Beasts of Beyond
thesis- open, introduction - Printable Version

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thesis- open, introduction - deimos - 11-25-2019

He wasn't surprised many didn't know who he was. Piers had kept to himself for the better part of his early life, the first couple of months. He was a cub, of course, having tussled with his siblings for the better beginning of his life, but it wasn't long before he yearned to escape the den and step into the rest of camp. Den, well, being his mother's estate in Tanglewood and the 'camp' was the dusty, run-down town. In Piers, eyes, at least, it was a dump. He hadn't seen anything better, but clearly it was.. pretty crappy.

So, on this dreadfully slow morning, the caracal-jaguar had snuck from the darker house into the weak sun, his teeth set together as he felt the cool air brush his barely-grown in pelt. Deeo blue eyes scanned the area, before he haughtily stepped to, heading towards the town center. He wanted to get out, to meet people, to start doing things. However, he kept himself composed, head held high. The bigger brother, be it only by a few moments, had to have a proper first impression, didn't he?

template by orion

Re: thesis- open, introduction - charactercemetary. - 11-26-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Kaito had seen better, hell, he lived in better. Did all of the groups here live in shitty, old, abandoned towns or something? He swore, they could get a mall or something. But a home was a home, it would have to do for now.

He padded around, looking for any materials he could use for his magic tricks. He sighs in defeat when he finds nothing suitable. He hears some padding behind him. Goodness, did this island have freaks of nature? He tries not to show this and smiles a bit towards the young one. "Hello. I'm Kuroba Kaito. Who are you?"

Re: thesis- open, introduction - wormwood. - 11-27-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
When Aurum had first arrived in Tanglewood many months ago, he too had thought that Tanglewood's town was a dump, not worthy of his time or attention. However, over time he had come to see the charm that the small town they called their camp had, and had also come to love the people within it. He was sure that Piers and Kaiti would see the beauty and positive aspects of the camp once they had been there for a while, considering they were both fairly new. Well, Piers technically wasn't new in that he had just joined, like Kaito, but Aurum hadn't seen him around before. Save for a couple of times where Aurum went to visit the mothers of the group to offer his assistance, it wasn't often that he saw the new children until they decided to escape from the nest, as Piers had evidently decided to. The lion felt his curiosity pique when he wandered into the town with a rabbit clenched in his mouth, and saw the new child sitting in the town center. Watching as Piers was approached by Kaito, Aurum went trotting over as well, rumbling in a warm greeting, "Hello there, little one. I'm Aurum." Kaito had already asked the important question of who the kid was, so the guardsman just settled back on his haunches, waiting curiously for an answer.
template by orion

Re: thesis- open, introduction - deimos - 11-27-2019

Freak of nature was a loose term. He didn't seem quite right, Piers, in his shape- short, muscular, and overly thin despite the bulk of muscles. The clashing wasn't easy to think of, and honestly, Piers didn't seem to notice. As a cub he looked even worse, still bearing that fat-chub from being recently born and not really excersizing his muscles. However, as he spotted someone his ears flattened for a moment. Nervous? Yes. Scared? No. Piers turned his head towards him as he spoke, and he stepped closer, blue optics scanning him for a moment. Looked normal enough, right?

"Piers Kyrzoba. Nice to meet you." He said, dipping his cranium gently, before lifting it to once again scan him. The young cub knew how to read, be it self taught or his mother teaching him even Piers didn't quite remember. He studied him like a book for a moment, before nodding to himself, as if satisfied. "I heard you sigh. Are you alright?" He tilted his head for a moment. The rumble was brief in his ears, but it made his head turn sharply.

The dim pelted male glanced over the older lion, and his ears twitched gently. He was impressed, secretly. From the red tinted pelt, to the wings spread over his back. Piers felt a bit opposed secondly, seeing as Piers' own pelt was muted and dark. He exhaled gently as he noted this to himself, before dipping his head in turn to Aurum. "Nice to meet you as well but.. not little one. Call me Piers." He gave a smile, as if his charm was a cure-all. His gaze then shifted to the area around him.

"I can't be the only one thinking this place needs some.. sprucing up, right?" He asked.

template by orion

Re: thesis- open, introduction - wormwood. - 11-29-2019

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Aurum honestly couldn't really imagine what it must've been like to be a kid and have to introduce yourself to everyone. After all, when he had been born, he had already pretty much known everyone in the group thanks to his family, and when he had finally had to introduce himself to others, he had long since been an adult. So honestly, he did have to admire the calm way that Piers was handling everything, even if he was a bit direct with Kaito. If the guardsman had known that Piers was impressed with his coat that was a splash of several bright colors... well, he probably would've been both flattered and amused, since it wasn't as if Piers was particularly uninteresting to look at. Sure, the child had much more muted colors than Aurum, but the colors suited him, and he had a rather interesting pattern that was certain to catch attention as he grew up and interacted more with everyone else. Still, the wings were one thing that the angel couldn't deny were still unusual to most other animals within the group. They were just natural to him now, despite the fact that the sight of a lion with wings was still enough to give whiplash to most others within Tanglewood that had just met him. When Piers told the guardsman not to call him little one, the angel blinked before chuckling softly, "Oh, I apologize, Piers. It's just sort of an instinct now." He automatically felt a desire to protect and care for any of the younger members of the group that he met, and certainly thought of them as "little ones," even if they didn't think of it that way. Aurum's wings were shifting upon his back when he heard Piers's second comment, a chuckle leaving the guardsman as he regarded the camp around him with his one good eye, "I suppose it has been getting a bit worse for wear around here, what with everyone preparing for the raid. A bit of cleanup should be in order."
template by orion

Re: thesis- open, introduction - arcy - 11-29-2019

//(retro to injury cause piers appeared in the thread hsjfhdsjf)
Admittedly, Crowley had his own gripes with Tanglewood's living situation. Radiation, mud, a rundown town. Crowley had seen worse, certainly -- far, far worse. Still, Crowley had long since grown used to luxury. He'd made a habit of appearing upper-class or at least miracling his situations into something nicer when he'd been on assignment elsewhere. But while Crowley found himself struggling with the living aspects of Tanglewood, well ... he found plenty else made up for it, even if he couldn't just overlook it entirely. Unfortunately. He's not really a huge fan of how it's affecting him, but he's dealing.
"It's a bit overdue," Crowley agrees dryly, slinking over. He hadn't seen many children since arriving here, though more so lately, and none that he saw frequently. It was a bit jarring -- all societies had them running underfoot, but Tanglewood .. less so. This child, however, was a very strange looking child, but a child nonetheless. It's not like it mattered to Crowley. Worrying about physical appearances were for other people*. "Been like this most of the time I've been here," He musters a grin and a sweep of a tail. And he's been here for quite a little while, going by how everyone here perceived time. The raid was a fair excuse, but, well -- not like everyone participated, right? Crowley didn't fight, and, anyways, he had a bad habit of stress-cleaning. He hadn't really considered tending to the town itself, though. He's not sure why -- it's not like Crowley really had any spaces of his own to clean. Besides his plant room, he means.
*This is a lie. Crowley worries about his aesthetics constantly.
"Crowley, by the way," His grin shifts into something a little more friendly, albeit more crooked. This was an interesting one. He doesn't have a clue where the kid came from, but, well ... whatever, really. He was here now, and he was disappointed by the town. That was just .. how it was, now.

Re: thesis- open, introduction - deimos - 11-29-2019

Piers cleared his throat as he heard Aurum speak. "I appreciate the apology, but if you would, actions speak louder then words." He gave him a small smile. Piers, indeed, was rather direct and up-front, but never in a sour tone. At least, not yet, as the ugly head of anger hasn't reared it head. If Piers had heard his comment about his pelt, he'd be oddly surprised. Piers didn't know the phase 'beauty' or 'attractive qualities' in the sense of people. Being a child, he had been naive enough to miss it, or at least, not try to understand it. Perhaps those phrases were better applied to nature and the things surrounding them.*
[sub]*Piers would probably grow to be attractive and honestly miss that occurrence.[/sub]

His eyes lifted to Crowley as he approached next. He didn't have much to comment on him, it seemed, as Piers huffed gently and haughtily. At his words, his eyes shifted to the buildings, which seemed to be rotting on the outside. He frowned gently. ".. I suppose that's quite the long time?" Piers questioned. Ocean blue eyes shifted back to him, and he gave a small indication of him listening to Crowley, ears twitching. "Nice to meet you. My name is Piers Kyrzoba."

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