Beasts of Beyond
flying -- magic tricks - Printable Version

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flying -- magic tricks - charactercemetary. - 11-26-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Kaito loved using his doves in his tricks. But knowing that animals could be feral, he felt as if someone could accidentally eat one of the doves. As such, he figured something simple would have to do. After all, he needed to practice. He sat outside of his abode, grabbing two plastic straws. He cuts off an inch off the paper wrapping and then places them between his teeth. Then, he yanks them out, holding each one in a paw. He tosses the staws back. The smoke cat hums, holding up a small piece of paper. It looks like it levitates, staying there even as he slightly tilts his hands.

What an easy trick.

Re: flying -- magic tricks - wormwood. - 11-27-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Tanglewood hadn't had any sort of truly feral members in quite a while now, but Aurum probably would've been able to understand why Kaito wouldn't want to use doves. After all, back when Bink had been a member of the group, the small bird had practically constantly been fearful for his life thanks to the presence of many other larger creatures that would've just loved to eat him up. It would probably be the same case with the doves, sentient members or not. Still, Aurum had never really experienced anyone showing him a magic trick before, so he wouldn't have been able to tell the significance of the doves anyways. As he trotted slowly through town, the lion paused when he noticed Kaito out in front of his house, the newer member still a bit of a mystery to the guardsman since he hadn't been here long. Pausing when he noticed what Kaito was doing, his eyebrows came together in confusion before raising, a soft impressed noise leaving him. Moving over to the front of Kaito's humble new abode, Aurum cleared his throat before rumbling, "It's pretty impressive what you're doing there, Kaito. How're you doing it?" As previously stated, Aurum had never really seen someone perform a magic trick before, instead having only ever read about them in books. That would be why he was unaware of the whole "magician never reveals his tricks" motto.
template by orion

Re: flying -- magic tricks - arcy - 11-27-2019

Crowley knew someone who'd done magic tricks, once -- he'd never really gotten the point, in all honesty. Crowley could respect them as minor trickery, but they were childish, and, anyways, why had Aziraphale been doing them, anyways? The angel could do real magic, and there he'd been, badly doing childish tricks.
It's the first thing that comes to Crowley's head, when he sees Kaito doing the .. stupid fucking trick. No no no, not stupid. Stop that. It's a bit of a punch to the gut, in all honesty -- oh god he abandoned Aziraphale. He hadn't even thought of the angel, when he'd been performing those stupid stunts with the whole .. rebellion thing. It's awful, that he'd shoved his best friend of six thousand years* so far from his head that he hadn't
*Crowley was deluding himself a bit, here -- they'd known each other for that long, of course, but they hadn't become friends for a long time.
Deep breaths. Alright. He can't fucking cope with this right now, because he hurts, and he feels awful, so he just sort of ... forgets about it. This isn't about him. So he forces himself to shove it from his head. And, hey, while he's at it, he may as well .. he's not sure. He doesn't know. Interact with people. Wouldn't .. wouldn't do to leave people to their own devices, huh? Tis the way of this fuckin' place.
"Never really got the point of these sorta cheap tricks," Crowley huffs, tone indecipherable. It hadn't even occurred to him to wonder if there's actual powers in the mix, here -- he does now, but he finds that he doesn't really care if he gets embarrassed at this point. He doesn't get that impression, anyways. Then, painfully** and lopsidedly, he grins, tail flicking. "Then again, the person I knew never did them very well," Fuck, why'd he say that. Why didn't he just forget about it. Whatever. Whatever. It's fine. At least Kaito isn't .. he's not sure, performing them on other people. That'd been embarrassing to a .. high degree. This .. still wasn't Crowley's cup of tea, he still didn't like them, but it's not terrible. He doesn't feel the need to .. get upset or anything.
That might just be because Crowley's too messed up to feel up to it, though. He can't really tell.
**In the literal sense -- his fucking cheek is burnt. He has no idea why he bothers.

Re: flying -- magic tricks - fulzanin - 11-27-2019

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Feza couldn't say that she had seen any magic tricks before. She'd done plenty of parties. All sorts of different festivities in varying different categories. Magic shows and tricks? She hadn't even considered them before. Her pelt was covered in random assortments of fabric bits, likely suggesting that her being out of her home was likely impromptu. "Woah," the snow leopard said as she came over, blue eyes wide with surprise. "How did, how are you do that?! That was awesome!" Feza chattered, blue eyes wide with surprise, wonder, and absolute delight. Her plush tail rapidly wagged behind her. She didn't know that it was a trick, and the floating paper? Well, it stunned her and made her absolutely amazed on nearly every front.

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