasn’t too hungry but it was getting colder where she wandered and there was no way of telling which way was which.

She hadn’t spoke to another being in...she doesn’t even know how long.

Waking up in the rubble of a fight she doesn’t remember being in really messes with what a person understands. She hasn’t seen anyone since she had awoken and she was really beginning to get lonely. Granted, she isn’t sure she wants to meet anyone as she would probably run off...maybe she already has? Whenever a noise is heard it’s like alarms ring in her head and she turns tail to leave. What if she could have already meet someone? What if the person who’s scarf she has is looking for her and she ran away?

No. She can tell they are gone even without the memories of who they are. For that she is sure of...

Her tiny frame shivered as the wind nearly knocked her over. It was getting harder and harder to push against the snowy weather. If she had to guess, it might be since she found her way out of the tree line. It made her shiver even more with the realization that it would be much easier to spot her, despite her gray and white pelt. Her scarf wouldn’t be a problem, the yellow color already shrouded by the snow’s light covering which clung to the fabric.

It was hard to see anything, hard to walk.

Hard to think.

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Warringkingdoms - 12-02-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]/retro to the Warrior

  Mistrim wouldn't have been the first scarf-wearing amnesiac to turn up at the border, but winter was certainly a less favorable time to wake up with no idea where you were than spring.

  The wind bit into the skin of all who were daring (or unlucky) enough to step outside. Rin theoretically could have refrained from patrolling today, but if someone happened to be out to kill one of her clanmates today, the frigid weather wasn't going to stop them. For everyone's safety, she had to keep an eye on the borders. Fortunately, that also made it easier to spot strangers who might consider joining.

  This particular stranger, appearing in the guise of a fox, looked like she was about to be blown away by the gusts. She had small wings and horns, distinct in color from the mutations of those Rin had met before, but her scarf caught Rin's eye first. The golden hue, stained by dirt, almost reminded her of... she refused to let herself even finish the thought. "Hello," Rin asked softly, tugging at her own scarf. "Are you lost?"

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - candorosa - 12-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]Today, on December whatever-fucking-day it was, Lemy had found himself unlucky to be outside when the terrible weather hit. He was pissed. He didn't enjoy extreme temperatures and the freezing cold was no exception. He hated December for that very reason, among others. It was a miserable month.

He was grumbling and swearing under his breath as he trudged along when he spotted Rin near a stranger. Lemy paused and squinted, face twisting into an ugly scowl. Why does everyone visit when it's freezing, huh? Huh?! He asked himself, clinging tighter to his cloak. Unfortunately, Lemy's inner bootlicker won over his wish to haul ass to shelter, so he smoothed his expression, put on a smile and approached the two.

Lemy gave the stranger a once-over, noting the golden scarf tied to her neck. Not like it'll help her much, he thought with a supressed snort. Anyways, it seemed like Rin already asked for the reason behind the fox's appearance, in a roundabout way. "You okay? Ya got hypothermia? Still feel your paws?" Lemy asked her with a slight giggle, wiggling his paw in her direction.

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Mistrim - 12-03-2019

It was one thing to get knocked off your paws a little, it was another thing entirely to look up from the snow only to see two strangers near you.

If she could’ve, she would’ve screamed, although with the misuse of her voice (or lack thereof), it caused only a small little squeaky noise to emit from the equally small fox. There was a small feeble attempt to flutter her wings, although they were quickly stilled by the bitter winds.

Seeing as her current appeasement of the situation must be social, as running would probably result in a nasty fall and fighting...well that wouldn’t work at all seeing as it wasn’t in her nature, she decided to try out her voice for the first time in who knows how long.

”” She had to clear her throat out a bit, the noise coming out nearly unintelligible with the garbled but quiet voice. ”Yea...yes I’m a bit lost?...” She phrased it almost like a question, this time her voice had cleared up though, a large improvement from before.

Her gaze shifted towards the other one, instantly shrinking away from the waggling of his paw, despite the joking demeanor. ”I mean I’m okay?...Kinda?” There was a pause. She didn’t want to be a bother to these two new people. Although considering her current state, it’s hard to say she doesn’t want help.

Her outer thoughts were only portrayed by a slight tuck of the tail and a small shirk away from the others. Her wings lay flat against her in an attempt to keep in any available heat. Eventually, her eyes, which had at some point pointed away from the pair, turned towards them again.

”If you had a...uh, warmer place that would be great...” Its a bit hard to tell the last few things she said, considering it dropped even lower in volume as she spoke. Everything about Mistrim spoke of a meekness unrivaled. How she survived so long on her own is a miracle and a mystery.

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Warringkingdoms - 12-03-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]At Lemy's approach, Rin glanced in his direction and offered him a small nod- though his phrasing was irreverent, his question was relevant. If the stranger did have hypothermia, that would need to be treated quickly. Truthfully, while Lemy was... a character, to say the least, she couldn't deny he was around more often than anyone else nowadays, which was helpful.

  Turning her attention back to the stranger, Rin listened to her words. She was lost, and claimed to be okay "kinda," which Rin decided she would take to mean "not in peak condition, but not dying". Finally, though, the newcomer asked for a warmer place- that much, they could do easily. "Yes, we do," she answered, with a nod. "We'll take you there, and I can examine you afterwards. What's your name?"


Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - candorosa - 12-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]Wooow! Acknowledgment from the big boss herself, he felt special! He replied by playfully sticking out his tongue at Rin's nod then turning back to fox. Lemy refrained from cracking an even bigger grin at her frightened reaction. She looked like a mouse, with her little squeak and her panicked motions.

Lemy twitched his ears, straining to catch her words as she spoke. Man, she was really shy, huh? This time, he snorted as she shied away from his waggling paw, but otherwise didn't say anything about it. However, he did grin and point at his throat. "Issa bit chilly, huh? Sore throat? You should drink some tea with honey to get rid of that," he said. He wasn't going to provide it, because his own tea stash was woefully low (aka he didn't have any) but she could go look for some herself.

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Mistrim - 12-03-2019

Mistrim’s ears twitched slightly, the cold wind biting at them was becoming annoying. The prospect of a warm place was inviting and despite any sort of warning to follow around strangers, those warnings were nearly easily replaced. She was quiet for a moment after Rin’s question, the thought of a safe place occupying her mind for a few more moments.

With a shiver, Mistrim had recognized the cold and processed the question aimed her way. What was the answer to that question? Did she know her name? ”My name?... Ah, there it was. ”My name is Mistrim...” Atleast...she thought that was her name. It’s hard to tell with her memories so scrambled. Mistrim can only hope that they don’t pay to much to her hesitation.

Her attention was once again drawn to Lemy, and if she was any less naive, Mistrim might have been able to tell he was messing with her. Alas she was not.

Pawing at her scarf, the fox buried her snout into the fabric, an instinctive reaction towards the only thing she was protective over being pointed out. ”I don’t think I’ve ever had tea...or honey...” Her voice was muffled and she seemed...ashamed? Or maybe saddened. It was hard to tell considering her eyes were the only things showing. (or maybe not, since her eyes seem to give away all her emotions.)

The longer she was around the two strangers without an immediate threat, the more she seemed to be less skittish around them. Granted, she was still quiet and seemed to feel much better while making herself seem small.

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - candorosa - 12-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #2D0B08;"]Mistrim, huh? Lemy zeroed in on the hesitation but offered no clue that he'd noticed it. He simply bobbed his head, a cheerful hum escaping his throat. "What a nice name! I'm gonna call you Misty," and if she didn't like it, tough luck. She could go pound sand. "I'm Lemy, by the way! You can gimme a nickname too if ya want," he offered with a bright grin. He doubted she could though. His name was already short enough as it was. What would she call him? Lele? Lem? Stupid nicknames.

Lemy waved away his thoughts at Mistrim's movement, head tilting as he watched her bury her snout within the scarf. "Never, huh?" Sheesh, where did she live? Under a rock? Maybe if Lemy was a better person he'd feel sorry for her and offer her some later but he wasn't. It wasn't his problem. Even if she did look like the saddest, most pathetic thing he'd seen in a while.

...Ugh. "Weeeell, Rinny here knows lots 'bout plants and stuff, she could probably give ya some," he gestured to the feline beside him, aiming to give her a pat on the back. Rin probably knew a thing or two about tea. Maybe. Herbs were basically just dry tea, weren't they? The two hobbies must intersect at some point.

Holy shit, fuck the cold. That thought had been nagging on his mind the entire conversation but now his extremities were beginning to feel numb. He was seriously going to make himself a winter coat because the chill was just ridiculous. "Anywaysies, it's really cold, I'm turning into a popsicle, sooo, follow me! I can take ya to the little houses, just be careful, they have shitty doors. Or, uh...?" Lemy trailed off, glancing at Rin, "you do wanna take her to the houses, right? Or somewhere else? The sacrificial volcano?" Which did not exist but he wanted to see if he could spook the fox even further.

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Warringkingdoms - 12-05-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Mistrim was an interesting name. Rin had heard a variety of names throughout her lifetime, ranging from the aesthetically-pleasing, to the dramatic, to the just-plain-weird, but Mistrim was a fitting moniker, she thought. "I'm Rin," she replied simply. The stranger was noticeably hesitant, but there were plenty of possible explanations for that. Certainly, she seemed shy, which would explain a lot on its own.

  Tea and honey would probably be a good idea in this weather. The thought reminded Rin briefly of Goldenluxury- she ought to pay the Pitt a visit at some point, if she could find a good opportunity to do so. The sudden pat on her back made her jump slightly, but she calmed upon realizing it was Lemy. "Yes," she answered, with a small nod, "I probably have some chamomile left for tea, if you'd like."

  As he went on, she nodded in reply to the houses- noting with mild amusement that he had apparently taken to heart her comment about the doors. In response to the "sacrificial volcano" jest, though, she rolled her eyes. "You're thinking of the Typhoon," Rin replied dryly, furrowing her brows. "Yes, we'll take her to the houses."

  Turning towards the town, she looked over her shoulder and flicked her tail. "Follow me." With that, she started walking, initially at a slow pace to allow Mistrim to keep up. If she was able to keep up, they could pick up the pace.

Re: ~ Wandering Souls ~ Stranger/joiner/intruder? ~ - Mistrim - 12-05-2019

Mistrim let out an inward sigh of relief, her main concern of them questioning her wasn’t going to come to least for the moment. She could deal with her memories later as she wasn’t even sure she would like what they hold. Honestly, she wouldn’t even know where to start with that. Her body visibly relaxed after realizing they wouldn’t push her for any information. Despite being subtle, it was obvious Mistrim was a little bit more eased by the thought.

”Rin and Lemy...I like those names...” She was going to be honest, she didn’t know if they sounded appealing only because they were the first she heard since she lost her memories, but they were nice nonetheless. Now she wouldn’t have to mentally refer to them as strangers with no name either...she can put a face to the name and if she ever needs help she knows who to yell for. (Although if she did ever call for help, Mistrim is pretty positive that Lemy would be more likely to ignore her.)

Mistrim isn’t exactly sure if she had ever had tea or not prior to her amnesia but it doesn’t seem like anything she had ever had before. Having no clue what you had or had not done before is...disquieting. It made her thought process stall, her eyes giving a far off look before she came back to reality. ”You don’t have to give me any tea...I don’t want to use up your stuff on me...” Again, her voice drifted off towards the end of her sentence. Seems like that is a common trend when she speaks.

Mistrim’s attention shifted away from Rin once Lemy spoke again. Now that he said something, she noticed indeed it was getting harder and harder to keep warm just standing out in the cold. ”Somewhere warm does sou- you guys have a sacrificial volcano?...” For the first time since she has spoken, the end of her words actually went higher in volume and pitch. Mistrim’s eyes were wide with fear, her entire body had somehow shrunk into itself even further then before. She turned to Rin for any sort of confirmation that they would indeed throw her into a ritualistic mountain of fire.

Only after Rin’s statement that they wouldn’t be going to a volcano did her ears unflatten from the top of her head. (Although she was still a little wary that there was a sacrificial volcano somewhere else called “The Typhoon”.) Slowly padding towards Rin’s beckoning gesture, it was decided that she would most definitely stay near the more welcoming of her two new friends. It wasn’t long before her slow gait however, was turned into a little leap for each step, seeing as Mistrim was very tiny and could nearly disappear within even the tiniest layers of snow. There was a few times the wind almost blew her over (she wouldn’t be surprised if it was just Lemy trying to push her over) but she kept up and stayed upright.