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I've been ghosting for so long;; open - storm - Printable Version

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I've been ghosting for so long;; open - storm - trojan g. - 11-25-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Slow. That was the only word to describe the day thus far, at least in the eyes of Roman as he had decided that it would be best to walk around the territory, watch out for trespassers, concerened that there had been one so far into the territory recently without them noticing until they were already comfy and cozy inside a small cave. He didn't like the idea of animals that he didn't know, or animals that were simply going to go about their day and not even think of joining the group wondering around the territory. Maybe it was the fact that he was getting used to being here, being happy, or maybe it was the paternal instincts in him, but the demigod needed to make sure that nothing happened here to harm those that lived here. Now, jumping into fire by yourself was a different story and he couldn't stop that, but he swore he was going to stop everything that he could when he could.

The male had been walking around for a while, getting ready to turn back around and head back towards the apartment complex before a sudden flash of lighting ribboned across the sky, and he would pause for a moment in shock before looking up, eyes wide and ears pinned to his head as a large drop of water splashed down onto his nose, the rumble of thunder soon following.

So he began to run as the sky drew darker, and the rain began to fall more and more heavily, his blood pounding in his ears. Afraid as he made his way to the apartment buildings, the three legged male would kick up water in the puddles, more and more fear escaping him as he finally made it home as the thoughts of swirling water flashed around him, his throat closing instinctively as he tried to save his breath, unknowing that he was safe, that he was okay, that he was not drowning, but was simply soaking wet and, in fact, safe inside.

Re: I've been ghosting for so long;; open - storm - redvox. - 11-27-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Storms were not unusual in the Halls's territory, especially as autumn began to draw to a close. After all, something had to facilitate the amazing amount of growth that had happened all over the many buildings that made up the village. Still, this was one of the worse ones, and Vox found himself glad that he had been near the apartment building organizing some herb patrols when it began to downpour. Even though he didn't have intimate knowledge of the actual medicine behind the herbs, he did know quite a few of them that were useful for medicine, so he had figured it would be helpful to have people go get some more of everything while also keeping an eye out for others. However, it seemed as though that wasn't going to happen today, since Vinny didn't want to send anybody out in weather like this. For now it seemed to be only rain and thunder, but lightning also came with thunder, and he didn't want anyone getting electrocuted or have a tree fall on someone with no one around. A shudder went up the harbinger's spine at the thought, and he heaved a heavy sigh, praying to Bertille that everyone was safe and inside.

It seemed as though one person was missing while he was praying, however, and that was Roman. Vinny was in the middle of staring out the windows of the somewhat sunken building when Roman came into view, the male having more of a panicked look on his face then Vox had ever seen him with. The leader stared for a moment before quickly helping the other inside, being especially careful not to hook his claws into Roman's skin as he pulled him inside. He then looked his arch-templar over carefully, watching as the feline trembled and seemed to continue to panic. A frown curled on his face, flashing a couple of sharp teeth. Lowering himself down a bit so that he and Roman were level, the gat tilted his head to one side before questioning softly, "Ro... Roman? Are y'alright? I've never seen ya like this before... is there anythin' I can do ta help?" He wasn't really due how he could possibly help with Roman's strange panic attack, but he would've felt awful if he didn't at least offer some kind of help, even if he needed to be told what to do. All he could really hope at the moment was that Aslisk didn't come over, since he was sure she would say something awful that would only make Roman feel worse somehow. Emotional support seemed far from the sentinel's wheelhouse, really. It wasn't really in Vinny's wheelhouse either, but... he could try, right?

Re: I've been ghosting for so long;; open - storm - trojan g. - 11-28-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Roman hadn't felt the pull of the paws on him as he was ushered into the building, and hadn't seen Vinny there in front of him, didn't hear the other speak to him, simply remembered the flashing of the water across his body, felt the tugging of rope and rocks around his feet and the choking sensation of the drownings he had endured as a child. Chills racked his body and teeth began to chatter as the chill air of the apartments washed over the male, his fur beginning to rise on end before the thoughts stopped as a creature came into vision, slowly making their way down to his level.

The first thing Roman noticed was the eyes, coming down and looking at him, looking him over, making sure he was okay, making sure he could be seen. And Ro found comfort in that, something that he hadn't been able to have before this. Before he knew it, the feline was pushing himself forward, head pinning up against Redvox's forehead, tears streaming down his face. "I just. I just hate water, so so much." He would whisper these words, eyes closing, hard, as he tried to calm down, to no avail, the water covering his pelt seemingly not going away, his water elementals controlling the water across his pelt, connected to his fears and worries, were not allowing the only thing Roman wanted right now: to be dry, and to be safe.

Re: I've been ghosting for so long;; open - storm - redvox. - 11-29-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
It seemed as though both Vinny and Roman shared one big thing in common – a deep seated fear of one of the basic elements that made up the world. For Vox, it was fire, and for Roman, it appeared to be water. To Vinny, water had always been a sort of saving force, one that could fight back against the flames that had once destroyed his life. Then again, he had never been subjected to drowning beneath the waves, suffering as you gasped for air only to have water be the only thing flooding your lungs. Just the thought was enough to make the harbinger feel sick, and he thought that he could understand why Roman was in front of him, shaking and chattering as wetness clung to his fur. Vin opened his mouth to say something else, some other form of comfort, but was cut off when Roman pressed forward, gently pressing their foreheads together as he feebly sought comfort. The hybrid found himself freezing up for a moment, caught off guard by the gesture he had always seen as reserved for either family or romantic partners, but it wasn't too long before he returned it, gently pressing back. He had to be careful, given the sharp curled horns that ran along the sides of his head, but otherwise... it was kind of nice, and Vox could only hope it was helping. After a moment, the gat frowned as he heard Roman's words, his large dark wings coming up to pull the feline closer, into his chest. It was a little awkward, resting back on his hooves so that he could shield Roman, but he didn't mind, even as the sharp chill of the wet arch-templar met his own fur. He mumbled as he held the other, feeling both sympathetic and incredibly awkward – a combination that was more common than one might think, "I... I'm sorry Roman. But... you're outta th'rain now, and th'water can't get to ya anymore, I promise.  Everythin' is gonna be alright... y'want me ta get ya a towel...? Y'can dry off, probably more effectively than with my fur..." He hated seeing the upset look on Roman's face as tears drenched the already wet feline's face, and he found that he desperately wanted to wipe it all away somehow. It was an oddly emotional thought for the usually awkward joking leader, but he felt responsible for helping Roman right now.